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Trinity College, Kandy

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Trinity College
Crest of Trinity College
Motto Respicè Finem

(Look To the End)

Established 1872
Type Independent, Private
Principal Roderick R Gilbert
Location Kandy, Sri Lanka
Colors Maroon, Gold and Navy
Website [1]

Trinity College, Kandy founded in 1872, has a long history as a premier educational institution in Sri Lanka with a distinctive tradition as an Independent Private School.


[edit] History

Although Trinity College was founded in 1872, its antecedents go back to 1817 when the first missionaries from Britain, Mr. and Mrs. Browning, entered the hill country despite the recent anti-British rebellion which had shaken the country. They set up an elementary school of humble proportions, which later grew up to be a large institution. This flourished in its day but was later closed down for unknown reasons.

Another attempt was made under a zealous missionary, Ireland Jones, in 1857 (Trinity was named after Jones' alma mater, Trinity College Dublin). In his day it was popularly known as the Kandy Collegiate School, but again for unknown reasons was closed down in 1863. Even though it was founded as an Anglican Missionary school based on the traditions of the best of the public schools in England, the missionaries took into its ambit the best of the indigenous culture.

[edit] Early Chronology of Trinity College

1857 16th October – The Kandy Collegiate School is opened by Rev. J Ireland Jones in response to an appeal for a school of higher education in Kandy. It functioned for about 6 years
1872 17th January – The school is reopened by Rev. Richard Collins. Trinity dates its existence from this year. At the inception, there were 40 - 50 boys. Tuition fees were Rs.10 for Upper School and Rs.3 for Lower School
26th August – The First Prize Giving is held
1873 College Motto “Respice Finem” and Original Crest devised by the Principal
1875 19th March – The Literary Association founded by Mr. Andrew Loos. This is currently the oldest school literary association in Sri Lanka.
1876 15th May – First issue of College magazine. It was edited and managed by Mr. L.E. Blaze
Annual Report of the Church Missionary Society (C.M.S) states: ”The Kandy Collegiate School is henceforth to be denominated as Trinity College Kandy
1888 Natural History Society (NHS) founded
1893 Old Boys’ Association (OBA) founded
1898 Napier House started with new dormitory
1902 Cadet Corps became the Trinity Company of the Cadet battalion of the Ceylon Light infantry
J. A. Halangoda appointed Football Captain
1904 Four prefects appointed for the first time (J.S. Daniel, C.B. Aluvihare, R.S Tennekoon and P.C. Dedigama)
1906 College colors changed to the present colors Maroon, Gold and Navy (from Dark Green, Old Gold and chocolate Brown)
1908 Colombo Brach of the Old Boys Association offers The Ryde Gold Medal for the Best All-round Trinitian. First Winner – John Andrew
1910 Start of House system with founding of Alison House
Formation of Trinity College Union for Social Service
Inter-House contests begin (Cricket, Rugby and Inter-Association Debate)
Rev. A. G. Fraser acquires 8 acres of land free from the Army that are now the Asgiriya International Cricket Stadium
1912 2nd March - The first Inter-Colligate debate against St. Thomas College held in Colombo
First Annual magazine. The cover design draw by Mr. Gaster becomes the new (and present) College Crest
The Union of Social Service made an experiment in Paddy Cultivation according to a new productive method intended for production amongst villages
1913 Boxing introduced as a school sport
Sinhala Oratorical Society formed
1914 Union of Social Service investigated into the living conditions of the poorer classes of society. The information was later used by the Government. The Attorney General acknowledged in the Legislative Council when introducing the Housing Bill, his debt to the Trinity Boys for the information
4 Trinitians left to the Great War – Richard Aluvihare, A. Halangoda, A. Rudra and F. Drieberg
Altogether during the next 4 years 65 Trinitians went to the war front – 13 gave their lives, 18 wounded or gassed, 2 taken prisoner, 4 decorated, 3 received commissions.
Recognizing the part played by Trinity, the King of England presented the College with a gift of a captured German Machine Gun. It can still be seen beside the Basketball Court
1915 15th January – New cricket pitch at Asgiriya formally opened. The Pavilion (which is now called “The Old Pavilion”) completed at the same time.
Riots across Sri Lanka. 36 Trinity Boys responded to Rev. Fraser’s call for volunteers to protect life and property. In recognition of Trinity’s contribution the Government remitted a Rs.1,000 claim as rent for the new cricket field
“Lions” were awarded for the first time for outstanding performances in Cricket, Rugby, Boxing, Shooting, marching and Military Efficiency
In the Cambridge Senior Local Examination, Trinity received the first 4 distinctions in the world in Book Keeping and for the 3rd year in a succession headed the Commercial Examination

