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Wikipedia طرفان

وڪيپيڊيا لوگو.
وڪيپيڊيا لوگو.

وڪيپيڊيا (اچار /ˌwɪkiˈpiːdi.ə/ يا /ˌwiki-/)ويب آڌاريل گھڻ لساني کليل مواد ڄاڻَ چيڪلو آهي . It exists as a wiki، لکجڻ ڀاڱيوارائي طور رضاڪارن، اڪثر مقالن کي کليل ترميمو ڪنهن کي به اجازت جي سهوليت ويب جھانگُو ۽ هڪ انٽرنيٽ ڪنيڪشن. هيءَ رٿا جنوري 15، 2001ع، as a complement to the ماهرن جي لکيل Nupedia ۽ is ھاڻي operated by the non-profit وڪيذريعات پيڙھڪا. وڪيپيڊيا وٽ 3,500,000 کان وڌيڪ مقالا آهن , including کان وڌيڪ 1,005,000 in the زنگريزي ورزن. کان وٺي پنهنجي ايام، وڪيپيڊيا has steadily risen in popularity,[1] ۽ ان جي ڪاميابي has spawned ڪيتريون ئي برادر رٿائون. There has, however, been controversy over its reliability.

Wikipedia's slogan is "The کيل ڄاڻَ چيڪلو جيڪو ڪير بھ سنواري سگھي ٿو", ۽ رٿا is described by its سھھ باني Jimmy Wales as "an effort to create and distribute a multilingual کليل ڄاڻآ چيڪلو of the بهترين ممڪن سڀاءُ to ھر single person on the planet سندن پنهنجي ٻوليءَ ۾."[2]

Wikipedia is often cited in the mass ذريعات ۽ academia. ان تي ڪڏھن تنقيد ڪئي ويندي آهي ته ۽ ڪڏھن receives تعريف for its free distribution, لڳاتار editing, ۽ diverse coverage, not to mention its گھڻ لساني dimensions. It is often cited not طور مضمون پر طور ھڪ ذريعو ٻين تي مضمون. Editors are encouraged to uphold a جي ھڪ پاليسي "اڻ ڌريو نڪتھ نظر" under which notable perspectives are summarized بنا ھڪ ڪوشش to determine an objective truth. وڪيچيڪلو جي حيثيت as a reference work has been متناعضھ since its کليل nature allows مڪڙائپ, inaccuracy, inconsistency, uneven quality, and unsubstantiated ويچار. It has also been criticised for systemic bias, preference of اتفاق يا popularity to credentials, and a perceived lack of احتساب and اختيار when compared with traditional ڄاڻَ چيڪلا. But the scope and detail of ان جي مقالن جي، its constant updates, and ease of accessing have made it a popular حوالياتي ذريعو for many.

آهن over 200 لساني editions جا وڪيچيڪلي، جن مان سرگرم اٽڪل 100 آهن. تيرهن editions have کان وڌيڪ 50,000 articles each: انگريزي, جرمن, فرانسيسي, جپاني, پولش, اطالوي, Swedish, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, چيني, روسي ۽ Norwegian. ان جا جرمن-ٻوليءَ وارو ايڊيشن has been distributed on DVD-ROM, ۽ there are proposals for an English DVD/paper edition. Many of its other editions are mirrored or have been forked by ويبزمينs.


[edit] سنوارڻ

Editors keep track of changes to articles by checking the difference between two revisions of a page, displayed here in red.
Editors keep track of changes to articles by checking the difference between two revisions of a page, displayed here in red.

Almost all visitors may edit وڪيچيڪلي جا مقالا, and registered users can create new ones and have their changes instantly displayed. وڪيچيڪلو جڙيل آھي ان اميد تي تھ ڀاڱيوارائي among users سڌاريندا مقالا over time, in much the ساڳيءَ ريت جيئن t open-source software develops. Further, this real-time, ڀاڱيوارائي model allows rapid updating of موجودھ موضوعن جي ۽ تعارف نون موضوعن جو. ليکڪ need not have any مھارت or رسمي qualifications in the مضمون which ھُو edit, ۽ users are warned that their ڀاڱيداريون may be "edited بي رحميءَ سان ۽ redistributed at will" by anyone who so wishes. قن جي مقالن کي not controlled by any مخصوص user or editorial گروھھ. Decision-making تي the مواد and editorial policies of وڪيچيڪلو is instead done by مفاھمت ۽ ورلي ذرعي ووٽ. Jimmy Wales retains final فيصلو on وڪيچيڪلي جون پاليسيون and user رھنما اصول.[3]

