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The Khasas are an ancient people, believed to be a section of the Indo-Iranians who originally belonged to Central Asia from where they had penetrated, in remote antiquity, the Himalayas through Kashgar and Kashmir and dominated the whole hilly region. They are believed to have given their names to Kashgar, Kashi (Central Asia), Kashkara, Kashmir, Khashali (south-east of Kashmir) Kashatwar and other recognizable colonies at the present day in the hills from Kashmir down to Nepal as also in various plains. A large section of the existing inhabitants of Kumaon and Garhwal belong to the ancient Khasa or Khasiya race and speak a dialect of Hindi, which is congnate to the language of the Hindus of Rajputana. Almost all native Nepali speaking people of Nepal are Khasas. The Nepali language written in Devnagari script itself is known inside Nepal as the "Khasa kura."


[edit] Antiquity and Origin

The Kashgar in Tarim Basin and Kashkar in Chitral are connected with the Khasas. But is seems more likely that these names come from ancient tribal people knowns as Kaskaras. The Kashgar and Kashkar can easily be derived from Kaskara. The Kaskara is Karaskara tribe which is first referenced by Baudhayana Dharama Sutra as neighbors to the Arattas and is stated a despised and impure people. The Karaskaras are also referenced in Baudhayana Shrauta Sutra, Apastamba Shrauta Sutra and Hiranyakesi Shrauta Sutra. The Kaumudi Mahotsava drama refers to king Chandrasena who is called Karaskara. King Chandrasena is identified with Chandragupta I of Gupta dynasty by Dr Jayswal and Chandra of Meharauli Iron pillar inscriptions by others. The Kashkara of Chitral also connects with Kaskara or Karaskara. Some scholars identify Ch'ia-sha, Chieh-ch'a or Ch'ieh-shih of the Chinese classics with the Khashas and think them to be Iranians who had entered from the north. But again, it is more likely that these Chinese names referred to Kaskaras/Karaskaras. The Karaskaras are very ancient people and are attested in several Vedic texts whereas, the Khasas only find mention in later references. It is possible that the Karaskaras of the Vedic texts were later diversified into the Khasas.

Panini does not refer to Karaskaras or Khasas but he refers to a plant Karaskara (Nux-Vomica), at least attesting that he was aware of the term Karaskara.

Later Sanskrit literature attests both Karaskaras and the Khasas.

Mahabharata refers to the Karaskaras, styling them as an impure people (8.44.43) and also speaks of the Khasas of many realms (7.11.15-18), thus showing that there were many branches of the Khasas, one of them still attested by its former Vedic name Karaskara.

The Karaskaras or Kaskaras of later literature were found located in the Aparanta or western India in later period.

The Khakha tribe of the hills is said to be modern representative of the Khasas. The clan name Khokhar or Khukhar is said to have derived from Karaskaras or Kaskaras (Dr J. L. Kamboj).

[edit] Iranian Aryan tribe

Dr Robert Shafer thinks that after the main mass of composite Indo-Iranian-Aryan population had moved into Iran and the plains of Panjab, there also was left some Aryan population behind in their original land of occupation. The Daradas and Khasas of the hills and the Kambojas, Sakas, Pahlavas, Paradas and Sogdians of Central Asia represent the hold-overs of the former Aryan population (Report: Ethnography of Ancient India, p 43).

[edit] Khasas in Epic literature

The epic literature asserts that the Khasas, Chinas, Hunas, Shakas, Kambojas, Yavanas, Pahlavas, Kiratas, Sinhalas, Mlechchas etc were all created by sage Vashistha through the divine powers of cow Sabala or Nandini (Kamdhenu) (See: Ramayana (1.52-55) & Mahabharata (1.174.6-48).

The Khasas are said o have participated in the Mahabharata war. They are grouped with the Kambojas, Shakas and Salvas of north-west in Uluka's list of the warrior clans of Kuru side (MBH 5.162).

At several places, Mahabharata brackets the Khasas with the Kambojas and Shakas (5.160.103; 5.161.21) and further also attests them as tribes of Udichya or north-west (MBH 5.159.20).

