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List of Star Wars planets (A-B)

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[edit] Aargau

Aargau is one of the Deep Core Worlds, and is the headquarters of the Bank of Aargau, which is owned by the Confederacy of Independent Systems' ally, the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Aargau is located in the Zug system.

The planet shares its name with Aargau, a Swiss canton near the banking capital of Switzerland, Zürich.

Also, "Zug" is the name of another Swiss Canton. It can be assumed that these names are a play on the fact that Switzerland has an inordinate number of banks

[edit] Abbaji

Abaji houses the Irugian Rain forest. Where one-hundred-meter-tall firethorn trees grow in a single grove. Prince Xizor owns a few firethorn trees.[1]The planet has gas resources.

[edit] Abregado-rae

Abregado-rae is a planet in the Abregado system. Its main port and administrative capital is Abregado-rae. Rebel groups were known to use the hills of this planet for cover. Talon Karrde was also a known supplier and smuggler for these groups. Recently, a totalitarian government has modernized Abregado-rae but has demanded total obedience from its citizens. The planet is the home to the Gado species. [2] [3]

In one novel, Han Solo mentions that it was originally a poverty-stricken planet, but when a new governing council was elected, the capital city was cleaned up. [citation needed]

[edit] Acilaris

The closest planet to the twin suns, Morasil and Termadus. It could be easily mistaken as a large asteroid but is definately a planet. Acilaris has enough gravity to maintain an atmosphere (comprised mainly of hydrogen with traces of sulfur, carbon and boron). Because of its proximity to the suns, the surface temperature of the planet is extremely high and so ships can't land on the surface and for this reason nobody has ever visited the Acilaris. Sensor scans have revealed a variety of rare minerals and even some crystals.

The presence of these minerals in other planets has meant a lack of interest in Acilaris although it is rumoured that one company has a contracted with the droids of Uffel to produce some special droids that could withstand the surface temperature.

[edit] Adari

Adari, home to the Adarian race, is a planet covered in snow-capped volcanic mountains. Adari signed a non-aggression treaty with the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. In exchange for Adarian neutrality, the planet supplied large amounts of raw materials to the Empire.

[edit] Adega

Adega is another name for the planet Ossus. It was once a Jedi stronghold and a source of Adegan crystals, used in Jedi lightsabers. The planet is located in the Outer Rim, bordering the Cron Drift.

[edit] Aduba-3

Main article: Aduba-3

Aduba-3, or Aduba III, is a planet in the Aduba system in the Outer Rim. It has three million inhabitants and a small shipyard. It was once an agricultural world, but much of the land was laid waste by a mining rush sparked by false rumors of plentiful chromium deposits.

[edit] Adumar

Adumar, located near the edge of Wild Space, is a planet that was settled 10,000 years BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) by a separatist group that was defeated by the Galactic Republic and banished. They were rediscovered eight years after the Battle of Endor by the New Republic. The world contains natural resources vital in the construction of proton torpedoes. General Wedge Antilles, Colonel Tycho Celchu, Major Wes Janson, and Major Derek "Hobbie" Klivian went on a diplomatic mission to Adumar to convince the world's leader to join the New Republic. While there, they discovered that the Empire also sent a group of pilots to secure military ties with Adumar. After a large space battle, the New Republic proved victorious, and Adumar, now under new leadership, chose to join the New Republic. The planet was subsequently bombarded by Imperial forces under Admiral Gilad Pellaeon. [4] [5]

[edit] Aeten II

Aeten II is a planet from Star Wars Empire at War. Located in the Outer Rim, it is well known for its deposit of stygium crystals which are used in cloaking devices. Due to this, proprietors soon fought for the crystals, which made Aeten II one of the most dangerous planets in the Outer Rim. By the time Emperor Palpatine rose to power, the crystals had been all but depleted. Still, proprietors found ways to mine other valuable resources to mine from the planet.[citation needed]

[edit] Af'El

Af'El is the homeworld to the Defel. It is a high-gravity planet with no ozone layer and orbits the ultraviolet supergiant Ka'Dedus. Because of the lack of ozone, ultraviolet light passes freely to the surface, while other light wavelengths are blocked by the heavy gases in the planet's atmosphere. Thus, all life forms on Af'El can only see in ultraviolet light ranges, and are blind to other wavelengths of light.

