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長度 大约每集45分钟
策划 瑞克·博曼(Rick Berman‎)
麥克·派勒(Michael Piller‎
傑瑞·泰勒(Jeri Taylor
主演 凱特·慕格(Kate Mulgrew
Robert Beltran
Tim Russ
Roxann Dawson
Robert Duncan McNeill
王以瞻(Garrett Wang
Robert Picardo
Ethan Phillips
Jennifer Lien
Jeri Ryan
國家 美国
電視台 聯合派拉蒙電視網(UPN)
播出期間 1995年1月16日2001年5月23日
集數 172
IMDb 檔案
TV.com 統計

星舰奇航记:重返地球》(Star Trek: Voyager,簡稱為ST:VOYVOY)是一部以吉恩·羅登貝瑞製作的星艦迷航記故事為背景的科幻電視影集,為銀河飛龍銀河前哨的續集,從1995年起至2001年共製播了七季。編劇為瑞克·博曼(Rick Berman‎)、麥克·派勒(Michael Piller‎)以及傑瑞·泰勒(Jeri Taylor)。



[编辑] Plot Overview

In the pilot episode, "Caretaker", Voyager is sent on a mission to locate a ship piloted by a cell of the Maquis, a terrorist organization created in protest of a treaty between the Federation and Cardassians. Tom Paris (a former member of the Maquis) is brought out of prison to help find the ship. During a chase through the dangerous Badlands, both ships are transported to the other side of the galaxy by an ancient alien known as the Caretaker. While being pulled across the galaxy, several members of Voyager's crew are killed, including the ship's first officer and all medical staff including ships doctor.

Both ships are attacked by Kazon raiders intent on capturing the Caretaker's Array. Rather than using the Caretaker's Array to return home, Captain Janeway decides to destroy it to prevent it from being misused.

The raiders destroy the Maquis ship, but not before its crew are able to transport safely to Voyager. The Starfleet and Maquis crews are forced to integrate and work together as they begin the long journey home. Chakotay, the leader of the Maquis group, becomes first officer. B'Elanna Torres, a half-human, half-Klingon female, becomes chief engineer, beating out Lieutenant Carey, a Starfleet crewman who would have been promoted to the position. The Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH Mark I), designed for short term use only, becomes ship's doctor after the death of the entire medical staff. Along the way home, the crew must contend with organ-snatching Vidiians, the relentless Borg, and the extra-dimensional Species 8472.

The conflict between the fiercely independent Maquis revolutionaries and the by-the-book Starfleet crew is a central theme of the first season, but by the second season, it is largely forgotten and there is scarcely any conflict among the crew. Only Janeway remains anguished for the entire run of the series over the consequences of her decision to destroy their way home.

[编辑] Themes

Star Trek: Voyager crew

Voyager continues the themes presented in the original Star Trek series and Star Trek: The Next Generation, such as explorations of space and of the human condition. It also demonstrates democratic principles (peace, openness, freedom, cooperation, and sharing) and philosophical issues such as the sense of self and what it means to be human. In the Star Trek series, the examination of humanity is typically explored by contrasting non-human characters with human ones (for instance, the Earth-born Kirk and McCoy against the Vulcan Spock). On Voyager, these aliens include the Emergency Medical Hologram (The Doctor), who is actually a computer program, Vulcan security officer Tuvok, Talaxian Neelix, half Klingon - half Human B'Elanna Torres, Ocampa Kes, and the former Borg drone Seven of Nine. It should be noted that although, biologically speaking, Seven is a bona-fide Homo sapiens, having been a Borg drone for most of her life means that she has not developed normal human behavior patterns when she first becomes part of Voyager's crew.

Voyager was probably more reminiscent of the original Star Trek series than Star Trek: The Next Generation, (although greatly technologically advanced, the size of the ship is almost identical to the original series' Constitution class Enterprise. Seven of Nine's post also grew similar to that of Science Officer, as held by Spock in the original series.) albeit with characters displaying postmodernism's trademark moral ambiguity at times, rather than the straight gung-ho cheerfulness of the 60s. The show was also substantially grittier than Star Trek: The Next Generation, with the heavy sentimentality of that series being almost entirely absent.

Another of Voyager's most interesting elements is the radical departure from the "best and the brightest" theme of Star Trek: The Next Generation in particular. Rather than a group of ace Starfleet Academy graduates, the characters in this series included an ex-convict, former terrorists, a notably unseasoned captain, and an unusually militant Vulcan.