Udichya Kamboja Shaka.ih Khasha.ish.cha ||5.159.20 ||.

Karna is stated to have fought and defeated the Khasas, Madrakas, Trigartas, Tanganas, Kulindas, Kambojas, Ambasthas and the Kaikeyas and had collected tribute from them for Duryodhana ((MBH 8.8.18-20, 8.9.33-34).

Krishna is also said to have defeated the Khasas of diverse realms along with other tribes like Kasmirakas, Aurasikas, Pisachas, Kambojas, Trigartas, Malavas, Daradas, Sakas, Yavanas. This evidence indicates that there were several settlements of the Khasas (MBH 7.11.15-18).

In Rajasuya sacrifice of king Yudhishtra, the kings from northern countries lying between mountain Meru (Pamirs) and Mandara & located around river Sailoda with plenty of Kichaka bamboos, had brought as tribute, heaps of gold raised from underneath the earth by ants. The nationas so named include the Khasas, Paradas, Kulindas and Tanganas among others. This indicates that the Khasas of the early period lived to the north of Kashmir, west of Tibet, probably in Sinkiang province of China.

[edit] Khasas in Puranic literature

[Purana]]s include the Khasas in the ancient Janapada list and place them in the parvatashrayin (mountainous) division of Puranic Bhuvanakosha. e.g.

Ato deshanpravakshyami parvatashrayinashcha ye ||
NiharastusHamargashcha KuravasTunganh Khasah |
(Brahmanda Purana 27.62-63).

Markendeya Purana associates the Khasas with the tribes of Udichya or north division (Markendeya 58.48-52; Vayu: I..45.135).

Puranas attest that river Sita (Yarkand) flowed through the country of the Khasas (Matsya 120.43-44, Vayu I.47.42-43).

The Puranas also attest that river Ganga flowed through the Khasa land (Matsya 120.48.51, Vayu 1.45.47-49).

These Puranic references obviously show that there were more than one settlement of the Khasas.

Bhagavata Purana associates the Khasas with the Kiratas, Hunas, Andhras, Pulindas, Pukkasas, Abhiras, Yavanas etc (2.4.18).

Nilmata Purana mentions the Khasas with the tribes of the Nagas, Paisacas, Darvas, Abhisaras, Gandharas, Shakas, Mundavas, Madaras, and the Yavanas from north-west.

Skanda Purana asserts that the Khasas, Andhras, Hunas, Kiratas, Pulindas, Pukkashas, Abhiras, Yavanas, Kankas etc were born from sinful wombs (Sri Sanatkumara-Samhita 36-41).

Vishnu Purana brands the Khasas, Kiratas, Hunas, Andhras, Pulindas, Pulkasas, Abhiras, Sumbhas, Yavanas as addicted to sinful acts, but also suggests that they can be purified by seeking refuge with the devotees of the Lord (Vishnu Purana, 2.4.18).

The Kalika Purana refers to a war between Brahmanical king Kalika (supposed to be Pusyamitra Sunga) and Buddhist king Kali (supposed to be Maurya king Brihadratha (187-180 BCE)) and states that the Khasas and the Kambojas, Shakas, the Barbaras had militarily supported king Kali against Vedic Kalika (Kalika Purana, III(6), 22-40).

Vayu Purana mentions that at the end of Kali age, the Khasas and tribes of the Sakas, Yavanas, Gandharas, Katas, Pulindas, Pahlavas, Paradas, Lampakas etc will be annhillated by king Kaliki. And they were indeed annhilated by king Pramati (Vikramaditya according to Dr V. S. Aggarwala) at the end of Kali age (Vayu 2.36.107; 1.58.82).

Bhavishya Purana attests that king Pradyota had defeated the Khasas along with the Haras, Hunas, Barvaras, Gurundas, Sakas, Yavanas, Pahlavas, Romatha and the others (Biblical and Modern History of Kali Yuga from Bhavishya Purana).