By the nature of its openness, "edit wars" and prolonged disputes often occur when editors do not agree.[4] A few members of its community have explained its editing process as a collaborative work, a "socially Darwinian evolutionary process"[5], but this is not generally considered by the community to be an accurate self-description. Articles are always subject to editing, unless مقالو is protected for a short time مڪڙائپ باعث or revert wars; تنھنڪري, Wikipedia does not declare any مقالي کي مڪمل . ڪي users attempt to enter malicious or amusing but غير متعلقھ ڄاڻَ, مگر عموماً ان قسم جون تبديليون removed quickly.

Regular users often maintain a "watchlist" of articles of interest to them, so that they are immediately shown which of these articles have changed since their last log in. This allows monitoring of daily editing to prevent false information and spam, and also to keep up with other editors' views, or updates, of the subjects on the watchlist.

باعث وڪي قاعدا، all edits of a وڪيچيڪلو مقالو اکيا ويندا آھن ۾ an edit تاريخ جيڪي ڏسجي سگھجي ٿو by ھرڪو. وڪيچيڪلو is the first major ڄاڻَ چيڪلو جتي ھرڪو ڏسي سگھي ٿو ڪيئن ڪو مقالو evolved over time ۽ جي، يا ڪيئن ۽ where the ڪو مقالي جو مواد متناضع ھجي. سمورا متناضع موقف which were once voiced ۽ تنھن کان پوءِ مٽايا ويندا آھن ۽ even plain page مڪڙائپ رھن ٿا ظاھر ھر ڪنھن لاءِ ۽ مھيا ڪن ٿا اضافي ڄاڻ بابت مقالي جي موضوع and its degree of controversy and add the dimension جو وقت ھر مقالي کي.

[edit] تاريخ

مک مقالو: وڪيچيڪلو جي تاريخ
Wikipedia "originated" from Nupedia.

وڪيچيڪلو شروع ٿيا as a complementary رٿا لاءِ Nupedia, ھڪ کليل online ڄاڻَ چيڪلو رٿا whose مقالا were written by experts through a formal process. Nupedia was founded on 9 March 2000 under the ownership of Bomis, Inc, a Web portal company. Its principal figures were Jimmy Wales, Bomis CEO, and Larry Sanger, editor-in-chief for Nupedia and later وڪيچيڪلو. Nupedia was described by Sanger as differing from existing encyclopedias in being open content; not having size limitations, as it was on the Internet; and being free of bias, due to its public nature and potentially وسيع base of contributors.[6] Nupedia had a seven-step review process by appointed subject-area experts, پر پوءِ came to be viewed as too slow for producing ھڪ محدود تعداد of مقالا. Funded by Bomis, there were initial منصوبو to recoup its investment by the use of اشتھارات.[6] It was licensed under its own Nupedia Open Content License initially, switching to the GNU Free Documentation License prior to وڪيچيڪلو founding at the urging of Richard Stallman.

Wikipedia's انگريزي edition on March 20, 2001, two and a half months after its founding.
Wikipedia's انگريزي edition on March 20, 2001, two and a half months after its founding.

On January 10, 2001, Larry Sanger proposed on the Nupedia mailing list to create a wiki alongside Nupedia. Under the subject "Let's make a wiki", he wrote:

No, this is not an indecent proposal. It's an idea to add a little feature to Nupedia. Jimmy Wales thinks تھ many people might find the idea اعتراض جوڳو, پر آئون ڀايان ٿو تھ نھ. (…) As to Nupedia's use of a wiki, this is the ULTIMATE "open" ۽ سادو format لاءِ جوڙڻ مواد. We have occasionally bandied about ideas for simpler, more کليل رٿائون to either replace or supplement Nupedia. مون کي ائين ٿو لڳي wikis can be implemented practically instantly, need تمام ٿورو maintenance, and عام طور are very low-risk. They're also a potentially مواد جو وڏو ذريعو. So there's little downside, as far as I can see.[7]

