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聯盟 美国联盟
分區 美国联盟东区
創建 1901年
主場 洋基体育场
城市 纽约
世界冠軍 (26)
聯盟冠軍 (39)
分區冠軍 (15)
外卡次數 (2)

紐約洋基(又译纽约扬基),英文名 New York Yankees,英文縮寫 NYY,是美國職棒大聯盟中,隸屬於美國聯盟棒球隊伍之一。主場位於紐約布朗斯區。在美國聯盟的分區中,屬於美聯東區,且由於球隊超過一百年的歷史,故在美國體育歷史中也擁有最多著名的歷史事件。



[编辑] 球隊起源

1900年球季末,聯盟主席班·強森決定重組新聯盟,稱之為美國聯盟。美國聯盟除了先前小聯盟時期(1899年前稱為西方聯盟)的五個城市,另外新增了三個東岸的城市,包括在前一年國家聯盟縮編時遭到裁減的馬里蘭州巴爾的摩。強森想要在紐約(New York City)新增球隊,但是遭到國家聯盟紐約巨人隊的老闆運用塔馬尼派(Tammany Hall)以政治力運作而未能成功


1903年一月,美國聯盟與國家聯盟舉行「和平會議」解決球員合約的爭執與討論未來的合作。國家聯盟並同意美國聯盟可以在紐約設立球隊。美國聯盟的巴爾的摩經營權轉賣至紐約給新老闆:法蘭克‧費瑞爾(Frank Farrell)、威廉‧戴佛瑞(William Devery),獲准找尋不屬於紐約巨人隊的新據點蓋球場。費瑞爾和戴佛瑞對城市政治和賭博事業的有很深的介入。費瑞爾擁有許多賭場和撞球俱樂部,戴佛瑞之前則是在1902年初因嚴重貪污被紐約市政府開除的警察署長。

[编辑] 坐落高地

球隊一開始坐落在紐約曼哈頓165街與百老匯交界,靠近曼哈坦島的最高點。故球場稱作"山頂球場"(Hilltop Park),而球隊則很快被稱為"紐約高地人隊"(New York Highlanders)。這名字可以引申至著名的英國軍團"高登高地人"(The Gordon Highlanders),其名來自在1903至1906年間以軍團長身份領導軍團的約瑟夫‧高登(Joseph Gordon)。今日山頂球場己被哥倫比亞長老教會醫學中心(Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center)所取代。

在高地人隊時期,球隊僅在1904及1910年拿到最好的第二名的成績;相對地,他們在紐約的前十五年大部分是敬陪末座。球隊腐敗的高層、及一些有爭議行為的球員,如著名的一壘手哈爾‧卻斯(Hal Chase),則開始被懷疑打假球,但只有一小部分有被證實。

球隊的最佳時機在1904年球季的最後一天到來。紐約投手卻斯伯(Jack Chesbro)在第九局暴投造成波士頓美國人隊拿到奪冠的致勝分。這事件產生了幾種歷史上不同的影響。第一,由於高地人晉級聯盟冠軍賽,紐約巨人隊拒絕與"小聯盟球隊"打世界大賽,即使是波士頓打進世界大賽。這結果使巨人隊老闆約翰‧布拉許(John T. Brush)被媒體叮得滿頭胞,而讓委員會制定規範世界大賽的規則。1904年是世界大賽無法舉行的最後一年,直到1994年的大罷工。在1908年波士頓改名紅襪隊後,1904年是波士頓最後一次在聯盟冠軍賽打敗紐約洋基,直到百年後的2004年。

在1913到1922年間球隊短暫地在其國聯世仇紐約巨人隊的Polo Grounds球場打球。由於在重建1911年大火摧毀的Polo Grounds球場時,巨人隊得以租用山頂球場打球,兩個球團間的關係開始回溫。在1900年代早期,球團開始以"洋基人"為偶而使用的暱稱,"洋基人"為美國人的別稱,最早可追溯到1904年6月21日,當道賀堤(Patsy Dougherty)被波士頓交易至紐約,波士頓通訊報(Boston Herald)以"道賀堤成為洋基人(Dougherty as a Yankee)"做為報導標題。以此事實可知這個暱稱早己眾人皆知了。而在1906年4月15日紐約通訊報(The New York Herald)也以"洋基在開幕賽以2-1打敗波士頓(Yankees win opening game from Boston, 2-1)"為標題。在球隊的前十年這個暱名傳播之快。在1913年球隊換球場時,"高地人"的名稱變得麻煩,球隊的名字變成獨一無二的"洋基"。

在1910年代中期,費瑞爾和戴佛瑞資金短缺並開始疏離。在1915年初,他們把球隊賣給陸軍上校賈可布‧魯伯特(Jacob Ruppert)及海軍上校提林海斯‧哈斯頓(Tillinghast L'Hommedieu Huston)。魯伯特是魯伯特酒莊的繼承人,並曾任八年美國聯邦眾議員。魯伯特表示,我們用了450000美元買到一支孤兒球隊,它沒有自己的球場,沒有超強的球員,沒有名聲,但是有一位口袋很深,且願意花大錢把它變成冠軍隊的老闆。