[edit] Agamar

Agamar is an agricultural world in the Outer Rim. The planet was the site of two battles during the Clone Wars, and was also the home of Rebel pilot Keyan Farlander. Agamar long remained in Imperial hands, however the planet had joined the New Republic by the time of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. During the war, many refugees passed through Agamar, but the world was later overrun by the Yuuzhan Vong prior to their invasion of Ithor.

[edit] Aikhibba

Aikhibba is the home of the crime lord Spadda the Hutt and a minor stopping point for smugglers on the Gamor Run.[6]

[edit] Alba

Alba (or Alba-16) is a minor planet, mentioned in Jedi Apprentice book #3. "Alba was a world in the midst of a bloody, chaotic civil war."Also Jabba had a relationship with Spadda the Hutt resulting in Spadda becoming a crime lord

[edit] Alderaan

Main article: Alderaan

Alderaan, seen in Episodes III and IV, is the home of Princess Leia Organa, Bail Organa, and also, in 4000 BBY, Ulic Qel-Droma, who fought in the Great Sith War. Its name is actually an archaic and disused astronomical name (see Alderaan (real)). Alderaan was known for its peaceful and nature-conscious citizens and vibrant, melodic culture. The planet's citizens had no weapons, and space pilots had to have port authorities hold theirs while they were on the planet. Alderaan was tragically destroyed by the Death Star in 6 BBY. The planet was similar to Chandrila and Naboo, and also resembled Earth. Animals native to Alderaan included the nerf and the thranta, examples of which still survive on other planets. [7] [3] [2] [8] [9]

[edit] Almania

Almania is an obscure planet in the Outer Rim whose population was destroyed by droids in whom were implanted explosive devices by the Dark Jedi Brakiss at the behest of Kueller. [10]

[edit] Almas

Main article: Almas (Star Wars)

Almas is a terraformed planet in the Cularin system. Its moon Dorumaa is also a terraformed satellite. Almas is the site of an ancient Sith fortress established by Darth Rivan.

[edit] Alpheridies

Alpheridies is the homeworld of the Miraluka people. They migrated there after their original homeworld became unstable and began losing its atmosphere into space. The planet's infra-red sun caused them to lose their sight over thousands of generations, encouraging instead their ability to see though the Force. At some point, the Miraluka colonized other planets, including Katarr. Alpheridies on Wookiepedia

[edit] Altyr 5

Altyr 5 is a rocky, cliff-riddled planet in the Altyr system. A fierce battle of the Clone Wars took place on the planet a number of years before a New Republic base was erected. Five years after the defeat of Jerec, Kyle Katarn and Mara Jade were stationed at the base when Imperial Remnant forces attacked.

[edit] Alzoc III

Alzoc III is a mountainous planet covered in snow and ice. Alzoc III is also the homeworld of the Talz. Muftak and Foul Moudama are two examples of Talz that come from Alzoc III. In the demo version of Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, Kyle Katarn must infiltrate an Imperial outpost on Alzoc III to find out what the Imperial Remnant are planning. [2]

[edit] Ambria

Ambria is a desert world in Stenness Node, tainted by a strong dark side influence. Herds of staga and flocks of neeks, as well as strange creatures inhabiting Lake Natth, roam the plains of Ambria. Four thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, the great Jedi Master Thon, a Tchuukthai Jedi, lived on Ambria.

[edit] Ammuud

Ammuud is a planet governed by seven feudal clans that lies under the umbrella of the Corporate Sector Authority. Prior to the Authority's annexation of the planet, the clans had been warring with each other for some 10,000 years. Ammuud is heavily forested, with large oceans and two immense ice caps. [2]

[edit] Ampliquen

Ampliquen, in Meridian Sector, is one of the few planets in that sector to have an independent civilization. It maintained an uneasy truce with Budpock until Seti Ashgad incited pirates to attack Ampliquen and break the truce. This was done in order to draw New Republic forces away from Durren and Nam Chorios, as part of Dzym's plans to take over the galaxy. [11]

[edit] Anaxes

A Core World, Anaxes, located in the Axum system, was known as the Defender of the Core when it was ruled by the Galactic Republic and later the Empire. The planet is populated mostly by humans, and boasts 512 million citizens, most of whom speak Basic. The terrain consists of plains, forests, and mountains. On the planet is the famous Anaxes Citadel, built by the Azure Imperium.

