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پڻ ڏسندا: ايشيائي ۽ يورپي

ايشيا وڏي ۾ وڏو ۽ گھڻي کان گھڻي ماڻھسيھ رکندڙ کنڊ يا علائقو آھي.

It is traditionally defined as part of the landmass of آفريڪا-Eurasia lying east of the Suez Canal, east of the Ural Mountains, and south of the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian ۽ ڪارو سمنڊs. لڳ ڀڳ 60% of the دنيا جِي ماڻھسيھ ايشيا ۾ رھي ٿِِي, جِي whom فقط 2% ۾ رھن ٿا اترين ۽ ادرين اڌ (سائيبيريا, منگوليا, ڪزاخستان, Xinjiang, ٿٻيٽ, Qinghai, الھندو ازبڪستان ۽ ترڪمانستان)؛ باقي 98% ٻي اڌ ۾ رھن ٿا.

ايشيا دنيا جي نقشي تي.
ايشيا دنيا جي نقشي تي.


[edit] بڻ ڀياس

The word ايشيا entered English, via لاطيني, from قديم يوناني Ασία (ايشيا; پڻ ڏسندا List of traditional يوناني place names). This name is first attested in Herodotus (c. 440 ق م), where it refers to Asia Minor; or, for the purposes of describing the Persian Wars, to the Persian سلطنت, as opposed to يونان and مصر. Herodotus comments that he is puzzled as to why three different women's names are used to describe a single land-mass (Europa, Asia and لبيا, referring to Africa) stating that اڪثر يوناني assumed that Asia was named after the wife of Prometheus but that the Lydians say it was named after Asias, son of Cotys who passed the name on to a tribe in Sardis.

Even before Herodotus, Homer knew of a Trojan ally named Asios, son of Hyrtacus, a ruler over several towns, and elsewhere he describes a marsh as ασιος (Iliad 2, 461). The Greek term may be derived from Assuwa, a 14th century BC confederation of states in Western Anatolia. Hittite assu- "good" is probably an element in that name.

Alternatively, the ultimate بڻ ڀياس of the term may be from the Akkadian word (w)aṣû(m), cognate of Hebrew יצא, which means "to go out" or "to ascend", referring to the direction of the sun at sunrise in the Middle East, and also likely connected with the Phoenician word asa meaning east. This may be contrasted to a similar etymology proposed for Europe, as being from Semitic erēbu "to enter" or "set" (of the sun). However, an originally Mesopotamian or Middle Eastern perspective would not explain how the term "Asia" first came to be associated with Anatolia as lying west of the Semitic speaking area.

[edit] وصف ۽ سرحدُون

ايشيا جو سياسي نقشو.
ايشيا جو سياسي نقشو.

Medieval Europeans considered ايشيا بحيثيت کنڊ، a distinct landmass. يورپي concept of the ٽن کنڊ in the قديم دنيا goes back to classical antiquity with the بڻ ڀياس لفظ جو rooted in the قديم قريب ۽ وچ اوڀر. حدبندي وچ ۾ ايشيا ۽ آفريڪا is the Isthmus of Suez and the ڳاڙھو سمنڊ. The boundary between ايشيا ۽ يورپ is عموماً believed to run through the Dardanelles, the Sea of Marmara, the Bosporus, the ڪارو سمنڊ، Caucasus پھاڙ, the Caspian Sea, the Ural River to its source, and the Ural Mountains to the ڪارا سمنڊ near Kara, روس. However, جديد دريافت of the extent آفريڪا جي ۽ ايشيا اھا وصف جوڙي rather anachronistic, خاص طور ۾ ايشيا جي معاملي ۾، جيڪو would have ڪيترا علائقا جيڪي سمجھيو ويندو distinct landmasses if these criteria were used (مثلاً, ڏکڻ ايشيا ۽ اوڀر ايشيا).

ڀونڀياسدان ۽ طبعي ڀون چٽڪار ھاڻي نھ ٿا سمجھن ايشِا ۽ يورپ to be separate continents. It is either defined in terms of geological landmasses (طبعي ڀون چٽيات) or tectonic plates (ڀون ڀياس). In the former case, Europe is a western peninsula of Eurasia or the Africa-Eurasia landmass. In the latter, يورپ ۽ ايشيا are still part of the Eurasian plate, which excludes the Arabian and Indian tectonic plates.