[编辑] 貝比‧魯斯與魯‧蓋瑞時代

在接下來的幾年,新老闆開始在球隊上加碼。很多對洋基有卓越貢獻的新球員是從波士頓紅襪買來的,而紅襪老闆,戲院經理及百老匯秀製作人亨利‧佛瑞茲(Harry Frazee)利用信用借貸買下紅襪卻無餘力應付貸款。在1919年到1922年間,洋基買下了紅襪的投手偉特‧荷伊(Waite Hoyt)、卡爾‧梅斯(Carl Mays)及爾伯‧派納克(Herb Pennock),捕手威利‧舒安](Wally Schang),游擊手艾佛‧史考特(Everett Scott)及三壘手喬伊‧杜安(Joe Dugan)。不過,投手轉外野手的貝比·魯斯(Babe Ruth)才是交易的主角。佛瑞茲在1920年1月以魯斯最高薪的要求及衰退的打擊為理由將魯斯交易出去。魯斯也被認為是一個花天酒地的人,他在洋基時繼續過這樣的日子,但新老闆由於他帶來的球迷及冠軍而較容忍他的行為。在當時波士頓兩個主要報紙認同這個交易。而因為魯斯的詛咒,波士頓紅襪自1917年到2004年間未曾得到任何世界大賽冠軍,更因為洋基的成功而摒於世界大賽的門外。1927年,佛瑞茲終於以音樂劇No No Nanette在百老匯成功,包括名歌"Tea For Two"。

這時期其他重要的新成員有總教練米勒‧哈金斯(Miller Huggins)及總經理艾德‧拜洛(Ed Barrow)。在1919年當哈斯頓在歐洲服役時,魯伯特雇用哈金斯,這件事造成兩名老闆的決裂,而1923年魯伯特買下了哈斯頓的洋基股權。拜洛在1920年加入洋基,且像其他新球員一樣,曾經是紅襪的一員,並自1919年開始管理球隊。拜洛在洋基當了總經理及總裁25年,並理所當然地是球隊成功的大功臣。他尤其為洋基發展農場系統做了重大的貢獻。

The home run hitting exploits of Ruth proved popular with the public, to the extent that the Yankees were soon outdrawing their landlords, the Giants. In 1921 the Yankees were told to move out of the Polo Grounds after the 1922 season. At that time, John McGraw was said to have commented that the Yankees should "move to some out-of-the-way place, like Queens". Instead, to McGraw's chagrin, they broke ground for a new ballpark just across the Harlem River from the Polo Grounds. The construction crew moved with remarkable speed and finished the big new ballpark in less than a year. In 1923 the Yankees moved into Yankee Stadium at 161st St. and River Avenue in the Bronx. The site for the stadium was chosen because the IRT Jerome Avenue subway line, now the MTA's #4 train, went right by there, practically on top of Yankee Stadium's right-field wall. The Stadium was the first triple-deck venue in baseball and seated an astounding 58,000. It was truly "the House that Ruth Built",

From 1921 to 1928, the Yankees went through their first period of great success, winning six American League pennants and three World Series. In 1921 through 1923 they faced the Giants in the World Series, losing the first two match-ups but turning the tables in 1923 after the Big Stadium opened. Giants outfielder Casey Stengel, who even then was being called "Old Case", hit two homers to win the two games the Giants came away with. Stengel would later become a "giant" for the Yankees as a manager.

The 1927 team was so potent that it became known as "Murderers' Row" and is sometimes considered to have been the best team in the history of baseball (though similar claims have been made for other Yankee squads, notably those of 1939, 1961 and 1998). Ruth's home run total of 60 in 1927 set a single-season record which would stand for 34 years, and first baseman Lou Gehrig had his first big season with 47 round-trippers.

The Yankees would repeat as American League champions in 1928, fighting off the resurgent Philadelphia Athletics, and sweep the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series. Babe Ruth hit .625 with 3 home runs in that series, while Lou Gehrig hit .545 and belted 4 round-trippers. After three also-ran seasons, the Yankees returned to the American League top perch under new manager Joe McCarthy in 1932 and swept the Chicago Cubs in the World Series, running their streak of consecutive World Series game wins to 12, a mark which would stand until the 2000 Yankees bested it in the World Series that year. Babe Ruth hit his famous "Called Shot" home run in Wrigley Field in Game 3 of that Series, a fitting "Swan Song" to his illustrious post-season career.