Wikipedia was formally launched on 15 January 2001, as a single English-language edition at, and announced by Sanger on the Nupedia mailing list.[8] It had been, from 10 January, a feature of in which the public could write articles that could be incorporated into Nupedia after review. It was relaunched off-site after Nupedia's Advisory Board of subject experts disapproved of its production model.[9] Wikipedia thereafter operated as a standalone project without control from Nupedia. Its policy of "neutral point-of-view" was codified in its initial months, though it is similar to Nupedia's earlier "nonbias" policy. There were otherwise few rules initially. Wikipedia gained early contributors from Nupedia, Slashdot postings, and search engine indexing. It grew to تقريباً 20,000 articles among 18 language editions ان جي پھرين سال جي پڄاڻيءَ تائين. It had 26 language editions by the end of 2002, 46 by the end of 2003, and 161 by the end of 2004.[10] Nupedia and Wikipedia coexisted until the former's servers went down, permanently, in 2003, and its text was incorporated into Wikipedia.

Wales and Sanger attribute the concept of using a wiki to Ward Cunningham's WikiWikiWeb or Portland Pattern Repository. Wales mentioned that he heard the concept first from Jeremy Rosenfeld, an employee of Bomis who showed him the same wiki, in December 2000,[11] but it was after Sanger heard of its existence from Ben Kovitz, a regular at this wiki, in January 2001,[9] and proposed a creation of a wiki for Nupedia to Wales that Wikipedia's history started. Under a similar concept of free content, though not wiki production, the GNUPedia project existed alongside Nupedia early in its history. It subsequently became inactive and its creator, free-software figure Richard Stallman, lent his support to Wikipedia.[12]

Citing fear of commercial advertising and lack of control in a perceived English-centric Wikipedia, users of the Spanish Wikipedia forked from Wikipedia to create the Enciclopedia Libre in February 2002. Later that year, Wales announced that وڪيچيڪلو would not display advertisements, and moved its ويبزمين to Projects have since forked from وڪيچيڪلي جا content for editorial سبب, such as Wikinfo, which abandoned "neutral point-of-view" in favor of multiple complementary articles written from a "sympathetic point-of-view."

From Wikipedia and Nupedia, the وڪيذريعات پيڙھڪا was created on June 20, 2003.[13] Wikipedia and its sister projects thereafter operated under this non-profit organization. Wikipedia's first sister project, "In Memoriam: September 11 Wiki" had been created in October 2002 to detail the September 11, 2001 attacks; Wiktionary, a dictionary project, was launched ڊسمبر ۾ 2002; Wikiquote, a collection of quotes, ھڪ ھفتي بعد Wikimedia launched; and Wikibooks, a collection of collaboratively-written free books, the ايندڙ مھيني. وڪيذريعات has since started a number of ٻيون رٿائون, detailed below.

وڪيچيڪلو وٽ روايتاً measured its status by مقالن جي تعداد. ۾ ان جي پھريان ٻھ سال, it وڌي at a چند سَو يا fewer new articles per day; تائين 2004, this had accelerated to 1,000 to 3,000 في ڏينھن across سمورن editions. انگريزي وڪيچيڪلو reached a 100,000 article milestone on January 22, 2003[14]. Wikipedia reached its one millionth article among 105 language editions on September 20, 2004,[15] while the English edition alone reached its 500,000th on March 18, 2005[16].

The Wikimedia Foundation applied to the United States Patent and Trademark Office to trademark Wikipedia® on September 17, 2004. The mark was granted registration status on January 10, 2006. Trademark protection was accorded by Japan on December 16, 2004 and in the European Union on January 20, 2005. Technically a servicemark, the scope of the mark is for: "Provision of information in the field of general encyclopedic knowledge via the Internet".

There are currently plans to license the usage of the وڪيچيڪلو trademark for some products like books or DVDs.[17] The German Wikipedia will be printed in its entirety by Directmedia, in 100 volumes of 800 pages each. Publication will begin in October 2006, and finish in 2010.

On February 27, 2006, Wikipedia surpassed 1 million users, with the honor of Millionth User being bestowed upon "Romulus32".