Bhngavata Purana claims that the Khasas were also defeated by Bharata (9.20.30).

[edit] Khasas in Brhatsamhita

Brhatsamhita (A.D. 500) of Varaha Mihira associates the Khasas with the Abhisaras, Daradas, Darvas and Kiras, which from other sources, are known to have inhabited Kashmir and its neighbouring regions in historical periods.

[edit] Degraded Kshatriyas

Numerous Puranic literature states that after defeating the five hordes (panca-ganah) of the Shakas, Yavanas, Kambojas, Pahlavas and the Paradas, Vedic king Sagara of Ikshvaku lineage had launched attacks on the Khasas, Mahishakas, Koliserpas, Darvas and Cholas and turned them also into degraded members of the Kshatriya community (See: Harivamsa 14.15-19)

Manusmriti treats the Khasas and the tribes of the Shakas, Yavanas, Kambojas, Pahlavas, Paundrakas, Dravidas, Daradas etc as the degraded members of Kshatriyas since they neglected the Brahmanas in their countries and failed to observe the sacred codes and the rituals (Manusmriti X.43-44).

shanakaistu kriya-lopadimah Kshatriya-jatayah |
vrashalatvam gata loke brahmna-darshanen cha ||43||
Paundrash-Chaudra-Dravidah-Kamboja-Yavanah-Shakah |
Paradah Pahlavash-Chinah Kirata Daradah Khashah ||44||
(Manusmritti, X.43-44)

Mahabharata also regards the Khasas and several other clans like the Yavanas, Shakas, Kambojas, Pahlavas, Koliserpas, Mekalas, Daradas, Maishakas, Dravidas, Kalingas etc as the degraded members of the Kshatriya community and also informs that they had earned this status due to the wrath of the Brahmanas (MBH 13.33.20-23; 13.35.17-19 (C)).

[edit] Foreign references on Khasas

The companions of Alexander the Great do not mention the Khasas. Pliny refers to Chesi tribe of the hills who are often identified with the Khasas. Ptolemy refers to the Khasas as Khasia who are often connected with Kashgar. Yuan Chwang refers to Ch'ieh-shih whom the scholars identify with the Khashas and locate then in upper Kunar valley at Kashkar (as the neighbors to the Kambojas).

[edit] Geographical Distribution

As has been noted from the Puranic and epic references presented above, there had been many settlements of the Khasas.

Prof. Atkinson says that the Khasas had settlements in Kashkara at the head of Kunar valley, in Garhwal, Kumaon (Kamaon), and Nepal, Bikaner desert, under nomadic tribe called Khosa and also in the desert of Thar Desert in Rajasthan.

The country of the Khasas is said to have also comprised the valleys lying to the west of Pira-Pantsala-range between the middle course of Vitasta (Jhelum) in the west and the Kasta-vata in the east (Rajatrangini, Trans Dr Stein, Vol I, p 47n).

The country of Rajauri which was ruled by the Kambojas in epic times (MBH 7.4.5), was ruled by the Khasas in the later times (Rajatrangini, Trans., Dr Stein; Political History of Ancient India, 1996, p 133, Dr Raychaudhury).

King Ashoka had encountered the Khasas after he had quelled the rebellious Gandharas, thus attesting the Khasas in the neighborhood of the Gandharas and the Kambojas.

The Khasa writing was prevalent in the regions from Daradistan to China. Thus, these regions were, in one way or the other, connected with the Khasas.

[edit] Khasas, Kambojas in Bengal

The archieves of Bengal contain references on the presence of foreign groups like Khasas, Pukkasha, Pulinda, Thara, Kamboja, Yavana, Sumha, Sabara etc, who were considered outside the caste criteria of Bengal. There are inscriptional references attesting that foreigners like the Khasas, Hunas, Kulitas, Karnatas, Latas Malavas etc were recruited in the armed forces of the Palas kings.

