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Blood II: The Chosen

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Blood II: The Chosen
Developer(s) Monolith Productions
Publisher(s) GT Interactive
Designer(s) James Wilson III
Engine LithTech engine
Release date(s) October 31, 1998
Genre(s) First-person shooter
Mode(s) Single player, Multiplayer
Rating(s) ESRB: Mature (M)
ELSPA: 18+
Platform(s) PC (Win9x)
Media CD

Blood II: The Chosen is a 1998 computer game falling into the FPS category, developed by Monolith Productions and published by GT Interactive. It is a sequel to Monolith previous game Blood featuring a completely new, fully 3D engine that was developed in-house by Monolith, the LithTech engine. An expansion pack, Blood II: Nightmare Levels, is also available.


[edit] Story

The year is 2028 and Caleb, the undead anti-hero from Blood, after the final confrontation with his old master, the god Tchernobog, has spent the last century trying to figure out a way to resurrect his fallen comrades, including his lost love Ophelia, but to no avail. During these years he has grown somewhat more tolerant towards other people, so much that he can actually avoid killing everyone he runs into, but not that much to stop him from bringing along a weapon wherever he goes. However the Cabal, the cult of Tchernobog, is not dead, but has undergone a radical change that transformed what once was a dark, secret cult into CabalCo (short for Cabal Company), a powerful and wealthy business company. The Cabal in its new form still seeks to dominate the world, but rather than using magical means, it employs the power arising from its preheminent economical position, penetrating into the everyday life of the people thus controlling it. Apparently the Cabal has decided to briefly forget about Caleb (labelled as the Great Betrayer), but it has not forgiven him: Gideon, the man behind the Cabal's change and current head of CabalCo, wishes to bring back his cult to its full, former glory by slaying Caleb and getting back from him the Tchernobog powers the Chosen has absorbed after defeating the god.

Gideon appears to Caleb, goading him into a chase across some of the most dangerous CabalCo controlled locations. Contemporarily a growing number of dimensional rifts are opened, allowing creatures from another dimension to cross the border and reach our world. Caleb is therefore tasked both with the necessity to stop Gideon and CabalCo from dominating the world and to close the dimensional rifts with the Tchernobog powers he owns, to avoid a fatal collapse of the fabric of space and time. During his quest Caleb receives the help of the other Chosen, Gabriella, Ishmael and Ophelia brought back to our reality by the dimensional rifts.

[edit] Gameplay

[edit] Single player

In single mode the player can choose to undertake the game's quest against the Cabal as one of the four Chosen. However only when playing as Caleb the in-game cinematics are shown and the story developed (playing as Caleb will therefore be considered as the standard choice throughout this article). Blood II gameplay is influenced by the character choice at the game start-up because every Chosen has different weapons marksmanship levels and different amounts of maximum hit points and armor level. For instance, Gabriella can deal out the maximum damage when using firearms, but she is not skilled in the usage of magical items. She also has the strongest armor level available. Conversely Ishmael and Ophelia are more dangerous when using magical weapons, such as the Voodoo Doll or the Life Leech. Caleb is the most balanced character being able to use with good efficiency both firearms and magical means.

The game is divided in chapters: each chapter can be reached by the player only completing the previous one. During the first chapter Gideon appears on a Cultist filled underground train, taunting Caleb and starting the chase that will take Caleb across the city, into a museum, through the steam tunnels, to CabalCo's Center for Disease Management, an airship, then again across the city and to an old cathedral in ruins for the showdown with the first boss. During this chapter Caleb is reunited with Gabriella, who used to be Gabriel in the first game. As she witnesses Caleb's perplexity at her change the only answer given by Gabriella is: "It's a long story." The second chapter starts again on an underground train, filled with more dangerous enemies leading back into the city. Caleb will storm across entire districts and wreak havoc in a CabalCo Meat Packing plant until he reaches some catacombs and the second boss. During his wandering Caleb will also meet Ishmael who informs him that only by using the Tchernobog powers the dimensional rifts can be closed. Back on an underground train for the third chapter (with even more deadly foes), Caleb travels to the top CabalCo facilities such as their Research & Development building and the company HQ for a first fight with Gideon. When Gideon flees using a dimensional rift, Caleb can finally meet with Ophelia, but any celebration for their coming back together has to be postponed, since Caleb decides to enter a rift himself to finally get rid of Gideon and to repair the fabric of space and time.