[edit] The College today

The College Chapel
The College Chapel
The Main Hall of Trinity College.
The Main Hall of Trinity College.
Mural in the chapel
Mural in the chapel

Today it is one of the leading schools in Sri Lanka with a rich heritage. The grand principal of Trinity College, Rev. A.G. Fraser, took the school from a mere provincial school to a national college. It was in his day (1904-1924), that Trinity became the multi faceted educational institution it is today. Since then, students from over 17 different nations have made use of the all round education provided at Trinity.

Fraser was an inspiring personality and yet truly self-sacrificing. All his best years were given to Trinity and all his efforts bore fruit. He had the power of persuasion, which he used to inspire brilliant men from Oxford and Cambridge to serve as Anglican missionaries at Trinity College. Walter Senior was one such person who came to serve as Vice Principal under Fraser. He is best known as the Bard of Lanka. The decisions of Mr. Fraser were daring but far sighted. It was he who introduced the mother tongue and broke away from conventional subjects mostly imported from England. He introduced a diversified system of education with a strong bias towards national needs. Trinity was the first school in Sri Lanka to introduce Sinhala language in to its curriculum. Agriculture was introduced when it was not the practice in any other local school. The story of Mr. Fraser is voluminous, for he was not merely a Principal but a stalwart among head masters. He had on his staff a brilliant man Gaster, who was responsible for planning the buildings of the time. Two buildings, one know as the "Gaster Block" and the other was The Chapel which continues to be admired today and bears testimony to the wisdom of Fraser and Gaster. The chapel is unique among churches in Sri Lanka. Architecturally one could see the best of Sinhala Architecture, with designs and carvings similar to those one could see in Polonnaruwa, an ancient capital of Sri Lanka. It was the first open chapel in the world, when all the others were of gothic type. During his years as Principal, Mr. Fraser obtained a lease of a land from the Asgiriya Temple and leveled it to create a playing field, which was later to become the Asgiriya International Cricket Stadium. In his time the school games brought much honour and glory to the school from the innumerable victories in Cricket and Rugby. Rev. Fraser left in 1924 to head a school in Ghana, namely Achimota the great college of that country.

Trinity College has evolved into a national school emphasizing good discipline while offering students every facility to grow into a complete personality; a school with activities so diversified that there is abundant life throughout the day - every day. Those passing through the hallowed learning halls of the school have held positions of responsibility in their own land and have shown remarkable competence at international level.

It is a multi-ethnic and a multi-religious school which, having a strong Christian foundation, has contributed immensely towards the establishment of peace and harmony amongst a divided nation. The motto of Trinity is "Respice Finem" ("Look to the End"), so Trinity looks, if not to the end, to the years ahead of serving the youth of Sri Lanka.

Further information: Trinity College Chapel
The Fraser Entrance
The Fraser Entrance

[edit] Principals of Trinity

  • 1857-1860 Rev Jon Ireland Jones MA (Trinity College, Dublin)
  • 1872-1878 Rev Richard Collins MA (Cantab)
  • 1881-1886 Rev J. G. Garrett MA (Trinity College, Dublin)
  • 1886-1889 Rev E. N. Hodges MA (Oxon), DD - Later Bishop of Travancore and Cochin
  • 1889-1890 Rev E. J. Perry MA (Oxon)
  • 1890-1900 Rev H. P. Napier-Clavering MA (Cantab)
  • 1900-1902 Rev R. W. Ryde MA (Cantab)
  • 1904-1924 Rev Alexander Garden Fraser MA (Oxon), CBE
  • 1924-1935 Canon J. McLeod Campbell MA (Oxon), MC, DD
  • 1935-1941 Rev Robert Stopford MA(Oxon), DD(Lond), KCVO, CBE - Later Chaplain to the Queen (1952-55) and Lord Bishop of London
  • 1941-1951 Mr C. E. Simithraaratchy BSc (Cey.)
  • 1952-1957 Mr Norman S. Walter MA (Oxon)
  • 1957-1968 Mr Cedric J. Oorloff BA (Lond), CCS
  • 1968-1977 Mr E. Lionel Fernando BA (Cey.)
  • 1977-1988 Rev Dr. W. G. Wickremasinghe MA (Oxon), DD
  • 1989-1998 Lt. Col. Leonard M. De Alwis
  • 1998-2004 Prof Warren R. Breckenridge BSc (Cey.), PhD (McGill)
  • 2004-to date Mr Roderick R.Gilbert BEd (London)