The world has been associated with the Azure Imperium, the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, and the New Republic. [3]

[edit] Ando

Located in the Mid Rim, Ando is home to the aquatic Aqualish. Ando is an ocean world orbited by two moons. Ninety-five percent of the surface is covered in water, and what little land remains is complemented by Aqualish sailing ships used as mobile homes. Once the Aqualish discovered space travel, they explored Ando's sister world, though a series of inter-species wars left it decimated and barren. [2]

[edit] Ando Prime

Ando Prime is an icy, mountainous planet that hosts many podraces. It is featured primarily in the video game Star Wars: Episode I Racer. As well, in Attack of the Clones, the planet can be seen briefly on a viewscreen in the nightclub. The inhabitants of Ando Prime have a culture similar to that of Tibet. In the Episode I Racer game, Ando Prime is home to the Beedo's Wild Ride, Howler Gorge, Andobi Mountain Run and Ando Prime Centrum podraces. [12]

[edit] Anoat

Anoat is a planet that lies in the Anoat system. The star system lies between the Hoth and Bespin systems. The Millennium Falcon passed through the relatively deserted system while escaping from the Empire. Toxic waste infected Anoat and the terraformed planet Deyer, forcing the populations to move offworld. In the game Star Wars: Dark Forces, Kyle Katarn is sent to Anoat to investigate a lead in the Dark Trooper project. It appears that it has become home to many Dianogas.

[edit] Anoth

Main article: Anoth

Anoth is the planet where Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo spent their early vulnerable years of childhood. The planet consisted of three separate parts, two of which were close enough to scrape each other and the third which orbited a safe distance away. It was on this third fragment where the children were kept.

[edit] Ansion

Ansion is the planet which Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker visited to settle a border dispute just prior to Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (22 BBY). There were rumors that Ansion would withdraw from the Galactic Republic and join the increasing Separatist movement, and the Jedi were sent to deal with this problem.

Ansion is covered in grasslands which have a huge variety of wildlife, including the kyren and the suubatar. Two main groups of Ansionians inhabit the planet: the city-dwelling people and their nomadic brethren the Alwari. The small Gwurran are another race encountered who live primitively off of the land.[13]

[edit] Antar

Antar is a gas giant which has six moons orbiting it. The fourth moon, Antar 4, is home to the Gotal race. [2]

[edit] Anteevy

Anteevy is a frigid ice world home to an Imperial construction facility. It was home to the production of second-stage Dark Troopers before Kyle Katarn infiltrated the base and destroyed it (as seen in the video game Star Wars: Dark Forces). Forty-five years after the battle of Yavin 4, the New Republic made a Jedi temple on this planet, yet in about fifteen years, the Sith would totally destroy the planet with their bombers and leave the planet a wasteland of complete extinction.

[edit] Apatros

Apatros is a world in the Outer Rim Territories. It is a moon-sized world with a thin atmosphere and only native plant life, and orbited a dim orange star. It was orbited by a small moon. Its single settlement had the same name as the planet, and was a kilometer-square, containing mostly single-story prefabricated buildings.

Around 1,002 BBY, it was a Galactic Republic world and was the site of a cortosis mine run by the Outer Rim Oreworks Company.

It was also the home planet of Darth Bane.[14]

[edit] Aquilaris

Aquilaris is a watery planet filled with sunken cities. Only floating city islands are found above sea level, something like Mon Calamari. Podraces here include the Aquilaris Classic, Sunken City and Bumpy's Breakers. [12]

[edit] Arabanth

Arabanth is a Hapan world that holds pride in a series of "thought puzzles", one of which is seen during the Hapan gift ceremony on Coruscant.

[edit] Aram

Aram is a high-gravity, tropical planet that is the homeworld of the Aramandi. It is part of the Aramand Cluster in Brak Sector, and is orbited by a single moon. It should be noted that the name "Aram" could have influence from another Science Fiction Novel; Lord of Light.[citation needed]

[edit] Arbra

Arbra is a small tropical planet that served as a Rebel base after the Battle of Hoth. The Rebels called it "Salvation", since they were lucky to have found it. Forests cover most of the planetary surface, growing up the sides of immense mountains and inside the deep valleys. Arbra is inhabited by Hoojibs, who are small, telepathic sentients. They allowed the Rebels to build a base on the planet after Rebel troops helped them defeat the Slivilith, a creature that posed a threat to the Hoojibs.