The most common plot theme is the implications of being stranded far from home. Voyager has only limited resources and no easy way to replenish them; its crew is cut off from the normal chain of command and institutions of its society. Janeway often expresses that though they are cut off from Starfleet, it is still their duty to live by Starfleet values and regulations. Their situation frequently faces them with difficult choices of necessity versus idealism. Unlike the other Star Trek series, the crew of the Voyager cannot just stop at a starbase for repair or resupply. They often have to make trades with alien cultures or find completely new solutions to unforeseeable problems.

[编辑] Reactions

The reception from Star Trek fans has been mixed. Like Deep Space Nine before it, Voyager did not attract the same ratings as Star Trek: The Next Generation. There were concerns from the beginning that Voyager and Deep Space Nine would compete for ratings with viewers.

One obstacle that the show faced was that Voyager was the first Trek series to air on network television since the original series. This factor stripped Voyager's writers and producers of a certain amount of creative control. UPN wanted the show to move away from its more "sci-fi" background to more of an action show.

The central character of Captain Kathryn Janeway has brought praise and criticism. Although female captains had been featured as guest characters in each of the previous Star Trek series, as well as in several theatrical movies, Janeway was the first female character to star in a Star Trek series in the role of captain. Some women who watched the show claim Captain Janeway as a role model. While Kate Mulgrew's acting on the show was often regarded as superb, some (including short term writer Ronald D. Moore) criticized the inconsistent command style of Captain Janeway.

Voyager is often praised for its humor, and for delivering it in higher quantity than any of its sibling series. The contrast between Neelix and Vulcan security officer Tuvok is often played to, as is the contrast between hot-headed Chief Engineer (B'Elanna Torres) and calm and cool assimilated Borg (Seven of Nine): "The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park."

General criticism of the show includes lack of character growth and repetitive storylines — especially past season four. There were complaints that the show was trying to mold itself too closely on Star Trek: The Next Generation instead of trying to find its own path. Many fans complained about the show's secondary characters not getting enough background information, or enough air time as the show progressed. Many also felt that the episodes followed the same format in the later years. For example, Voyager would meet a new race that seems nice, then turns out not be what they seem and attack or attempt to steal technology from the ship. There was also major debate over Voyager's use of the Borg. Many felt that Borg were over used and became more of a "bad guy of the week" rather than a deadly feared race.

Other notable issues were a lack of ongoing plot continuity or story arcs, generally resolving conflicts and dilemmas within the confines of a single episode, and rarely revisiting past story plots, characters or events. Many viewers also found it frustrating that the series drifted away from the main premise of being stranded and alone in space, and that any sense of realism was seemingly ignored within this situation. For example, the ship's fuel supply and general condition remained virtually unaffected and intact throughout its seven-year journey, despite the situation of being tens of thousands of light years away from any Federation outposts. In essence every new episode, more often than not, ignored previous ones. Fans often humorously referred to this phenomenon as pressing "the reset button".

The show came in for particular criticism from hardcore Star Trek fanatics for several factual inconsistencies. In the series' sixth episode, one character declares that the ship has a non-replaceable supply of 38 photon torpedoes, but by the end of the series' run a minimum of 93 have been fired (fansite). These extra torpedoes are never explained. Others have pointed out the fifteen shuttlecraft lost by the crew (on a ship that, according to the show's "bible", carries only two). There are also inconsistencies in trans-warp theory, Borg technology and technological supremacy over the Federation, and astrometric data.

Even the color of the trans-warp conduits changed between the episode entitled "Dark Frontier" and the series' finale, "Endgame." In addition, aliens that Voyager encountered thousands of light-years ago would reappear on the show. For example, in the seventh season episode entitled "Homestead," Voyager encounters a Talaxian colony deep in the Delta Quadrant. The Talaxians claim they fled the war that tore their planet apart and created this colony. However, their homeworld is 40 thousand light-years away from the colony, meaning it would have taken them forty years to travel that distance. However, it only took them about five.

Voyager 's ratings declined throughout its run, yet like The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine before it, it aired for seven seasons. While part of Voyager's critical failure has to do with its weaker storylines and poor character development, there was a much wider selection of science fiction and fantasy programming on the air during its run, and TNG had no serious competition most of its run. As well, Voyager had to compete with its critically acclaimed "big sister" DS9.

Star Trek fans have been long divided on Voyager's contribution to the Trek mythos. Its female characters were much stronger than in other Trek series, although it was widely speculated by fans that Seven of Nine was often used to acquire a larger male audience.