[edit] Multiplayer

Blood II multiplayer features some of the common game modes seen in the most recent first-person-shooters. Bloodbath is the equivalent of deathmatch and is the most widely played multiplayer mode. Each player can choose one of the Chosen to control during gameplay. Every character starts equipped with the weapons he excels with, so this means Gabriella will have all kind of firearms in her arsenal, while Ishmael will carry mostly magical weapons.

[edit] Weapons

[edit] Conventional Weapons

Blood II features a wide arsenal of weapons including both firearms and magical items. Some of the weapons were featured also in Blood while others have been implemented specifically for the new game:

  • Chosen Knife: - Melee weapons are used in close combat only. They generally don't do a lot of damage, and don't require too much strength to use; however, players with higher strength will have a higher rate of fire and do more damage. The melee weapons are ritualistic knives, tailored to each "Chosen" member separately. In addition to being quiet weapons they become more powerful the more they are used.
  • Beretta 92FS 9mm Automatic handgun: The pistol has a good rate of fire, medium range and accuracy, and low damage. This is an introductory weapon that is light enough that anyone can use it. This weapon can be fired dual-handed if the player has a high enough strength value.
  • Mac-10 Sub Machine Gun: The Mac-10 has a much higher firing rate than the pistol since it can go full auto, but is very inaccurate. It can be fired dual-handed. The alt fire in single-handed mode allows the player to fire short, three-round bursts with increased accuracy by using the arm stock. There is no dual-handed alt fire.
  • Sawed-Off Shotgun: The Sawed-off Shotgun packs a big punch but at a short range. Its rate of fire is slow. Its primary fire mode is one barrel at a time, while its alternate fire mode is both barrels at once.
  • .50 BMG Sniper Rifle: This high-caliber weapon is ideal for hitting targets at long range. Aided by the scope this weapon can hit targets at an extreme range for good damage. The damage this weapon does is very dependent on where it hits. Hitting the head or torso does major damage, whereas nicking the torso or hitting a limb does less damage.
  • M16 Assault Rifle: This long range, fast-firing and extremely damaging weapon is the ideal choice for heavy machine guns. It is equipped with an under-barrel grenade launcher. These seem to be inspired by the assault rifles used by the space marines in the movie Aliens.
  • Howitzer: This weapon is basically a portable artillery piece. It fires a large shell at a slow rate of fire that is instantaneous and does massive damage. This weapon requires extreme strength to use.
  • Minigun: Potentially the most powerful weapon in the game, this gun combines an insanely high rate of fire with great range, and great damage.

[edit] Demolitions: Explosive and Flame Weapons

  • Napalm Launcher: Large, heavy, and exceptionally brutal, this weapon fires flaming blasts of incendiary napalm. Activating the alt fire releases a cascading series of bouncing explosions lovingly referred to by those in the business as "rolling thunder." Make sure you don't set this baby off in close quarters, or you'll end up the main course in your own private weenie roast.
  • Flare Gun: The flare gun is a special weapon that fires flare-like projectiles that stick into targets and burn them over time. It has a medium rate of fire, and it projectiles move fairly quickly. The alt fire shoots a flare that bursts into a star pattern. The star flares explode on contact with objects, assigning burn tim to anything they hit.
  • Proximity Bomb: Proximity bombs are small motion detectors connected to a wad of plastique. The player uses it by first selecting it with the hotkey/inventory use key, and then throwing it by holding the fire key, or dropping it by pressing the alt fire key. It will arm a few seconds later and then stay armed until someone approaches it, at which point it will explode. The player can carry up to 10 Proximity Bombs.
  • Remote Bomb: Remote Bombs are similar to Proximity Bombs, but the player detonates them remotely. Selecting it from the inventory brings up the bomb and the detonator. The player can throw a bomb by holding down and releasing the regular fire button, and drop a selected boom by hitting the alt fire key. Press the detonate key (default is 'D') to detonate the bombs. The player can carry up to 10 Remote Bombs.
  • Time Bomb: The Time Bomb is similar to the Remote and Proximity Bomb, except that it is equipped with a timer. Selecting it brings up, push and hold down the regular fire to throw it, and press the alt fire to drop it. The player can carry up to 10 Time Bombs.

