Talk:Bwiema peij

From Wikipedia

The encylopedia needs 235 {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} somewhere on the main page. en:User:David Newton


[Kiwiwid] Who speaks Nauruan?

I need somebody who speaks Nauruan. What are the words districts, car, cars, United Kingdom, Italy,... in Nauruan? We need a word list. User:Belgian man 20:38, 2 Oct 2004 (UTC)

I have some names of countries from wiktionary (don't know if they are correct): Djermani: Germania Eben Eyong: The Netherlands Ingerand: England Tsipain: Spain

[Kiwiwid] Alphabet

Dose any one even know what the alphibet looks like?

The alphabet is based on the en:Latin alphabet. In Modern Nauruan, there are no diacritics and the alphabet lacks some letters. Belgian man 21:05, 25 November 2005 (UTC)

[Kiwiwid] New main page!

Check it out... Our new, beautiful main page made by User:Geograaf! Champagne for everyone. Belgian man 21:05, 25 November 2005 (UTC)

Forgotten... ;) --Artur Lion 01:29, 27 November 2005 (UTC)
I know, but Geograaf's version was a little more pretty than mine and yours were (is my opinion). But we can still use parts of your proposition, please have some talk before editing something important on the template:content. Greets, Belgian man 12:28, 27 November 2005 (UTC)
I won't do a revolution. I've made my proposition above, unfortunately w/o translation into Nauruan (I haven't received any answer from my Nauruan contact so far...) which made it quite unusable... If You think this new is better than mine (even if it would be translated), that's ok. Everything now is better than that what was all the time. ;) --Artur Lion 14:22, 27 November 2005 (UTC)
Indeed :-) But the big part with the different themes that most big Wikipedias have, on your proposition, is interesting to me. But the translations always forms a problem for this language-without-big-information-sources. Belgian man 20:39, 27 November 2005 (UTC)
I thought that my Nauruan contact would translate this page for me but he haven't so far... Then, if translated, it would be a good proposition for a "Bwiema peij" ;) If we, users of, of course like it... ;) --Artur Lion 22:50, 27 November 2005 (UTC)
Mmm it's almost a month later and your contact hasn't responded so far or am i mistaking? Geograaf a.k.a. Netherlands girl 20:47, 20 December 2005 (UTC)
Hehe... no... it's MORE THAN 1 month, because when I was writing it (above) it WAS then about 1 month since I haven't heard a thing from my Nauruan contact... In fact... we need to wait... BTW It's quite curious that I haven't received so far any message from Nauruan UN Mission ;P --Artur Lion 00:02, 21 December 2005 (UTC)

[Kiwiwid] Country names

I have some names of countries from wiktionary (don't know if they are correct):

  • Djermani: Germania
  • Eben Eyong: The Netherlands
  • Ingerand: England
  • Tsipain: Spain

(nl:gebruiker:Al) 13:19, 11 May 2006 (UTC)

According to the latest version of the country list on User:CdaMVvWgS, only Tsipain (must be Pain) and Eben Eyong (Niterand) are incorrect. I added those translations on Wiktionary myself :) Belgian man 14:46, 11 May 2006 (UTC)