One prominent critic of Voyager was Ronald D. Moore, who has noted that Voyager failed to live up to its premise of realistically portraying a lone starship with limited supplies stranded in deep space and trying to journey to Earth.

The premise has a lot of possibilities. Before it aired, I was at a convention in Pasadena, and [scenic illustrator, technical consultant Rick] Sternbach and [scenic art supervisor, technical consultant Michael] Okuda were on stage, and they were answering questions from the audience about the new ship. It was all very technical, and they were talking about the fact that in the premise this ship was going to have problems. It wasn’t going to have unlimited sources of energy. It wasn’t going to have all the doodads of the Enterprise. It was going to be rougher, fending for themselves more, having to trade to get supplies that they want. That didn’t happen. It doesn’t happen at all, and it’s a lie to the audience. I think the audience intuitively knows when something is true and something is not true. VOYAGER is not true. If it were true, the ship would not look spick-and-span every week, after all these battles it goes through. How many times has the bridge been destroyed? How many shuttlecrafts have vanished, and another one just comes out of the oven? That kind of bullshitting the audience I think takes its toll. At some point the audience stops taking it seriously, because they know that this is not really the way this would happen. These people wouldn’t act like this. [1]

Moore would later go on to address a similar premise in Battlestar Galactica.

[编辑] Cast

[编辑] 主要演員

角色 軍階 演員 身分
(Kathryn Janeway)
上校 凱特·慕格
(Kate Mulgrew)
原馬奇反抗軍/中校 Robert Beltran 大副
少校/中校 Tim Russ 總安全官與作戰官
(B'Elanna Torres)
原馬奇反抗軍/中尉 Roxann Dawson 總工程師
(Tom Paris)
中尉/少尉/中尉 Robert Duncan McNeill 舵手
(Harry Kim)
少尉 王以瞻
(Garrett Wang)
(The Doctor / EMH)
總醫官 Robert Picardo 緊急醫療全像程式、緊急指揮全像程式
乘員 Ethan Phillips 大廚、外交顧問、士氣官/星際艦隊駐第四象限大使
乘員 Jennifer Lien 農場看護人、醫療助手
(Seven Of Nine)
乘員 Jeri Ryan 天體觀測室負責人

[编辑] 經常出現之配角

演員 角色 出現
(Anthony De Longis) First Maje (Culluh),卡松(Kazon-Nistrim)領導人 第一至三季
(Martha Hackett) 西絲卡(Seska)少尉,卡達西間諜 第一至三、七季
(Alexander Enberg) 佛瑞克(Vorik)少尉,瓦肯人 第三至五、七季
(Scarlett Pomers) 納米·懷德曼(Naomi Wildman),第一位出生於航海家號之孩童 第二至七季
(Tarik Ergin) 阿亞拉(Ayala)中尉 第一至七季
(John Tempoya) (Nozawa Kashimuro) 第一至四、七季
(Nancy Hower) 薩曼莎·懷德曼(Samantha Wildman)少尉,納米的母親 第二至六季
(Josh Clark) 約瑟夫·卡瑞(Joseph Carey)中尉, 第一、五至七季
(Simon Billig) (Hogan)中尉 第二、三季
(Christine Delgado) (Susan Nicoletti)中尉 第一至四、七季
都伊特·舒特茲(Dwight Schultz) 瑞吉納德·巴克利(Reginald Barclay)上尉 第二、六至七季
(Raphael Sbarge) 麥可·瓊納斯(Michael Jonas)少尉 第二季
(Tom Virtue) (Walter Baxter)中尉 第一至二、七季
(Manu Intiraymi) 伊查柏(Icheb),前博格人 第七季
(Alice Krige)
(Susanna Thompson)
博格女王(The Borg Queen) 第五至七季
(Marley S. McClean) (Mezoti) 第六至七季
(Cody Wetherill) (Rebi) 第六至七季
(Kurt Wetherill) (Azan) 第六至七季
(Brad Dourif) (Lon Suder)少尉,convicted of murder 第二至三季
(Brian Markinson) 彼得·德斯特(Peter Durst)中尉 第一季
(Zoe McLellan) (Tal Celes)船員 第六季
約翰·德蘭西(John de Lancie) Q,全知全能的貴族連續體(Q Continuum‎)成員之一 第二至三、七季
馬汀·瑞納(Martin Rayner) (Chaotica)醫生 第五、七季
(Allan G. Royal)
(Bruce McGill)
(Braxton)艦長,來自29世紀之星艦艦長 第三、五季
(Warren Munson)
(Richard Herd)
歐文·派瑞斯(Owen Paris)將軍,湯姆·派瑞斯之父親 第二、五至七季
(John Rhys-Davies) 李奧納多·達文西(Leonardo da Vinci) 第三至四季