Dr R. C. Majumdar writes that the armed forces of Pala Dynasty included many foreigners like Khasas, Hunas, Kulitas, Karnatas, Latas, Malavas and the Kambojas etc. Later, some courageous military General of the Kambojas appears to have captured north-east Bengal from the Pala dynasty, thus establishing the Kamboja dynasty in north-east Bengal (See: The Dacca University Studies, Vol I, No 2, April 1936, p 132, Dr R. C. Majumdar).

[edit] Miscellaneous

The modern representatives of the Khasas are Khakhas to which all the petty chiefs and gentry in the lower Kashmir valley and neighboring hills are said to belong (Rajatrangini, Vol V, p 48).

[edit] Epilogue

From the foregoing discussion, it is noticeable that there are several references which bracket the Khasas with the Kambojas, Shakas, Pahlavas, Paradas tribes of the Uttarapatha. According to scholars, the original country of the Khasa was located in Central Asia, north of the Kambojas (i.e. Parama Kamboja branch) and east of Sogdians of Samarkand. From this region, they had later entered India and spread into Kashmir, upper Kunar in Kashkar (obviously as neighbors to the Kambojas), the hill regions of Himalaya, Nepal and also in the plains of Rajasthan. This shows that the Kambojas and Khasas, in some settlements, were very close neighbors. This may suggest that the Kumaon or Kamaon division of Uttranchal Pradesh also has possible connections with the ancient Kambojas. In other words, Kumaon (or Kamaon) may have once been a stronghold of the Kambojas who may have preceded/joined/or followed the Khasas in their east-wards expansion into the hills.

This view of Kamboja settlements in the hills of Himalaya is also sufficiently re-inforced by the fact that Nepalese tradition applies name Kambojadesa to Tibet (Ref: Iconographie Bauddhique, p 134, Dr. Foucher). This is also supported by manuscripts No 7763 and 7777, described in the Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit MSS, in the Library of India Office, Vol II, part II (History of Bengal, I, p 191, Dr R. C. Majumdar; District Gazeteer, Rajashahi, 1915, p 26; Some Historical Aspects of the Inscriptions of Bengal, p 342, fn.1, Dr B. C. Sen etc.)

Sir Charles Elliot and Dr G. G. Gokhale also locate ancient Kambojas in Tibet.

Dr V. A. Smith finds signatures of Kambojas in mountains of Tibet or Hindukush (Some Kshatriya Tribes, pp 235/36, Dr Law).

Further, ancient Buddhist texts like Sasanvamsa also attest the Kambhojas in Murma (Burma) (See: Sasanvamsa (P.T.S.), pp 40, 49, 100) e.g:

Rattanpurai mallakamme atisheko adhiko aiko Kambhoja.kulo athi..
(Sasanvamsa p 83)

As is obvious, the name Kumaon (or Kamaon) can etymologically be connected with Sanskrit Kamboja. It is also notable that the ultra-prakritic form of Kamboj is Kamo/Kammo. Some villages held by the Kamboj population in Panjab and Haryana are addressed with a vulgate suffix Kamoan or Kamboan (e.g village 'Bhaini Kamboj' in Sonipat (Haryana) is called Bhaini Kamoan, village 'Ranipur Kamboj' in Kapurthala (Panjab) is called Ranipur Kamoan, and so on). Thus, the Kumaon or Kamaon of Uttaranchal Pradesh appears to have come from the Sanskrit Kamboja, thus implying Kumaon's ancient connections with the Kambojas.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Mahabharata
  • Vayu Purana
  • Markendeya Purana
  • Bhagavata Purana
  • Bhaudhayana Dharama Sutra
  • Brhatsamhita by Varaha Mihira
  • The Geographical Data of Early Puranas, 1972, Dr Singh
  • Apastaamba Shrauta Sutra
  • Ptolemy
  • Beyond the Gorges of the Indus: Archaeology Before Excavation, 2002, Karl Jettmar, Ellen Kattner
  • Geographical and Economical Studies in the Mahabharata Upayana Parva, p 47, Dr Motichandra
  • Ancient Kambojas, People and the Counrry, 1981, Dr J. L. Kamboja.

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