葡國魂,正式名稱為路濟塔尼亞人之歌 (Os Lusíadas)是葡萄牙詩人賈梅士,歷時三十年所作的史詩。1572年出版,是葡萄牙文學史上最優秀和最重要的作品。
詩人把葡萄牙人說成是路索斯 (Lusus,希臘神話中酒神狄俄尼索斯的朋友和傳說中路濟塔尼亞國的始創者)的後代,又以達伽馬 (第一個經海路抵達印度的歐洲人)作為詩中的英雄,述說葡萄牙直到16世紀中期的歷史。
Consisting of ten 'cantos,' Os Lusíadas documents the voyage of Vasco da Gama from Portugal around the Cape of Good Hope, along the Eastern coast of Africa, and eventually finding some respite in Melinde, of present day Kenya. From there, da Gama and his crew travel onward to India and the East, eventually finding their reward on the Isle of Love.
Perhaps the most memorable of all episodes in Os Lusíadas consists of the Portuguese encounter with the Adamastor, a mythical beast made of rock and representing the desolation of Africa. Also underlying the narrative is the pulling forces of empire, imperialism, and the threat of shipwreck along this perilous journey.
The author read the entire book to King Sebastian of Portugal who appreciated it so much as to reinforce his decision to march to the doomed crusade where he was killed.
Os Lusíadas 2500 is a futuristic comic version of the Lusiads by Laílson de Holanda Cavalcanti, a Brazilian from Pernambuco state. Camoens work is not altered but the comic uses fantastic Gods, scarier sea-monsters, the caravels are transformed into space ships and the sea in outer space to appeal youngsters to the Portuguese language most important work in literature.
[编辑] 葡國魂在澳門
相傳詩人在澳門白鴿巢公園的石洞內完成了詩歌的一部份。每年6月10日,澳門的葡萄牙人社群都會到石洞獻花並朗誦《葡國魂》以資紀念 (澳門回歸後仍然維持這種傳統)。