[编辑] 客串演出

  • 星異(Deanna Troi‎),由瑪莉娜·佘提斯(Marina Sirtis‎)所飾演。
  • 瑞克(William Riker‎),由強納森·佛瑞克斯(Jonathan Frakes‎)所飾演。
  • 夸克(Quark‎),由阿明·辛默曼(Armin Shimerman‎)所飾演。
  • 鷹眼(Geordi La Forge‎),由李瓦·波頓(LeVar Burton‎)所飾演。
  • Ambassador Tomin (Scott Thompson)
  • Arridor (Dan Shor)
  • Arturis (Ray Wise)
  • Boothby (Ray Walston)
  • Crewman Chell (Derek McGrath)
  • Q2,貴族Q的兒子,由(Keegan de Lancie)所飾演。
  • Extra on Episode 36: Investigations (King Abdullah II of Jordan)
  • The Rock, as a professional fighter in the Episode "Tsunkatse"
  • Kurros (Jason Alexander) in the 20th episode of season 5 "Think Tank" (Production-number 214)
  • 安迪·迪克(Andy Dick)飾演,緊急醫療全像程式第二代,出現於第四季第14集,瓶中信(Message in a Bottle)。
  • 憤怒反抗機器(Rage Against the Machine)團體的成員之一湯姆·莫雷羅(Tom Morello),曾在一集中飾演船員(Mitchell)。
  • Tierna (John Gegenhuber) in "Basics, Part I"
  • Kelat (John Gegenhuber) in "Alliances" and "Maneuvers"

[编辑] 外星種族

種族 出現集數

"Blood Fever", "Unity", "Scorpion, Part 1 & 2", "The Gift", "The Raven", "The Omega Directive", "Living Witness", "One", "Hope and Fear", "Drone", "Infinite Regress", "Dark Frontier", "Survival Instinct", "Collective", "Child's Play", "Unimatrix Zero", "Imperfection", "Shattered", "Q2", "Endgame"

佛瑞吉(Ferengi‎) "Caretaker", "False Profits", "Inside Man"
希洛根(Hirogen) "Message in a Bottle", "Hunters", "Prey", "The Killing Game, Part 1 & 2", "Flesh and Blood, Part 1 & 2"
卡松(Kazon) "Caretaker", "State of Flux", "Initiations", "Maneuvers", "Alliances", "Investigations", "Basics, part 1 & 2",
克林貢(Klingon) "Day of Honor", "Barge of the Dead", "Prophecy"
(Krenim) "Before and After", "Year of Hell, Part 1 & 2"
歐康帕(Ocampa) "Caretaker", "Cold Fire", "Fury"
(Nacene) "Caretaker", "Cold Fire"
貴族(Q) "Death Wish", "The Q and the Grey", "Q2"
8472種族(Species 8472) "Scorpion" (Parts 1 & 2), "Prey", "In the Flesh"
(Talaxian) "Basics" (Parts 1 & 2), "Fair Trade", "Homestead"
維達(Vidiian) "Phage", "Faces", "Lifesigns", "Deadlock", "Fury"

[编辑] Relaunch on book

In the wake of a successful series of original novels collectively known as the Deep Space Nine relaunch, featuring stories placed after the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, a similar relaunch was planned with regards to Voyager, with novels based upon events occurring following the end of the series. In the relaunch, several characters are reassigned to other posts, some new characters are introduced (such as Kaz, the new Trill ship's doctor), Kathryn Janeway is promoted to Admiral, and Chakotay is promoted to Captain of Voyager. Most of the other characters are promoted two steps in rank (for example, Ensign Harry Kim is promoted directly to full lieutenant, and Tom Paris is promoted from Lieutenant junior grade to Lieutenant Commander) to make up for time spent in the Delta Quadrant where they could not normally receive promotions.

So far, only a few Voyager Relaunch novels have been published, beginning with Homecoming and The Farther Shore in 2003. More novels are planned, both in the Relaunch and also other novels set during the original 7-season run of the show.

In November '04 Pocket books published Spirit Walk [Book One], closely followed a month later by Spirit Walk [Book Two]. The stories are based on the Star Trek Voyager episode 'Tattoo' however are set in the Alpha Quadrant when Captain Chakotay has been sent on assignment to transport a set of colonists back to the planet of Loran II...