[编辑] The DiMaggio era

[编辑] 狄馬喬時代

The Yankees run during the 1930s could also be facetiously called the "McCarthy era", as manager Joe McCarthy (no relation to the infamous Senator of the same name) would guide the Yankees to new heights. Just as Gehrig stepped out of Ruth's considerable shadow, a new titan appeared on the horizon, in the person of Joe DiMaggio. The young center fielder from San Francisco was an immediate impact player, batting .323, hitting 29 homers and driving in 125 runs in his rookie season of 1936.

1930年代的洋基可被稱為"麥卡錫時代",因為球隊經理喬.麥卡錫(和同名的參議員麥卡錫沒有親戚關係)帶領洋基到達一個新高峰。 正當傑利格走出貝比魯斯的陰影時,出現了一位新巨人,他叫做狄馬喬。這位來自三蕃市年輕的中外野手帶來了立即的衝擊,打擊率高達三成二三,以及29支全壘打,並在1936年菜鳥球季中打出125支的安打。

Behind the thundering Yankees bats of DiMaggio, Gehrig and Frank Crosetti, and a superb pitching staff led by Red Ruffing and Lefty Gomez and anchored by catcher Bill Dickey, the Yankees reeled off an unprecedented four consecutive World Series wins during 1936-1939. They did it without Gehrig for most of 1939, as the superstar's retirement due to ALS saddened the baseball world.


The strongest competition for the Yankees during that stretch was the Detroit Tigers, who won two pennants before that Yankees four-year stretch, and one after. When the Yankees did get into the Series, they had little trouble. During Game 2 of the 1936 Series, they pounded the Giants 18-4, still the World Series record (through 2005) for most runs by a team in one game. They took the Giants 4 games to 2 in that Series, and 4 games to 1 the next year. They also swept the Chicago Cubs in 1938, and the Cincinnati Reds in 1939.


After an off season came the Summer of 1941, a much-celebrated year, often described by sportswriters as the last great year of the "Golden Era", before World War II and other realities intervened. Ted Williams of the Red Sox was in the hunt for the elusive .400 batting average, which he achieved on the last day of the season. Meanwhile, DiMaggio, who had once hit in 61 straight games as a minor leaguer with the San Francisco Seals, began a hitting streak on May 15 which stretched to an astonishing 56 games.


A popular song by Les Brown celebrated this event, as Betty Bonney and the band members sang it: "He tied the mark at 44 / July the First, you know / Since then he's hit a good 12 more / Joltin' Joe DiMaggio / Joe, Joe DiMaggio, we want you on our side." The last game of the streak came on July 16 at Cleveland's League Park. The streak was finally snapped in a game at Cleveland Stadium the next night before a huge crowd at the lakefront.

Modern baseball historians regard it as unlikely that anyone will ever hit .400 again, barring a change to the way the game is played; and as virtually impossible that anyone will approach DiMaggio's 56-game streak, which is so far beyond second place (44) as to be almost a statistical anomaly.

The Yankees made short work of the Brooklyn Dodgers in the 1941 Series. Two months and one day after the final game of the Yanks' 4 to 1 win, the Pearl Harbor attacks occurred, and many of the best ballplayers went off to World War II. The war-thinned ranks of the major leagues nonetheless found the Yanks in the post-season again, as they traded World Series wins with the St. Louis Cardinals during 1942 and 1943.

The Yanks then went into a bit of a slump, and manager McCarthy was let go early in the 1946 season. After a couple of interim managers had come and gone, Bucky Harris was brought in and the Yankees righted the ship again, winning the 1947 pennant and facing a much-tougher Dodgers team than their 1941 counterparts, in a Series that went seven games and was a harbinger of things to come for much of the next decade.

Despite finishing only 3 games back of the pennant-winning Cleveland Indians in 1948, Harris was released, and the Yankees brought in Casey Stengel as their manager. Casey had a reputation for being somewhat of a clown and had been associated with managing excruciatingly bad teams such as the mid-1930s Boston Braves, so his selection was met with no little skepticism. His tenure would prove to the most successful in the Yankees' history up to that point. The 1949 season is another that has been written about poetically, as a Yankees team that was seen as "underdogs" came from behind to catch and surpass the powerful Red Sox on the last two days of the season, in a faceoff that could be said to be the real beginning of the modern intense rivalry between these teams. The post-season proved to be a bit easier, as the Yankees knocked off their cross-town Flatbush rivals 4 games to 1.

By this time, the Great DiMaggio's career was winding down. It has often been reported that he said he wanted to retire before he became an "ordinary" player. He was also hampered by bone spurs in his heel, which hastened the final docking of the "Yankee Clipper". As if on cue, new superstars began arriving, including the "Oklahoma Kid", Mickey Mantle, whose first year (1951) was DiMaggio's curtain call.

