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Wikipedia:Chatsubo for Non-Japanese Speakers

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

This is a discussion page specially designed for non-Japanese speakers to discuss anything related to the Japanese Wikipedia. You can also request assistance for your works on the Japanese Wikipedia. m:A guide to the Japanese Wikipedia (in Meta-Wikimedia) provides general information on the Japanese Wikipedia.

Messages can be given in any language including Japanese, although relatively few contributors to Japanese Wikipedia are fluent in languages other than Japanese and English. For linguistic help, please also refer to Wikipedia:大使館 (or shortly WP:Embassy) and m:Embassy. Those pages contain lists of Wikipedians who are willing to help you with your language difficulties. See also Wikipedia:言語別のウィキペディアン一覧. This is a list of members who can understand non-Japanese language(s). The Babel system will also be able to help you. Its top category is Category:言語別の利用者. Moreover, Help:Japanese, English Wikibooks and Computing in Japanese may help you.

For discussion in Japanese there are several areas. Wikipedia:井戸端 (equivalent to the English Wikipedia's Village pump; 井戸端 idobata literally means wellside, but figuratively means "idle chat" in Japanese.). You can type it as WP:VP. If you have a bot you want a bot flag set for, see Wikipedia:Bot/使用申請. For information on discussion places outside of Wikipedia, please read Wikipedia:日本語版ユーザーグループ. Enjoy!

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井戸端 (告知)


[編集] Archives 過去ログ

1. 2004-08-06, 2. 2005-01-29, 3. 2005-07-02, 4. 2005-09-25, 5. 2005-11-05, 6. 2005-12-08, 7. 2006-05-03, 8. 2006-06-09, 9. 2006-08-05, 10. 2006-11-15, 10. 2006-11-26

[編集] FAQ

[編集] Japanese letters

I want to see Japanese letters in this Wikipedia. What font is using here? And from where I can download it?

  • For Internet Explorer on some Windows OS: you can download Japanese support kit from microsoft (select "Japanese with Language Pack"), and you'll be able to see Japanese charecters and even input them.
  • For Mozilla Firefox on Microsoft Windows XP with SP2: Click View-> Character Encoding -> Unicode (UTF - 8). If that does not work, select Japanese (SHIFT_JIS). If neither of these work, go to Control Panel->Regional Options, and add support for East Asian languages.

[編集] What's Chatsubo?

I'm just curious as to the rationale behind labeling this section for non-Japanese speakers "chatsubo". I can imagine some neat metaphorical or sort of poetical connotations, but I'm really not sure...

Chatsubo means primarily a pot a sort of green tea matscha is preserved, and there are however several connotations. it sounds somehow funny for native Japanese, perhaps with association of nursary song. And Japanese people can find some relevance between Idobata (Village pump) and Chatsubo thanks to the nursary rhyme.
One more thing. There is a USENET tradition to name discussion space chatsubo, perhaps connecting to the association its sound's similarity to chat+tsubo (tsubo could mean a place), but possibly from William Gibson's _Neuromancer_. The Chatsubo seems to be a last resort of those who are not Japanese, particularily cyber people, in one of most prosperous Japanese city. Is there a similarity for our pages - Japanese Wikipedia and this Chatsubo?

[編集] Fidel Castro having terminal cancer?


I'm just curious, but where in the world did such information come from? To my own understanding, there is "one" news article, by the TIME, that Fidel has terminal cancer (and there isn't even an actual official inteligence report we've seen, but rather "someone" in the government talking to the reporter).

Wouldn't it be kind of silly to jump to conclusion and use it in the sentence of a headline? --以上の署名の無いコメントは、会話/whois)氏が[2006-10-30T04:27:54(UTC)]に投稿したものです(Masao 2006年10月30日 (月) 13:30 (UTC)による付記)。

I agreed. so, I made edited the sentence not to use definitive expression about the topic (Template:最近の出来事). Thank you for your suggestion. --Masao 2006年10月30日 (月) 13:31 (UTC)

[編集] Kanji

Does anyone know sites where I can learn more kanji? 2006年11月3日 (金) 19:19 (UTC)

Check out these sites: http://japanese.about.com/blkod.htm http://www.cojak.org/index.php http://www.kanjidict.com/

Good luck! 以上の署名の無いコメントは、会話・履歴whois)氏が[2006年11月4日 (土) 06:22 (UTC)]に投稿したものです(Aotakeによる付記)。

[編集] Nepal Bhasa

  • Nepal Bhasa wikipedia has recently started developing here . We would like to increase co-ordination between the two wikipedia, share resources as well as to learn from this version. If someone is interested, please visit Nepal Bhasa Embassy--Eukesh 2006年11月4日 (土) 20:05 (UTC)

[編集] Japanese translator

English: I'm using a Japanese translator and only speak English. I hope it's works. Here's the same message below.