[编辑] 影迷虛擬小說

重返地球第七季撥出完畢之後,一個被稱為虛擬重返地球(Virtual Voyager)的小說計畫開始運作,計畫的協調人鼓勵影迷送交出所構想的故事,並將挑選並成為重返地球一季的內容,計畫協調人表示:

「新一季的虛擬重返地球計畫 - 僅僅是重返地球影集系列的虛擬故事,將使影迷在航海家號回到地球後可以繼續滿足。在遵循星舰奇航记的準則下,我們計畫著重於航海家號的任務,及鑽研船員們不會或是不願意的問題來探討」


[编辑] 冷知識

  • 凱特·慕格(凱薩琳·珍葳艦長)、Robert Beltran(查克泰)、Tim Russ(杜沃克)和Robert Duncan McNeill(湯姆·派瑞斯)是在重返地球影集系列中每一集都有演出的演員。
  • Roxann Dawson, Robert Duncan McNeill, Robert Picardo, Tim Russ, TNG stars LeVar Burton and Jonathan Frakes, and recurring DS9 player Andrew Robinson all have had a hand at directing episodes of the series. Dawson, McNeill, and Burton have also directed episodes of Enterprise. McNeill has since directed in several TV shows including Dawson's Creek, The O.C., Las Vegas, One Tree Hill, Dead Like Me, Summerland, and Desperate Housewives.
  • 幾位知名的客串演員包括:Sharon Lawrence、Saro Mardikian、Andy Dick、Jason Alexander、Michael McKean、Sarah Silverman、John Rhys-Davies、Virginia Madsen、The Rock、McKenzie Westmore of Passions、ST:TNG的演員Jonathan Frakes、Marina Sirtis、LeVar Burton、John de Lancie、Dwight Schultz和ST:DS9演員Armin Shimerman。
  • Robert Duncan McNeill曾經在銀河飛龍 - The First Duty 中飾演尼克·拉卡諾(Nick Locarno),是一名星艦學院的學生,因在一件禁止的特技飛行下造成同學死亡的事件而被開除。尼克·拉卡諾原本計劃將繼續成為重返地球的角色,但最後改為重新創造出類似的人物取代 - officially because Locarno was felt to be beyond redemption, although a reluctance to pay ongoing royalties to the writers of "The First Duty" likely also played a part.
  • Ethan Phillips曾經於星艦前傳中飾演佛瑞吉人、銀河飛龍 - Ménage à Troi中飾演另一名佛瑞吉人、以及電影戰鬥巡航中飾演一名maitre d'
  • Tim Russ在銀河飛龍 - Starship Mine中飾演Devor,銀河前哨 - Through The Looking Glass中飾演鏡像世界裡的杜沃克,電影日換星移中飾演企業號B艦橋中的人類,以及銀河前哨 - Invasive Procedures 中一名名為T'kar的克林貢人。這使他成為星艦系列歷史中演出最多角色的人。此外,他曾經試演過銀河飛龍的鷹眼一角,但最後沒有接受。
  • King Abdullah II of Jordan, a well-known Star Trek fan, appeared as an extra in the episode "Investigations". Abdullah's role was not given any speaking lines because he is not a member of the Screen Actors' Guild.
  • The Doctor utters several lines that recall Doctor McCoy's famous "I'm a Doctor, not a ..." quips. In "Phage", he says, "I'm a doctor, not a decorator." In "Gravity", he says, "I'm a doctor, not a battery," and in "Bliss", he says, "I'm a doctor, not a dragon slayer". Perhaps most famously, in Star Trek: First Contact, when asked to halt the approach of the Borg in sickbay, he says, "I'm a doctor, not a doorstop". This would possibly emanate from the Doctor's programming, which, as the doctor mentions several times, includes procedures and personality from Dr. Leonard McCoy, among others. (By the same token, Tom Paris also follows this pattern with the line, "I'm a pilot, not a doctor.")
  • Kate Mulgrew (Captain Kathryn Janeway) was cast in the series after the original star, Canadian film actress Genevieve Bujold, quit after one day of filming citing exhaustion and incompatibility with television filming.
  • This was the first program ever to air on the UPN network. The "network" was a loose association of locally owned and operated stations that officially became UPN when the first episode began to air at 8:00 p.m. on January 16,1995.

[编辑] 延伸閱讀

  • 重返地球影集列表

[编辑] 外部連結

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Static Wikipedia 2007:

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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