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Smallville characters Season Five

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This is a page of guest characters on the fifth season of Smallville (2005-2006).


[edit] Professor Milton Fine a.k.a. Brainiac

Professor Milton Fine
Professor Milton Fine
  • Played by: James Marsters
  • Appears in: "Arrival", "Thirst", "Splinter", "Solitude", "Hypnotic, "Oracle", "Vessel"
  • Quote: "Actually... it IS mine"(in reference to the spaceship); "Enjoy the show"(in reference to the destruction his virus causes); "Clark, there are no such things as vampires"(Spoofing the show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer")
  • Real identity: Brainiac
  • Powers and Abilities: Super-strength, heat vision, super-speed, invulnerability, superior intelligence and a body of liquid metal which allows him to form blades from his limbs and morph his form to impersonate any person. Can infect computer systems similar in the way of viruses.

After the Disciples of Zod were neutralized by Clark, their spaceship was stolen by Lex and kept in a special room at LuthorCorp. A black ooze started to seep from the spaceship, out of which arose Milton Fine/Brainiac. Fine was later revealed to be Clark's history professor at Central Kansas A&M, and he hired Clark as his research assistant for a book he was writing on LuthorCorp.

Fine began visiting LuthorCorp in order to do research for his book, and while there, he murdered a security guard assigned to guard the stolen spaceship. He obtained classified documents about LuthorCorp projects, including "Project 1138," which was intended to find a cure to a mysterious strain of rabies that turned whoever was infected by it into a vampire. Fine used this little bit of knowledge to cause friction between Clark and Lex.

Trying to get closer to Clark, Fine materialized a piece of Silver Kryptonite and sent it to Lana with a note saying that Lex had sent it; in the process of handling the stone, Clark pricked himself and got a splinter in his system, from which he began having paranoid delusions about the people in his life. When Clark was about to choke Lana to death for allegedly "cheating" on him with Lex, Fine intervened and removed the splinter from Clark's system. It was then that Fine revealed that he was in fact a Kryptonian, just like Clark.

Some time later, Martha was afflicted with a strange Kryptonian disease that left horrible marks on her body. Clark asked Fine about the disease, who told him that Martha had just a few hours left to live. Fine also told Clark that Jor-El was responsible for the disease, as he had been a brutal dictator on Krypton who infected dissidents with this very disease in order to execute them. He also told Clark that Jor-El had jailed Zod, the "great hero of the people," in order to silence him. Later, Clark invited Fine to the Kent Farm so that he could help in taking care of Martha.

While at work at the Daily Planet, Chloe received a tip about Fine from Lionel, who named all of the different abilities the Professor had; he suggested she investigate him. Later, Lois drove Chloe to the LuthorCorp plant, where she saw Fine materialize out of the black ooze that seeped from the spaceship. Meanwhile, Clark, determined not to let Martha die, accepted a drastic cure for her disease suggested to him by Fine: destroying the Fortress of Solitude.

At the Fortress, Fine gave Clark a black crystal to insert into its wall; once he did, the Fortress started to crumble, and Fine pulled a piece of Kryptonite on Clark and weakened him. Revealing that he was a form of Kryptonian artificial intelligence, but not actually Kryptonian himself, Fine proceeded to try to release Zod from the wall of the Fortress. Just then, Chloe transported into the Fortress from the caves and rescued Clark. This led to a fight between Clark and Fine, in which both displayed their Kryptonian abilities. Clark finally blasted Fine with heat vision, sending him flying across the Fortress and impaling him on the crystals protruding from the wall. He gave a final sinister smile to Clark and Chloe as black liquid flowed from his eyes, and allegedly died. Upon Fine's "death", Clark halted the destruction of the Fortress by removing the black crystal from the wall, Martha was instantly cured, and the spaceship at LuthorCorp vanished. In an interview with Alfred Gough, it is explained that when Fine was impaled on the crystals, he chose that time to infect the console at the Fortress.

However, in the episode "Hypnotic", it is revealed that he is not limited to only one body. In the episode, another ship is revealed to have crashed in Honduras and not only one but four more separate Braniac entities emerged. All run off to their own individual destination. Lex tracks him down, but is unaware of Fine's alien heritage, instead believing him to be a State Department agent.