The Rebel base on Arbra was built in a deep cave, which the Hoojibs lived in. The Rebels tapped into a series of crystalline power rods that provided geothermal energy directly from Arbra's core. The co-ordinates of Arbra were only given to the Rebels' most trusted operatives, to ensure that the Empire did not discover the base. When the Empire collapsed after the Battle of Endor, most of the Rebels relocated to Endor, though the Hoojibs remained proud members of the Alliance of Free Planets.

[edit] Arda-2

Arda-2 is a small industrial world, found in the Outer Rim. It is the source of T-6 diodems, which are used in starfighter targeting controls.

[edit] Arkania

Arkania is a tundra world in the Colonies region. It is covered by diamond pits where miners extract melon-sized gems from the planet's crust. Jedi Master Arca Jeth established a Jedi training outpost in the wilderness of Arkania some 4,000 years BBY. Centuries ago, the scientifically-minded Arkanians began cyber-enhancing the brains of their primitive neighbors, the Yaka. Soon the stocky Yaka were one of the most intelligent and quick-minded species in the galaxy, with a bizarre sense of humor to match. Animal life on the planet includes the Arkanian dragon and the Arkanian jellyfish.

[edit] Artus Prime

Artus Prime is the location of an Imperial mine. The crystals mined there, used in conjunction with the well of Force power in the Valley of the Jedi, were able to infuse Imperial soldiers with Force abilities. It was for this reason that the Dark Jedi Desann led the Imperial Remnant to take control of the planet as a part of his Shadowtrooper project. Desann had the miner colonists of Artus Prime used as part of his experimentation at his research outpost on the planet Kejim. There, scientists perfected the shadow armour invented by Admiral Galak Fyyar.

Mon Mothma dispatched New Republic mercenaries Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors to Artus Prime to ascertain the fate of the colony. Once they discovered the Imperial occupation, the Republic fleet was called in and the planet resecured. This represents a turning point in the plot of Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, when Jan Ors is captured and apparently killed by Tavion.

[edit] Aruza

Aruza, inhabited by the Aruzans, is a peaceful world orbited by five moons. The planet was also the home of COMPNOR General Sinick Kritkeen during the period of its subjugation by the Empire.[citation needed]

[edit] Ator

A Core World, Ator is where Cliegg Lars went during his youth. There, he married a woman named Aika, and they had a son, Owen Lars. Aika died a few years later, and Cliegg returned to Tatooine with his son.

[edit] Axum

Axum is a temperate world located in the Axum system. It is more industrialized but less prestigious than its sister planet Anaxes. In the millennia preceding the Old Republic, Axum was the headquarters of the Azure Imperium, an important political institution.

[edit] Axxila

A planet of the Outer Rim, Axxila has been described as Coruscant, only "inside-out". Imperial Admiral Firmus Piett was from Axxila.

The name "Axxila" is a pun on the anatomical term "axilla", or armpit.

[edit] Azbrian

Azbrian is an agricultural world, dotted with farms that raise black-and-white eight-legged beasts. One such farm is owned by Condren Foreck, a potential suitor to Lando Calrissian. [15]

[edit] Bakura

Bakura is a small, pastoral planet on the outskirts of known space, just outside Moddell Sector. Bakura was the site of the truce between the Galactic Empire and the New Republic. Bakura was also the site of the Battle of Bakura against the reptilian Ssi-Ruuk which used the life essences of their human captives to power their war machines.

During the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium attempted to assimilate Bakura through deceit. The timely rebellion by the Ssi-Ruuvi servants the P'w'ecks saved the day, but it was merely a plot by the Vong to defeat the Ssi-Ruuk.

Bakura's only native sentient species is the Kurtzen, although its most populous sentient species is human. They are also known for their repulsorlift industry, though the people are quite distrustful of droids.

Bakura manufactures some of the Galactic Empire's Star Destroyers. Bakura is prominently featured in the Kathy Tyers novel The Truce at Bakura. It is also a planet Jaden Korr visits in Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. [16] [17] [18] [2]

[edit] Balmorra

Balmorra is a rocky, barren planet with many canyons in the Core region of the galaxy. The Galactic Empire used this planet as the site for many of its factories supplying AT-AT and AT-ST walkers as well as TIE fighters, mostly hidden within the canyons of the planet. Because of the heavy industry, the planet has been heavily polluted and the sky is thick with smog and pollution. This planet is featured in the video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron.

After the death of the Emperor at the Battle of Endor, Balmorra revolted successfully, but when the Reborn Emperor launched his initial offenses during the events of the Dark Empire saga, Balmorra fell again under the Imperial fist. After the Emperor's second death, Balmorra revolted a second time, whereupon it was attacked by Military Executor Sedriss; Sedriss lost the battle as even his shadow droids could not defeat the new battle droids the Balmorrans had developed, the SD-10 battle droids and the new X-1 Viper Automadons. In exchange for the droids, Sedriss signed a peace treaty with Balmorra, granting it independence.

[edit] Bandomeer

Bandomeer is in the first two books of the Jedi Apprentice series by Jude Watson and Dave Wolverton. If a Jedi learner isn't chosen to be a Padawan by the age of 13, they will be excluded from all further training and sent to Bandomeer to work with the AgriCorps and grow crops. There are also several mining guilds on the planet. Offworld Corporation is one of the more corrupt organizations with operations on the world.

On Bandomeer, Qui-Gon Jinn's former apprentice, Xanatos, attempts to take revenge on him, but fails. Obi-Wan Kenobi is sent to Bandomeer, but is captured by mine lords. There, he is enslaved to work on mines and meets a friend who helps him escape. Bandomeer has vast traces of valuable ionite, which scrambles electronic fields. As well, Bandomeer has a large ocean which covers about half the planet. [19] [20]

[edit] Barab I

Barab I is a planet that was home to the Barabel people, including Jedi Knight Saba Sebatyne and her all-Jedi Wild Knights squadron. During daylight hours, the planet's dim red star gave off such radiation that most living creatures, including the Barabels, were forced to take shelter in underground tunnels or caverns. Only at night was it safe to venture out onto the surface. Barab I was under the rule of the Empire until it was liberated by the New Republic. The planet, along with its inhabitants, was destroyed in the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. The Jedi Knight Saba Sebatyne was responsible for the deaths of the last of the Barabels. She destroyed a Slaveship that was taking the prisoners from Barab I.

[edit] Baralou

Baralou is a planet in the Baralou system, home to a the List of Star Wars races (K-O)#Krikthasi and Multopos races, the Treppok and Grotseth creatures, and inhabited by humans. The planet is mainly ocean, with rocky and tropical islands; much of the food for the Rebel Alliance comes from the planet's algae.

[edit] Barkhesh

Barkhesh is a tropical planet in the Outer Rim, which is home to a Rebel supply base. In the video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, the player is required to escort some Rebel cargo craft through the planet's canyons to a rendezvous point, because the Empire has set up a base on the other side of the canyons.

[edit] Baroonda

Baroonda is a tropical world that was home to several podraces. It features wide, sandy beaches, spectacular waterfalls, thick jungles, and numerous volcanoes. Podrace tracks on this world include Baroo Coast, Grabvine Gateway, Fire Mountain Rally and Inferno. [12]

[edit] Bastion

Bastion is the current capital world of the Imperial Remnant, and the sector capital for the far-flung Braxant Sector in the Outer Rim Territories. "Bastion" was originally a codename for the Imperial capital as it was moved repeatedly as the Imperials were forced to retreat again and again during the Galactic Civil War. The original name for the planet now known as Bastion seems to have been largely forgotten, although it lies in the Sartinaynian system.

Bastion is a planet with varied climates, much like Earth in reality, and is said to be a fairly pleasant world, one of the few in Imperial space with amenities comparable to Coruscant. It is also, however, a heavily defended position, or "fortress world" as the Empire called such positions in the late stages of the Galactic Civil War. In addition to planetary deflector shield generators, Bastion is the home port of the Braxant Sector Fleet, which contains a number of well-known Star Destroyers.

During the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, the Imperial forces defending Bastion were heavily damaged and forced to retreat. In the ensuing chaos, the capital city of Bastion, and the Remnant itself, was burned to the ground by Yuuzhan Vong orbital strikes. Rebuilding efforts are still underway, and the loss of life was great, but when compared to the absolute devastation of worlds such as Coruscant and Ithor, Bastion was fortunate.

Due to Bastion's destruction, the Empire was forced to see that to remain independant from the rest of the Galaxy was foolish. The Empire joined the Galactic Alliance after their victory over the Vong at the Battle of Borosk.

[edit] Belasco

Belasco is the home world of Senator Uta S'orn, the childhood friend of Jenna Zan Arbor. A wealthy planet with a rigid class system, Belasco was once ruled by a royal family, but now a Leader is elected who then appoints his own Council. The capital city is Senta, where the old royal grounds are also located. Every seven years, a naturally-occurring bacteria invades the planet's water supply from the Great Sea, and the Belascans prepare for this by stockpiling water. [21]

[edit] Belgaroth

Belgaroth is a planet in the Core Worlds that is covered in toxic waste dumps, junkyards, and scrap yards. The planet was chosen as a proving ground for Imperial weapons, but the residents didn't care, as it meant money and jobs. When the New Republic took control of the planet, the residents were just as happy with their rule as they were with the Imperials' rule. [3]

[edit] Belkadan

Belkadan is the location of the outpost of ExGal-4. It was located in the Dalonbian Sector in the far Outer Rim. Yomin Carr, a Yuuzhan Vong warrior, spent time on Belkadan studying the galaxy to prepare for the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. The planet was once tropical, but Yomin Carr used a colony of dweebits to alter the planet drastically so that it could be used to grow yorik coral for the Yuuzhan Vong.

[edit] Bellassa

Bellassa is a thriving peaceful world. The capital is Ussa, a pleasant city with seven large tranquil lakes. Obi-Wan Kenobi goes to Bellassa after learning on Tatooine that one former Jedi, Ferus Olin, survived the Great Jedi Purge.

[edit] Berchest

Berchest is best known for its "City of Glowing Crystal" (Calius saj Leeloo), made from natural formations of red-orange salt deposits along the coast of the Leefari Sea. After the Battle of Endor, Berchest remained under Imperial control and Grand Admiral Thrawn, who threw off Luke Skywalker with false leads that Thrawn was massing his armies of clone troopers there. During his investigation, Skywalker encountered Talon Karrde for the first time.

[edit] Bespin

Main article: Bespin

Bespin, seen in Episodes V and VI, is the planet over which Cloud City hovers by means of an antigravity pod. Bespin is a major source of tibanna gas, which is refined for production and transport in Cloud City. It is home to six million individuals, including humans and Ugnaughts. [22] [9] [2]

[edit] Bestine IV

Bestine IV, an aquatic world, is the home planet of Jek Porkins and Zev Senesca. It is located in the Inner Rim, near the Corellian Trade Spine. During the Galactic Civil War, Bestine IV was the site of an important Imperial naval base. [2]

[edit] Bimmiel

Bimmiel was originally reported by Imperial scouts as being a temperate world of grassy plains and cool deserts. However, it was later learned that the scouts had come during the planet's closest pass to its sun, and that Bimmiel actually had a highly elliptical orbit which froze the planet when it was at its furthest from the sun. It was also discovered that the Yuuzhan Vong had established a spy post on Bimmiel some five decades previously, documenting the significant fact that the planet's elephant population had tripled.

[edit] Bimmisaari

Bimmisaari, the capital world of Halla Sector, is the homeworld of the Bimm. After long negotiations, Bimmisaari eventually joined the New Republic. The planet, however, was overrun during the second wave of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. [2]

[edit] Blenjeel

Blenjeel is a hazardous, uninhabited planet populated with giant carnivorous sand worms. As a Padawan, Jaden Korr went to Blenjeel to investigate the crash-landing of a merchant ship.

[edit] Bogden

Bogden is an uninhabitable world with several moons, one of which is home to the headquarters of the death-obsessed cult, the Bando Gora. It is on this moon where Count Dooku (under the name Darth Tyranus) recruited Jango Fett to assassinate Komari Vosa in the for the republic armys cloning subject. The entire Bogden system is overrun by criminal fugitives and smugglers. Bogden's moon is, as the name implies, a swampy, boggy, mucky terrained world.

[edit] Bonadan

Bonadan is the main port world of the Corporate Sector. It is a barren, heavily-mined planet, and the remaining land not mined is home to numerous manufacturing facilities. Weapons are not allowed on Bonadan, and all newcomers are scanned before landing. [2]

[edit] Borleias

Borleias is the fourth planet of the Pyria system, and is also known by the Rebel Alliance codename "Blackmoon". Due to its proximity to the Core Worlds, the Alliance took this planet as a step towards the capital world of Coruscant. The Alderaan Biotics facility, which initially grew Alderaanian foodstuffs and which was later used to produce the Krytos virus, was also based on Borleias. [2] [23]

During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Borleias fell and was used as a staging point for the assault on Coruscant. During the retreat from Coruscant, forces under the command of General Wedge Antilles captured the world for a second time, holding it for several weeks against the Yuuzhan Vong.

[edit] Bothawui

Bothawui is a cosmopolitan planet serving as the homeworld of the Bothan race, as well as being a major hub for information trafficking. The Bothan spy network is widely seen as the best in the galaxy, and much of the information it carries goes through Bothawui at some point. The Imperial name for the planet was Bothawui Proper. Bothawui is in the center of Bothan Space. [18] [24] [2]

[edit] Boz Pity

Boz Pity is a cemetery world, and was the setting for one of the Outer Rim Sieges near the end of the Clone Wars. The planet has been described as being bleak and grisly. Jedi Master Quinlan Vos moved his clone troops to Boz Pity during the Sieges. Shortly afterwards, the planet was the site of a massive battle between the Jedi and General Grievous. Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered Asajj Ventress barely alive in a bacta tank inside a Separatist medical facility hidden on the planet. Ventress nearly died in the battle, but Kenobi refused to give in to his own dark feelings and allowed her to live—only so she could escape capture and disappear.

[edit] Bpfassh

Bpfassh is a planet in Sluis Sector. The inhabitants are noted for their extreme suspicion of Jedi—before the Clone Wars, a large group of Bpfasshi Jedi fell to the dark side and rampaged throughout the planet and sector. They would eventually be defeated by a large Jedi Order taskforce which included the respected Jedi Master Jorus C'Baoth (not to be confused with the clone Joruus C'Baoth). The last surviving Bpfasshi Dark Jedi commandeered the smuggler kingpin Jorj Car'das' ship and fled to Dagobah, where he was defeated by Jedi Master Yoda. His final resting place became the cave permeated with the dark side where Luke Skywalker had a vision in The Empire Strikes Back. [25]

[edit] Brachnis Chorios

Brachnis Chorios is a cold, greenish-lavender planet on the outer edge of the Chorios Systems, far from the triple stars and deep within Meridian Sector. Although fairly unpopulated, the world's largest moon was designated as a meeting place between Leia Organa Solo and Seti Ashgad just prior to the Death Seed plague outbreak. [11]

[edit] Brentaal

Brentaal is a Core World that sits upon the intersection of the Perlemian Trade Route and the Hydian Way. Because it lies at the intersection of these two major trade routes, its economy centers around trade and business. All of its 65 billion inhabitants live in the narrow valleys across the planet, resulting in major overpopulation. [3]

[edit] Brigia

Brigia is a planet in the Outer Rim, once home to a Rebel base. The planet was abandoned by the Rebellion when they suspected (correctly) that the Empire was going to attack it. It appears only briefly, during the computer game Star Wars: X-Wing.

[edit] Budpock

Budpock is a New Republic-aligned planet in Meridian Sector. However, the world is also a haven for pirate gangs. Many of these groups were incited by Dzym to attack neighboring Ampliquen, thus breaking the fragile truce between the two worlds. [11]

[edit] Buss

Main article: Buss

There were two planets known as Byss in the Star Wars universe.

The first Buss appeared in the Dark Horse Comics series Dark Empire as a Deep Core world located very near the center of the galaxy. It was a dark clouded planet, with a nearly inhospitable and turbulent atmosphere. It was also very strong in the dark side of the Force, having been a place where ancient Sith artifacts were stored. Palpatine invited millions of people to the planet, tricking them into thinking it was a paradise worth visiting. Once the people arrived, he enslaved them and tapped into their life energies, making the planet even stronger in the dark side. It later became the reborn Emperor's throne world where a massive city of towers was constructed on the surface. It was surrounded by enormous orbital shipyards where the Super Star Destroyers Eclipse I and II were built along with the rest the Emperor's reborn star fleet. Byss was destroyed when R2-D2 reprogrammed the Eclipse II and sent it colliding into the Galaxy Gun. In the confusion, the Galaxy Gun accidentally launched one of its planet-destroying missiles right into Byss, annihilating the planet.

The second Buss is the homeworld of the Abyssin species. An arid planet in the Outer Rim, it orbits in a figure-eight pattern around the Byss/Abyss binary star system. [26] [27] [2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Steve Perry, Shadows of the Empire (1996). ISBN 0-553-57413-2
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Daniel Wallace and Scott Kolins, The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons (Star Wars) (1998). ISBN 0-345-42068-3
  3. ^ a b c d e Ann Margaret Lewis, The Essential Guide to Alien Species (Star Wars) (2001). ISBN 0-345-44220-2
  4. ^ Aaron Allston, Starfighters of Adumar, Book 9 of the X-wing series (1999). ISBN 0-553-57418-3
  5. ^ Aaron Allston, Betrayal, Book 1 of the Legacy of the Force series (2006). ISBN 0-345-47734-0
  6. ^ Bill Slavicsek, Dark Force Rising Sourcebook (1992).
  7. ^ A.C. Crispin, Rebel Dawn, Book 3 of The Han Solo Trilogy (1998). ISBN 0-553-57417-5
  8. ^ Michael A. Stackpole, The Bacta War, Book 4 of the X-wing series (1997). ISBN 0-553-56804-3
  9. ^ a b George Lucas et al., Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays (1997). ISBN 0-345-40981-7
  10. ^ Kristine Kathryn Rusch, The New Rebellion (1996). ISBN 0-553-10093-9
  11. ^ a b c Barbara Hambly, Planet of Twilight (1997). ISBN 0-553-57517-1
  12. ^ a b c LucasArts Entertainment Company, Star Wars: Episode I Racer, a Nintendo 64 and PC game.
  13. ^ Alan Dean Foster, The Approaching Storm (2002). ISBN 0-345-44299-7
  14. ^ Drew Karpyshyn, Darth Bane: Path of Destruction (2006). ISBN 0-345-47736-7
  15. ^ Roger MacBride Allen, Ambush at Corellia, Book 1 of The Corellian Trilogy (1995). ISBN 0-553-29803-8
  16. ^ Kathy Tyers, The Truce at Bakura (1993). ISBN 0-553-09541-2
  17. ^ Roger MacBride Allen, Assault at Selonia, Book 2 of The Corellian Trilogy (1995). ISBN 0-553-29805-4
  18. ^ a b Steve Perry, Shadows of the Empire (1996). ISBN 0-553-57413-2
  19. ^ Jude Watson, The Rising Force, Book 1 of the Jedi Apprentice series (1999). ISBN 0-590-51922-0
  20. ^ Jude Watson, The Dark Rival, Book 2 of the Jedi Apprentice series (1999). ISBN 0-590-51925-5
  21. ^ Jude Watson, The Dangerous Rescue, Book 13 of the Jedi Apprentice series (2001). ISBN 0-439-13932-5
  22. ^ Kevin J. Anderson, Jedi Search, Book 1 of The Jedi Academy Trilogy (1994). ISBN 0-553-29798-8.
  23. ^ Michael A. Stackpole, Rogue Squadron, Book 1 of the X-wing series (1996). ISBN 0-553-56801-9
  24. ^ Timothy Zahn, Specter of the Past, Book 1 of The Hand of Thrawn Duology (1997). ISBN 0-553-29804-6
  25. ^ Timothy Zahn, Vision of the Future, Book 2 of The Hand of Thrawn Duology (1998). ISBN 0-553-10035-1
  26. ^ Craig R. Carey et al., Coruscant and the Core Worlds (2003). ISBN 0-7869-2879-4
  27. ^ Tom Veitch, Dark Empire II (1995). ISBN 1-56971-119-4

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Planets and moons of Star Wars
Major planets
Alderaan | Anoth | Bespin | Byss | Caamas | Chandrila | Corellia | Coruscant | Dagobah | Dantooine | Dellalt | Dxun | Geonosis | Hoth | Ithor | Kamino | Kashyyyk
Korriban | Malachor V | Manaan | Mon Calamari | Mustafar | Myrkr | Naboo | Onderon | Ossus | Taris | Tatooine | Telos
Planet list
A-B | C-D | E-G | H-J | K-L | M-N | O-Q | R-S | T-V | W-Z | Destroyed planets
Dxun | Endor | Nar Shaddaa | Yavin IV
List of Star Wars moons
List of Star Wars sectors | List of Star Wars systems | Star Wars galaxy

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