[编辑] The 1950s and 1960s

Bettering the McCarthy-era clubs, Stengel's squad won the World Series in his first five years as manager, 1949 through 1953. The five consecutive championships won by the Yankees during this period remains the major league record. Led by players like center fielder Mickey Mantle, pitcher Whitey Ford, and catcher Yogi Berra, Stengel's teams won 10 pennants and seven World Series titles in his twelve seasons as Yankee manager.

The 1950s were also a decade of significant individual achievement for Yankee players. In 1956, Mantle won the major league triple crown, leading both leagues in batting average (.353), home runs (52), and RBIs (130).

On October 8, 1956, in Game 5 of the 1956 World Series against the Dodgers, pitcher Don Larsen threw the only perfect game in World Series history. Not only was it the only perfect game to be pitched in World Series play, it remains the only no-hitter of any kind to be pitched in postseason play. The Yankees went on to win yet another World Series that season, and Larsen earned World Series MVP honors.

Yankee players also dominated the American League MVP award, with a Yankee claiming ownership six times in the decade (1950 Rizzuto, 1951 Berra, 1954 Berra, 1955 Berra, 1956 Mantle, 1957 Mantle). Pitcher Bob Turley also won the Cy Young Award in 1958, the award's third year of existence.

For the decade, the Yankees won six World Series championships ('50, 51, '52, '53, '56, '58) and eight American League pennants. Led by Mantle, Ford, Berra, Elston Howard, and the newly acquired Roger Maris, the Yankees burst into the new decade seeking to replicate the remarkable success of the 1950s.

However, the Yankees lost the 1960 World Series in heartbreaking fashion when Bill Mazeroski hit a game-winning, series-winning home run in the bottom of the ninth inning of Game 7 off Ralph Terry. It remains the only Game 7, walk-off home run in World Series history. Stengel was blamed for the World Series loss for failing to start his ace, Ford, three times in the Series, and was replaced as manager with Ralph Houk prior to the 1961 season. Stengel himself, who had reached his seventh decade in July of that year, clearly thought the issue was age discrimination, remarking, "I'll never make the mistake of turning 70 again." Yogi Berra's assessment of the loss was the equally famous comment, "We made too many wrong mistakes."

During the 1960-61 offseason, a seemingly innocuous development may have marked the beginning of the end for this Yankees dynasty. In December of 1960, Chicago insurance executive Charlie Finley purchased the Kansas City Athletics from the estate of Arnold Johnson, who had died that March.

Johnson had acquired the then-Philadelphia Athletics from the family of Connie Mack in 1954. He was the owner of Yankee Stadium at the time, but was forced to sell the stadium by American League owners as a condition of purchasing the Athletics. Johnson was also a longtime business associate of then-Yankees owners Del Webb and Dan Topping. During Johnson's ownership, the Athletics traded many young players to the Yankees for cash and aging veterans. Maris had been acquired by the Yankees in one such trade. Many fans, and even other teams, frequently accused the Athletics of being operated as an effective farm team for the Yankees. Once Finley purchased the Athletics, he immediately terminated the team's "special relationship" with the Yankees.

In the meantime, 1961 was one of the greatest years in Yankee history. Throughout the summer, Mantle and reigning-MVP Roger Maris hit home runs at a record pace as both chased Babe Ruth's single season home run record of 60. The duo's home run prowess led the media and fans to christen them 'The M & M Boys.' Ultimately, Mantle was forced to bow out in mid-September with 54 home runs when a severe hip infection forced him from the lineup. On October 1, 1961, on the final day of the season, Maris broke the record when he sent a pitch from Boston's Tracy Stallard into the right field stands at Yankee Stadium for his 61st home run. However, by decree of Commissioner Ford Frick, separate single-season home run records were maintained to reflect the fact that Ruth hit his 60 home runs during a 154-game season, while Maris hit his 61 in the first year of the new 162-game season. Some 30 years later, on September 4, 1991, an 8-member Committee for Historical Accuracy appointed by Major League Baseball did away with the dual records, giving Maris sole possession of the single-season home run record until it was broken by Mark McGwire on September 8, 1998. (McGwire's record was later broken by Barry Bonds, whose 73 home runs in 2001 remain the major league record. Maris still holds the American League record.)

The Yankees won the pennant with a 109-53 record and went on to defeat the Cincinnati Reds in five games to win the 1961 World Series. The 109 regular season wins posted by the '61 club remain the third highest single-season total in franchise history, behind only the 1998 team's 114 regular season wins and 1927 team's 110 wins. The 1961 Yankees also clubbed a then-major league record for most home runs by a team with 240, a total not surpassed until the 1996 Baltimore Orioles hit 257 with the aid of the designated hitter. Maris won his second consecutive MVP Award while Whitey Ford captured the Cy Young.

Because of the excellence of Maris, Mantle, and World Series-MVP Ford, a fine pitching staff, stellar team defense, the team's amazing depth and power, and their overall dominance, the 1961 Yankees are universally considered to be one of the greatest teams in the history of baseball, compared often to their pinstriped-brethren, the 1927 Yankees, the 1939 Yankees, and the 1998 Yankees.