It is revealed through the Project Mercury blog on AOL that Lex entered into an agreement with Fine. Believing that he was helping the US Government to create a cure for an alien virus, Luthorcorp helped Fine gather the most deadly viruses from all over the world to create one super-vaccine. In actuality, Lex unknowingly created a chemical compound that would allow superhuman abilities to be transferred into a human. After its creation, Fine injected the chemical into Lex.

In the season finale, Fine's spacecraft abducts Lex. When he is returned, he starts developing Kryptonian powers similar to Clark. As Fine predicted, Clark tells Jor-El this, and Jor-El tells Clark that Lex is being prepared to become the vessel for General Zod's consciousness (whose body is destroyed, and consciousness imprisioned in the Phantom Zone). Jor-El then provides Clark with a knife from the fortress that Clark is to use to kill Lex to prevent Zod's return. When Clark arrives at Lex's mansion to speak to him, Fine appears. He reveals that if Clark had become the vessel for General Zod as was originally planned (in Solitude), then Fine would not have needed Lex. When Clark refuses to release Zod, Fine attempts to pressure Clark into releasing Zod by releasing a computer virus which destroys the electrical infrastructure of every major city in the world, which leads to mass panic and rioting. When Lex later confronts Clark in the barn, Clark defies Jor-El's orders by refusing to kill Lex, and instead throws the knife at Fine, who is also present in the barn. By stabbing Fine with the knife, Clark inadvertently provided Fine with a direct link to the Fortress of Solitude, which Fine uses to release Zod's consciousness into Lex.

Also, in the season finale, Jor-El reveals that Fine is just an extension of the black spacecraft, and that the spacecraft is the true artificial intelligence, which Jor-El refers to as the Brain InterActive Construct (Brain-I-A-C).

[edit] Sheriff Nancy Adams

Sheriff Nancy Adams is the replacement of the criminal Sheriff before her and is involved in every major criminal investigation that happens in Smallville always suspicious of Clark Kent. She was killed in Lockdown by two criminal deputies.

[edit] Jor-El

Powers and Abilities: controls the Fortress of Solitude and guides Clark.

Jor-El lives within the Fortress of Solitude helping Clark against his new Kryptonian adversaries but he is destroyed by his own son's neglegence when Clark disobeys and the Fortress is dead.

[edit] Disciples of Zod

The Disciples of Zod: Nam-Ek and Aethyr
The Disciples of Zod: Nam-Ek and Aethyr

Powers and Abilities: Super-strength, speed, invulnerability, heat vision, x-ray vision, and super-hearing.

The Disciples of Zod (named in spoilers as Nam-Ek and Aethyr, but not named in the show) are two Kryptonians that came to Earth in the second meteor shower. Lana saw them come out of their spaceship after her helicopter had crashed. When the local police tried to shoot them, they retaliated by blowing up their cars with heat vision. The aliens were sent to Earth by their master, General Zod, to look for Kal-El, a.k.a. Clark, and terrorized the town in search of him. Lana finally lured them to the Luthor Mansion on the advice of Lionel (who was in a Kryptonian trance), who told her that the Kryptonite in the vault of the mansion was their weakness. They soon realized it was a trap, however, and subdued Lana, knocking her out. Clark then arrived, and the aliens tried to persuade him to join them, but Clark refused. Aethyr then threw a Phantom Zone bracelet to trap Clark and neutralize him. However, he managed to wriggle free and throw them inside the Phantom Zone, which then flew through a window of the Luthor Mansion and disappeared.

[edit] Shelby aka Krypto

Powers and Abilities: Super strength.

Shelby is the super-powered dog of Clark Kent who wished to call it Krypto but Lois decided on the name Shelby even though she was allergic to it but he made good friends with Maddie.

[edit] Lee and the Twins

Lee and the Twins
Lee and the Twins
  • "Lee" played by: Kenny Johnson
  • "The Twins" played by: Brad Mann and Todd Mann
  • Appear in: "Mortal"

Powers and Abilities: Lee has the ability to absorb energy from external sources and project it as blasts of electrical energy. The Twins can generate durable force fields while in physical contact with each other.