[edit] Energy Weapons

  • TW-X59 Tesla Cannon: Cabalco has finally solved the mystery of ball lightning and put its power to good use in one of the world's most deadly anti-personnel weapons. Activate the alt fire to create an electrical explosion that will flash fry ANYTHING within its range...including you! Cabalco never rests on its laurels; you used to have to go to prison for a good electrocution -- now you can have one anywhere!
  • Death Ray: From the Cabalco's advanced weapons division comes the next step in urban warfare, the Cabalco Death Ray. This weapon delivers on its promise, firing beams of pure energy that reflect off of most surfaces so you can get that 'around the corner' kill.
  • Insect-A-Cutioner: Representing the finest tool in the modern exterminating arsenal. The Insect-A-Cutioner uses Cabalco brand "Die, Bug, Die!" industrial bug spray. This spray is extremely toxic, and should not be exposed to skin. In the event of skin exposure, consult a mortician. It is also extremely flammable, and should be kept at room temperature at all times.
  • Singularity Generator: A highly experimental weapon currently under development by Cabalco Industries, the Singularity Generator is designed to create a small, localized singularity, or black hole. This black hole will suck in and destroy almost anything in its vicinity. This incredibly powerful weapon remains in the prototyping stages due to problems with maintaining the fabric of reality when it is used, but as they say, you must break a few eggs to make an omelette.

[edit] Dark Magic

  • Voodoo Doll: The Voodoo doll is a vector-based weapon that does damage specific to where it hits on the doll. When the player uses the primary fire it will randomly stick the pin in several places all over the doll. These places include the eyes, chest, arms, legs, and groin. Each different hit location has a different effect.
  • The Orb: The Cabal's nasty take on the In-the-Egg-Scrambler seeks out enemy skulls and drills straight to their deepest thoughts. Accuracy isn't all important since the Orb detects motion and can even give chase if enemies see it coming. The alt fire gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Be the ball." Switch in to Orb's-eye view to hunt down your enemies personally. Just remember that your own carcass sits vulnerable where you left it, so don't be surprised if you're dead when you get back. Inspired by the flying orbs in the Phantasm movie series.
  • Life Leech: The Life Leech projects wide bursts of life-stealing Eldritch Fire that can sear the flesh of your enemies from great distance. Striking the staff on the ground activates this weapon's alt fire, radiating a mystical shockwave that violently hurls opponents back. The Life Leech is the ultimate in arcane "crowd control" but using it near high ledges or acid pools may prove unsafe (wink-wink) for your enemies. The Life Leech is fueld by user focus, so characters with an aptitude for the dark arts will find that it serves them well.

[edit] Enemies

Caleb will have to face many threats along his journey. Some of these enemies are members of the Cabal, but there are also many creatures coming from another dimension often appearing through a dimensional rift:

[edit] Cabal

  • Cultists: The lowest designation of Cabal soldier, the role of the Cultist has changed with time. Once the wheels of the Cabal army, in the modern world it has become necessary to adapt the role of Cultists so that they could move freely through society. They are followers of the Cabal, early initiates who are recruited, or brainwashed, into service from inside Cabalco. They dress in official corporate attire so that their presence will not be obtrusive, allowing them to integrate into any aspect of normal society. Their training consists of little more than a psych profile and a possible brain wipe to assure that they will be adequately dedicated to the Cabal. For that reason they are not suited to heavy combat, but are adequately imposing to be used as security, for missions of lesser importance or simply to intimidate the general populace. Cultists are generally of average to low intelligence (or they would have risen to a higher rank in the Cabal). They are only trained in a limited arsenal of weapons, mostly handguns, and in combat situations their lack of training prevents them from working effectively together. Despite these weaknesses, they are still considered the backbone of the Cabal infrastructure, maintaining the Cabal's power by infiltrating normal society with their imposing presence, acting as an early warning system, and at times becoming human shields for the more advanced Cabal members, such as the Fanatics and Zealots. Cultists are usually armed with pistols, but have been known to carry SMGs and flare guns occasionally.
  • Fanatics: The most loyal followers of the Cabal have been organized as a paramilitary unit. They are well trained to work alone or in group and deploy with the most varied arsenal. They wear body armour which protects them for a short while and look like a cross between the SWAT team and the HAZMAT team. They patrol areas that are of higher importance to the Cabal and are sent in to intervene if necessary. Fanatics are typically armed with SMGs or assault rifles, but have been known to carry weapons such as tesla cannons and howitzers. Fanatics also carry a personal explosive device they will activate when gravely wounded to start a kamikaze attack.
  • Zealots: - Only a select few Cabal members get chosen to undergo the process that will transform them into Zealots, and even fewer survive the ritual that follows with their sanity intact. Zealots are an invaluable resource in the Cabal army, as they are the only members of the Cabal with mastery of the Dark Arts. These abilities give them extremely effective offensive abilities, but they are generally too valuable to be used as grunts. Zealots usually accompany a group of lesser Cabal members like Fanatics. They provide backup by using their magic to defend, heal, and generally strengthen the performance of an attack group. Zealots are generally intelligent and well-trained. They do not panic or lose control easily, and will coordinate well with most other Cabal units to get a job done. Zealots are generally feared by other members of the Cabal due to their cold-hearted, almost inhuman personalities. No one knows why they cover their faces. Many claim they no longer need normal senses. Others say that it is so they don't have to be forced to look upon the faces of other, lesser, Cabal members. Maybe it is simply an intimidation tactic. The most likely answer is that what they saw during their transformation ritual so taints them, they fear looking upon the world with natural eyes. Zealots wear long overcoats with spiritual armour and cover their faces. They carry a staff with a crescent moon which they use to summon an electrical blast, a fire blast or a concussive blast.
  • Prophets: - Prophets are highly intelligent, highly trained fanatics. Their purpose is to protect the Cabal's most precious commodities. They are heavily armored and resistant to damage. Prophets represent the best the Cabal has to offer. Much like the Fanatics, they can use almost any conventional weapon, but they are much more likely to use higher power weapons like the Napalm Cannon or the Minigun. They will attempt to dodge your fire, but they tend to rely more on their superior endurance and strength than on fancy acrobatics.