In human ڀون ڇٽيات, ٻھ مڪتبھ فڪر آھن. One school follows تاريخي convention and treats يورپ ۽ ايشيا as مختلف کنڊ, categorizing يورپ، ڏکڻ ايشيا (the Orient), ڏکڻ ايشيا (برطانوي ھندستان), ۽ وچ اوڀر (Arabia ۽ Persia) as specific regions for وڌيڪ تفصيلي ڇيد. The other schools equate the word "کنڊ t" in terms of geographical region when referring to يورپ, and use the term "region" to describe ايشيا in terms of physical ڀون چٽيات. ڇاڪاڻ تھ in لسانياتي terms, "کنڊ" implies a distinct landmass, it is becoming increasingly common to substitute the term "region" for "کنڊ" to avoid the problem of disambiguation altogether.

There is گھڻو مونجھارو in يورپي ٻوليون with the term "ايشيائي". Because a category implies homogenity, the term "ايشيائي" لڳ ڀڳ ھميشھ refers to a subcategory of people from ايشيا rather than referring to "ايشيائي" defined in term of "ايشيا". The fact that in آمريڪي انگريزي, Asian refers to اوڀر ايشيا (Orientals), while in برطانوي انگريزي، ايشيائي refers to ڏکڻ ايشيائي reflects this مونجھارو. ڪڏھن ڪڏھن, ويندي اھو واضح ڪونھي exactly what "ايشيا" consists of. Some definitions exclude ترڪي, the وچ اوڀر, ۽/يا روس. The term is sometimes used more strictly in reference to ايشيا Pacific, جنھن ۾ نھ ٿو اچي وچ اوڀر يا روس، but does include islands in the Pacific Ocean — a number of which may also سمجھي سگھجي ٿو جو حصو Australasia ۽/يا Oceania. ايشيا contains the ھندي ننڍو کنڊ, عربي ننڍو کنڊ t, as well as a جو حصو the اتر آمريڪا plate in Siberia. Template:مزيد Template:Seealso Template:Seealso

[edit] ڀون ڇٽِي علائقا


ايشيا جو اپگرھي ڏيک.
ايشيا جو اپگرھي ڏيک.

As already mentioned, Asia is a subregion of Eurasia. For further subdivisions based on that term, see North Eurasia and Central Eurasia.

ڪي ايشيائي ملڪ stretch beyond Asia. ڏسندا Bicontinental country for details about the borderline cases between ايشيا ۽ يورپ, ايشيا ۽ آفريڪا, ۽ ايشيا ۽ Oceania.

The following subregions of ايشيا are traditionally recognized:

  • وچ ايشيا
  • اوڀر ايشيا
  • ڏور ايشيا
  • اتر ايشيا
  • ڏکڻ ايشيا (يا ھندي ننڍو کنڊ)
  • ڏکڻ اوڀر ايشيا
  • ڏکڻ اولھھ ايشِا (يا وچ اوڀر يا اولھھ ايشيا)

[edit] وچ ايشيا

There is no absolute consensus in the usage of this term. Usually, Central Asia includes:

  • the وچ ايشيائي ملڪ of ڪزاخستان (excluding its small يورپي territory), ازبڪستان, تاجڪستان, ترڪمنستان and Kyrgyzstan.
  • Afghanistan, منگوليا, and the western regions of چين are also sometimes included.
  • اڳُوڻيون سوويت رياستون ۾ Caucasus علائقي.

Central Asia is currently ڀون سياستاً important because international disputes ۽ conflicts over oil pipelines, Nagorno-ڪاراباخ, ۽ چچنيا, as well as the جي موجودگي آمريڪي فوج ۽ گڏيل سلطنت فوج فوجُون ۾ افغانستان.

[edit] ڏکڻ ايشيا

ھن علائقي ۾ ھيٺيان ملڪ اچي وڃن ٿا:

  • The Pacific Ocean island countries of تائيوان ۽ جاپان. Template:مزيد
  • اتر ۽ ڏکڻ ڪوريا on the Korean Peninsula.
  • چين, but sometimes only the eastern regions

Sometimes the nations of منگوليا ۽ ويٽنام are also included in اوڀر ايشيا.

اڃا غير رسماً، ڪن موقعن تي ڏکڻ اوڀر ايشيا کي ڏکڻ ايشيا ۾ شامل ڪيو ويندو آھي.

[edit] اتر ايشيا

This term is rarely used by geographers, but usually it refers to the bigger Asian part of Russia, also known as Siberia. Sometimes the northern parts of other Asian nations, such as Kazakhstan are also included in Northern Asia.

[edit] ڏکڻ ايشيا (يا ھندي ننڍو کنڊ)

South Asia is also referred to as the ھندي ننڍو کنڊ. It includes:

  • The Himalayan States of ھند, سنڌ, Nepal, Bhutan and بنگلاديش.
  • The ھندي سمنڊ nations of سري لنڪا ۽ مالديو. India's Andaman, Nicobar ۽ Lakshadweep islands also lie ھندي سمنڊ ۾.
  • The peninsular ھند (also known as the Deccan Plateau)

[edit] ڏکڻ اوڀر ايشيا

This region contains the ملائي Peninsula, Indochina and islands in the ھندي سمنڊ and Pacific Ocean. The countries it contains are:

  • In mainland Southeast Asia, the countries Myanmar, ٿائيلينڊ, Laos, Cambodia and ويٽنام.
  • In Maritime Southeast Asia, the countries of ملائيشيا, Brunei, the فلپائين, Singapore and انڊونيشِا (some of the Indonesian islands also lie in the Melanesia region of Oceania). East Timor (also Melanesian) is sometimes included too.

The country of ملائيشيا is divided in two by the ڏکڻ چيني سمنڊ, and thus has both a mainland and island part.

[edit] ڏکڻ اولھھ ايشيا (يا وچ اوڀر, قريب اوڀر يا اولھھ ايشيا)

This can also be called by the Western term وچ اوڀر, which is commonly used by يورپين and Americans. Middle East (to some interpretations) is often used to also refer to some countries in اتر آفريڪا. ڏکڻ اولھھ Asia can be further divided into:

* Anatolia (i.e. Asia Minor), constituting the ايشيائي جو حصو ترڪي.

  • The island nation of Cyprus in the ڀو وچ سمنڊ.
  • The Levant or قريب اوڀر, which includes شام, اسرائيل, Jordan, لبنان, عراق and the Asian portion of مصر.
  • The Arabian peninsula, including سعودي عربيھ, گڏيل عرب امارات, بھرين, قطر, اومان, يمن and ڪويت.
  • The Caucasus region (which straddles both ايشيا and يورپ), namely Transcaucasia, including a small portion of روس and, arguably, most if not all of Georgia, آرمينيا, and آزربائيجان.
  • The Iranian Plateau, containing ايران ۽ ٻين پاڙيسري قومن جا حصا.


[edit] اقتصاديات

ايشيا جي اقتصاديات
During 2003 unless otherwise stated
ماڻھسيھ: 4.001 ارب (2002)
GDP (PPP): US$18.077 trillion
GDP (سڪو): $8.782 trillion
GDP/capita (PPP): $4,518
GDP/capita (سڪو): $2,195
Annual growth of
per capita GDP:
آمدني of top 10%:
Millionaires: 2.0 million (0.05%)
Estimated female
Most numbers are from the UNDP from 2002, some numbers exclude certain countries for lack of information.
Template:World economy infobox footer
مک مقالو: ايشيا جي اقتصاديات

In terms of gross domestic product (PPP), the largest قومي معيشت within ايشيا is that of the PRC (People's Republic of چين). Over the last decade, چين ۽ ھندستان جي تڪڙي وڌندي رھي آھي، both with an سراسري سالياني اوڌ شرح 7% کان مٿي. PRC is the world's ٻيون largest economy after the US, followed by جاپان and ھندستان as the world's third and چوٿون largest economies respectively (then followed by the يورپي ملڪن: جرمني, U.K., فرانس ۽ اٽلي).