Lee is a rough, muscular Belle Reve Asylum patient who is able to generate electricity through his hands. He and the Twins, two bald metahumans able to generate force fields, spent time living in LuthorCorp's mysterious Level Three. One day, Lee and the Twins broke out of Belle Reve and headed for the Kent farm, where they took Jonathan, Martha, and Lana hostage to force Clark to go to Level Three and retrieve some Kryptonite serum that Lee and the twins are in dire need of. The Twins erected a force field around the Kent farm to prevent Sheriff Adams and other policemen from entering the premises, while Clark and Chloe broke into Level Three; however, they were unable to retrieve the serum due to lasers that were guarding it. Instead, Clark and Chloe rigged a suitcase with a flashbang grenade and returned to the Kent farm, where Clark tricked Lee into opening the suitcase, and then felled him with a punch. Lee and the Twins were then promptly arrested by Sheriff Adams.

[edit] Gabriel Duncan

Gabriel Duncan
Gabriel Duncan

Gabriel Duncan, the son of an Air Force colonel, is a psychotic teenager who was bent on destroying all "mutant" life in Smallville. After the second meteor shower, his father became a mutant as well, and so Gabriel killed him. Gabriel then used his father's military secrets to activate a nuclear missile; he programmed it to land on Smallville so it would destroy every mutant in town. When Clark and Chloe learned of his plans, they lured him out to the countryside, but Gabriel discovered their ruse and shot Clark. Clark was later taken to the hospital where he died, but was subsequently taken to the Fortress of Solitude and resurrected by Jor-El, with his abilities fully returned. Meanwhile, Gabriel kidnapped Chloe and took her to the launch site; however, Chloe managed to escape. Gabriel tried to kill her, but in the struggle for the gun, Gabriel shot himself in stead. Shortly after the missile was launched Clark supersped to the missile and did a super jump to take out the nuclear core in space.

[edit] Arthur AC Curry aka Aquaman

Arthur "A.C." Curry
Arthur "A.C." Curry

Powers and Abilities: Ultra-fast swimming, underwater breathing, enhanced strength and durability, and can create and throw water projectiles.

Arthur "A.C." Curry, a mysterious swimmer, appeared on Crater Lake to save Lois from drowning, just seconds ahead of Clark's savior attempt. A.C., a marine biology student at the University of Miami, had arrived in Smallville to take down a weapons project by LuthorCorp ("Leviathan") that was harming undersea life. Due to his flirting with Lois, Clark, as usual, suspected the worst of him and tried to warn Lois about him, but she ignored him.

Clark followed A.C. and discovered his plan, stopping his attempt to bomb LuthorCorp's marine facility. This resulted in an amazing underwater battle between Clark and A.C., in which Arthur displayed his awe-inspiring abilities. Clark went down in defeat, and realized A.C. was serious about his mission.

After both Clark and A.C. made an unsuccessful attempt to convince Lex to scrap the Leviathan project, A.C. went to do the job himself. However, he was captured by Lex after being shot by a tranquilizer dart and deprived of water, seriously weakening him. Fortunately, Clark arrived on the scene and replenished A.C., after which the latter was able to destroy Leviathan. A.C. subsequently left town to freely roam the high seas, after saying an emotionally-charged goodbye to Lois at Crater Lake.

Just before leaving, A.C suggests to Clark that they form a 'Junior Lifeguard Association', to which Clark responds he's "not ready for the JLA just yet".

[edit] Pauline Kahn

Pauline Kahn
Pauline Kahn
  • Played by: Carrie Fisher
  • Appears in: "Thirst"
  • Quote: To Chloe about Lionel: you pissed him off and he got you fired. I remember that day... we had cake.

Pauline Kahn, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Planet, was approached by Chloe for a job as an intern. Seemingly bossy but with a strong character, Kahn wanted to test Chloe and bring out the true reporter within her by denying her the internship. She told Chloe that she was lucky to get a previous job at the Daily Planet at such a young age, when other people struggle for years to get the same opportunity. She also reminded Chloe that it was Lionel Luthor who gave her that job, and he was also the one who took it away after she "pissed him off."