On March 1, 2006, the English Wikipedia surpassed 1,000,000 articles, the millionth article being Jordanhill railway station.

[edit] Software and hardware

Wikipedia receives between 2000 and 7000 page views per second. [1] Over 100 servers have been set up to handle the traffic.
Wikipedia receives between 2000 and 7000 page views per second. [1] Over 100 servers have been set up to handle the traffic.
Picture of the Wikimedia servers on the first day of installation.
Picture of the Wikimedia servers on the first day of installation.

Wikipedia is run by MediaWiki free software on a cluster of dedicated servers located in Florida and four other locations around the world. MediaWiki is Phase III of the program's software. Originally, Wikipedia ran on UseModWiki by Clifford Adams (Phase I). At first it required CamelCase for links; later it was also possible to use double brackets. Wikipedia began running on a PHP wiki engine with a MySQL database جنوري ۾ 2002. This software, Phase II, was written specifically for the Wikipedia project by Magnus Manske. Several rounds of modifications were made to improve performance in response to increased demand. آخرڪار، the software was rewritten ٻيھر, this time by Lee Daniel Crocker. Instituted in July 2002, this Phase III software was called ذريعات وڪي. It was licensed under the GNU General Public License and used by all Wikimedia projects.

وڪيچيڪلو was served from فقط ھڪ server until 2003, when the server setup was expanded into an n-tier distributed architecture. In جنوري 2005, the project ran on 39 dedicated servers located in Florida. This configuration included a single master اعدادخانو server running MySQL, multiple slave اعدادخانو servers, 21 web servers running the Apache software, ۽ ست Squid cache servers. تائين September 2005, its server cluster وڌي ويو ھو to around 100 servers in four locations around the world.

Page requests are processed by first passing to a front-end layer of Squid caching servers. Requests that cannot be served from the Squid cache are sent to two load-balancing servers running the Perlbal software, which then pass the request to one of the Apache web servers for page-rendering from the database. The web servers serve pages as requested, performing page rendering for all the Wikipedias. To increase speed further, rendered pages for anonymous users are cached in a filesystem until invalidated, allowing page rendering to be skipped entirely for most common page accesses. وڪيذريعات has begun building a global network of caching servers with the addition of three such servers in فرانس. A new Dutch cluster is also online now. In spite of all this, وڪيچيڪلو page load times remain quite variable. The ongoing status of وڪيچيڪلي جو website is posted by users at a status page on OpenFacts.

[edit] Funding

وڪيچيڪلو is funded through the وڪيذريعات پيڙھڪا. Its 4th Quarter 2005 costs were $321,000 with hardware making up almost 60% of the budget. [2]

Bomis, an on-line advertising company that hosts mostly adult-oriented web-rings, played a significant part in the early development of Wikipedia.

[edit] Evaluations

Wikipedia's claimed status as an ڄاڻَ چيڪلو has been increasingly متناضع as it has gained prominence. This is seen in articles and discussion venues both within وڪيچيڪلو and elsewhere. Information related to evaluations of وڪيچيڪلو, including individual opinions, quality control, and awards are discussed below.

[edit] عام تنقيد

The main article is at وڪيچيڪلي تي تنقيد

Criticism of وڪيچيڪلو has increased with its prominence. Critics of Wikipedia include Wikipedia editors themselves, ex-editors, representatives of other encyclopedias, and even subjects of the articles. Notable criticisms include that its open nature makes وڪيچيڪلو unauthoritative and unreliable, that Wikipedia exhibits systemic bias and that the group dynamics of its community are hindering its goals.

Wikipedia is criticised on the following issues:Template:Fact

  • Anti-elitism as a weakness
  • Systemic bias in coverage
  • Systemic bias in perspective
  • Difficulty of fact checking
  • Use of dubious sources
  • Exposure to vandals
  • Privacy concerns
  • Flame wars
  • Fanatics and special interests
  • Censorship

It must be noted that many university lecturers discourage their students from using Wikipedia (or other encyclopedias) as a reference in academic work.

[edit] Quality

Wikipedia has been both praised and criticized for being open to editing by anyone. Proponents contend that open editing improves quality over time while critics allege that non-expert editing undermines quality.

Wikipedia has been criticized for a perceived lack of reliability, comprehensiveness, and authority. It is considered to have no or limited utility as a reference work among many librarians, academics, and the editors of more formally written encyclopedias. A website called Wikipedia Watch has been created to denounce Wikipedia as having "…a massive, unearned influence on what passes for reliable information."

Some argue that allowing anyone to edit makes وڪيچيڪلو an unreliable work. Wikipedia contains no formal peer review process for fact-checking, and the editors themselves may not be well-versed in the topics they write about. In a 2004 interview with The Guardian, librarian Philip Bradley said that he would not use Wikipedia and is "not aware of a single librarian who would. The main problem is the lack of authority. With printed publications, the publishers have to ensure that their data is reliable, as their livelihood depends on it. But with something like this, all that goes out the window"(Waldman, 2004). Similarly, Encyclopædia Britannica's executive editor, Ted Pappas, was quoted in The Guardian as saying: "The premise of Wikipedia is that continuous improvement will lead to perfection. That premise is completely unproven."Template:Ref On October 24, 2005, The Guardian published an article "Can you trust Wikipedia?" where a group of experts critically reviewed entries for their fields. Discussing Wikipedia as an academic source, Danah Boyd said in 2005 that "[i]t will never be an encyclopedia, but it will contain extensive knowledge that is quite valuable for different purposes"Template:Ref.

Be Bold has become the unofficial slogan of Wikipedia.
Be Bold has become the unofficial slogan of Wikipedia.

Academic circles have not been exclusively dismissive of Wikipedia as a reference. Wikipedia articles have been referenced in "enhanced perspectives" provided on-line in Science. The first of these perspectives to provide a hyperlink to Wikipedia was "A White Collar Protein Senses Blue Light" (Linden, 2002), and dozens of enhanced perspectives have provided such links since then. However, these links are offered as background sources for the reader, not as sources used by the writer, and the "enhanced perspectives" are not intended to serve as reference material themselves.

In a 2004 piece called "The Faith-Based Encyclopedia," former Britannica editor Robert McHenry criticized the wiki approach, writing,

[h]owever closely a Wikipedia article may at some point in its life attain to reliability, it is forever open to the uninformed or semiliterate meddler… The user who visits وڪيچيڪلو to learn about some subject, to confirm some matter of fact, is rather in the position of a visitor to a public restroom. It may be obviously dirty, so that he knows to exercise great care, or it may seem fairly clean, so that he may be lulled into a false sense of security. What he certainly does not know is who has used the facilities before him.Template:Ref

In response to this criticism, proposals have been made to provide various forms of provenance for material in Wikipedia articles; see for example Wikipedia:Provenance. The idea is to provide source provenance on each interval of text in an article and temporal provenance as to its vintage. In this way a reader can know "who has used the facilities before him" and how long the community has had to process the information in an article to provide calibration on the "sense of security." However, these proposals for provenance are quite controversial (see Wikipedia talk:Provenance). Aaron Krowne wrote a rebuttal article in which he criticized McHenry's methods, and labeled them "FUD," the marketing technique of "fear, uncertainty, and doubt."Template:Ref

Former Nupedia editor-in-chief Larry Sanger criticized Wikipedia in late 2004 for having, according to Sanger, an "anti-elitist" philosophy of active contempt for expertise.Template:Ref

Wikipedia's editing process assumes that exposing an article to many users will result in accuracy. Referencing Linus' law of open-source development, Sanger stated earlier: "Given enough eyeballs, all errors are shallow."Template:Ref Technology figure Joi Ito wrote on Wikipedia's authority, "[a]lthough it depends a bit on the field, the question is whether something is more likely to be true coming from a source whose resume sounds authoritative or a source that has been viewed by hundreds of thousands of people (with the ability to comment) and has survived."Template:Ref Conversely, in an informal test of Wikipedia's ability to detect misinformation, its author remarked that its process "isn't really a fact-checking mechanism so much as a voting mechanism", and that material which did not appear "blatantly false" may be accepted as true.Template:Ref