In 1962, the Yankees won their second consecutive World Series, defeating the San Francisco Giants in seven games.

The Yanks would again reach the Fall Classic in 1963, but were swept in four games by the Los Angeles Dodgers. Behind World Series-MVP Sandy Koufax, Don Drysdale, and Johnny Podres, the Dodgers starting pitchers threw four complete games and combined to give up just four runs all Series. This was the first time the Yankees were swept in a World Series.

Feeling burnt out after the season, Houk left the manager's chair to become the team's general manager and Berra, who himself had just retired from playing, was named the new manager of the Yankees.

The aging Yankees returned to the World Series in 1964 to face the St. Louis Cardinals in a Series immortalized by David Halberstam's book, October 1964. Despite a valiant performance by Mantle, including a walk-off home run in the bottom of the ninth of Game 3 off Cardinals' reliever Barney Schultz, the Yankees fell to the Cardinals in seven games. It was to be the last World Series appearance by the Yankees for 12 years.

After the 1964 season, CBS purchased the Yankees from Topping and Webb for $11.2 million. Jokesters at the time wondered if Walter Cronkite would become the manager, perhaps with Yogi Berra doing the newscasts. Topping and Webb had owned the Yankees for 20 years, missing the World Series only 5 times, and going 10-5 in the World Series.

By contrast, the CBS-owned teams never went to the World Series, and in the first year of the new ownership - 1965 - the Yankees finished in the second division for the first time in 40 years; the introduction of the major league amateur draft in 1965 also meant that the Yankees could no longer sign any player they wanted. In 1966 the team finished last in the AL for the first time since 1912, and next-to-last the following year. After that the team's fortunes improved somewhat, but they would not become serious contenders again until 1974.

[编辑] 返回榮耀

喬治‧史坦布瑞納(George Steinbrenner)於1973年1月3日以一千萬美金的價格自哥倫比亞電視臺(CBS)手中買下洋基球隊,並重新整修洋基球場。在70年代將洋基發揚光大,這段期間史坦布瑞納也數次聘請及開除比利‧馬丁(Billy Martin),並與外野手明星Reggie Jackson爭吵不斷。在1977年世界大戰第6場也是最後一場比賽中,Jackson面對三名不同的道奇隊投手轟出了三支全壘打(因而讓他贏得10月先生(Mr.October)的美名)也奠定下馬丁及史坦布瑞納的時代。

The race for the pennant often came to a close competition between the Yankees and the Red Sox, and for fans of both clubs, a game between the two teams (whether in the regular season or post-season championship games) was cause for a rivalry that was often bitter and ruthless, with brawls frequently erupting between both players and fans from the two clubs. The Yankees-Red Sox rivalry came to a head in the 1978 season, when the two clubs finished the regular season in a tie for first place in the AL East. A playoff game between the two teams was held to decide who would go on to the pennant, with the game being held at Boston's Fenway Park (because the Red Sox had won more head-to-head games between the two teams that season). The Yankees won the day, driving a stake through the hearts of their rivals' fans when Bucky Dent drove a game-winning home run over the "Green Monster," one of several emotional moments in the team's history that had Red Sox fans wondering if their team was under some kind of a curse.

[编辑] A new dynasty

The Yankees entered the 1990s as a last-place team, having spent well but not always wisely on free-agent players since their last appearance in the World Series in 1981. During the 1980s the Yankees had the most total wins out of any major league team, but failed to win a World Series (the first such decade since the 1910s). In 1990, Yankee pitcher Andy Hawkins became the first Yankees pitcher ever to lose a no-hitter, when the third baseman committed an error, followed by 2 walks and an error by the left fielder with the bases loaded, scoring all 3 runners as well as the batter. The 4-0 loss was the largest margin of any no-hitter loss in the 20th century.

The bad judgment and bad luck of the '80s and early '90s started to change when, while owner Steinbrenner was under suspension, management was able to implement a coherent program without interference from above. Under general managers Gene Michael and Bob Watson and manager Buck Showalter, the club shifted its emphasis from buying talent to developing talent through its farm system and then holding onto it. The first significant sign of success came in 1994, when the Yankees had the best record in the AL when the season was cut short by the players' strike. A year later, the team reached the playoffs as the wild card and was eliminated only after a memorable series against the Seattle Mariners.