Chloe pleaded with Kahn to reconsider, and even told her that she was willing to start at the very bottom, but Kahn still refused. Before leaving, Chloe told Kahn that despite having a powerful position now, even she had to start somewhere. Impressed by Chloe's resolve, Kahn decided to see if Chloe was indeed worthy of working at the Planet by asking her to submit a story.

Some time later, Chloe gave Kahn a story about a sorority of vampires at Metropolis University. Despite initially dismissing the story as fluff published by tabloids such as the Inquisitor, Kahn saw the flashes of brilliance that Chloe had, saying that she wasn't "completely untalented", but that she wasn't a very good reporter yet either. She finally decided to give Chloe the job, and Chloe started her work at the Daily Planet just like she said she was willing to do... at the bottom.

[edit] Buffy Sanders

Buffy Sanders
Buffy Sanders

Powers and Abilities: Enhanced strength, agility, and eternal youth. Can make someone a vampire by having them drink her blood.

Buffy Sanders is the President of the Tri-Psi sorority at Metropolis University. She defined the sorority as the best on campus, with the richest and prettiest girls. Lana was forced to pledge Tri-Psi in order to find housing, since she had been accepted to Met U so late. However, after she was accepted, Buffy revealed to her that the sorority sisters were actually vampires, and turned Lana into a vampire by cutting her own tongue and making Lana drink her blood.

While doing some digging for her story for Pauline Kahn, Chloe discovered that none of the girls who joined Tri-Psi left after joining and also that a Smallville girl, Buffy Sanders, had been trapped in a cave full of bats and was rescued by LuthorCorp. When Clark later talked to Lex about this, he revealed that Kryptonite had been in the cave walls, mutating all animal and plant life in the cave. In the case of the bats, they had been turned into vampire bats and bitten Buffy, who was infected with a strange strain of rabies that turned her into a vampire.

Later, Chloe and Clark attended a Tri-Psi Halloween party to find Lana, who was caught by Chloe dancing a little too close with another guy. She confronted Lana about this, and Lana bit into her, but Clark came to her rescue. Buffy saw Clark witnessing Lana's biting into Chloe, and threatened to have the sorority feed on Lana unless she brought Clark back to them as a meal. Lana succeeded in doing this by biting into Clark while he was visiting Lex, and in the process, gleaned his heat vision. Later, when the sorority sisters were about to feed on Clark, Lana stopped them, saying that he was not a normal guy. This angered Buffy, who faced off with Lana, but Lana promptly incinerated her with a blast of heat vision.

[edit] Jack Jennings

Jack Jennings
Jack Jennings

Jack Jennings is a Kansas State Senator and Jonathan's oldest friend; Clark regarded him as sort of an uncle. He dropped by the Kent Farm to secure Jonathan's support in his upcoming election campaign, in which he was running against Lex. However, trouble arose when a stripper was killed in a hit-and-run outside the Wingate Gentleman's Club in Metropolis, and a picture surfaced showing Jack with the murdered girl. For this reason, Detective Maggie Sawyer of the Metropolis PD came to the Kent Farm to question Jack about the murder.

Clark suspected Lex had dug up dirt on Jack in order to harm his chances in the electoral race, and confronted him about it. Lex revealed to Clark that Jack and the murdered girl had been lovers. Later, Jonathan and Jack went for a drive and Jonathan scolded Jack about his wrongdoings with a stripper, saying that he should be a clean and honest representative of the public. Jack took Jonathan's words to heart, and called a press conference in order to announce his withdrawal from the race. However, before departing Smallville, Jack told Jonathan that he was a man full of integrity, and would make an excellent State Senator.

[edit] Lillian Luthor

Lillian Luthor is the deceased mother of Lex Luthor and wife of Lionel Luthor. She did not want to give birth to another child of his, as she feared that Lionel would pit the children against each other to gain his attention and love. However, that fear became a reality. She gave birth to Lex's younger brother, Julian.

