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Suikoden II

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Suikoden II
North American box art
Developer(s) Konami
Publisher(s) Konami
Release date(s)
Genre(s) Role-playing game
Mode(s) Single player
Rating(s) ESRB: T (Teen)
USK: 6+
ELSPA: 11+
Platform(s) Sony PlayStation
Media 1x CD-ROM

Suikoden II is the sequel to Konami's console role-playing game Suikoden on the Sony PlayStation.


[edit] Gameplay

Updates from the original include a grid and unit based tactical battle system, the addition of a three rune slot system, a party inventory system, overall cleanup of menus in general, a "dash" button that allowed the player to run without a Holy Rune, and vast graphical improvement. Also notable is the inclusion of a variety of mini-games including one quite reminiscent of Iron Chef. A transfer of data from the prior game in the series enables returning characters to enter the fray with higher levels (of course recalculated to prevent level 99ers from appearing too early in the game) and improved weapons. References to the first game in books and such like are also adapted accordingly for a greater feel in continuity.

[edit] Combat

Following the original Suikoden, Suikoden II contains three different types of combat.

  • Regular battles. In this fighting style, the six person party the player has selected faces off with 1-6 enemies. This battle type is considered typical in RPGs, containing options for attack, magic(Runes), items, etc. This is the only battle style where the player can gain experience, items, or Potch(money).
  • 1 on 1. In this battle, the main character pits off against another character 1 on 1. This style of fighting only has three moves. Attack, Wild Attack, and Defend. This duel is played in a Rock, Paper, Scissors style where Attack beats Defend, Wild Attack beats Attack and Defend beats Wild Attack. The player can usually tell what kind of attack the enemy is going to perform by the taunts displayed.
  • Massive battles. In this installation, the massive battles take a more interactive turn. While some of the shades of the old "Rock, Paper, Scissors" style battle of the original (where calvary beats archers, archers beat magic and magic beats calvary), Suikoden II introduces a grid style battle system reminiscent to that of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms games. As the main character recruits characters for his castle, this opens up more options for more units. Certain characters are 'unit leaders' while others are 'supports'. Every character adds a certain amount of defence or attack to a unit. In addition, certain characters also add special abilities to the unit they are attached to. The numbers affect the chances of win or loss as much as the type of units being pitted against each other. Every unit may take up to a total of two 'losses'. Losses are counted when a unit suffers a severe amount of casualties. Each skirmish they take part in might result in no loss, loss on one side or even loss on both sides. As mentioned before, certain characters add special abilities to the units. Examples of these abilities include being able to take more losses than usual, magic or archery to allow attacks from a distance, healing of itself or others, etc. When a unit suffers its maximum losses it will retreat from battle, when this happens there is a possibility of the characters in the unit being wounded or even killed. Should a character be killed in a massive battle, they are considered dead for good.

[edit] Plot

[edit] Setting

Suikoden II follows three years after Suikoden in the City States of Jowston, the northern neighbour of the Toran Republic where the original took place.

[edit] Characters

The main protaganist is Riou, who goes from being a member of a youth brigade in the Highland Kingdom to being the leader of its opposition, the New Alliance Army. In acquiring one half of the Rune of the Beginning, he is destined to become leader of the newly rebuilt Jowston Army, and also to oppose the holder of the other half of the Rune of the Beginning, Jowy Atreides.

The main antagonist for the main part of the game is Luca Blight, heir to the throne of Highland. Luca is a bloodthirsty madman who developed a strong hatred for Jowston at a young age after seeing his mother being raped by Jowston soldiers.

[edit] Important characters

The following list is a collection of important characters in Suikoden II. Please note that this does not represent the full cast of characters.

[edit] 108 Stars of Destiny

[edit] Antagonists

[edit] Other characters

[edit] Story overview

The story of Suikoden II focuses on two young boys named Riou and Jowy who are caught up in a complex conflict between the City-State of Jowston and the Kingdom of Highland. They both gain two halves of one of the 27 True Runes. Riou obtains the Bright Shield Rune whilst Jowy gains the Black Sword Rune, once united as the Rune of the Beginning. As the story develops, Riou and Jowy have little choice but to realise their ambitions and see them through until they reach their ultimate goal and their destiny.

[edit] Detailed plot synopsis

The story of Suikoden II begins with two childhood friends, Riou (the player's character) and Jowy Atreides. The two are members of the Unicorn Brigade, a youth division of the Highland Army, and are preparing to go home when the peace treaty is seemingly broken by soldiers of the Jowston City-State. It is later revealed that the Highland Prince Luca Blight and the Unicorn Brigade's own Captain Rowd orchestrated the massacre of the youths and blamed it on Jowston, thus giving Highland a reason to commence an invasion. Riou and Jowy flee the site and find a waterfall. They promise to return to this spot if they're ever lost or in trouble, then jump into the waterfall.

Riou is later recovered from the river alone by Viktor and Flik, heroes of the Gate Rune War (events depicted in Suikoden), and is made captive of their band of mercenaries in Jowston. Whilst Riou is performing menial tasks for the mercenaries Jowy turns up and explains that he was rescued from the river by a young girl named Pilika from the village of Toto. The two escape back to their hometown of Kyaro, where they are reunited with Riou's adoptive sister Nanami. Unfortunately they are soon caught by Rowd and tried as deserters, only to be rescued just in time by Viktor and Flik.