Japanese: 私は日本の訳者を使用して、英語しか話さない。私はそれが仕事であることを望む。ここに同じメッセージは次にある。

English: Did it work? Is it typed correctly in Japanese?

Japanese: それは働いたか。それは日本語で正しくタイプされるか。

--Shortie 2006年11月6日 (月) 01:13 (UTC)

mmm. A bit more correct translation. 私は英語しかしゃべれませんので、日本語翻訳機を使用しています。うまくいくといいのですが。同じ意味のメッセージを下に書きます。[日本語文]うまく翻訳されましたか?日本語でただしくタイプされていますか?

Well, it depends on what you consider as something is "typed correctly." It is all in proper Japanese letters, but I am afraid that most of the Japanese sentences your translator composed are quite incomprehensible. May I ask why you want to check this out? Are you planning to post some article in Japanese Wikipedia?--Aotake 2006年11月6日 (月) 06:32 (UTC)

[編集] School IP notice: translation requested

I ported the English-language school IP notice for an IP address used by Shinjuku Yamabuki High School on Wikipedia: 利用者‐会話:

I would like for someone to translate the notice :) 2006年11月14日 (火) 03:40 (UTC)

I translated the one you linked here. Since your IP changes, I gave up following other pages you pasted the template. --Aotake 2006年11月16日 (木) 04:38 (UTC)

[編集] Blocked?

It says nothing of relavence to you and is only saying that your IP is blocked from editing/altering this page. 以上の署名の無いコメントは、会話・履歴whois)氏が[2006年11月14日 (火) 21:58 (UTC)]に投稿したものです(Aotakeによる付記)。

[編集] How can I get Informations about Japanese Readership and bestsellers?

I am writing my degree about the Japanese author Haruki Murakami. Therefor i have to write about Murakami`s intra-literature position in Japan. Could anyone help me to find informations about Japanese bestseller-lists, readership or book reviews of Murakami`s literary work? Thank very much for your responses!Julia 以上の署名の無いコメントは、会話・履歴whois)氏が[2006年11月15日 (水) 12:21 (UTC)]に投稿したものです(Aotakeによる付記)。

I am writing my degree about the Japanese author Haruki Murakami. Therefore I have to write about Murakami`s intra-literature position in Japan. Could anyone help me to find informations about Japanese bestseller-lists, readership or book reviews of Murakami`s literary work? Thank very much for your responses!juliajulius@gmail.com 以上の署名の無いコメントは、会話・履歴whois)氏が[2006年11月15日 (水) 12:19 (UTC)]に投稿したものです(Aotakeによる付記)。

All we can provide for you is 村上春樹. This is not a place to look for a help for your thesis. Why don't you consult your supervisor? Good luck with you degree.--Aotake 2006年11月16日 (木) 04:38 (UTC)

[編集] Help with finding an old friend

The messages presented at here as of 12:30, 15 Nov 2006 (UTC) posted by have been subjected to selective deltetion. It read:

"I am trying to find a friend from Japan. A google search revealed nothing, and I was wondering if there was a website in Japan for tracking down people you have lost touch with, or directory or anything? I have searched for her even with her name in hiragana, but did not find much either. In case the information I have on her affects what websites you have to give me, her name is ..."

in the part "..." had been contained personal informations which should be avoided being revealed as regulated in our deletion/privacy policy. Please be careful whenever you are going to post private informations, thanks. --Calvero 2006年11月15日 (水) 13:04 (UTC)

[編集] Banned English User

Hi. There is a user using this Wikipedia on [1] who was blocked on Wikipedia for evading a ban. We have reason to believe that this user made the account here on the Japanese Wikipedia just to make her account more realistic and to attempt to avoid the ban (again). You may contact me on my English userpage if you have any questions.-- 2006年11月16日 (木) 04:19 (UTC)

To make myself clear, I am posting these details in case Japanese admins would like to take action against the user.-- 2006年11月16日 (木) 04:21 (UTC)