Lillian realized that Lionel would raise both of her sons like royalty instead of like regular people. She asked for a divorce, but Lionel did not give her one. To stop what she feared, she seemed to have no choice but to kill her youngest. Due to a psychotic break, Lillian smothered baby Julian with a pillow in his crib and Lex was too late to stop her. To protect her from Lionel, Lex took the blame, which through his years of growing up, became a mental break, to cause him to believe that he actually did it.

Lillian had died of a heart attack. However, her spirit watched over Lex, even through his crooked candidacy for the Kansas State Senate, in which he was running against Jonathan (who had replaced Jack Jennings). To save Lex from becoming like Lionel, she created a dream futuristic reality for him after he was shot by robbers in Granville and landed in the hospital in a coma. In this dream world, Lex had the perfect life: a family with Lana, no relation with his father, and good friends. However, the dream also took a downturn when Lana died during delivery of their second child. Angered that Lana would be gone in this reality, Lex awakened and decided to continue with his crooked ways in an effort to defeat Jonathan for the State Senate seat.

[edit] Samantha Drake

  • Played by: Annie Burgstede
  • Appears in: "Fanatic"

Samantha Drake is the president of the "Students For Lex Luthor" club at Central Kansas University. A fanatical follower of Lex who nurtured an obsession with him, she was willing to go to any lengths in order to make sure he won the State Senate seat. At their first meeting, she impressed him (as well as spooked him out a bit) with her knowledge of intimate details about his life and career.

One night, Samantha and two of her cohorts from SFLL broke into the Kent Farm and attacked Jonathan in the barn, leaving him beaten and hanging upside down in the barn. After the newspapers and even Lex himself condemned this action, Samantha's two cohorts wanted to back out of the operation and threatened to turn themselves in to the authorities. However, she prevented them from doing so by shooting and killing them both.

Samantha then shaved her head bald so as to resemble Lex, and made her way over to the Luthor Mansion wearing nothing but a trench coat. She exposed herself to Lex, but he didn't bite her bait. Samantha then revealed that she was responsible for the attack on Jonathan, and Lex threatened to have her thrown out of the Mansion. However, before he could do so, she smashed a vase over his head and knocked him out, and then headed to Jonathan's rally to kill him. At the rally, she was caught backstage by Lois with a sniper rifle. After pistol-whipping Lois, Samantha forced her to shoot Jonathan at gunpoint with the sniper rifle. Lois struggled for the rifle with her, and she eventually got her hands on it and fired a bullet at Jonathan. However, Clark arrived and caught the bullet before it hit Jonathan, and then went upstairs to find that Lois had subdued Samantha.

[edit] Gregory Flynn and Harris

Gregory Flynn and Harris were two deputies in the Smallville Sherriff's department, who were engaged to be married. During the second meteor shower, Gregory witnessed the Disciples of Zod emerge from their spaceship and massacre his entire unit, and also saw Lex taking the ship away. He had a psychotic break and was institutionalized, with everyone being barred from seeing him, including Harris. Following Gregory's release, he and Harris were bent on finding the ship and proving he was not crazy. To this end, they broke into the Luthor Mansion and confronted Lex with their guns pointed at him, but he was able to escape them and go into a nearby panic room.

Caught off guard by Lex's maneuver, Gregory and Harris attempted to use Lana as leverage against Lex, since Gregory knew that Lana had seen the Kryptonians emerge from their ship as well. Having previously planted a GPS tracking device on Lana's SUV, Harris pulled her over on the pretext of a traffic stop and took her back to the Luthor Mansion at gunpoint. This lured Lex out of the panic room, but he was shot by Gregory and Harris while helping Lana escape their grasp. Both of them made it back inside the panic room, where Lex hung onto life by a thread. It was then that he told Lana that the ship had been missing for quite some time. Meanwhile, the Sheriff's department had begun to investigate Lana's disppearance, and the GPS device on Lana's abandoned SUV was found by Clark and given to Sherriff Adams. Using the GPS coordinates, the Sheriff went to the Luthor Mansion, but was shot dead by Gregory and Harris.

