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Oto lista skrótów używanych w informatyce, które znajdują się (niebieskie), lub jeszcze się nie znalazły (czerwone) na polskiej Wikipedii.

[edytuj] Indeks:

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

[edytuj] A

  • AAAAA – American Association Against Acronym Abusing
  • AC97 – Audio Codec 97
  • ACPIAdvanced Configuration and Power Interface
  • AD&DAdvanced Dungeons and Dragons
  • ADOActive Data Object
  • ADOdbActive Data Object data base (Obiektowa Baza Danych)
  • ADSLAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
  • ADTAbstract Data Type
  • AFKAway From Keyboard
  • AGPAccelerated Graphics Port
  • AIXAdvanced Interactive eXecutive
  • AKA – Also Known As
  • ALSAAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture
  • ALUArithmetic Logic Unit
  • AMDAdvanced Micro Devices
  • AMPAsynchronous MultiProcessing
  • ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
  • APAccess Point
  • APIApplication Program Interface
  • APICAdvanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
  • APMAdvanced Power Management
  • ARMAdvanced RISC Machine (pierwotnie Acorn RISC Machine)
  • ARPAddress Resolution Protocol
  • ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
  • ASICApplication Specific Integrated Cicruit
  • ASIOAudio Stream Input/Output
  • ASApplication Server
  • ASPActive Server Pages
  • ATAAdvanced Technology Attachment
  • ATAPIAdvanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface
  • ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode
  • AT&TAmerican Telephone and Telegraph
  • AVIAudio Video Interleave
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[edytuj] B

  • BASICBeginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  • BBLBe Back Later
  • BFSBreadth First Search
  • BGI – Borland Graphic Interface
  • BGPBorder Gateway Protocol
  • BINDBerkeley Internet Name Domain
  • BIOSBasic Input/Output System
  • BIU – Bus Interface Unit
  • BOOTPBOOTstrap Protocol
  • BPSKBinary Phase Shift Keying
  • BPU – Branch Prediction Unit
  • BRBBe Right Back
  • BRIBasic Rate Interface for ISDN line
  • BSDBerkeley Software Distribution
  • BSSBasic Service Set
  • BSSIDBasic Service Set Identifier
  • BTWBy The Way
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[edytuj] C

  • CADComputer Aided Design
  • CAMLCategorically Abstract Machine Language
  • CAPICommon ISDN Application Programing Interface
  • CBQClass Based Queueing
  • CBRConstant Bit Rate
  • CCITTComite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique
  • CDCompact Disc
  • CDV – Cell Delay Variation
  • CERNConseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire
  • CGAColor Graphics Adapter
  • CGICommon Gateway Interface
  • CGM – Computer Graphics Metafile
  • CHAPChallange Handshake Authentication Protocol
  • CHSCylinder / Head / Sector
  • CIDRClassless Inter-Domain Routing
  • CILCommon Intermediate Language
  • CISCComplex Instruction Set Computer
  • CIRCommitted Information Rate
  • CLRCommon Language Runtime
  • CLR – Cell Loss Ratio
  • CLS – Common Language Specification
  • CMIPCommon Management Information Protocol
  • CMISCommon Management Information Services
  • CMOSComplementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
  • CMOT – CMIP over TCP
  • CMSContent Management System
  • CMYKCyan Magenta Yellow BlacK
  • COBOLCOmmon Business Oriented Language
  • COFFCommon Object File Format
  • COMComponent Object Model
  • CORBACommon Object Request Broker Architecture
  • CPANComprehensive Perl Archive Network
  • CPUCentral Processing Unit
  • CRCCyclic Redundancy Check
  • CSMA/CACarrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
  • CSMA/CDCarrier Sense with Multiple Access/Collision Detection
  • CSSCascading Style Sheets
  • CSUChannel Service Unit
  • CTD – Cell Transfer Delay
  • CTS – Clear To Send
  • CUPSCommon UNIX Printing System
  • CVSConcurrent Versions System
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[edytuj] D

  • DACDigital to Analog Converter
  • db – database
  • DBMSDatabase Management System
  • DBPSK – Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying
  • DCEDistributed Computing Environment
  • DCEData Circuit-Termination Equipment
  • DCOMDistributed COM
  • DDEDynamic Data Exchange
  • DDoSDistributed Denial of Service
  • DDRDouble Data Rate
  • DECDigital Equipment Corporation
  • DESData Encryption Standard
  • DFSDistributed File System
  • DFSDepth First Search
  • DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  • DIFData Interchange Format
  • DIMMDual Inline Memory Module
  • DIPDual In-line Package
  • DLCI – Data Link Control Identifier
  • DLLDynamically Linked Library
  • DMADirect Memory Access
  • DNSDomain Name System
  • DOCSISData Over Cable Service Interface Specification
  • DOMDocument Object Model
  • DoSDenial of Service
  • DOSDisk Operating System
  • DQPSK – Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
  • DPMSDisplay Power Management System
  • DRAMDynamic RAM
  • DRIDirect Rendering Infrastructure
  • DSLDigital Subscriber Line
  • DSPDigital Signal Processing
  • DSSSDirect Sequence Spread Spectrum
  • DSU – Data Service Unit
  • DTEData Terminal Equipment
  • DVDDigital Versatile Disc (również określany jako Digital Video Disc)
  • DVIDigital Video Interactive
  • DVBDigital Video Broadcasting
  • DVMRP – Distance Vector Multicast Routin Protocol
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[edytuj] E

  • EBCDICExtended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
  • ECCError Correction Code
  • ECDLEuropean Computer Driving License
  • ECN – Explicit Congestion Notification
  • EDIElectronic Data Interchange
  • EGAEnhanced Graphics Adapter
  • EGPExterior Gateway Protocol
  • EHCIEnhanced Host Controller Interface
  • EIRExcess Information Rate
  • EIDEEnhanced IDE
  • EIGRPEnhanced IGRP
  • EISAEnhanced Industry Standard Architecture
  • EJBEnterprise Java Beans
  • ELFExecutable and Linkable Format
  • EMSExpanded Memory Specification
  • ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
  • EPICExplicit Parallelism Instruction Computing
  • ESS – Extended Service Set
  • ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute
  • EULAEnd User License Agreement
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[edytuj] F

  • FAQFrequently Asked Questions
  • FATFile Allocation Table
  • FCCFederal Communications Commission
  • FCSFrame Check Sequence
  • FDDFloppy Disc Drive
  • FDDIFiber Distributed Data Interface
  • FFTFast Fourier Transformation
  • FIFOFirst In First Out
  • FLOPSFLoating-Point Operation Per Second
  • FOAFFriend Of A Friend
  • FPSFrames Per Second
  • FPUFloating Point Unit
  • FSBFront Side Bus
  • FSFFree Software Foundation
  • FTPFile Transfer Protocol
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[edytuj] G

  • GCCGNU Compiler Collection
  • GDDR – Graphics DDR
  • GDIGraphics Device Interface
  • GDM – GNOME Display Manager
  • GGP – Gateway to Gateway Protocol
  • GIFGraphics Interchange Format
  • GIMPGNU Image Manipulation Program
  • GGGadu-Gadu
  • GNOMEGNU Network Object Model Environment
  • GPGGNU Privacy Guard
  • GPLGeneral Public License
  • GPUGraphics Processing Unit
  • GRUBGRand Unified Bootloader
  • GTK – The GIMP Toolkit
  • GTPGPRS Tunnelling Protocol
  • GUIGraphical User Interface
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[edytuj] H

  • HDLHardware Description Language
  • HDLCHigh Level Data Link Control
  • HMA – High Memory Area
  • HPHewlett-Packard
  • HSSI – High-Speed Serial Interface
  • HTHyper-Threading
  • HTBHierarchical Token Bucket
  • HTMLHyperText Markup Language
  • HTTPHyperText Transfer Protocol
  • HTTPSHyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
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[edytuj] I

  • I18N – Internationalization
  • I2O – Intelligent Input/Output
  • IABInternet Architecture Board
  • IANAInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
  • IBMInternational Business Machines
  • ICIntegrated Circuit
  • ICCB – Internet Control and Configuration Board
  • ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol
  • IDEIntegrated Development Environment
  • IDEIntegrated Drive Electronics
  • IDEAInternational Data Encryption Algorithm
  • IDLInterface Description Language
  • IEInternet Explorer
  • IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  • IESG – Internet Engineering Steering Group
  • IETFInternet Engineering Task Force
  • IGMPInternet Group Management Protocol
  • IGP – Interior Gateway Protocol
  • IGRPInterior Gateway Routing Protocol
  • IKEInternet Key Exchange
  • ILPInstructions Level Parallelism
  • IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
  • IMEInput Method Editor
  • IMHOIn My Humble Opinion
  • IMQInterMediate Queueing
  • INTELINTegrated ELectronics
  • I/OInput/Output
  • IPC – Instructions Per Cycle
  • IPCInter Process Communication
  • IPCP – IP Control Protocol
  • IPP – Internet Printing Protocol
  • IPInternet Protocol (ver. 4)
  • IPv6Internet Protocol ver. 6
  • IPXInternetwork Packet eXchange
  • IPXCP – IPX Control Protocol
  • IRInfrared
  • IRCInternet Relay Chat
  • IrDAInfrared Data Association
  • IRIInternationalized Resource Identifier
  • IRQInterrupt Request
  • ISAIndustry Standard Architecture
  • ISL – Inter-Switch Link
  • ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network
  • ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
  • IS-ISIntermediate System to Intermediate System
  • IOSInternational Organization for Standarization
  • ISPInternet Service Provider
  • ITUInternational Telecommunications Union
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[edytuj] J

  • JDKJava Development Kit
  • JDO – Java Data Object
  • JDOQL – Java Data Object Query Language
  • JFSJournaling File System
  • JITJust In Time
  • JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group
  • JREJava Runtime Environment
  • JVMJava Virtual Machine
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[edytuj] K

[edytuj] L

  • LAMPLinux, Apache, MySQL, PHP
  • LAPPLinux, Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP
  • LANLocal Area Network
  • L2TPLayer 2 Tunneling Protocol
  • LBALarge Block Addressing
  • LCPLink Control Protocol
  • LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol
  • LGA – Land Grid Array
  • LGPLLesser General Public License
  • LIFOLast In First Out
  • LILOLInux LOader
  • LLCLogical Link Control
  • LMI – Local Management Interface
  • LOLLaugh Out Loud
  • LPDU – Link Protocol Data Unit
  • LPTLine Printing Terminal
  • LSBLinux Standard Base
  • LVM – Logical Volume Manager
  • LZ77Lempel-Ziv 77
  • LZWLempel-Ziv-Welch
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[edytuj] M

  • MACMacintosh
  • MACMandatory Access Control
  • MACMedia Access Control
  • MAC – Message Authentication Code
  • MACMultiplexed Analogue Components
  • MACE – Macintosh Audio Compression and Expansion
  • MANMetropolitan Area Network
  • MBMegabyte (Megabajt)
  • MBRMaster Boot Record
  • MCGAMultiColor Graphics Adapter
  • MDAMail Delivery Agent
  • MDMAMulti word DMA
  • MIBManagement Information Base
  • MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface
  • MIMD – Multiple Instruction Multiple Data
  • MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
  • MIPSMicroprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
  • MIRMaximal Information Rate
  • MISD – Multiple Instruction Single Data
  • MMORPGMassive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
  • MMUMemory Management Unit
  • MMXMultiMedia eXtension
  • MNGMultiple-image Network Graphics
  • MPPMassively Parallel Processors
  • MPEGMotion Pictures Experts Group
  • MPLSMultiprotocol Label Switching
  • MRAMMagnetoresistive RAM
  • MSCMobile Switching Centre
  • MS-CHAP – MicroSoft CHAP
  • MSDU – MAC Service Data Unit
  • MTAMail Transfer Agent
  • MTUMaximum Transmission Unit
  • MUAMail User Agent
  • MUDMulti User Dungeon
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[edytuj] N

  • NATNetwork Address Translation
  • NCPNetwork Control Protocol
  • NDISNetwork Driver Interface Specification
  • NFSNetwork File System
  • NNTPNetwork News Transport Protocol
  • NPTLNative POSIX Thread Library
  • NTFSNew Technology File System
  • NTPNetwork Time Protocol
  • NUMANon-Uniform Memory Access
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[edytuj] O

  • OASISOrganization for Advancement of Structured Information Standards
  • OCAMLObjective CAML
  • OCROptical Character Recognition
  • ODBCOpen DataBase Connectivity
  • ODB – Object Database
  • ODI – Open Datalink Interface
  • ODFOpenDocument Format
  • ODLObject Definition Language
  • ODMGObject Data Management Group
  • ODQLObject Database Query Language
  • OEOutlook Express
  • OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacture
  • OHCIOpen Host Controller Interface
  • OIDObject Identifier
  • OLEObject Linking and Embedding
  • OMAObject Management Architecture
  • OMGObject Management Group
  • OMLObject Manipulation Language
  • OQLObject Query Language
  • ORB – Object Request Broker
  • OSDLOpen Source Development Labs
  • OSF – Open Software Foundation
  • OSIOpen System Interconnection
  • OSIOpen Source Initiative
  • OSPFOpen Shortest Path First
  • OSSOpen Sound System
  • OSOperating System
  • OSOpen Source
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[edytuj] P

  • P2PPeer to Peer
  • P3P – Platform for Privacy Preferences Project
  • PAO – PAmięć Operacyjna (hist.)
  • PAP – Password Authentication Protocol
  • PCPersonal Computer
  • PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect
  • PCMCIAPersonal Computer Memory Card International Association
  • PDAPersonal Digital Assistant
  • PDFPortable Document Format
  • PDPProgrammable Data Processor
  • PEPortable Executable
  • PERLPractical Extraction and Report Language
  • PFPacket Filter
  • PGAPin Grid Array
  • PGPPretty Good Privacy
  • PHPPHP Hypertext Preprocessor
  • PICPosition Independent Code lub Programmable Interrupt Controller
  • PIMPersonal Information Manager
  • PIOProgrammed Input/Output
  • PNGPortable Network Graphics
  • POP – Post Office Protocol
  • POP3Post Office Protocol ver. 3
  • POSIXPortable Operating System Interface for UNIX
  • POSTPower-On Self Test
  • POTSPlain Old Telephone Services
  • PPCPowerPC
  • PPPPoint to Point Protocol
  • PPPoA – PPP over ATM
  • PPPoEPPP over Ethernet
  • PSPostScript
  • PSKPhase Shift Keying
  • PVC – Permanent Virtual Circuit
  • PVMParallel Virtual Machine
  • PXEPreboot Execution Environment
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[edytuj] Q

[edytuj] R

  • RAIDRedundant Array of Independent Disks
  • RAMRandom Access Memory
  • RARPReverse Address Resolution Protocol
  • RDFResource Description Framework
  • RDRAM – Rambus DRAM
  • RED – Random Early Detect
  • RFCRequest For Comments
  • RGBRed Green Blue
  • RIFF – Resource Interchange File Format
  • RIMMRambus In-Line Memory Module
  • RIPRouting Information Protocol
  • RISCReduced Instruction Set Computer
  • RLERun Length Encoding
  • RMIRemote Method Invocation
  • ROMRead Only Memory
  • RPCRemote Procedure Call
  • RSARivest Shamir Adleman
  • RSSReally Simple Syndication, Rich Site Summary, RDF Site Summary
  • RSync – Remote Synchronization
  • RTCReal Time Clock
  • RTFRich Text Format
  • RTFMRead The Fine (F***ing) Manual
  • RTOSReal-Time Operating System
  • RTPReal-time Transport Protocol
  • RTSRequest To Send
  • RTSReal-Time System
  • RTTIReal Time Type Identification
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[edytuj] S

  • SATASerial ATA
  • SBSSmall Business Server
  • SCOSanta Cruz Operation
  • SCSISmall Computer System Interface
  • SCTPStream Control Transmission Protocol
  • SDKSoftware Development Kit
  • SDLSimple DirectMedia Layer
  • SDRAMSynchronous DRAM
  • SDSLSingle-line DSL
  • SDSLSymmetric DSL
  • SDTVStandard Definition Television
  • SECC – Single Edge Contact Cartridge
  • SEPP – Secure Encryption Payment Protocol
  • SFQStochastic Fair Queueing
  • SFT – System Fault Tolerance
  • SFTP – Screened Foiled Twisted Pair
  • SFTPSecure File Tranfer Protocol
  • SGISilicon Graphics Incorporated
  • SGMLStandard Generalized Markup Language
  • SHDSL – Symmetric High Digital Subscriber Line
  • SHTML – Server-Side Include HyperText Markup Language
  • SHTTP – Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • SIMDSingle Instruction Multiple Data
  • SIMMSingle Inline Memory Module
  • SIMSingle IP Management
  • SIO – Serial Input/Output
  • SISD – Single Instruction Single Data
  • SLA – Service Level Agreement
  • SLC – Subscriber Line Concentrator
  • SLIPSerial Line Internet Protocol
  • SLSI – Super Large-Scale Integration
  • SMARTSelf Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology
  • SMIME – Secure MIME
  • SMBServer Message Block
  • SMPSymmetric Multi Processing
  • SMSShort Message Service lub Simple Message System
  • SMS – Storage Management Services
  • SMS – Systems Management Server
  • SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
  • SNASystems Network Architecture
  • SNAP – Sub-Network Access Protocol
  • SNATSource Network Address Translation
  • SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
  • SOAStart Of Authority
  • SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol
  • SOCKS – Socket Secure
  • SoHoSmall Office & Home Office
  • SPARCScalable Processor ARChitecture
  • S/PDIFSony/Philips Digital InterFace
  • SPIStateful Packet Inspection
  • SPXSequenced Packet Exchange
  • SQLStructured Query Language
  • SRAMStatic Random Access Memory
  • SRDRAM – Self-Refreshed DRAM
  • SSEStreaming SIMD Extensions
  • SSHSecure SHell
  • SSIServer Side Includes
  • SSISmall Scale Integration
  • SSIDService Set Identify
  • SSLSecure Sockets Layer
  • stdinSTandarD INput
  • stderrSTandarD ERRor
  • stdoutSTandarD OUTput
  • STLStandard Template Library
  • STPSpanning Tree Protocol
  • STPShielded Twisted Pair
  • STP – Secure Transfer Protocol
  • SVC – Switched Virtual Circuit
  • SVGScalable Vector Graphics
  • SVGASuper VGA
  • SVHS – Super VHS
  • SWAP – Shared Wireless Access Protocol
  • SXGA – Super XGA
  • SYSOPSYStem OPerator
  • SYSADMIN – SYStem ADMINistrator
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[edytuj] T

  • TAR – Tape ARchiver
  • TBF – Token Bucket Filter
  • TC – Traffic Control
  • TCOTotal Cost of Ownership
  • TCPTransmission Control Protocol
  • TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
  • TFTThin-Film Transistor
  • TFTPTrivial File Transfer Protocol
  • TIFFTagged Image File Format
  • TIMTOWTDIThere is more than one way to do it
  • TLBTranslation Lookaside Buffer
  • TLDTop Level Domain
  • TLP – Thread Level Parallelism
  • TLSTransport Layer Security
  • TOC – Table of Contents
  • TOSType of Service
  • TPI – Tracks Per Inch
  • TQFP – Thin Quad Flat Pack
  • TTF – TrueType Font
  • TTLTime to Live
  • TTLTransistor-Transistor Logic
  • TTS – Transaction Tracking System
  • TTY – Teletype
  • TWAINTechnology Without Any Interesting Name
  • TWEAKUI – TWEAK User Interface
  • TXD – Transmit Data
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[edytuj] U

  • UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver–Transmitter
  • UCT – Universal Coordinated Time
  • UDMA – Ultra DMA
  • UDT – User-defined Data Type
  • UDPUser Datagram Protocol
  • UFSUnix File System
  • UHCIUniversal Host Controller Interface
  • UHFUltra High Frequency
  • UHL – Universal Hypertext Link
  • ULA – Uncommitted Logic Array
  • USLI – Ultra Large Scale Integration
  • UMA – Upper Memory Area oraz Unified Memory Architecture
  • UMB – Upper Memory Block
  • UMLUniversal Modeling Language
  • UMTSUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System
  • UNC – Universal Naming Convention
  • UPSUninterruptible Power Supply
  • URIUniform Resource Identifier
  • URLUniform Resource Locator
  • URNUniform Resource Name
  • USARTUniversal Synchronous-Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
  • USBUniversal Serial Bus
  • UTCCoordinated Universal Time
  • UTF – Unicode Transformation Format
  • UTPUnshielded Twisted Pair
  • UUCPUnix to Unix Copy Protocol
  • UVUltraviolet
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[edytuj] V

  • VADSL – Very-High-Rate Asymmetric DSL
  • VANValue Added Network
  • VAP – Value Added Process
  • VARValue Added Retailer
  • VAX – Virtual Address eXtension
  • VB – Variable Block
  • VBVisual Basic
  • VBAVisual Basic for Applications
  • VBRVariable Bit Rate
  • VBS – Visual Basic Script
  • VC – Virtual Circuit
  • VCC – Virtual Channel Connection
  • VCDVideo CD
  • VCDVirtual Communications Driver
  • VCPI – Virtual Control Panel Interface
  • VDE – Video Display Editor
  • VDE – Visual Development Environment
  • VDI – Virtual Device Interface
  • VDM – Virtual DOS Machine
  • VDSL – Very High Digital Subscriber Line
  • VESAVideo Electronics Standard Association
  • VFATVirtual File Allocation Table
  • VFW – Video For Windows
  • VGAVideo Graphics Array
  • VGC – Video Graphics Controller
  • VHDLVery high speed integrated circuits Hardware Description Language
  • VHFVery High Frequency
  • VHSVery High Speed
  • VHSVideo Home System
  • VHSVirtual Host Storage
  • VIO – Video Input/Output
  • VIO – Virtual Input/Output
  • VLANVirtual Local Area Network
  • VLBUS – Vesa Local BUS
  • VLFVery Low Frequency
  • VLIWVery Large Instruction Word
  • VLM – Virtual Loadable Module
  • VLSI – Very Large Scale Integration
  • VLSMVariable Length Subnet Mask
  • VMVirtual Machine
  • VMVirtual Memory
  • VMB – Virtual Machine Boot
  • VoDSL – Voice over DSL
  • VoIPVoice over IP
  • VPC – Virtual Path Connection
  • VPNVirtual Private Network
  • VRAMVideo Random Access Memory
  • VRMLVirtual Reality Markup Language (czasami jako Virtual Reality Modeling Language)
  • VTPVLAN Trunking Protocol
  • VxDVirtual Extended Driver
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[edytuj] W

  • WAIWeb Accessibility Initiative
  • WAISWide Area Information Servers
  • WABIWindows Application Binary Interface
  • WANWide Area Network
  • WAPWireless Application Protocol
  • WATS – Wide Area Telecommunications Service
  • WAVWAVeform
  • WAVWindows Audio File
  • WB – Welcome Back
  • WBS – Work Breakdown Structure
  • WCAG – Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
  • WCF – Windows Communication Foundation
  • WCS – World Coordinate System
  • WD – Western Digital
  • WDDXWeb Distributed Data eXchange
  • WDG – Web Design Group
  • WDL – Windows Driver Library
  • WDMWavelength Division Multiplexing
  • WDMWindows Driver Model
  • WDMAWavelength Division Multiple Access
  • WDRAM – Windows Dynamic Random Access Memory
  • WDSWireless Distributed System
  • WEA – Web Enabled Application
  • WebDAVWeb Distributed Authoring and Versioning
  • WEPWired Equivalent Privacy
  • WFMWired For Management
  • WFP – Windows File Protection
  • WFQWeighted Fair Queuing
  • WGA – Windows Genuine Advantage
  • WHQLWindows Hardware Quality Lab
  • Wi-FiWireless Fidelity
  • WIA – Windows Image Acquisition
  • WIF – Wavelet Image Files
  • WinFSWindows Future Storage
  • WINSWindows Internet Naming Service
  • WinSock – Windows Sockets
  • WISG – Web and Internet Steering Group
  • WLANWireless Local Area Network
  • WLL – Wireless Local Loop
  • WM – Window Mananger
  • WMAWindow Media Audio
  • WMFWindows Metafile Format
  • WMIWindow Management Instrumentation
  • WMIC – Window Management Instrumentation Command-line
  • WMLWireless Markup Language
  • WMM – Wireless MultiMedia
  • WMP – Windows Media Player
  • WMVWindow Media Video
  • WOL – Wake On LAN
  • WORM – Write Once, Read Many
  • WRAM – Windows Random Access Memory
  • WRR – Weighted Round Robin
  • WSDLWeb Services Description Language
  • WTFWhat The Fuck
  • WTH – What The Hell
  • WWWWorld Wide Web
  • WYSIWYGWhat You See Is What You Get
  • W3CWorld Wide Web Consortium
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[edytuj] X

  • X11R6X Window System ver. 11 Release 6
  • XAML – eXtensible Application Markup Language (początkowo: eXtensible Avalon Markup Language)
  • XAM – eXtensible Access Method
  • XBL – eXtensible Binding Language
  • XBM – X-Window BitMap
  • XCOFF – eXtended COFF
  • XCP – eXtended Copy Protection
  • XDM – X Window Display Manager
  • XDR – eXternal Data Representation
  • XER – XML Encoding Rules
  • XFN – XHTML Friends Network
  • XGA – eXtended Graphics Array
  • XHTML – eXtensible HyperText Markup Language
  • XKM – XML Key Management
  • XMDP – XHTML Meta Data Profiles
  • XML – eXtensible Markup Language
  • XMLP – XML Protocol
  • XMMSX MultiMedia System
  • XMPP – eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
  • XMS – eXtended Memory Specification
  • XNSXerox Network System
  • XOR – eXclusive OR
  • XORP – eXtensible Open Router Platform
  • XQueryXML Query Language
  • XP – eXperience Performance
  • XPathXML Path Language
  • XPICross-Platform Install
  • XPMX-Window PixelMap
  • XPointer – XML Pointer Language
  • XSL – eXtensible Style Language
  • XSLT – eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation
  • XT – eXtended Technology
  • XTI – X/Open Transport Interface
  • XUI – X User Interface
  • XULXML-based User interface Language

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[edytuj] Y

  • Y2KYear 2000 Krisis (Problem Roku 2000), Year 2000 Kompatibility (Odporność na Problem Roku 2000) lub (jako Y2k) Year 2000
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Static Wikipedia 2007:

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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