[edit] Awards

[edit] Houses at Trinity

Juvenile Houses

  • Carter Reds
  • Carter Yellows
  • Carter Blues
  • Campbell
  • Boarders

Middle School Houses

  • Piltcher
  • Gibson
  • Sahayam
  • Saunders
  • Squealery

Senior Houses

  • Alison
  • Napier
  • Ryde
  • Garret
  • Simithrarachchi
  • Oorloff
  • Lemuel

[edit] College Anthems

College Song

It's good to see the School we knew,
The land of youth and dream,
To greet again the rule we knew,
Before we took the stream;
Though long we've missed the sight of her,
Our hearts may not forget;
We've lost the old delight of her,
We keep her honour yet.

The stars and sounding vanities,
That half the crowd bewitch,
what are they but inanities,
To him that treads the pitch?
And where's the wealth, I'm wondering,
Could buy the cheers that roll,
When the last charge goes thundering,
Towards the twilight goal.

The men that tanned the hide of us,
Our daily foes and friends,
They shall not lose their pride of us,
However the journey ends.
Their voice to us who sing of it,
No more its message bears,
But the round world shall ring of it,
And all we are be theirs.

To speak of fame a venture is,
There's little here can bide,
But we may face the centuries,
And dare the deepening tide;
For though the dust that's a part of us,
To dust again be gone,
Yet here shall beat the heart of us,
The School we handed on.

We will honour yet the School we knew,
The best school of all;
We will honour yet the rule we knew,
Till the last bell call.
For working days or holidays.
And glad or melancholy days,
They were great days and jolly days,
At the best School of all.

Sir Henry Newbolt

College Hymn

Where river, lake and mountain meet,
Our boyhood's home surrounding,
A path behold for youthful feet,
The path of life abounding;
Still up it climbs by cliff and crag,
The mount of truth ascending,
Though oft thereon the pilgrim flag,
It leads to life unending.

Oh life is good, both here and now,
And good will be hereafter;
Brave boyhood's unbeclouded brow,
Pure eye and lightsome laughter,
Rich manhood's brain and arm of strength,
In master-purpose mating;
Ripe age, that lays him down at length,
With calm the trump-awaiting.

That joyous Trump! and can it be,
Life now life then excelleth?
The loveliest land that here we,
That where Immanuel dwelleth?
His servants Him shall serve, Tis writ
In revelation's pages;
For ever broader service fit.
Through ever brighter ages.

Then bravely brother, breast the path,
Nor list the voice alluring;
Triumphant ever sloth, the wrath
And scorn of man enduring,
Yet, constant serve with might and mind,
The school, the land that bore thee.
The slumber and the sin behind,
The Mount of Truth before thee.

Now unto Father, Spirit, Son,
The Deity Triunal,
The timeless throne when things are done,
The last the dread Tribunal,
The Mighty helping God, from whom
No force the saints can sever,
Our Savior in the Day of Doom,
Be Manhood's praise for ever.

W. S. Senior

[edit] Notable Alumni


  • Jayantha Dhanapala - UN Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs 1998-2003, former Ambassador to the United States, and Sri Lanka's candidate for the post of UN Secretary General in 2006.
  • M.V.Muhsin - Vice President and CIO (Chief Information Officer) of the World Bank (Retired Nov 1 2005)
  • Sir Richard Aluwihare KCMG, CBE, CCS - First Ceylonese Inspector General of Police and later High Commissioner to India
  • Sir Velupillai Coomaraswamy CMG - Former Ceylonese High Commissioner to Canada and Senior Civil Servant
  • Nihal Rodrigo -Former Foreign Secretary of Sri Lanka & Secretary-General of SAARC, Prominent Sri Lankan Civil Servant and Diplomat (Sri Lanka's Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva and Ambassador to the USA.
  • Chandra Monerawela - Former Chief of Protocol (Sri Lanka) and High Commissioner to the UK
  • Fredrick Silva - Former Ambassador to France, Chancellor of the University of Peradeniya, MP, Mayor and Barrister
  • R.A. Kannangara - Former Ambassador to Italy
  • N.Q. Dias - Former High Commissioner to India
  • K. Kanagasunderam - Former High Commissioner to Malaysia
  • J.C.T. Kotelawela - Former Ambassador to the Soviet Union
  • M.M. Maharoof - Former High Commissioner to Pakistan and Malaysia
  • A.C.L. Ratwatte MBE - Former High Commissioner to Ghana and Malaysia
  • S.P. Wickremasinghe - Former Ambassador to West Germany



  • Sri Lankabhimannya Hon. Lakshman Kadirgamar PC - Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, President of the Oxford Union, Honorary Master of the Inner Temple, and Honorary Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford
  • Earnest Michael Kawalya Kaggwa - Prime Minister [Kattikiro] of Buganda (1945-50) and Regent (1945-48)
  • Hon. T.B.L.Moonemalle - Kandyan Member of the Legislative Council (1906-1912), Ceylon
  • Adigar Sir T.B.Panabokke - Ceylonese Cabinet Minister (1931-36) and Member of the Legislative Council (1921-24)
  • Hon. C. Vanderwall - Burgher Member of the Ceylon Legislative Council, elected in 1916.
  • Hon. W.E. Botejue - Member of the Ceylonese Legislative Council, 1921-24.
  • Hon. G.E. Madawela - Member of the Ceylonese Legislative Council (1924-31) and Ceylon State Council (1931-32).
  • Hon. P.B. Rambukwelle Member of the Ceylonese Legislative Council, 1925.
  • Hon. P.B. Nugawela Dissawe - Member of the Ceylon State Council (1931-32).
  • Hon. P.B. Ranarajah - Member of the Ceylon State Council, 1932.
  • Hon. R.S. Tennakoon - Member of the Ceylon State Council (1931-1947) and Deputy Chairman of Committees (1936-47).
  • Hon. Peri Sunderam - Cabinet Minister (Labour, Industry and Commerce, 1931-36), Ceylon
  • Hon. E.A. Nugawela - Ceylonese Cabinet Minister (1947-1952)
  • Hon. P.B. Bulankulame Dissawe - Ceylonese Cabinet Minister (1947-52)
  • Hon. B.H. Dunuwille - Deputy President of the Senate (1947-70), Ceylon
  • Hon. B.H. Aluwihare - Ceylonese Cabinet Minister (Education, Cultural Affairs, Labour, Industries and Fisheries, 1960)
  • Hon. R.S. Pelpola - Speaker of the Ceylonese House of Representatives (1960-64), Cabinet Minister (1964-65), and later High Commissioner to Malaysia
  • Sir Francis De Zoysa KC - Member of the Ceylon State Council (1936-47) and leading barrister
  • Hon. Hector Kobbekaduwa - Former Minister of Agricultural Affairs and Presidential candidate, Sri Lanka
  • Deshamanya Hon. E.L. Senanayake - Former Speaker and Cabinet Minister, Sri Lanka
  • Hon. Gamini Dissanayake PC -Former Leader of the Opposition, Leader of the United National Party Cabinet Minister, Presidential candidate and the president of the BCCSL, Sri Lanka
  • Hon. J.H.S.V. Jayawickrema - Former Ceylonese Cabinet Minister (Justice)
  • Hon. E.L.B. Hurulle - Former Sri Lankan Cabinet Minister
  • Hon. P.C. Imbulana - Former Sri Lankan MP, Cabinet Minister, and Governor of the Central & Uva Provinces
  • Hon. Lakshman Jayakody - Former Sri Lankan Cabinet Minister
  • Hon. M.D.H. Jayawardene - Former Sri Lankan Cabinet Minister
  • Hon. Anuruddha Ratwatte - Former Sri Lankan Cabinet Minister (Power & Energy) and Deputy Minister for Defence
  • Hon. Batty Weerakoon - Former Sri Lankan Cabinet Minister & General Secretary of The Lanka Sama Samaja Party (LSSP)
  • Hon. Dr Sarath Amunugama - Sri Lankan Cabinet Minister (Min. of Public Administration & Home Affairs ) and former minister of Finance and first Director of the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) at the Paris-based UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).
  • Hon. Prof Tissa Vitarana - Sri Lankan Cabinet Minister (Science & Technology) & Professor of Microbiology, former Head of the Medical Research Institute, and Leader of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party
  • Hon. R. Yogarajan- MP, Vice President of The Ceylon Workers Congress.