Willing to do anything to save Lex's life, Lana told Gregory and Harris that she would take them to the ship, which Lex told her had been in Warehouse #15 at LuthorCorp. However, once the three of them got there, the ship was obviously not to be found. Lana managed to subdue an irate, gun-toting Gregory by dropping a bunch of steel pipes on him from the ceiling, but was knocked out when she attempted to defend herself against Harris. The deputies then uncovered a timer bomb and escaped the warehouse, leaving Lana to die. However, Clark made his way to the Luthor Mansion using the GPS device's coordinates, where Lex told him Lana had taken Gregory and Harris to Warehouse #15. Clark arrived at the Warehouse and rescued Lana just as the bomb exploded behind him. Gregory and Harris were subsequently arrested.

[edit] Andrea Rojas, the Angel of Vengeance

The Angel of Vengeance
The Angel of Vengeance

Powers and Abilities: Super-strength, speed, and agility.

By day, Andrea Rojas was a bespectacled reporter working at the Daily Planet. However, by night, she was a masked, black-cape-clad vigilante fighting crime in Metropolis. One night when Martha was dropping Jonathan's clothes off at the homeless shelter, she was mugged by two men. They took Jonathan's prized watch, but were prevented from doing anything further by Andrea, who arrived on the scene and rescued Martha. Martha later told Clark about what had happened.

Determined to find the thief of his father's watch, Clark went to Chloe, who had been digging up information on Andrea for a story and christened her the "Angel of Vengeance." Andrea saw this and, later, attacked both of them at the Daily Planet. Clark and Chloe devised a plot to lure Andrea out of hiding; she bit their bait, but in the ensuing fight, Clark unmasked her and both she and Clark found out about each other's abilities. Andrea told Clark that she had gained her abilities after she and her mother had been mugged by members of a street gang; she was stabbed in the heart, but survived due a heart transplant from a girl who had died in the meteor shower. However, her mother, who had led citizens' campaigns against drug lords and real estate developers in Suicide Slum, was killed. Andrea swore revenge on her mother's killers, and invited Clark to join her in her quest.

Clark and Andrea confronted the gangsters (who, as it turned out, also mugged Martha), and Clark stole a cellphone belonging to a gangster. Using the phone, the two of them and Chloe were able to locate Snake, the gangster who had mugged Martha and killed Andrea's mother. Still grieving over Jonathan's death, Clark searched out Snake and nearly killed him; however, he was stopped by Andrea, who downed Clark with Kryptonite and did the honours herself. Before Andrea killed Snake, he revealed that the Apex Group who was developing property in Suicide Slum had ordered him to kill her mother; the head of Apex was Lionel Luthor. Andrea broke into Lionel's office at LuthorCorp and threw him out the window, but Clark arrived and rescued Lionel. Andrea subsequently quit her job at the Daily Planet and vanished, never to be seen again.

[edit] Victor Stone aka Cyborg

Victor Stone
Victor Stone

Powers and Abilities: Super-strength and invulnerability.

Victor Stone had been a star wide receiver at Metropolis High School; it was in this capacity that he had first met Clark. Just before his graduation, he had been killed in a car accident with his family. Following his death, however, a LuthorCorp-owned bionic research company called SynTechnics had claimed his corpse and implanted electrical and mechanical parts into it, thus resurrecting him as a cyborg. Feeling sympathy for Victor and his search for his beloved girlfriend Katherine, SynTechnics scientist Dr. Hong allowed him to escape from captivity. While fleeing the facility, Victor was hit by Lana's SUV, but emerged from the accident without a scratch.

Lana called Clark for help, and Victor learned about Clark's powers during a confrontation outside the hospital. Clark took Victor to stay at his loft; however, SynTechnics security personnel broke into the barn and shot Victor in the arm. Clark and Lana took Victor to Lois' apartment, where Victor began leaking battery fluid; he would die if the wound was not treated. While Clark went to confront Lex about SynTechnics' activities, Victor, overcome by his desire to find Katherine, escaped Lana's watch and went to Katherine's house. It turned out to be a trap; Lex and Dr. Alistair Creek, who had supervised the experiments on Victor, had lured him there, and made him return to the SynTechnics lab at gunpoint.

