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For other usages, see Dispensationalism or Restoration Movement.

Restorationism refers to unaffiliated religious movements that attempted to transcend Protestant denominationalism and orthodox Christian creeds to restore Christianity to its original form. The term applies particularly to movements that arose in the eastern United States and Canada in the early and mid 19th century in the wake of the Second Great Awakening.

Restorationist beliefs are sometimes referred to as Christian primitivism (meaning original) which describes a number of movements attempting to return to Early Christianity, including the Baptists, Quakers and before them, the Anabaptists. The newer term has special application to the Restoration Movement, and by comparison it is applied to other contemporary groups, whose similarity is largely coincidental. The name Restoration is also used by groups descended from early followers of Joseph Smith, and is preferred as a self description over the more common name Mormonism. These two movements have a briefly overlapping history. Other groups are also called restorationists because of their comparable goal to re-establish Christianity in its original form.


[edit] Preparation

Leading up to the 19th century, the Calvinist and Wesleyan revival, called the Great Awakening, had established the Congregationalist, Presbyterian, Baptist, and new Methodist churches on competitive footing for social influence in the new America. However, as that great "revival of religion" began to wane, a new era of secularism began to overwhelm the social gains that had been experienced by Evangelical churches. Furthermore, that revival had popularized the strong opinion that Evangelical religions were weakened and divided, primarily due to unreasonable loyalty to creeds and doctrines which made salvation, and Christian unity, seem unattainable.

The Second Great Awakening made its way across the frontier territories, fed by intense longing for a prominent place for God in the life of the new nation, a new liberal attitude toward fresh interpretations of the Bible, and a contagious experience of zeal for authentic spirituality. As these revivals spread, they gathered converts to Protestant sects of the time. However, the revivals eventually moved freely across denominational lines, with practically identical results, and went farther than ever toward breaking down the allegiances which kept adherents to these denominations loyal to their own. Consequently, the revivals were accompanied by a growing dissatisfaction with Evangelical churches and especially with the doctrine of Calvinism, which was nominally accepted or at least tolerated in most Evangelical churches at the time.

[edit] A protest against Protestantism

Restorationists were not content with mere cooperation between denominations. The leaders of these movements did not believe that God intended to simply fatten the old institutions, and perpetuate the old divisions, with the revivals. They perceived the new religious awakening as the dawning, or at least the harbinger, of a new age. Restorationists sought to re-establish or renew the whole Christian church on the pattern they held to be set forth in the New Testament. They had little regard for the creeds developed over time in Catholicism and Protestantism, which they claimed kept Christianity divided. Some even counted the Bible as a casualty of ancient corruption, leaving it also in need of correction. For example, the Articles of Faith 8 of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints states "We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly...".

The Protestant Reformation came about through a kind of restorationist impulse to repair the Church and return it to its original obedient pattern. But the Protestant reform movements, including the Puritans, accepted that history does have some "jurisdiction", according to historian Richard T. Hughes. Mark Noll similarly says that Protestants "apprehend the Bible's treasures as mediated through history." The Protestants believed that they must respect history, as interpreted through faith, while criticizing Roman Catholic traditions in terms of both history and scripture. Even John Calvin made the bold (if, in context, enigmatic) claim that the past is a "living magisterium". In contrast, Restorationists sought to transcend history, to rebel against the "jurisdiction" of past historical development, in order to be free to embrace what they understood to be the heavenly pattern originally revealed to Christ's apostles, which is the Kingdom of God. While Protestants would reject church traditions they saw as medieval, such as purgatory and veneration of the saints, various Restorationists would reject earlier church traditions, such as the Sunday sabbath and even the Trinity.

Restorationist organizations include Disciples of Christ, Churches of Christ, Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Seventh-day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and others. These are widely disparate groups, and they may appear to have few similarities. But when regarded in terms of the restorationist theme, their common relationship stands out. All of these denominations arose from the belief that the true pattern of the Christian religion died out through apostasy many years before and was finally restored by their churches. Some believe that they alone fully embody this restoration exclusively; others understand themselves as conforming to a rediscovered pattern of original Christianity that is now found in many churches, including their own (this is the official stance of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), for example).

[edit] Restorationists

Restorationism is fundamentally based on a belief called the Great Apostasy. Essentially this is the claim that traditional Christianity has departed so far from the original Christian principles that it is not redeemable. Because of its divisions, errors, and compromises with the world, the claim is that the corrupted church fell out of line with the church founded by Jesus. If there were no apostasy-at-large and a church on the true-and-legitimate pattern was present, there would be no need for a Restoration. Thus, Restorationists can be compared to one another in their conviction that there has been an apostasy, which they undertook to correct.

Some who adopt the Restorationists' basic standpoint simply abandoned certain features of their own tradition, in favor of beliefs that have frequently appeared in other primitivist movements in the past. Typical of such non-traditional views might be adult baptism only, and only by immersion, congregationalism, indifference toward trinitarianism, disbelief in hell, lay ministers, non-substitutionary theories of atonement, free-will conversion (see Pelagianism), and often an elevated role for women.

In some cases, these groups believe that the Great Apostasy's departure from essential Christianity was so total and disastrous as to render futile any plan to remodel Christianity on existing foundations, necessitating a restoration so radical that the only feature familiar to traditional Christians is the name of Jesus the Christ.

[edit] Restoration Movement

Main article: Restoration Movement

Of these movements, the most optimistic about the then-present state of Christianity was the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement. Others sometimes refer to the followers of this movement as Campbellites; but the movement itself never adopted the term, which it considers disparaging. These churches strongly preferred to avoid applying to themselves any of the labels of convenience which divide Christians from one another, calling themselves instead by generic New Testament names, such as the Disciples of Christ, or the Church of Christ. They brought together many from Baptist, Congregationalist, Presbyterian, and Methodist churches, and other Christians across a spectrum of Evangelical and also Unitarian Christianity, at first with astounding success. But, as the movement progressed, it developed non-negotiable distinctives of its own, sometimes referred to disapprovingly as unwritten creeds, and fractured into four major groups—each of which has become a recognizable group (the term "denomination" still being unacceptable to many of them): the Churches of Christ (or "church of Christ"), the Independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ the International Church of Christ, and the Disciples of Christ. Perhaps, no movement more typifies the Second Great Awakening than the anti-denominational movement, the Restoration Movement.

[edit] Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or "Mormons" believe that Joseph Smith, Jr. was chosen to not reform, but restore in its fulness the original organization founded by Jesus Christ. According to Smith, God and Jesus appeared to him and instructed him that the churches of the day were all lacking authority and taught some incorrect doctrines, and that through him God would restore, or re-establish, the true church.

The Great Apostasy was complete, Smith taught, requiring a full restoration of the original church, which included a priesthood or authority, prophet, apostles, evangelists, and teachers in order for God's Kingdom on earth to be re-established. Joseph Smith founded the Church of Christ in 1830, serving as the first prophet believed to be appointed by Jesus Christ in the latter days. Sidney Rigdon, and several other preachers, left the Churches of Christ to join Smith.

As part of his prophetic mission, Smith published the Book of Mormon, said to be translated from Golden Plates as directed by an angel Moroni. Members of the Latter Day Saint movement (Mormonism) believe that the Book of Mormon contains doctrine of the original church of Jesus Christ given to people who lived on the American continents between about 600 BC and 421.

In addition, Smith claimed that he received the true authority or Priesthood directly from those who held it anciently, namely John the Baptist returned as an angel and gave him the authority to baptize (which he said had long been lost), and Peter, James and John, the ancient apostles, returned as angels and gave him the authority to lead the church just had they done anciently. The church was organized on April 6, 1830, in New York state.

Originally the church was called the "Church of Christ" due to the belief that it is the restored Church of Jesus Christ. Four years later, in April 1834, it was also referred to as the "Church of Latter Day Saints" to differentiate the church of this era from that of the New Testament. Then in April 1838, the full name was stated as the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". (See The Doctrine and Covenants, Covenant 115:3-4)

[edit] Adventism

Adventism is a type of Christian eschatology which looks for the Second Coming of Jesus to inaugurate the Kingdom of God, usually in the near future. This view often involves belief that Jesus will return to receive only a small group of those true Christians who are expecting his return and in anticipation of it have made themselves ready.

[edit] Millerites and Sabbatarianism

The Millerites are the most well-known family of the Adventist movements. From the Millerites descended the Seventh-day Adventists. This group revived apocalyptic teachings anticipating the end of the world, and did not look for the unity of Christendom, but busied themselves in preparation for Christ's return. Millerites sought to restore a prophetic immediacy and uncompromising biblicism that they believed had long been rejected by mainstream Protestant and Catholic churches. The Worldwide Church of God movement belongs to this category because it sprang from the Seventh Day churches. The personal ministry of Herbert W. Armstrong became the Radio Church of God, which became the Worldwide Church of God. It later splintered into many other churches and groups when the Worldwide Church of God disassociated itself with the Restoration movements and made major attempts to join the Protestant branch of Christianity. More recently, the Nazarene (or using the Hebrew word Netzarim) movement claims that Jesus did not intend to replace the Torah, but only to demonstrate how to follow it. The Nazarenes generally hold to Aramaic Primacy, that the Christian New Testament was originally written in Aramaic, not Greek, and make their defense from Semitic languages.

[edit] Christadelphians

Dr John Thomas (April 12, 1805 - March 5, 1871), was a devout convert to the Restorationist movement after a shipwreck at sea on his emigration journey to America brought to focus his inadequate understanding of the Bible and what would happen to him should he die. This awareness caused him to devote his life to the study of the Bible, which in turn brought him into contact with the teachings of Alexander Campbell. An independent mind and a sharp intellect inevitably led him to conflict with the teachings of Mr. Campbell, especially on matters concerning baptism and resurrection. Once the split with Mr. Campbell was inevitable, Dr. Thomas appealed to the churches of Christ both in America and in England and a growing movement emerged. A distinctive body of believers developed whose doctrine incorporated Adventism, anti-trinitarianism, objection to military service, a lay-membership with full participation by all members, as well as other doctrines consistent with the spirit of the Restorationist movement.

One consequence of objection to military service was the adoption of the name Christadelphians to distinguish this small community of believers and to be granted exemption from military service in the American civil war.

[edit] Jehovah's Witnesses

The Jehovah's Witnesses originated in the 1870s as a Bible study group founded by Charles Taze Russell. The Witnesses believe that they are True Christians and the Church generally departed in a Great Apostasy from the original faith on major points. Like the Millerites, the Witnesses believe that the original faith could be restored through a generally literal interpretation of the Bible, and a sincere commitment to follow its teachings. The Jehovah's Witnesses focused on the restoration of a number of key doctrinal points evident from their interpretation of the Bible, including the use of the commonly accepted, English, transliteration of the Tetragrammaton: "Jehovah", in reference to God; a rejection of trinitarianism in favor of a type of unitarianism; the rejectoion of the existence of hell; active proselytization; condemnation of the ingestion or transfusion of whole, allogeneic, blood; strict neutrality in political affairs; total abstinence from military service; and a belief in the imminent inauguration of the Kingdom of God on Earth.

[edit] Restorationist dates for the Great Apostasy

Restorationism is often criticized for rejecting the traditions followed by the early church, but different restoration groups have treated tradition differently. While some view all the Church Fathers as unreliable witnesses to the original Apostolic Church, others find in the earliest Church Fathers proof that the early church believed and practiced as some Restorationists do, and the late Church Fathers differences as evidences of a gradual or sudden falling away. Common to all Restorationism is the belief that the Church Fathers or post-apostolic church leadership had no authorization to change the church's beliefs and practices, but did so nevertheless.

The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the apostasy started after the death of the last apostle, John. They believe that the holy spirit held the apostasy back in full force but after John died the spirit let the apostasy grow. They believe that it came in full after the Council of Nicea. Still, they believe that throughout all that time there were true Christians alive until they believe the restoration began.

The Latter-day Saints (Mormons) date the apostasy among the earliest, beginning shortly after the deaths of the original Twelve Apostles at approximately AD 100 and certainly being in a full state of apostasy by the 4th century. With this early date, they claim the least need to reconcile known writings and practices of the early church and Church Fathers. Although their writings are sometimes cited to show reminiscences of earlier true practices, they are also used to demonstrate that doctrine and understanding had been already altered.

The Sabbatarians have generally agreed on the approximate date of AD 135 as the start of the apostasy. Justin Martyr in about AD 160 had specifically defended the first day assembly, and so is considered an apostate to Sabbatarians. Nevertheless, the early church history recorded the continued keeping of the Sabbath for creation and Sunday for the Resurrection in Hippolytus's time. They view the apostasy as not complete until the church stopped keeping the Sabbath sometime after Constantine.

The Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement views the Great Apostasy as a gradual process. Ignatius promoted obedience to the Bishop in about AD 100 [1], which is viewed by some as signalling the introduction of the idea of a professional clergy, who began to elevate themselves over the people, leading by a gradual process of corruption to the prophesied "man of lawlessness." Infant baptism, which restorationists condemned as coercive church membership, is a similar step toward apostasy. They believe that only adult baptism was practiced at least to the time of Tertullian, but that infant baptism was introduced locally around the time of Irenaeus. They often reject notions of original sin which entail a corruption of human nature, and admit only a defilement of mankind's habitual environment, traditions or culture. As do other Restorationists, they saw the church-state alliance under Constantine as a kind of taking captive of the church, through the foolishly centralized power of the bishops. And finally, the development of the idea of the supremacy and universal authority of the Bishop of Rome is considered the completing step of the Great Apostasy, from which the Protestant reformation only imperfectly recovered, but most nearly did so among the Anabaptists and the Baptists.

[edit] See also

Restoration Movement




[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ Eph 6:1, Mag 2:1,6:1,7:1,13:2, Tr 3:1, Smy 8:1,9:1
  • Hughes, Richard T., editor. The American Quest for the Primitive Church. University of Illinois Press, 1988. ISBN 0-252-01538-X.
  • Birdsall Richard D. "The Second Great Awakening and the New England Social Order." Church History 39 (1970): 345-64.
  • Cross, Whitney, R. The Burned-Over District: The Social and Intellectual History of Enthusiastic Religion in Western New York, 1800–1850.
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