Showalter left after the 1995 season due to personality clashes with Steinbrenner and his staff and was replaced by Joe Torre. Initially derided as a retread choice ("Clueless Joe" ran the headline on one of the city's tabloid newspapers), Torre's smooth manner proved out as he led the Yankees to a World Series victory in 1996, defeating the Atlanta Braves in six games. General manager Bob Watson was dismissed when the Yankees failed to repeat in 1997 and was replaced by Brian Cashman. However, the foundation laid by Michael and Watson of players like Derek Jeter, Andy Pettitte, Jorge Posada, Mariano Rivera and Bernie Williams was a significant factor in the Yankees' return to prominence. Other prominent members of the late 1990s championships teams acquired through trades included Paul O'Neill, David Cone, Tino Martinez, John Wetteland, Chuck Knoblauch, and Roger Clemens, while Jimmy Key, Wade Boggs, David Wells, Mike Stanton, and Orlando "El Duque" Hernández were signed as free agents.

The 1998-2000 Yankees were the first team to "three-peat" with World Series victories since the Oakland Athletics of the early 1970s. In 1998 and 1999, they swept the San Diego Padres and Atlanta Braves, respectively. In 2000, the Yankees met up with cross-town New York Mets for the first Subway Series since 1956 and won four games to one. In these four World Series victories, the Yankees won fourteen straight games. The Yankees are the most recent major league team to repeat as World Series champions.

The 1998 Yankees are widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest teams in baseball history, having compiled a then-AL record of 114 regular season wins against just 48 losses (the record was later broken by the 2001 Seattle Mariners, who won 116 games) en route to a World Series sweep of the Padres. The '98 Yankees went 11-2 during the playoffs and finished with a combined record of 125-50, a major league record.

Won 1998 World Series (4-0) over San Diego Padres Won ALCS (4-2) over Cleveland Indians Won ALDS (3-0) over Texas Rangers

[编辑] The 21st century

In the emotional October 2001, following the September 11 attack on New York City's World Trade Center, the Yankees defeated the Oakland Athletics 3 games to 2 in the Division Series, and then the Seattle Mariners in the ALCS, 4 games to 1. But, the usually unhittable Mariano Rivera shockingly blew the lead - and World Series - to the Arizona Diamondbacks in the bottom of the 9th inning of Game 7. Arizona manager Bob Brenly used his pitching staff, which included Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling, very effectively. In addition, the usually potent Yankee attack turned ice-cold.

In 2003, the Yankees defeated their long-time rival the Boston Red Sox in a tough seven-game ALCS, which featured a near-brawl in Game 3 and a series-ending walk-off home run by Aaron Boone in the 11th inning of the final game, only to be defeated by the Florida Marlins - a team with a payroll a quarter of the size of the Yankees' - in the World Series, 4 games to 2.

The loss in the 2001 World Series effectively marked the end of the 1990s Yankee dynasty, as lynchpin players began to retire, not be re-signed, or traded. The Yankees' quick ejection from the 2002 playoffs at the hands of the Anaheim Angels accelerated the changes, as ownership and management began to look increasingly on free agent acquisitions and major trades. The trend continued after the 2003 World Series, culminating when the Yankees traded for the nominal "best player in baseball", Alex Rodriguez, in February 2004. Other significant acquisitions during 2002 to 2004 included Jason Giambi, Hideki Matsui, Gary Sheffield, Kevin Brown, and Javier Vázquez.

In the 2004 American League Championship Series against the Red Sox, the Yankees became the first team in professional baseball history, and only the third team in North American pro sports history (it happened in the NHL twice), to lose a best-of-7 series after taking a 3-0 series lead.

In 2005, the Angels defeated the Yankees in five games in the first round of the postseason, winning the final game by a score of 5-3.

Many explanations have been given for the lack of Yankee World Series titles since 2000. These include depletion of the Yankee farm system because of trades and free agent acquisitions, the aging or departure of the players who had formed the core of the Yankees during the late 1990s, and allegedly poor coaching. Buster Olney, in his book The Last Night of the Yankee Dynasty, argues that George Steinbrenner's management style resulted in the players burning out psychologically. Several sabermetricians have argued that success in the playoffs is largely the result of luck. This argument is bolstered by the fact that the production of the Yankees' core players has decreased steadily since their 1996 World Series title.

One particularly creative explanation jokingly proposed by blogger Larry Mahnken is the "Curse of Clay Bellinger". By analogy with the Curse of the Bambino, Mahnken points to the departure of utility player Clay Bellinger from the Yankee roster following the 2001 season and asserts that the Yankees will never again win the World Series until either they make amends to Bellinger or they win the championship anyway. The tautology is part of the joke.

Despite their most recent drought in World Series championships, the Yankees have continued to perform well in the regular season, recently winning their eighth straight AL East division title. In September 2005, the club set a new American League home attendance record of 4,090,696. The Yankees are only the third franchise in sports history to draw over 4 million in regular season attendance at their own ballpark (the others being the 1993 Toronto Blue Jays with 4,057,947 and the 1993 Colorado Rockies with 4,483,350).

[编辑] Controversy

The Yankees are a notable team not only for their impressive history on the field, but also for their financial situation. The current ownership spends more on player salaries than any other franchise in baseball. As of 2005, the team payroll is more than $208 million, which is $85 million more than the second-highest team, the Red Sox, and more than the five lowest-payroll teams combined [1]. Frustrated after being outbid for pitcher Jose Contreras prior to the 2003 season, Red Sox CEO Larry Lucchino even went so far as to dub the Yankees the "Evil Empire," a characterization that is primarily popular among Red Sox fans.

It is a heated debate whether the Yankees' free-spending is positive or negative for baseball, and whether a strict salary cap would make the sport fairer and increase parity among the large-market and small-market teams. The following are arguments for and against these spending practices:


The Yankees are "America's Team." They give the casual, or "bandwagon," baseball fan someone to root for when he/she does not have a local favorite. As "America's Team" the Yankees give other baseball fans a team to "hate" or root against, thereby further generating interest in baseball games involving the Yankees and baseball in general. New York, as the largest market with the highest revenues, should spend in accordance with their vast resources. It has also been argued that the New York Mets, because they share the same market, could spend at a higher level if their owner was inclined to do so, and therefore the Yankees spending reflects Steinbrenner's greater commitment to winning rather than a singular advantage over all other teams.[2] The Yankees drive attendance, merchandise sales and TV revenues, helping to subsidize less-profitable teams. In a free-market society, an owner who wishes to spend as much as he/she wants should not be restricted from doing so. Against:

Allowing one team to bid highly for the best talent makes it more difficult for lower-spending teams to compete. The willingness of the Yankees to pay premium prices for top talent encourages players and their agents to demand unreasonably high prices, further diluting talent throughout the rest of the league. This phenomenon even causes the Yankees to announce their intentions not to pursue certain free agents (e.g. Manny Ramirez, Pedro Martinez), who might otherwise freely use the potentiality as a bargaining chip. American football's example of balanced salaries, correlated with its now-massive parity and mainstream impact, demonstrates that keeping athletic salaries fair is good for the sport and therefore everyone - TV outlets, owners, fans. It may be argued that the most recent splurge in spending corresponds neatly with the bargained rules governing MLB ownership that entitled other teams to begin revenue sharing with the Yankees. George Steinbrenner has ignored the increasing penalty of a Luxury Tax.

In 2003, the Office of Foreign Assets Control reported that the Yankees engaged in illegal trade with Cuba and had to settle with the United States government for US$75,000

[编辑] Quick facts

Founded: As the Indianapolis, Indiana franchise of the Western League, originally a farm team of the Cincinnati Reds. In 1901, became the Baltimore, Maryland franchise in the newly created American League. Moved to New York City before the 1903 season. Formerly known as: Baltimore Orioles, 1901-1902. New York Highlanders, 1903-1910, "Yankees" as early as 1904, used more and more interchangeably with "Highlanders" as their first decade in New York progressed. Nicknames: Yanks, Bronx Bombers Home ballpark: Yankee Stadium, at 161st Street and River Avenue in the Bronx, New York City, from 1923 to the present, excluding two years in the 1970s during renovation. Also played at the original Oriole Park in Baltimore, 1901-1902; Hilltop Park in Manhattan, New York City, 1903-1912; the Polo Grounds in Manhattan, 1913-1922; and Shea Stadium in Queens, New York City, 1974-1975. They are slated to mo

[编辑] 棒球名人堂球員

  • 法蘭克‧貝克(Frank Baker) 1916-19, 1921-22
  • 優吉‧貝拉(Yogi Berra) 1946-63
  • 魏德‧巴格斯(Wade Boggs) 1993-97
  • 羅傑‧伯瑞斯那罕(Roger Bresnahan) 1901-02
  • 法蘭克‧錢斯(Frank Chance) 1913-14
  • 傑克‧錢斯伯(Jack Chesbro) 1903-09
  • 厄里‧康伯斯(Early Combs) 1924-35
  • Stan Coveleski 1928
  • 比爾‧狄克利(Bill Dickey) 1928-43, 1946
  • 喬‧狄馬喬(Joe DiMaggio) 1936-42, 1946-51
  • 里歐‧杜羅秋(Leo Durocher) 1925, 1928-29
  • 懷特‧福德(White Ford) 1950, 1953-67
  • 魯‧蓋瑞(Lou Gehrig) 1923-39
  • Lefty Gomez 1930-42
  • Clark Griffith 1903-07
  • Burleigh Grimes 1934
  • Waite Hoyt 1921-30
  • 凱特費許‧杭特(Catfish Hunter) 1975-79
  • 瑞吉‧傑克森(Reggie Jackson) 1977-81
  • Willie Keeler 1903-09
  • Joe Kelley 1902
  • Tony Lazzeri 1926-37
  • 米奇‧曼托(Mickey Mantle) 1951-68
  • Joe McGinnity 1901-02
  • 約翰‧麥格羅(John McGraw) 1901-02
  • 強尼‧麥茲(Johnny Miez) 1949-53
  • 費里‧尼克羅(Phil Niekro) 1984-85
  • 賀伯‧潘洛克(Herb Pennock) 1923-33
  • 蓋羅德‧派瑞 1980
  • Phil Rizzuto 1941-42, 1946-56
  • 威伯特‧羅賓森 1901-02
  • 瑞德‧魯芬(Red Ruffing) 1930-42, 1945-46
  • 貝比‧魯斯(Babe Ruth) 1920-34
  • 喬‧謝威爾(Joe Sewell) 1931-33
  • Enos Slaughter 1954-55, 1956-59
  • 達茲‧凡斯(Dazzy Vance) 1915, 1918
  • 保羅‧華納(Paul Waner) 1944-45
  • 達夫‧溫菲德(Dave Winfield) 1981-88, 1990

[编辑] 登錄球員








[编辑] 教練團



  • -- 美国 美国 Larry Bowa (跑壘指導員(三壘))
  • 49 美国 美国 Ron Guidry (投手教練)
  • -- 美国 美国 Joe Kerrigan (牛棚教練)
  • 23 美国 美国 Don Mattingly (打擊教練)
  • -- 美国 美国 Lee Mazzilli (bench)
  • 50 美国 美国 Rich Monteleone (special pitching instructor)
  • -- 多明尼加共和國 多明尼加共和國 Tony Peña (跑壘指導員(一壘))
  • 54 美国 美国 Rob Thomson (special assignment instructor)

[编辑] 退休號碼

  • 1 比利‧馬丁(Billy Martin)
  • 3 貝比‧魯斯(Babe Ruth)
  • 4 魯‧賈里格(Lou Gehrig)
  • 5 喬‧狄馬喬(Joe DiMaggio)
  • 7 米奇‧曼托(Mickey Mantle)
  • 8 優吉‧貝拉(Yogi Berra) 和 比爾‧狄奇(Bill Dickey)
  • 9 羅傑‧馬里斯(Roger Maris)
  • 10 費里‧李茲圖(Phil Rizzuto)
  • 15 瑟曼‧曼森(Thurman Munson)
  • 16 懷特‧福特(White Ford)
  • 23 唐‧馬丁利(Don Mattingly)
  • 32 艾爾史東‧霍華德(Elston Howard)
  • 37 卡西‧史丹格爾(Casey Stengel)
  • 42 傑基‧羅賓森(Jackie Robinson)(全大聯盟此號碼都退休,除了 馬里亞諾‧李維拉(Marinao Rivera)例外)
  • 44 瑞吉‧傑克森(Reggie Jackson)
  • 49 Ron Guidry

[编辑] 球隊老闆

  • 1901年 - 1902年: Calvin Chan (巴摩的爾金鶯隊時代)
  • 1903年 - 1915年: Frank Farrell 和 William Devery
  • 1915年 - 1923年: Jacob Ruppert 和 Tillinghast L'Hommedieu Huston
  • 1923年 - 1939年: Jacob Ruppert
  • 1939年 - 1945年: Jacob Ruppert 的繼承人
  • 1945年 - 1947年: Larry MacPhail, Dan Topping 和 Del Webb
  • 1947年 - 1964年: Dan Topping 和 Del Webb
  • 1964年 - 1973年: Columbia Broadcasting System
  • 1973年 - 現今: George Steinbrenner

[编辑] 單季記錄

  • 打擊率: 貝比‧魯斯(Babe Ruth) (.393, 1923)
  • 全壘打: 羅傑‧馬里斯(Roger Maris) (61, 1961) [美聯記錄]
  • 打點: 魯‧賈里格(Lou Gehrig) (184, 1931) [美聯記錄]
  • 得分: 貝比‧魯斯Babe Ruth (177, 1921) [大聯盟記錄]
  • 安打: 唐‧馬丁利(Don Mattingly) (238, 1986)
  • 二壘打: 唐‧馬丁利(Don Mattingly) (53, 1986)
  • 三壘打: 厄里‧康伯斯Earle Combs (23, 1927)
  • 盜壘: 瑞基‧韓得森(Reggie Jackson) (87, 1986)
  • 四壞球: 貝比‧魯斯(Babe Ruth) (170, 1923) [美聯記錄]
  • 連續安打場次: 喬‧狄馬喬(Joe DiMaggio) (56 games, 1941) [大聯盟記錄]
  • 勝投: 傑克‧錢斯伯(Jack Chesbro) (41, 1904) [大聯盟記錄]
  • 奪三振: Ron Guidry (248, 1978)

[编辑] 附属小联盟球队

  • AAA:史克蘭頓/威爾克斯─巴禮紅男爵 (Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Red Barons)
  • AA:特頓雷霆
  • 高级A:Charleston RiverDogs
  • A:坦帕洋基
  • 短A:史泰登島洋基
  • 新秀:GCL洋基














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