At the lab, Lex informed Victor of SynTechnics' plans to insert a chip into his brain, thus turning him into a robot for all intents and purposes. Just when Dr. Creek was about to drill into Victor's head, Clark broke into the lab and rescued him. Clark brought Victor back to the Kent barn, where Victor thanked Clark for his actions. At that moment, Lana brought Katherine into the barn, and she and Victor shared an emotional reunion.

[edit] Simone

Powers and Abilities: Has a necklace that has the power of hypnotism.

Simone is the daughter of a world-famous hypnotist who used a captivating blue gemstone around his neck to hypnotize his patients. She was also a petty shoplifter, and when she was about to be found out, she killed her father for the stone and wore it around her neck to hypnotize people and make them do whatever she wanted them to.

Lex found evidence that Simone had engaged in shoplifting and threatened to have her thrown in prison unless she used her hypnotic talents to break Clark and Lana up. To this end, she hypnotized Clark at the Talon and made her make out with him; they were caught by Lois, who told Chloe about their escapade. Later, at the Kent Farm, Clark revealed his powers to Simone, and they later began having sex in the loft. Simone told Clark to get Lana to the loft on the pretext of him needing some kind of help. Lana came to the loft and caught Clark and Simone together, and returned to Metropolis in tears. Chloe and Lois had meanwhile dug up info on Simone, and their suspicions about her were furthered when Lana told Chloe about Clark and Simone.

Simone reported back to Lex that she had completed her task; however, Lex had also expected her to find out Clark's secret, but she refused to divulge her findings. When Lex threatened to turn her in, Simone returned to the Kent Farm and told Clark they would be leaving for California. Before they left, Simone instructed Clark to make a stop at the Luthor Mansion and kill Lex. Clark barged in on Lex and nearly beat the pulp out of him, but Chloe arrived and weakened Clark with Kryptonite. With Clark out of commission, Simone hypnotized Lex and told him to kill Chloe. Lex grabbed a gun and pointed it at Chloe, but Chloe struggled with him for it. In so doing, the gun went off and killed Simone, shattering her hypnotic gemstone.

[edit] Lance

  • Played by: Patrick Currie
  • Appears in: "Void"

Lance is a doctor and partner of Ally who invented the Limbo Drug with meteor rocks, it has the power to allow you to see your lost loved ones, Ally died from overuse and Lance tried to hide the evidence. Those he used it on were Lana Lang who paid him much for it, Lex Luthor who he stabbed in the back as well as Clark Kent.

[edit] Maddie Van Horn

Powers and Abilities: Telekinetic control over glass.

Maddie is a second-generation meteor freak who inherited her power from her father and feared it ever since. When she grew angry glass would shatter and one day her mother died when all the glass in their house began shattering. She later joined Clark Kent and became fast friends with him and Shelby (disliking Lois at first). The agency came to take her back and Lois advised them not to but the man died when the car windows shattered and left Lois with glass in her back. Lois realized Maddie hadn't broken the glass it was her father. Her father then tried to abduct her and showed her he could remake glass and he stole seven diamonds claiming it was all for her. Later Clark saved her and he tried to reclaim her but she grew angry and almost killed him leaving him defeated.

[edit] Lincoln Cole

  • Played by: Ian Tracey
  • Appears in: "Mercy"

Lincoln Cole was someone fired and left without a job after Lionel Luthor made a hostile takeover. Thus he sought revenge by forcing Lionel to play games to save his and others lives always wearing a mask though Lionel wouldn't of recognized him anyway. After he supposedly killed Lionel (for the games were just a ploy and Clark had saved Lionel and Martha) he rejoiced and began proclaiming to all he had killed Lionel Luthor. The cops arrested him but he was still joyful till he became filled with rage when he learned Lionel had survived.

Episodes: Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 | Season 6
Clark Kent | Lana Lang | Lex Luthor | Chloe Sullivan
Lionel Luthor | Lois Lane | Martha Kent | Jonathan Kent
Pete Ross | Jason Teague | Whitney Fordman
Smallville Guest Characters
Seasons: Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5 | Season 6
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Broadcasters and home video releases | Kryptonite | Kryptonian Crystals

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aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -