自我組織是一系統內部組織化的過程,通常是一開放系統,在沒有外部來源引導或管理之下會自行增加其複雜性。自我組織系統一般(即使不總是)展現emergent properties。
[编辑] 另見
- 數學概念: 碎形 - 隨機圖 - 冪次定律 - 六度分隔理論 - 細胞自動機
- 物理概念: 熱力學 - 非平衡態熱力學 - 建構理論 - 統計力學 - 相變 - 耗散結構 - 湍流
- 化學概念: reaction-diffusion - 自動催化
- 生物概念: 演化論 - 形態發生 - 內環境穩態 - coordination dynamics
- 社會概念: 參與組織
- 系統科學概念: 控制論 - 自生系統論
- 複雜系統概念: 呈展現象 - 演化計算 - 人工生命 - 自組化臨界 - "混沌邊緣" - 自發秩序 - 介穩態
- 電腦科學概念: 群體智能
- 哲學概念: 組織形態學 - complementary pairs
- Self-Organizing Collaborative Networks
- 群體築巢行為
[编辑] 外部連結
- PDF file on self-organized common law with references
- An entry on self-organization at the Principia Cybernetica site
- The Science of Self-organization and Adaptivity, a review paper by Francis Heylighen
- The Self-Organizing Systems (SOS) FAQ by Chris Lucas, from the USENET newsgroup comp.theory.self-org.sys
- David Griffeath, Primordial Soup Kitchen (graphics, papers)
- nlin.AO, nonlinear preprint archive, (electronic preprints in adaptation and self-organizing systems)
- Selforganization in complex networks The Complex Systems Lab, Barcelona
- Computational Mechanics Group at the Santa Fe Institute
- Cosma Shalizi's notebook on self-organization from 2003-06-20, used under the GFDL with permission from author.
- Connectivism:SelfOrganization
- UCLA Human Complex Systems Program
- "Interactions of Actors (IA), Theory and Some Applications" 1993 Gordon Pask's theory of learning, evolution and self-organization (in draft).
- "Heinz von Foerster's Self-Organisation, the Progenitor of Conversation and Interaction Theories" Gordon Pask Systems Research vol.13 pp349-362 1996