[edit] Otherworldly

  • Bone Leech: - The Bone Leech is a fairly small, worm-like parasite. A fairly weak creature, its power comes from its ability to infest and take over other creatures, providing it with means of protection, a more effective way to attack, nourishment as it grows and, most importantly, a breeding ground for more leeches. Bone leeches are one of the three very irritating creatures along with thieves and hands, as they latch onto your face and are quite difficult to shake off as they suck the life out of you. However they will go down easily enough and can be taken care of with a well placed shotgun shot.
  • Soul Drudge: - The Soul Drudge is a human who has been infested by the Bone Leech. The parasite burrows into the chest of a normal human and comes to rest on the upper spinal column of the infected person. From there it takes over the nervous system, circumventing the victim's brain for voluntary functions, but leaving the brain intact so that it will continue to handle involuntary functions. This allows the Bone Leech to control all movement of the victim, although it's control is difficult in the beginning, making the Soul Drudge a slow and clumsy creature. It makes up for this by being able to withstand a lot more damage than a normal human ever could, since as long as the Bone Leech is intact it can continue to manipulate the body. It is believed that the victim is still completely aware, and can feel everything that happens to them, they just can't control their body. They can, however, control their speech. As a result, Soul Drudges often emit the wailing and torment of the infected victim. To minimize this the Soul Drudge sows its mouth shut and gouges out its eyes to make the victim more docile. The Soul Drudge will generally attack anything that gets too close to it, most likely out of self-defense, although packs of Soul Drudges have been seen hunting prey, presumably looking for hosts for more Bone Leeches. The Soul Drudge is the first form the Bone Leech takes on. As it grows it evolves into the more powerful Drudge Lord, and finally, the Drudge Priest. The Drudge creatures are often seen working together, with the more advanced creatures ruling by cruelty and force. A pack of Soul Drudges will generally indicate that a more advanced Drudge creature is not far away. Soul drudges carry either a pipe, a crow-bar, or an axe, which they'll swing at you if you get too close.
  • Drudge Lord: - The Drudge Lord is basically a more developed version of the Soul Drudge. The Bone Leech has grown and now pierces the arms of the victim with large, hooked, limbs to allow it better control and it is also apparent to see the Bone Leech's head peeking from the once sown mouth. The victim is either no longer aware, dead or too far gone to react at this point. The Drudge Lord is larger, tougher and deadlier than the Soul Drudge and has metal plates bolted to its chest so that it can withstand more damage and should be considered very dangerous. The Drudge Lord will attack almost any living creature and do so spitefully. They have an extremely hostile and ill-tempered disposition and little or no fear. Drudge Lords are not often seen working together, presumably due to their poor temperament, but they often have Soul Drudges acting as their servants. Drudge lords will attack with a fire blast similar to the napalm launcher shots which are spit from the head. At the "suicide" difficulty level they make three rapid shots, then move their hooked limbs aside to recharge for another three shots. They also use their hooked hands in the melee combat with two types of attack. They swing their first and second limb inflicting serious amount of damage. Another melee attack is crushing victim's head with both hooks, doing considerable amount of damage. Both melee attacks are easily dodgeable and for the second one it is enough to duck so he misses. If a drudge lord is slowly walking towards you, he is intended to dismember the chosen. Engaging in the hand-to-hand combat is not recommended because of its unpredictible behaviour. Hurt him plenty, when the pain animations start, make a double shot of sawed-off shotgun, then slash him with alternative attack of the knife. Because of the splash damage of their fireballs and large hit area you may maneuver so one of them will hurt another, but it's a tricky endeavour. However two drudge lords slashing each other look spectacularly.
  • Drudge Priest: - The Drudge Priest is the most advanced version of the Bone Leech parasite that has been encountered. It is a big creature with fully developed magic abilities. The body that was once its host is nothing more than a bag hanging from the Drudge Priest, acting as a breeding ground for new Bone Leech parasites. The Drudge Lord no longer walks, but rather hovers silently. Little is known about this creature as only a handful of Cabal operatives have survived an encounter with it. The Drudge Priest seems to hunt only to infest new victims and will often have a host of other Drudge creatures doing its bidding. Attacks on this creature will often cause the breeding sack that is its stomach to burst forth, spilling dozens of Bone Leeches down on the unsuspecting attacker. The drudge priest will attack with either a fire blast or an electrical blast.
  • Shikari: - The Shikari is a pure predator, intelligent with excellent senses and tracking abilities. They are also extremely fast and agile. Shikari prefer to hunt in packs, so they have rarely been seen alone. If a lone Shikari is encountered approach with extreme caution, as they are known to use a variety of tactics including luring and ambushing targets. Another ability they exhibit is an extremely acute sense of threat assessment. They will often hold off from attacking more powerful creatures until they show a weakness, like a pack of wolves out-pacing a victim. If being pursued by a Shikari it is important to remember that they are extremely adept at navigating environments. Their hooked limbs give them the ability to walk on walls or ceilings, and they are just as fast and effective in water as out. The Shikari attacks using its long, razor-sharp claws, but it can also spit corrosive acid from long distances.
  • Death Shroud : - Similar to the phantasms from blood, death shrouds phase in and out of reality. They can only attack when solid, but are also vulnerable in such state. Death shrouds can be very hard to spot as they are dark and nearly transparent. No one exactly knows what death shrouds are, but rumors include that they attack anything except other death shrouds and anything killed by a death shroud eventually becomes a death shroud. Death shrouds will attack with explosive skulls, which have the ability to home in on their target.
  • Hands: - The corpses that the minions of Tchernobog use to make zombies aren't always in the best of shape. Sometimes, only a limb is salvageable. Usually, the Cabal's surgeons can fashion various bits and pieces into a serviceable undead soldier, but certain leftover parts can be effective all on their own. If one of these horrors gets hold of you, you've got to push it off before you can kill it. Hands will jump onto your neck and choke the life out of you, causing the screen to go slowly dark.
  • Thieves: - Small, stealthy, spider-like creature that attack from behind attaching to the base of the skull, injecting a poison that slowly destroys the victim's nervous system until death occurs. If the poison does not immediately cause death it will cause extreme disorientation.

[edit] Cheat Codes

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To activate a cheat, press "T" while playing and enter it's corresponding code without spaces.

  • 300 health points -- MP REALLY NICE NURSE
  • 25 health points -- MP NICE NURSE
  • All items -- MP GO SHOPPING
  • Assault rifle -- MP ASSAULT RIFLE
  • Become Caleb -- MP CALEB
  • Become Gabriella -- MP GABBY
  • Become Ishmael -- MP ISHMAEL
  • Become Ophelia -- MP OPHELIA
  • Beretta -- MP BERETTA **
  • Bug buster -- MP BUG BUSTER
  • Clipping mode (OFF) -- MP NO CLIP
  • Clipping mode (ON) -- MP CLIP
  • Change camera angle -- MP CAMERA (or MP FOLLOW ME)
  • Change lighting -- MP LIGHTSCAPE
  • Display coordinates (OFF) -- MP HIDE MEDisplay coordinates (ON) -- MP WHERE AM I
  • Display message: "Brian L. Goble is a programming god!" -- MP GOBBLE (or MP SCORPIO)
  • Display message: "Jim Totaro is da man!" -- MP TOTARO
  • Flare gun -- MP FLARE GUN **
  • Full ammo -- MP AMMO
  • Full ammo, armor and health -- MP KFA
  • Full armor -- MP ARMOR
  • Full health -- MP HEALTHY
  • God mode -- MP GOD
  • Howitzer -- MP HOWITZER
  • Increase power and gore -- MP BEEFCAKE
  • Increase speed -- MP SPEEDUP <1-5> *
  • Increase strength -- MP STRONGER <1-5> *
  • Invisibility -- MP TAKE OFF SHOES
  • Laser rifle -- MP LASER RIFLE
  • Life leach -- MP LIFE LEACH
  • Mini-gun -- MP MINI GUN
  • Napalm cannon -- MP NAPALM CANNON
  • New Croward (100 armor) -- MP NEW CROWARD
  • Sawed-off shotgun -- MP SHOTGUN **
  • Select weapon -- MP BEANS OF COOLNESS
  • Singularity Generator -- MP SINGULARITY
  • Slay all monsters on level -- MP KILL EM ALL
  • Sniper rifle -- MP SNIPER RIFLE
  • Sub-machine gun -- MP SUBMACHINE GUN **
  • The Orb -- MP THE ORB
  • Tesla Cannon -- MP TESLA CANNON
  • Triple damage power-up -- MP HER KERMUR
  • Voodoo doll -- MP VOODOO
  • Ward (25 armor) -- MP WARD
  • Will power-up -- MP CARBON FIBER
  • ? -- MP SUPER ZUG

"*" Enter a value within given parameters. "**" Reenter cheat to put a weapon in the other hand.

[edit] References

  • Blood II: The Chosen computer game manual

[edit] External links

Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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