  • Cecil Balmond - Chairman of Arup (Europe) and winner of some of the world's most prestigious prizes in architecture and design engineering
  • Rajiv De Silva - CEO/President, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. Owner/Partner of McKenzies Consultancy Inc (The number one consultancy company in the USA)
  • Chandra Wijenaike - Founder Director of Hatton National Bank, Chairman of Central Finance, and Deputy Chairman of Nations Trust Bank; all leading blue-chip companies in Sri Lanka
  • Stanley Jayawardena - Former Chairman of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka
  • Susantha Ratnayake - Chairman of John Keells Holdings, Sri Lanka's largest conglomerate.
  • Nahil Wijesuriya - Entrepreneur, and Chairman of the East West Group, Sri Lanka
  • James S. Mather- Deputy Chairman and former CEO of Commercial Bank of Ceylon Ltd, and former partner of Ernst & Young.


  • Lieutenant-General Denzil Kobbekaduwa - (RWP RSP VSV USP)
  • John Attygalle - Former Inspector General of Police, Sri Lanka
  • Rudra Rajasingham - Former Inspector General of Police, Sri Lanka
  • Maj. Gen A.R.Udugama MBE - Former Commander of the Army, Ceylon
  • Lieutenant-General Parami Kulatunga - Former Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, Sri Lanka
  • Maj. General Nihal Marambe- Former GOC of 51st Division, Sri Lanka Army.
  • Maj. General N.A.Ranasinghe
  • Maj. Gen Lalin Fernando


  • Dr Nihal Kappagoda - First Ceylonese Rhodes Scholar and later Director-General, External Resources Department, Ministry of Finance & Planning
  • Dr Ernest Abeyratne - Former Director of Agriculture, Sri Lanka
  • A. Jayaram - Former Chief of the Intelligence Bureau, India
  • Deshamanya Dr Jayantha Kelegama - Sri Lankan Economist and Senior Civil Servant (Secretary to the Ministry of Trade and Commerce, Chancellor of the Rajarata University, First Professor of Economics at Vidyalankara University, now the Kelaniya University)
  • Bertram Tittawela - Former Secretary General of Parliament, Sri Lanka
  • Dr H.N.S. Karunatilaka - Former Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
  • W. Tennakoon - Former Governor of the Central Bank of Ceylon
  • S.M.L. Marikkar CCS - Former Permanent Secretary to the President of Sri Lanka
  • A.S. Kohobanwickrema - Former Cabinet Secretary
  • Edmund Eramudugolla- Former Senior Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
  • Dr Prathap Ramanujan- Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Tourism and Senior civil servant.
  • Kanchana Ratwatte - Director General of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka.
  • W.T. Jayasinghe- Former Foreign Secretary and Author.
  • M.I. Aziez - Former Chairman of the Ceylon Electricity Board
  • Dr R.L. Balasuriya CCS - Former Secretary to the Public Service Commission, Ceylon
  • J.C. Chanmugam - Former Surveyor General, Ceylon.
  • M.B. Dissanayake - Former Commissioner of Excise, Ceylon.
  • B.E. Fernando - Former Commissioner of Inland Revenue, Ceylon
  • Brig. C.P. Jayawardena CMG - Former Conservator of Forests, Ceylon
  • J.A. de Silva - Former Conservator of Forests, Ceylon.
  • Hugh Molagoda - Former Commissioner of Inland Revenue, Sri Lanka.
  • M. Rajanayagam - Former Labour Commissioner, Ceylon.
  • Mudaliyar A.G. Tillekeratne - Former Post Master General, Ceylon
  • N.A.D. Weerasinghe - Former Head of the Government Analysts' Department, Ceylon
  • G.M. Sparkes CCS - Former Tea Commissioner, Ceylon
  • L.W. Madugalle - Former Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Sport.
  • John Albert Aserappa - Former Conservator of Forests, Ceylon


  • Rt. Hon. L. M. D. De Silva KC - Privy Counsellor (1953-62) and Honorary Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge
  • Desmond De Silva QC - Head of one of the foremost and longest established Barristers' Chambers in the UK (2 Paper Buildings)
  • Michael Kabali Kagwa - President of the Ugandan Industrial Court, and son of Sir Apolo Kagwa (Chief Regent of Buganda, 1890-1926; The second African to be Knighted in 1905). Later assassinated by President Idi Amin.
  • Hon. H.N.G. Fernando - Barrister and former Chief Justice, Ceylon
  • Justice S. I. Imam - Appeal Court Judge, Sri Lanka
  • D.St.C.B. Jansze QC - Former Attorney General, Ceylon
  • Serwano Kityaba Kulubya - Famous Ugandan Nationalist, Barrister and Judge
  • Faiz Mustapha PC -Chairman of the Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission, and former High Commissioner to the UK
  • Sepala Munasinghe - Barrister and Chairman of the UK Social Security Appeals Tribunal (1986-99) and UK Disability Appeals Tribunal (1991-99)
  • Justice Barnes S.C. Ratwatte - Former President of the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court Judge, Ceylon
  • Hon. Neville Samarakoon QC - Former Chief Justice, Sri Lanka
  • Hon. Sarath N. Silva - Chief Justice, Sri Lanka
  • Justice Nissanka Udalagama - President of the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court Judge, Sri Lanka
  • Justice Noel Tittawela - Former Senior Crown Counsel & Supreme Court Judge
  • Justice D.P.S. Gunasekera - Former Supreme Court Judge, Sri Lanka
  • W. Thalgodapitiya - Former Commissioner of Assize and Bribery Commissioner
  • T.W. Rajaratnam - Former Commissioner of Assize
  • R.R. Crossette-Thambiah - Former Solicitor General of Ceylon, Commissioner of Assize and Barrister
  • Justice C.B. Walgampaya -
  • Justice Andrew Somawansa - Supreme court judge, Sri Lanka


  • Adigar Sir Cuda Ratwatte- The First Kandyan Knight and the first Mayor of Kandy.
  • Hon. Harindra Dunuwille - Former Mayor of Kandy, MP and State Minister for Constitutional Affairs
  • Hon. Kesara Senanayake - Present Mayor of Kandy


  • Rev. Madugalle Sri Sumana Siddhartha Dharmasiddi - Former Prelate (Mahanayake Thero) of the Malwatte Chapter, Sri Lanka
  • Rev. Udugama Sri Buddharakitha Rathanapala - Former Prelate (Mahanayake Thero) of the Asgiriya Chapter, Sri Lanka
  • Rt.Revd Sydney Knight - Dean of the Anglican Cathedral, Diocese of Colombo
  • Rt.Revd Kumara Illangasinghe- Bishop of Kurunegala, Head of the Anglican church in Sri Lanka, and Chairman of the Board of Governors of Trinity College, Kandy.
  • Venerable Christopher Ratnayake - Former Archdeacon of the Anglican Diocese of Kurunegala and Headmaster of Trinity College, Kandy.


  • HRH Capt. Prince (Kiweewa) George William Mawanda Chwa - ADC to the King and son of HRH Kabaka Sir Daudi Chwa II, King of Buganda (1897-1939)
  • HRH Prince Hasan Farid Didi - Maldivian Minister for the Interior and son of HRH the Sultan Elect of the Maldives (1945)
  • HRH Prince Myanga- Member of the Burmese Royal Family


  • C.E.Simithrarachchi - First Ceylonese Principal of Trinity College, Kandy
  • L.E. Blaze CBE - Founder and first Principal of Kingswood College, Kandy
  • Hillary Abeyratne - Former Vice-Principal of Trinity College, Kandy
  • E.Lionel.Fernando - Former Principal of Trinity College Kandy
  • Lt. Col L.M.De Alwis- Former Principal of Trinity College Kandy
  • Dr. H.W.Kannangara - Present Vice Principal of Trinity College Kandy
  • Colin Ratnayake- Former Vice Principal of Trinity College, Kandy, and later Headmaster of St Thomas' College, Gurutalawa
  • A.H.R. Joseph - Former Vice Principal of Achimota College, Ghana
  • M.M. Kulasekaram - Former Vice Principal of Royal College, Colombo


  • Ajith Samaranayake - Editor of the Ceylon Observer, the oldest English language newspaper in Sri Lanka, & Editor-in-chief of the Lake House Group
  • Bandula Jayasekara - Editor in chief of the Daily News
  • Arjuna Ranawana - Sri Lankan Journalist (former Asiaweek Staff Correspondent)
  • C. Drieberg - Former Editor of the Ceylon Observer
  • H.A.J. Hulugalle - Former Editor of the Ceylon Daily News, Author, Ambassador to Italy & Greece and former Head of Ceylon Information Department.
  • A. E. Moreira - Former Editor of the Times of Ceylon
  • R.B. Tammita - Former Editor of the Times of Ceylon
  • C.J. Staples - Former Editor of the Ceylon Independent


  • Dilip Kumar - Director and Former Chairman of the Australian Rugby Union (2004-2005).
  • Kumar Sangakkara - Sri Lankan Cricketer (Current Vice Captain)
  • Duncan White MBE - Olympic Silver Medallist, Ceylon
  • Harris Omar - Former Sri Lankan Rugby Captain
  • Ravi Ratnayeke - Former Sri Lankan Cricketer and vice-captain
  • Ranjan Madugalle - Former Sri Lankan Cricket Captain and, presently, Chief Match Referee of the International Cricket Council
  • Malcom Wright- Former Sri Lankan Rugby Captain
  • Mike de Alwis- Former Sri Lankan Rugby Captain
  • Nimal Maralande- Former Sri Lankan Rugby Captain
  • Y. C. Chang - Former Sri Lankan Rugby Captain
  • S. B. Pilapitiya- Former Sri Lankan Rugby Captain
  • Irwin Howie- Former Sri Lankan Rugby Captain
  • Lanil Tennakoon- Former Sri Lankan Rugby Captain
  • Tikiri Marambe- Former Sri Lankan Rugby Captain
  • Pradeep Basnayake- Former Sri Lankan Rugby Captain
  • Kaushalya Weeraratne - Sri Lankan Cricketer
  • T.B.Werapitiya- MP, Former Deputy defence minister, Sri Lankan Cricketer and President of the Board of Control for Sri Lankan Cricket
  • Heshan Hulugalle - Sri Lankan Swimmer, SAF Games 2004
  • Leslie Handunge- Former Ceylonese boxer and Captain of 1952 Helsinki Olympic contingent.
  • Rohan Abeykoon - Former Sri Lankan Rugby Captain
  • Duminda De Silva - Former Sri Lankan Captain of Basketball, first Men's Netball captain and Rugby International.
  • Heshan Unamboowe - 14 year old Sri Lankan Swimmer.Winner of 5 medals at SAG Colombo 2006
  • Sampath Jayasekera - Former Sri Lankan Badminton player


  • Dr. George Rajanayagam Handy OBE- Eminent Sri Lankan cardiologist, Founder President of the Sri Lanka Heart Association, and President of the Sri Lanka Medical Association.
  • Prof. Derek Frewin AO - Former Executive Dean of the University of Adelaide's School of Medicine, Australia
  • Prof. Arjuna Aluvihare - Former Professor of Surgery and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Peradeniya
  • Dr. David Ratnavale- Former Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Eastern Virginia Medical School, USA; Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association; and former Chairman of the Human Disaster Management Council, Sri Lanka.
  • Prof. Jayendran C. Rasaiah- Professor of Chemistry at the University of Maine, USA, and Fellow of the American Physical Society.
  • Prof. Ralph Panabokke - Former Professor of Pathology and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Peradeniya
  • Dr. C.Y.Ching- Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, McMaster University. Hamilton Ontario, Canada and former Trinity Rugby Lion.
  • Dr Gishan Dissanaike - Financial Economist and Senior Don at Cambridge University and former Ryde Gold medalist at Trinity College Kandy.
  • Prof. Naren Chitty - Foundation Chair in International Communication, Head of the Macquarie University Department of International Communication,and Deputy Dean, Division of Society, Culture, Media & Philosophy, Macquarie University, Australia.
  • Prof. Seneka Bibile - Former Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and founder of the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation
  • Prof. C.B. Dissanayake - Professor of Geology, University of Peradeniya, and former Director of the Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka
  • Prof.W.R. Breckenridge - Professor of Zoology at the University of Peradeniya and later Principal of Trinity College, Kandy
  • Prof.Wimal Dissanayake - Honorary Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Hong Kong
  • Prof.Lakshman Kannangara - Former Professor of Physics, University of Colombo
  • Prof.U.R. Sangakkara - Senior Professor, University of Peradeniya
  • Prof.S. Walter Perera - Professor of English, University of Peradeniya
  • Prof.S.B. Dissanayake - Former Professor of Dentistry, University of Peradeniya
  • Prof.Malik Ranasinghe - Vice Chancellor of Moratuwa University,Professor and Fomer Dean, Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
  • Prof.Kemal Ismail Deen - Professor of Surgery, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka and former Trinity Rugby Lion
  • Prof.A.L.T. Perera- Professor of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
  • Prof.K. Bambaradeniya- Former Professor of Dentistry, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
  • Prof.S.B. Ellepola- Former Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya
  • Dr Chelva Kanaganayagam- Professor, Department of English; Director, Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Toronto
  • Prof.Cyril Bogahawatte- Professor of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
  • Prof.J.L.C. Rodrigo CMG - Formerly Professor of Western Classical Culture, University of Ceylon, Peradeniya, and Barrister.
  • Prof. Sivali Ranawana - Professor of Livestock & Avian Sciences, University of Wayamba, Makandura and Former Director General of Animal Production & Health.
  • Prof. Basil Seneviratne- Former Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Queensland, Australia, and Director of Medicine at the Greenslopes Hospital, Australia's largest private hospital.
  • Dr Sarath Illangantilake- Formerly Professor of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Peradeniya, and currently Regional Programme Leader at the CIP (International Potato Centre), South West Asia.
  • Prof. J.T. Labrooy - Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Adelaide; formerly Professor of Medicine at James Cook University; and Vice President of the Australasian College of Tropical Medicine.
  • Prof. W.M.G. Fernando - Formerly Professor of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
  • Prof. Gamini Weerasekera-Former Engineering Program head Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE and Former Electronics Program Coordinator, University of Louisiana, Advisor to the Government of Sri Lanka.


  • Capt. Saliya Aladeniya- (PWV, WWV) Refused to abandon the injured, fought bravely until the Kokavil camp was overrun.
  • Jayanthissa Kehelpannala - Managing Director of Keells Hotels Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary company of John Keells Holdings
  • Dudeepa Ratwatte - CEO of First Capital Asset Management, a subsidiary of First Capital Group, Sri Lanka.
  • Dr Seevali Ratwatte - Chairman of Upali Group.
  • Eranjith Wijenaike - Managing Director of Central Finance
  • Deva Ellepola - General Manager of HNB Stockbrokers
  • Wilson Gnanadas - News Editor of the Sunday Leader
  • Dr. Asoka Balasuriya - Managing Director of E.W.Balasuriya Group of companies

[edit] Notable Teachers

The men (and women) that tanned the hide of us

  • Mr Johnny Moses
  • Mr G.Y. Sahayam
  • Mr N.G. Jacob
  • Miss Valesca L.O.Reimann
  • Mr Paul Jeyaraj
  • Major Gordon A. E. Burrows
  • Major Harry Hardy
  • Lt Col Theodore Silva
  • Mr Thelikada Palliye Gunasoma Nanayakkara
  • Mr Roy Gnanapragasam
  • Mr Bertie Weerasinghe
  • Mr Roy Muttiah
  • Mr R.L.Kannangara
  • Rev G.W.Gaster
  • Rev W.S.Senior
  • Mrs Mallika Pathirana
  • Mrs Rani Harankahawa
  • Mr Upali Nanayakkara
  • Mr R.R.Brekenridge
  • Mr Philip Buultjens
  • Mrs Sakunthala Nugegoda
  • Mr AJ "JIM" Wirasingha
  • Mr Asoka Weerasinghe
  • Mr Shaw Wilson
  • Mr Esperance Ratwatte
  • Mr G. Ariyasingham
  • Mr Quitin Israel
  • Mr Rajan Kulatungam
  • Mr K Balathasan
  • Mrs Cynthia Weerakoon
  • Mr Ronnie Thangiah
  • Mrs Kanthi Palipane

[edit] References

    • Trinity College Magazine 2004
    • Trinity College Hand Book 2003
    • 125 Years of Trinity - Official Publication
    • Trinity College Kandy Official Web Site

    [edit] See also

    [edit] External links

    Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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