In terms of exchange rates (nominal GDP) however, جاپان has the largest معاشيات in ايشيا ۽ ٻيون largest of any دنيا ۾ واحد قوم، after surpassing the سوويت يونين (measured in Net Material Product) 1986 ڌاري ۽ جرمني in 1968. (NB: A number of supernational economies آھن larger, جھڙوڪ EU, NAFTA or APEC). اقتصادي اوڌ ايشيا ۾ since ٻين جنگ عظيم to the 1990's had been concentrated جي ٿورڙن ملڪن منجھھ the Pacific Rim, and has spread more recently to other regions. In the late 80's and early 90's جاپاني معاشيات was ذري گھٽ as large as that of the rest of the کنڊ combined. 1995 ڌاري، Japan's معاشيات nearly equalled the USA to tie the وڌي ۾ وڌي معاشيات in the دنيا ھڪ ڏينھن لاءِ, after the جاپاني سڪو پھتو a record high of 79 يين. However, since then جاپاني سڪو has corrected ۽ چين ٻيون وڏي ۾ وڏو ٿي اڀريو آھي ايشيائي معاشيات، followed by ھندستان in terms of exchange rates. It is expected that چين will surpass جاپان in currency terms to have the largest nominal GDP ايشيا ۾ ھڪ يا ٻن ڏھاڪن اندر.

Trade blocs:

  • Asia-Pacific معاشي سھڪار
  • ايشيا-يورپ معاشي Meeting
  • Association of ڏکڻ اوڀر ايشيائي قومي
  • Closer معاشي Partnership Arrangement
  • Commonwealth of Independent States
  • ڏکڻ ايشيائي ايسوسيئشن لاءِ علائقائي سھڪار
  • ڏکڻ ايشيا آزاد Trade Agreement (proposed)

[edit] قدرتي وسيلا

ايشيا is by a considerable margin the دنيا جو وڏي ۾ وڏو کنڊ، ۽ قدرتي وسيلن، جھڙوڪ تيل ۽ فولاد ۾ شاھوڪار آھي.

High productivity in زراعت، خاص طور of ساريون، allows high ماڻھسيھ گھاٽائي ملڪن جي ۾ گرم ۽ گھميل علائقا. ٻي اھم زرعي اپت ۾ ڪڻڪ ۽ ڪڪڙ اچي وڃن ٿا.

Forestry is extensive throughout ايشيا سواءِ ڏکڻ اولھھ ۽ وچ ايشيا. ماھيگيري is a مک source of food in ايشيا، خصوصاً جاپان ۾.

[edit] Manufacturing

Manufacturing ۾ ايشيا has روايتاً been مظبوط ترين ۾ اوڀر ۽ ڏکڻ اوڀر ايشيا، بال خصوص ۾ PRC, تائيوان، جاپان، ڏکڻ ڪوريا ۽ سنگاپور. The industry varies from manufacturing سستيون goods جھڙوڪ رانديڪا to high-tech شيون جھڙوڪ ڳڻپيڪر ۽ ڪارون. ڪيتريون ڪوٺيون from يورپ، اتر آمريڪا، ۽ جاپان have significant operations in the تقري پذير ايشيا to take فائدو of its abundant supply of سستو پورھيو.

One of the major employers in manufacturing in ايشيا is the textile صنعت. Much of the دنيا جا supply of ڪپڙا ۽ پيرپوش ھاڻي originates ۾ ڏکڻ اوڀر ايشيا.

[edit] Financial and other services

Asia has three main financial centers. They are in Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo. Call centers are becoming major employers in India and the Philippines, due to the availablity of many well-educated English speakers. The rise of the business process outsourcing industry has seen the rise of India and China as the other financial centers.

[edit] آڳاٽي تاريخ

مک مقالو: ايشيا جي تاريخ
ايشيا جو نقشو، 1892ع.
ايشيا جو نقشو، 1892ع.

The history of Asia can be seen as the distinct histories of several peripheral coastal regions &mdashl اوڀر ايشيا, ڏکڻ ايشيا, and the وچ اوڀر — linked by the interior mass of the وچ ايشياn steppe.

The coastal periphery was home to some of the world's earliest known civilizations, each of them developing around fertile river valleys. The civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and the Yangtze shared many similarities, and may well have exchanged technologies and ideas such as رياضيات and the wheel. Other innovations, such as that of writing, seem to have been developed individually in each area. Cities, states and empires developed in these lowlands.

The central steppe region had long been inhabited by horse-mounted nomads, and from the steppes they could reach all areas of Asia. The earliest postulated expansion out of the steppe is that of the ھند يُورپي، who spread their languages into the وچ اوڀر، ھندستان، and in the Tocharians, to the borders of China. The northernmost part of Asia, including much of Siberia, was largely inaccessible to the steppe nomads, owing to the dense forests, the climate, and the tundra. These areas remained very sparsely populated.

The centre and the peripheries were mostly kept separated by mountains and deserts. The Caucasus and Himalaya mountains and the Karakum and Gobi deserts formed barriers that the steppe horsemen could cross only with difficulty. While technologically and socially, the urban city dwellers were more advanced, in many cases they could do little militarily to defend against the mounted hordes of the steppe. However, the lowlands did not have enough open grasslands to support a large horsebound force; for this and other reasons, the nomads who conquered states in China, India, and the Middle East often found themselves adapting to the local, more affluent societies.

[edit] ماڻھسيھ گھاٽائي

ھيٺين جدول ملڪ ۽ dependencies by ماڻھسيھ ۽ ماڻھسيھ گھاٽائي چورس ڪلوميٽر.

Unlike the figures in the country articles, the figures in this table are based on areas including inland آبگاھون (ڍنڍون, reservoirs, درياءَ) and may therefore be lower here.

The whole of مصر، روس، ڪزاخستان، جارجيا، آزربائيجان ۽ ترڪي آھن referred to in the table, although they may be considered to be واحد جزواً ايشيا ۾. ايشيا پڻ contains لڳ ڀڳ 60% جو دنيا جي ماڻھسيھ. Leaving the other 40% جو the دنيا جي ماڻھسيھ toٻين کنڊن ڏنھن.

Country / Region ماڻھسيھ گھاٽائي
(2002-07-01 est.)
Template:MacauSAR 17,684 25 461,833
Template:SIN 6,389 693 4,452,732
Template:HongKongSAR 6,317 1,092 7,303,334
Template:MDV 1,070 300 320,165
Template:BAN 1,002 144,000 133,376,684
Template:BHR 987 665 656,397
Template:ROC-TW 627 35,980 22,548,009
[[Image:Template:ملڪ جھنڊو عرف ڏکڻ ڪوريا|22x20px|جو جھنڊو Template:ملڪ عرف ڏکڻ ڪوريا]] [[Template:ملڪ عرف ڏکڻ ڪوريا|Template:ملڪ ننڍونالو عرف ڏکڻ ڪوريا]] 491 98,480 48,324,000
Template:LBN 354 10,400 3,677,780
Template:جاپان 336 377,835 126,974,628
Template:ھندستان 329 3,287,590 1,045,845,226
Template:LKA 298 65,610 19,576,783
Template:اسرائيل 290 20,770 6,029,529
Template:PHL 282 300,000 84,525,639
Template:VNM 246 329,560 81,098,416
Template:NKO 184 120,540 22,224,195
Template:NEP 184 140,800 25,873,917
[[Image:Template:Country flag alias Pakistan|22x20px|Flag of Template:Country alias Pakistan]] [[Template:Country alias Pakistan|Template:Country shortname alias Pakistan]] 184 803,940 147,663,429
Template:PRC-mainland 134 9,596,960 1,284,303,705
Template:ٿائيلينڊ 121 514,000 62,354,402
Template:IDN 121 1,919,440 231,328,092
Template:ڪويت 118 17,820 2,111,561
Template:ARM 112 29,800 3,330,099
Template:شام 93 185,180 17,155,814
Template:AZE 90 86,600 7,798,497
Template:TUR 86 780,580 67,308,928
Template:CYP 83 9,250 775,927
Template:GEO 71 69,700 4,960,951
Template:CAM 71 181,040 12,775,324
Template:مصر 71 1,001,450 70,712,345
Template:QAT 69 11,437 793,341
Template:MAS 69 329,750 22,662,365
Template:TLS 63 15,007 952,618
Template:MMR 62 678,500 42,238,224
Template:BRU 61 5,770 350,898
Template:JOR 58 92,300 5,307,470
Template:ازبڪستان 57 447,400 25,563,441
Template:عراق 55 437,072 24,001,816
Template:تاجڪستان 47 143,100 6,719,567
Template:BHU 45 47,000 2,094,176
Image:افغانستان افغانستان 43 647,500 27,755,775
Template:IRN 40 1,648,000 66,622,704
Template:YEM 35 527,970 18,701,257
Template:ARE 30 82,880 2,445,989
Template:LAO 24 236,800 5,777,180
Template:KGZ 24 198,500 4,822,166
Template:اومان 13 212,460 2,713,462
Template:SAU 12 1,960,582 23,513,330
Template:TKM 9.6 488,100 4,688,963
Template:KAZ 6.2 2,717,300 16,741,519
Template:روس 3.0 13,083,100 39,129,729
Template:MNG 1.7 1,565,000 2,694,432
Total 45,711,848 3,895,528,341

[edit] مذھب

A large majority of people in the world who practice a religious faith practice one founded in Asia.

Religions founded in Asia and with a majority of their contemporary adherents in Asia include:

  • Bahá'í Faith: slightly more than half of all adherents are in Asia
  • Buddhism: Cambodia, چين, جاپان, ڪوريا, Laos, منگوليا, Myanmar, سنگاپور، سريلنڪا، ٿائيلينڊ، ويٽنام، جا حصا اتريان، اڀرندا، ۽ الھندا ھندستان، ۽ parts of central and eastern روس (Siberia).
    • Mahayana Buddhism: چين، جاپان، ڪوريا، سنگاپور، ويٽنام.
    • Theravada Buddhism: Cambodia، چين جا حصا، Laos، Myanmar، سريلنڪا، ٿائيلينڊ، as well as parts of Vietnam.
    • Vajrayana Buddhism: چين جا حصا، منگوليا, حصا جا اتريان ۽ اڀرندا ھندستان, parts of وچ, eastern روس and سائيبيريا.
  • ھندو ڌرم: India، نيپال، بنگلاديش، سريلنڪا، پاڪستان، ملائيشيا, Singapore, Bali.
  • Islam: Central، ڏکڻ، ۽ ڏکڻ اولھھ Asia، ملائيشيا، فلپائين بروناءِ ۽ انڊونيشيا.
    • شيعا اسلام: largely to specific ايران، آزربائجان، جا حصا عراق، بھرين، parts of افغانستان, جا حصا ھندستان، جا حصا پاڪستان.
    • سني اسلام: dominant in the rest of the regions mentioned above.
  • Jainism: ھندستان
  • قادياني: پاڪستان, بنگلاديش, ھندستان.
  • Shinto: Japan
  • Sikhism: ھندستان, ملائيشيا, ھاڱ ڪاڱ
  • Daoism: China, ڪوريا, ويٽنام, سنگاپور, ۽ تائيوان
  • Zoroastrianism: ايران, ھندستان, پاڪستان
  • Shamanism: سائيبيريا
  • Animism: اڀرندو ھندستان

Religions founded in Asia that have the majority of their contemporary adherents in other regions include:

  • Christianity (لبنان، شام، Palestine، آرمينيا، جارجيا، ڏکڻ ڪوريا، سنگاپور، Malaysia، انڊونيشيا، East Timor، پاڪستان, ھندستان ۽ فلپائين)
  • Judaism (slightly fewer than half of its adherents reside in ايشيا، اسرائيل، ايران، ھندستان، Syria.)

[edit] پڻ ڏسندا

Wikimedia Commons has media related to:
  • Assuwa
  • Asia Minor
  • Pan-Asianism

[edit] حوالا

[edit] خارجي ڳنڍڻا

Template:کنڊُ Template:Region

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