It soon becomes clear to Riou, Jowy and Nanami that Luca Blight has terrible ambitions for Highland as he burns down both villages of Toto and Ryube and the mercenary fortress and slaughters the vast majority of their inhabitants. Traumatized by witnessing the murder of her parents, Pilika loses her ability to talk.

In the ruins of Toto, Riou and Jowy uncover an ancient cave and inside discover sacred runes along with a mysterious messenger named Leknaat. The two are faced with the decision of accepting two halves of the Rune of the Beginning; the Bright Shield Rune and the Black Sword Rune. Riou accepts the shield whilst Jowy takes the sword.

The youths travel west with the surviving mercenaries to the city of Muse in the heart of Jowston territory where they meet the mayor Anabelle. Faced with an imminent invasion of Highland forces, she employs Riou and Jowy to act as spies and sneak into an enemy provisions camp. They uncover the information they need but are caught on the way out. Jowy insists that Riou should run back to Muse while he holds off the soldiers. Riou reluctantly agrees and spends the following night sat at the city gates with Nanami and Pilika waiting for Jowy to return. Just as they are about to give up he appears in the distance.

The following night Riou is on his way to speak to Anabelle when he finds that she has been murdered by none other than Jowy. Riou takes Nanami and Pilika and they flee south across the Dunan lake to the town of Southwindow where they reunite with the mercenaries. An agreement is reached that a formidable military force must be assembled to combat Highland, considering that most authoritative figures within the City-State are unable to reach a stable unification. The abandoned town of Northwindow on the shores of the lake is decided as a suitable position for a headquarters.

It is soon revealed that Northwindow was Viktor's home town until its people were killed by the vampire Neclord while he was away. Upon arriving in the town it seems that Neclord is still alive (Viktor and Tir McDohl's attempts to destroy him during the events of Suikoden were apparently futile as it was only a doppelganger). Viktor reacquires the Star Dragon Sword, the only weapon capable of resisting Neclord's overwhelming defenses, but the vampire consequently flees from Northwindow.

The town is promptly populated with mercenary forces, refugees and other willing additions. The old castle is renovated and established as the base for the new Orange Army. Under the advice of Apple, Riou enlists the help of Shu, a master strategist and former fellow pupil of Apple's under the famous Mathiu Silverberg. Following Shu's tactics, the Orange Army managed to repel a Highland attack despite being significantly outnumbered. In particulr, Riou is heralded for his bravery in an ambush against the Highland general Solon Jhee and Shu suggests that Riou becomes the leader of the Orange Army.

That night Viktor explains to Riou and Nanami the story of Genkaku, their adoptive grandfather who looked after them in infancy and trained them to fight. Genkaku was a local hero in the City-State and acted honourably in the face of danger.

The following morning Riou accepts Shu's advice to become leader of the Orange Army. Leknaat reappears and tells him that fate has been once again set in motion and that 108 brave souls, known as the 108 Stars of Destiny, will unite under Riou to uphold justice. She gives Riou the Stone Tablet, bearing the names of the 108 stars, and entrusts her servant Luc to their cause.

Meanwhile, Solon Jhee is executed under the command of Luca Blight for his failure against the Orange Army. Jowy steps up to replace him and promises Luca success with only limited forces.

Riou proceeds to travel to and enlist the aid of both Two River and Greenhill. During a confrontation in the latter, Riou and Jowy face one another. Jowy asks Riou to give up fighting and run away but he refuses, claiming he has his own reasons to fight too.

Riou later travels to Matilda to try and create an alliance with the knights there, led by Gorudo. At this time, however, Luca Blight initiates a terrible plan using the Beast Rune to devour the souls of the inhabitants of Muse City. Luca now has the assistance of Leon Silverberg and is starting to play even dirtier. Enraged by Gorudo's decision to avoid the tragedy, his once-loyal subjects Camus and Miklotov defect and join forces with Riou.

Meanwhile, Jowy marries the Highland princess Jillia and joins the Blight royal family. However, a plot reveals itself during the ceremony and it turns out that Luca has poisoned his father, King Agares. Agares dies, placing Luca on the throne of Highland.

Soon Riou travels south to the Toran Republic, formerly the Scarlet Moon Empire, where he meets President Lepant who has been left in charge in the absence of Tir McDohl. Lepant says he sees the same glimmer of hope in the eyes of Riou that he once saw in Tir and agrees to form an alliance and offers troops and a general (either Kasumi or Valeria).

After Riou's return he receives news that Luca Blight is planning a large-scale attack of Northwindow with an army of 50,000 men. Hugely outnumbered with a mere 20,000 men, Shu devises a strategy to ambush Luca with a surprise attack led by three separate units. The units - under the leadership of Flik, Viktor and Riou - attack Luca's unit consecutively but are still no match for his unbelievable strength. Luca escapes, wounded, but is ambushed again by a unit of archers and is riddled with arrows. Riou duels with him and, having suffered too many wounds, Luca is eventually defeated. The Orange Army return to the castle where Riou, after being lauded by his people, collapses from exhaustion.

He recovers a few days later when he receives an invitation to a peace treaty meeting from Culgan of the Highland Army. Riou attends but it is a trap and he is threatened by Jowy to surrender. During confusion, Pilika returns to Jowy and he orders the soldiers not to fire any arrows in front of her.

Riou soon after receives a plea from Koyu, a bandit from the western lands of Tinto, claiming that Neclord is attacking their towns. Riou travels with Nanami and Viktor to put an end to the fighting and manages to seal away Neclord's power with the help of Kahn Marley, a vampire hunter, and Sierra Mikain, the first vampire from whom Neclord stole the Moon Rune.

Now with the support of Tinto's mayor Gustav Pendragon the Orange Army is able to liberate the Highland-occupied cities of Greenhill and Muse and plan an attack on Rockaxe Castle, the domain of Gorudo and the remaining Knights of Matilda. But before the dawn of the battle, Leknaat appears once more to congratulate Riou for he had successfully united all 108 Stars of Destiny in his struggle. She unlocks the full potential of his Bright Shield Rune.

The following battle is a success and the next stage of the plan is set in motion. With the enemy soldiers lured out of the castle by a decoy unit, Riou is able to sneak inside with Nanami to burn the Matilda flag, replacing it with Dunan's own. Unfortunately, they are intercepted by Jowy who intends to prevent them from completing their mission. Despite Nanami's pleas to avoid fighting, Riou and Jowy are both fully prepared to do so. At this instant Gorudo appears with a group of Matilda Knights. They fire arrows at Riou, but Nanami leaps to his defense and is hit in the process. Jowy and Riou furiously join forces to attack Gorudo and succeed in killing him and his knights, but it is too late for Nanami and she dies later in the castle's infirmary.

Forced to quickly deal with his grief and terrible loss, Riou must rise to lead his army to victory at L'Renouille, the capital city of Highland. Shu creates a strategy to burn an entire forest with the Highland Army in it, killing a massive amount of enemy soldiers. The remaining forces are defeated by the Orange Army on the battlefield and Riou is able to infiltrate L'Renouille Castle with a handful of companions.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the castle, Jowy tells Jillia to flee Highland with Pilika and to start a new life for themselves under a different name.

Riou finally finds Leon Silverberg in the throne room. Leon cuts his hand and his oozing blood awakens the Beast Rune etched in the castle's very floor. After the most challenging battle yet, the Beast finally falls and the castle begins to collapse. Riou escapes safely where he is greeted by the Orange Army.

The following day the leaders of all the factions of the City-State gather together to form a new alliance. But Riou leaves the room, seemingly unwilling to participate. He travels to Tenzan Pass, where he and Jowy once promised to return. Sure enough, Jowy is waiting for him. Jowy explains that when they acted as spies in the Highland camp he stayed behind and met Luca Blight. He despised everything that Luca stood for and vowed to never let anyone destroy peoples' lives like he had done, in particular he didn't want anyone to suffer as Pilika had. Jowy begins to attack Riou but Riou refuses to fight. Jowy continues to insist, claiming that the runes mean they must fight, but still Riou refuses. Just as Jowy starts to fall weak, Leknaat appears and heals him. They both decide to stop fighting and to leave together. As they leave they find Shu waiting for them. He tells them that Nanami is in fact still alive and had faked her own death because she couldn't bear to see Riou and Jowy fight, but knew that it had to be done. Shu says farewell to Riou as he leaves with Jowy to find Nanami waiting at Genkaku's house in Kyaro, where the three of them embark upon a new adventure.

In the absence of Riou, the Jowston City-State becomes reborn as the Dunan Republic.

Note: This story synopsis is for the official sequence of events which assumes that the player successfully recruited all 108 Stars of Destiny before the battle in Rockaxe Castle. Otherwise Nanami does not survive. It also assumes the player decides to leave Northwindow to find Jowy instead of staying to lead the new Dunan Republic.

[edit] Rarity

Suikoden II remains one of the rarest games for the PlayStation console, commonly carrying an asking price of more than $100 USD asking price from potential sellers, or up to as much as $250 USD for an unopened version of the game. The limited print run and the lackluster initial response led to the obvious low supply presently. Of course, as the series continues to reach a wider audience with its newer installments, the willingness of many to pay such high prices is a testament to the series' increasing popularity. Though the limited availability has made it the least played game in the Suikoden series, Suikoden II is nonetheless widely regarded by fans as the best of the five games released to date. Suikoden II was recently released on the PSP as a compilation of both Suikoden and Suikoden II in the Japanese market. There is no word yet on whether this compilation will spread to the American or European markets.

Suikoden series by Konami
Suikoden | Suikoden II | Suikoden III | Suikoden IV | Suikoden V
Spinoffs and related games
Genso Suikogaiden Vol. 1 | Genso Suikogaiden Vol. 2 | Card Stories | Suikoden Tactics
Genso Suikoden I&II
108 Stars of Destiny | Notable Suikoden characters (non-SoD) | Other characters
27 True Runes | Geography
In other languages

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