
From Wikipedia


[កែប្រែ] អំពីប្រជុំវិគិពីឌា ខ្មែរ


[កែប្រែ] Writing of Wikipedia

វិគិភីឌា​ ~ wikipedia
វិគិពីឌា​ ~ wi ke pe der
វិគីពីឌីយា​​ ~ wi ke pe de ya
វិគីពីដា​ ~ wi ke pe da
~ ~ ~

វិគីពីឌីអា​​ ~ wi ke pe de a

[កែប្រែ] វិគិពេទិយា - Wikipedia ?

If I read that, I would say Vi-Ki-Pae-Ti-Year, but I'm not so keen in reading Khmer. I asked an online buddy, who is totally fluent in Khmer, about how he would write Wikipedia in Khmer, he suggested វិគិភីឌា. Can someone give the IPA version of Wikipedia? I'm not sure of the the E in Wikipedia is should be េ or ី in Khmer. --Dara 09:43, 22 Nov 2004 (UTC)

It's pronounced the same in the Thai and Lao versions, I based it on that.

Reply: I read it as Wih-Kih-Pee-Dia. The main page itself renders this pronounciation perfectly: វិគិភីដៀ Also, I'm also new to Khmer, but I know that it's in the same language family as Thai (my mother tongue), and in Thai, adjectives come after the noun. The first word in the Khmer tagline of the logo (as it stands now) reads "say-rei" (សេរី), corresponding to the Thai "seh-ree" (เสรี), which means "Free". (BTW, I put vowel signs that are written before the letter symbol, before the letter symbol instead of after. I write it as I see it ;) , and besides, it's how Thai is typed in a computer.)

While we're at it: is this a good translation for "List of countries"?: បញ្ជីប្រទេស (bon~ chey bra teh)

-- Ungvichian

Hi Ungvichian, I based the translation on what was told to me by a native Khmer speaker, he said it should be "sreay encyclopedia" (he didn't know the word for encyclopedia, but I found it). "Wikipedia" is rendered in most non-English languages as /wiki'pe:diya/ or something similar. "vi-ki-pae-ti-year" is probably more appropriate than "vi-ki-pi-ti-ya". --node

Reply: Meanwhile, here's another go at a translation for "List of countries": រាយឈ្មោះប្រទេស (ray chmoh bra te). -- Ungvichian

The word Wikipedia is a name and so the translation should keep to the nearest pronunciation. And I agree with the suggestion that Wikipedia should be translated as វិគិភីដៀ or វិគិភីឌា.
For the translation of the "List of countries" it is should be "បញ្ជី​រាយ​នាម​ប្រ​ទេស"។ Because the word List mean : បញ្ជី
Note: I noticed three spelling mistakes of khmer word in the comment above.You should read on how to type in the Khmeros documentation.
The words are typed as they are spell!!

[កែប្រែ] Wikipedia name in Khmer

Here is my suggestions for the name Wikipedia in Khmer. I speak Khmer fluently but can't write in Khmer. But my Khmer in English-Internet form is good I think :). See for yourself

Wikipedia: Viki-Pee-Di-Ya
(Viki like the name Vicki)
(Di-Ya like the hotel, Cambodiana)

Modifcation of the suggestion of Ungvichian:
Reay chmous pra taeh
(Silent 's' in chmous and silent 'h' in taeh)

Squash 00:18, 10 Dec 2004 (UTC)

I didn't want a Romanisation of my given translation for "List of countries"... I just wondered if my translation is okay to use... -- Ungvichian 11/12/04

No comment. Squash 04:53, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)

No comment? Then here we go then: រាយឈ្មោះប្រទេស -- Ungvichian 20/12/04

[កែប្រែ] "Encyclopedia" in Khmer

I looked up the word encyclopedia (สารานุกรม) in a Thai-Khmer dictionary and found this: វិឆ្ឆាសមោធាន

And I read in a book on Khmer that adjectives come after the nouns, so it should be: វិឆ្ឆាសមោធានសេរី for "The Free Encyclopedia".

-- Ungvichian 24/12/04

[កែប្រែ] Khmer Unicode

Hi, is there an open/free Khmer Unicode font? Right now, all letters appear as questionmarks. Thanks, Abdull from the German Wikipedia


Did you download and install the khmer unicode fonts and keyboard driver?

[កែប្រែ] Wide page

Why such a wide page? - 18:18, ៧ December ២០០៥ (UTC)

[កែប្រែ] Vote

We should have a vote to choose the best titling for "Wikipedia" in Khmer. I nominate វិគីភីដៀ and វិគីភីឌា

វិគីភីដៀ - Because I think it best sounds like the ENglish pronunciation.

វិគីភីឌា - Because this is probaly more closer to Khmer transliteration of English words, where such vowes as "ia" (Cambodia, Romania, etc) is represented with the vowel ា (srah a) using it's O-series pronunciation.

--Dara 02:02, ១៥ December ២០០៥ (UTC)

English point of view: we spell Jacques and pronounce it jshok, also, we spell Toukiou as Tokyo. I belive Wikipedia is a proper noun and should be spelled in the same maner as other forign proper nouns in Khmer. BTW, I notice that most of this Khmer wiki page is in English!