Wikipedia has been accused of deficiencies in comprehensiveness because of its voluntary nature, and of reflecting the systemic biases of its contributors. Encyclopædia Britannica editor-in-chief Dale Hoiberg has argued that "people write of things they're interested in, and so many subjects don't get covered; and news events get covered in great detail. The entry on Hurricane Frances was five times the length of that on Chinese art, and the entry on Coronation Street was twice as long as the article on Tony Blair."Template:Ref (Note that this is not true anymore as of December 2005.) Former Nupedia editor-in-chief Larry Sanger stated in 2004, "when it comes to relatively specialized topics (outside of the interests of most of the contributors), the project's credibility is very uneven."Template:Ref

The زنگريزي ويبزمين also suffers from frequent timeouts, server چڪُون and occasional downtime due to heavy user traffic. These problems have had a negative impact on وڪيچيڪلو جو desired عڪس as a تڪڙو and reliable جو ذريعو information.

It has been praised for, as a wiki, allowing articles to be updated or created in response to current events. For example, the then-new article on the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake on its English edition was cited often by the press shortly after the incident. Its editors have also argued that, as a website, Wikipedia is able to include articles on a greater number of subjects than print encyclopedias may.Template:Ref

Microsoft Encarta has started to solicit comments from readers in attempt to improve the accuracy and timeliness of its encyclopedia. Encarta Feedback allows any user to propose revisions for review by their staff.Template:Ref

The German computing magazine c't performed a comparison of Brockhaus Premium, Microsoft Encarta, and Wikipedia in October 2004: Experts evaluated 66 articles in various fields. In overall score, Wikipedia was rated 3.6 out of 5 points ("B-"), Brockhaus Premium 3.3, and Microsoft Encarta 3.1.Template:Ref In an analysis of online encyclopedias, Indiana University professors Emigh and Herring wrote that "Wikipedia improves on traditional information sources, especially for the content areas in which it is strong, such as technology and current events."Template:Ref. The journal Nature reported in 2005 that science articles in Wikipedia are comparable in accuracy to those in Encyclopedia Britannica. Wikipedia had an average of four mistakes per article; Britannica contained three. Of eight "serious errors" found — including misinterpretations of important concepts — four came from each source. Template:Ref (Nature, 438, pp 900–901, 15 December 2005).

At the end of 2005, controversy erupted after journalist John Seigenthaler Sr. found that his biography had been vandalized. This led to the decision to restrict the ability to start articles to registered users.

[edit] Community

The Wikipedia community consists of users who are proportionally few, but highly active. Emigh and Herring argue that "a few active users, when acting in concert with established norms within an open editing system, can achieve ultimate control over the content produced within the system, literally erasing diversity, controversy, and inconsistency, and homogenizing contributors' voices." Editors on Wikinfo, a fork of Wikipedia, similarly argue that new or controversial editors to Wikipedia are often unjustly labeled "trolls" or "problem users" and blocked from editing.Template:Ref Its community has also been criticized for responding to complaints regarding an article's quality by advising the complainer to fix the article.Template:Ref

In a page on researching with Wikipedia, its ليکڪ argue that Wikipedia is valuable for being a social community. That is, authors can be asked to defend or clarify their work, and disputes are readily seen.Template:Ref Wikipedia editions also often contain reference desks in which the community answers questions.

Wikipedia related communities, such as The Wikipedia Review, whose members tend to dislike Wikipedia, also exist.

[edit] Awards

وڪيچيڪلو won ٻھ major اوارڊ in May 2004Template:Ref: The پھريون was a Golden Nica for Digital Communities, اعزازيو ويو by Prix Ars Electronica; this came with a 10,000 يورو grant ۽ an invitation to present at the PAE Cyberarts Festival in Austria later ان ئي سال. The ٻيون was a Judges' Webby award for the "community" category. وڪيچيڪلو was پڻ نامزد for a "Best Practices" Webby. ۾ سيپٽمبر 2004, جاپاني وڪيچيڪلو was اوارڊ a ويب تخليق اوارڊ کان جاپان Advertisers Association. ھيءُ اوارڊ, عمُوماً given فردن کي عيوض great ڀاڱيداريون to the ويب ۾ جاپاني, was accepted by a long-standing ڀاڱيدار تي پاران جي رٿا.

وڪيچيڪلو has received plaudits from sources including BBC News, Washington Post, The Economist, Newsweek, Los Angeles Times, Science, The Guardian, Chicago Sun-Times, The Times (London), Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, The Financial Times, Time Magazine, Irish Times, Reader's Digest and The Daily Telegraph.

[edit] ليکڪ

During جنوري 2005, وڪيچيڪلو had لڳڀڳ 13,000 يا گھڻا users جن ڪيا گھٽ ۾ گھٽ پنج edits ان مھيني; 9,000 of these active users worked on its ٽي وڌي ۾ وڏيون لساني editions.Template:Ref A more active group of لڳڀڳ 3,000 users made کان گھڻا 100 edits گي مھينو، جي اڌ کان وڌيڪ these users having worked in the three largest editions. وڪيذريعات موجب, one-quarter of وڪيچيڪلو جو traffic comes from users بنا کاتن جي, who are less likely to be editors.Template:Ref

Maintenance tasks are performed by a group of رضاڪار developers، stewards، bureaucrats، ۽ منتظم, جيڪو number ۾ سَوَن. منتظم are the وڏي ۾ وڏو such گروھھ, privileged سان جي سگھھ روڪڻ مقالا کان being edited, delete مقالا, or block users from editing مفاھمت سان with community پاليسي. ڪيترا ئي users have been عارضاً يا مستقلاً روڪيو سنوارڻ کان وڪيچيڪلو. مڪڙائپ يا معمولي infraction of پاليسين may result in a warning يا عارضي block, while ڊگھو عرصو يا مستقل blocks for تويل ۽ سنجيدھ infractions are given by Jimmy Wales or, تي ان جي انگريزي edition, ھڪ چونڊيل Arbitration ڪاميٽي.

Former Nupedia editor-in-chief Larry Sanger has said that having the GFDL لائيسنس as a "guarantee of آزاديءَ is a strong motivation to work on a کليل ڄاڻَ چيڪلو."Template:Ref In a study وڪيچيڪلو جو as a community, اقتصاديات پروفيسر Andrea Ciffolilli دليليو that the low transaction costs of participating in wiki software create a catalyst for ڀاڱيوارائي ترقي, ۽ that a "تخليقي construction" approach encourages participation.Template:Ref وڪيچيڪلو has been viewed as a سماجي تجربو in انتشار or جمھوريت. ان جي بانيڪار has replied that it is not intended as one, though that is a consequence.Template:Ref

[edit] متبادل ھجيئون

Here is a list of alternate spellings for Wikipedia according to the language editions:


[edit] پڻ ڏسندا

  • Internet encyclopedia project
  • List of encyclopedias
  • Open Site
  • Uncyclopedia, parody of Wikipedia
  • Wookieepedia, similarly named Wiki for Star Wars fans
  • Self reference

[edit] حوالا

  1. See plots at "Visits في ڏينھن", وڪيپيڊيا شماريات, 1 January 2005
  2. Jimmy Wales, "Wikipedia is an encyclopedia", 8 March 2005, <>
  3. "Power structure", Meta-Wiki, 10:55 4 April 2005
  4. "Edit war", Wikipedia (26 مارچ 2005)
  5. "Wikipedia sociology", Meta-Wiki, 23:30 24 March 2005
  6. 6.0 6.1 Larry Sanger, "Q & A about Nupedia", Nupedia, مارچ 2000
  7. Template:News reference
  8. Template:News reference
  9. 9.0 9.1 Template:Citenewsauthor
  10. "Multilingual statistics", Wikipedia, 30 March 2005
  11. Jimmy Wales, "Re: Sanger's memoirs", 20 April 2005,<>
  12. Template:Citenewsauthor
  13. Jimmy Wales: "Announcing وڪيذريعات پيڙھڪا", 20 June 2003, <>
  14. "Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, reaches its 100,000th article", وڪيذريعات پيڙھڪا, January 21, 2003
  15. "Wikipedia Reaches One Million Articles", Wikimedia Foundation, 20 September 2004
  16. "Wikipedia Publishes 500,000th English Article", Wikimedia Foundation, March 18, 2005
  17. Template:News reference

[edit] مزيد مطالعو


[edit] خارجي ڳنڍڻا

Template:Spoken Wikipedia

Template:Link FA

Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -