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Lisa the Vegetarian

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The Simpsons episode
"Lisa the Vegetarian"
Episode no. 133
Prod. code 3F03
Orig. Airdate October 15, 1995
Show Runner(s) David Mirkin
Writer(s) David S. Cohen
Director Mark Kirkland
Chalkboard "The boys room is not a water park."
Couch gag The family runs to the couch in black-and-white, until colors are sprayed on them by robotic arms.
Guest star(s) Paul and Linda McCartney as themselves
SNPP capsule
Season 7
September 17, 1995May 19, 1996
  1. Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two)
  2. Radioactive Man
  3. Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily
  4. Bart Sells His Soul
  5. Lisa the Vegetarian
  6. Treehouse of Horror VI
  7. King-Size Homer
  8. Mother Simpson
  9. Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming
  10. The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular
  11. Marge Be Not Proud
  12. Team Homer
  13. Two Bad Neighbors
  14. Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield
  15. Bart the Fink
  16. Lisa the Iconoclast
  17. Homer the Smithers
  18. The Day the Violence Died
  19. A Fish Called Selma
  20. Bart on the Road
  21. 22 Short Films About Springfield
  22. Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"
  23. Much Apu About Nothing
  24. Homerpalooza
  25. Summer of 4 Ft. 2
List of all Simpsons episodes...

"Lisa the Vegetarian" is the fifth episode of The Simpsons' seventh season. This episode establishes Lisa's status as a vegetarian.


[edit] Synopsis

The family visits the petting zoo at Storytown Village and is immediately enraptured as they see one little lamb after another, each one more absurdly adorable than the one before it. That night, Marge serves lamb for dinner, and Lisa cannot eat it. She keeps hearing the bleating voice of the lambs at the petting zoo--"Li-i-i-sa, I thought you lo-o-o-ved me-e-eee!" Lisa pushes her plate away, crying, "I can't eat this. I can't eat a poor little lamb!" Her mother, trying to help, offers up rump roast, chicken breast, and hot dogs instead, but Lisa suddenly makes the connection between these dishes and their living counterparts. "No I can't! I can't eat any of them!"

At school, her newfound vegetarianism becomes a problem when she is almost forced to dissect a live worm whom she imagines pleading, "Li-i-isa, what did I ever do to you-u-u-u?" She's a little confused ("Why does it talk like a lamb?") but no less committed to her cause, and so she refuses to dissect it. At lunch, the only vegetarian option is a hot dog bun, which Lunchlady Doris proclaims "rich in bunly goodness." (In the Spanish dubbed version, Doris claims it's "rich in wheat and mustard"). Her caustic questioning of the exact point when Doris lost her enthusiasm for her job results in the second secret 'independent thought' alarm she's triggered that day, prompting Principal Skinner to have all coloured chalk removed from the classrooms, and to show the students a film depicting why meat-eating is a good thing (with the rather dubious belief that cows consider eating humans). At home her new found vegetarian stance is not tolerated or understood very well either, with Homer and Bart both mocking her for rejecting meat. Homer and Bart even starts a dance line "You don't win friends with salad" when Lisa asks him to serve something else at his upcoming barbecue instead of traditional meat.

Meanwhile, Homer hosts his barbecue complete with roast pig. Lisa - who is becoming increasingly self-righteous regarding her vegetarianism - brings gazpacho but is laughed out of the yard and into her room, where she sulks on her bed and resents the partygoers for rubbing their carnivorous habits "in [my] face." Just then, a hamburger haphazardly flipped by Homer flies through her window and lands on her face.

Enraged, Lisa climbs aboard a riding mower, and drives away with the roast pig in tow. Homer and Bart chase after her, but she pushes the pig off a slope and they're too late.

Back at home, Lisa and Homer are too angry to speak to one another. They fight and she leaves the house. While walking, she is mocked by classmates and hit with a barrage of meat-related advertisements. And so the pressures to conform to an omnivorous society are too great, prompting her to grab a hot dog off of the grill at the Kwik-E-Mart, take a bite, and shout, "There! Is everybody happy now?"

However, Apu - himself a vegan - tells her that she has, in fact, eaten a tofu dog and takes her through a secret passageway to the Kwik-E-Mart roof to meet guest stars Paul and Linda McCartney. One brief heart-to-heart later, Lisa is committed once more to vegetarianism. She also learns an important lesson from Apu: "I learned long ago, Lisa, to tolerate others rather than forcing my beliefs on them. You know you can influence people without badgering them always."

Thus inspired, she returns home to make up with her father, and finds him in the street shouting her name and espousing his fear of everyone knowing him to be a bad father. Lisa apologizes to Homer, admitting she had no right to ruin his barbecue; he forgives her and offers her "a piggyback--I mean, a veggieback ride."

[edit] Trivia

  • The version of "Maybe I'm Amazed" that plays over the end credits is an original mix by the Simpsons staff that when played backwards contains snippets of Paul McCartney reciting a recipe for lentil soup – a throwback to an earlier gag. One of the backwards snippets says "Oh, and by the way, I'm alive." - a reference to the Paul is Dead theory. The backwards speech in the track is also a reference to this theory. The recited recipe can be found on the "Extras" section on Disc 1 of the seventh season DVD box set.
  • One of Paul McCartney's stipulations for doing the guest spot was that Lisa's conversion to vegetarianism be a permanent one. Thus, it is an instance of continuity in the Simpsons universe that has been strictly held to.
  • The clip of Kent Brockman taking a bite out of a chicken in Lisa's imagination was used in the next episode Treehouse of Horror VI.
  • Lisa's vegetarianism was first hinted in the future-themed episode, Lisa's Wedding.
  • "I Spit On Your Grave", a notorious slasher film, is seen list at the billboard for the drive-in cinema
  • Paul McCartney asks,"She's leaving home?" referencing The song of the same title from The Beatles' Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band.
  • When Lisa asks Paul "Where is Linda?", Linda appears and says "I'm right here, whenever we're in Springfield, we like to spend time in Apu's garden in the shade!" referencing the Beatles song "Octopus' Garden" from the album Abbey Road.

[edit] Cultural References

  • The pig that Homer roasts and blasts into the air, flying over the nuclear power plant, is a direct reference to the Pink Floyd's Animals album cover (see also Pink Floyd pigs).

[edit] Quotes

  • Skinner: Uh oh. Two independent thought alarms in one day. The students are overstimulated. Willie! Remove all the colored chalk from the classrooms.
    Willie: [angrily] I warned ya! Didn't I warn ya? That colored chalk was forged by Lucifer himself!
  • Ned Flanders: [at his barbecue] I've got family here from all over the world. This is José Flanders.
    José Flanders: Buenos ding-dong-diddly-dias, señor.
    Ned Flanders: And this is Lord Thistlewick Flanders.
    Lord Thistlewick Flanders: Charmed. [nudged by Ned] Uh, a-googly-doogly.
    Ned Flanders: Ha ha. Terrific.
  • Homer: I know! I'll throw my own barbecue, the greatest barbecue this town has ever seen, and I'll only invite who I want. That'll show ya'!
    Ned Flanders: Can I come?
    Homer: Sure...d'oh!
  • Animatronic Wolf: Come out, come out, or I'll bloooow your house in.
    Animatronic Pigs: Not by the hairs of our chinny chin chin.
    Bart: What a load of crappy crap crap.
    Homer: Quiet, boy. I have a feeling some bad stuff is about to go down.
    Marge: [to Maggie] This is where the wolf blows down the pigs house.
    Bart: [sarcastically] He blows, all right. He blows big time.
    Marge: That's it, honey, get into the spirit!
  • Jimmy: [disturbed by what he saw on the "killing floor"] Uhh, Mr. McClure? I have a crazy friend who says it's wrong to eat meat. Is he crazy?
    Troy: No, just ignorant. You see, your crazy friend never heard of "The Food Chain." Just ask this scientician.
    "Scientician" : [looks up from microscope] Uh…
    Troy: He'll tell you that, in nature, one creature invariably eats another creature to survive.
    [Sequence of "nature" footage shows a lion attacking a gazelle, an eagle carrying off a sheep, a dog catching a Frisbee, and a gorilla reaching for some bananas, until a shark eats him.]
  • Troy: Don't kid yourself, Jimmy! If a cow ever got the chance, he would eat you and everyone you cared about!
    [Dramatic zoom onto a cow.]
    Jimmy: Wow, Mr. McClure. I was a Grade A moron to ever question eating meat.
    Troy: You sure were, Jimmy. You sure were. [begins rubbing Jimmy's head]
    Jimmy: You're...hurting...me!
  • Ralph Wiggum: When I grow up, I’m going to Bovine University!
  • Lisa: No, I can't! I can't eat any of them!
    Homer: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Lisa, honey, are you saying you're never going to eat any animal again? What about bacon?
    Lisa: No.
    Homer: Ham?
    Lisa: No.
    Homer: Pork chops?
    Lisa: Dad! Those all come from the same animal!
    Homer: [chuckles] Yeah, right, Lisa. A wonderful, magical animal.
  • Ralph: Miss Hoover, my worm went in my mouth then I ate it, can I have a new one?
    Miss Hoover: No, Ralph, there aren't any more. Just try to sleep while the other children are learning.
    Ralph: Oh boy, sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!
  • Lisa: Uhh, excuse me? Isn't there anything here that doesn't have meat in it?
    Doris: Possibly the meatloaf.
    Lisa: Well, I believe you're required to provide a vegetarian alternative.
    Doris: [picks up a hot dog in a bun, shakes the weiner out, and slaps the bun down on Lisa's tray] Yum. It's rich in bunly goodness.
    Lisa: [drolly] Do you remember when you lost your passion for this work?
    [Doris hits the "independent thought alarm"]
  • Bart: You don't win friends with salad!
  • [Bart and Homer chase Lisa until she pushes the pig grill off the top of a slope. The pig passes through a hedge.]
    Homer: It's just a little dirty. It's still good, it's still good!
    [Passes traffic, jumps a bridge and lands in the water.]
    It's just a little slimy, it's still good, it's still good!
    [It gets caught in a dam spillway, and when the pressure builds, it shoots into the sky.]
    It's just a little airborne, it's still good, it's still good!
    Bart: [crestfallen] It's gone.
    Homer: I know.
  • Mr. Burns: You know, Smithers, I think I'll donate a million dollars to the local orphanage...when pigs fly!
    [They start laughing, but the grilled pig suddenly passes by flying.]
    Smithers: Will you be donating that million dollars now, sir?
    Mr. Burns: Nooo, I'd still prefer not.
  • Lisa: You don't eat cheese, Apu?
    Apu: No, I don't eat any food that comes from an animal.
    Lisa: Ohh, then you must think I'm a monster!
    Apu: Yes, indeed I do think that. But, I learned long ago, Lisa, to tolerate others rather than forcing my beliefs on them. You know you can influence people without badgering them always. It's like Paul's song, Live and Let Live.
    Paul McCartney: Actually, it was Live and Let Die.
    Apu: Whatever, whatever. It had a good rhythm.
  • Animatronic Papa Bear: Somebody's been sleeping in my bed!
    Animatronic Mama Bear: [electronically muffled] Somebody's been sleeping in my bed!
    Animatronic Baby Bear: Somebody's been sleeping in my bed!
    Grampa: [peeking from Baby's bed] I'm sorry, but it was 150 degrees in the car!
  • Paul McCartney: Evila m'I yaw eht yb dna ho.
  • Lisa: [reading Homer's BBQ invitations] "Come to Homer's BBBQ. The extra B is for BYOBB."
    Bart: What's that extra B for? [in the Latin American dubbed version Bart says "What's that extra O for?"]
    Homer: That's a typo.
  • Marge: (After Lisa drives by on a lawnmower) Bart!!! No!!!
    Bart: What?
    Marge: Sorry, force of habit. Lisa!!! No!!!
  • Homer: Marge? Since I'm not talking to Lisa, would you please ask her to pass me the syrup?
    Marge: (wearily) Dear, please pass your father the syrup, Lisa.
    Lisa: Bart, tell Dad I will only pass the syrup if it won't be used on any meat product.
    Bart: (to Homer) You dunkin' your sausages in that syrup homeboy?
    Homer: Marge, tell Bart I just want to drink a nice glass of syrup like I do every morning.
    Marge: Tell him yourself, you're ignoring Lisa, not Bart.
    Homer: Bart, thank your mother for pointing that out.
    Marge: Homer, you're not, not talking to me, and secondly, I heard what you said.
    Homer: Lisa, tell your mother to get off my case!
    Bart: Uhhh, Dad. Lisa's the one you're not talking to.
    Homer: Bart! Go to your room.
  • Worm: I though you loved me! Looooved me!
    Lisa: Why does it talk like a lamb?
  • (the episode begins with the family is sitting in the car)
    Grampa: Are we there yet?
    Homer: No.
    Grampa: Are we there yet?
    Homer: No.
    Grampa: Are we there yet?
    Homer: No.
    Grampa: Where are we going?
    Lisa: We're going to Storytown Village, Grampa, it's an amusement park for ba-bies!
    Grampa: (annoyed) Just leave me in the car with the window open a crack.
    Homer: That's the plan!

[edit] External links

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