[編集] Looking for Japanese stamps articles

Hello. I wrote two articles about some Japanese stamps on the Wikipedia in French and I want to know if there are articles about them here, on Japanese Wikipedia :

Thank you in advance for an answer. Sebjarod 2006年11月21日 (火) 19:36 (UTC)

Hello. An article on ふるさと切手 (Furusato stamps) does not exist. There are several types of lottery stamps in Japan, but I don't think there are articles about them either. Yet, in Japan, postcards for the same purpose are more popular and there is an article about お年玉付郵便はがき (New Year's lottery postcards). --Aotake 2006年11月22日 (水) 01:19 (UTC)
Thank you. Sebjarod 2006年11月22日 (水) 18:43 (UTC)
Only two sentences was also written as ふるさと切手 under 切手#切手の種類. 2006年11月22日 (水) 23:41 (UTC)

[編集] I am visiting Japan

Dear Japanese Wikipedians,

I am coming to visit Japan in March of 2007, for the entire month. I am coming with my wife and daughter, and we will be renting an apartment in Tokyo. I intend to visit a few major cities in Japan to have Japanese Wikipedia meetups. I am also looking for technology or similar conferences which might want to invite me to speak. I would love to get any advice that you would have about that.

--Jimbo Wales 2006年11月30日 (木) 16:37 (UTC)

Hello, Jimbo. We welcome your Japanese stay. ---Redattore 2006年11月30日 (木) 18:40 (UTC)
Have a good stay. And enjoy Japan! We welcome :) Was a bee 2006年12月1日 (金) 13:05 (UTC)
Welcome! We made "Welcome Jimbo" Project for your visiting. We will plan some seminors in Tokyo, Osaka etc. --ゆきち 2006年12月4日 (月) 04:17 (UTC)

[編集] Images?

I am not too good on Japanese Copyright law, but I was going to edit the Columbine School Massacre page, and I am curious because the English article has a lot more images. I was wondering if it would be alright to include images, or if there is some reason there are few to no images on many of the articles. 以上の署名の無いコメントは、赤鈴姫 (会話履歴)氏によるものです。

It's not alright because the Japanese copyright law does not allow fairuse images. --Fugue 2006年12月3日 (日) 00:46 (UTC)

Even though I don't know much about Japanese copyright law (and I cannot speak Japanese, so I won't be editing pages on the Japanese wikis...) the servers are not located in Japan. I just traced the server location for me and ja.wikipedia.org is in the United States. (I understand that there are proxies in South Korea). The law of the country where the servers are located would likely apply. If the image servers are in the United States, United States law would likely apply. 2006年12月3日 (日) 02:34 (UTC)

Japanese Wikipedia community has decided the users shall observe the laws both of Japan and of U.S., since most of them are Japanese (or live in Japan) and there is one explanation on the relationship among them and Wikimedia: the editors are publishing contents to the readers via the servers of Wikimedia, which is a telecommunication service provider under the Japanese laws. A Japanese copyright holder would like to file a suit against a Japanese in Japan and under the Japanese laws.-- 2006年12月3日 (日) 07:02 (UTC)

[編集] hey

i love your website its the best ever and i want to meet you!

[編集] I'm looking for the kanji for Hollow from BLEACH

As you can probably tell from the headline text, I'm looking for the kanji for the word Hollow from the BLEACH manga and anime series. I decided to make a userbox over at the English Wikipedia and thought it would be a good idea to include the kanji for Hollow, but I'm having some difficulty finding it. I checked some sites using the Google web search, but they weren't very helpful. It would be great if someone could help me out here. Thank you for your time. 2006年12月13日 (水) 01:21 (UTC)

Perharps it's "". --nnh 2006年12月13日 (水) 01:56 (UTC)
It is! I can't read Japanese but I immediately recognized names such as "Fishbone D", "Acidwire", etc. and I knew I was on the right page. Thank you for your help! 2006年12月13日 (水) 20:42 (UTC)

[編集] Shaman King video games

Could I have help finding the section on the Shaman King video games please? Domo Arigato Gonzaimasu! ^_^

Perhaps, It's シャーマンキング#ゲーム but a few information.

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Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007:

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - be - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - closed_zh_tw - co - cr - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - haw - he - hi - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - ms - mt - mus - my - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - ru_sib - rw - sa - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - searchcom - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sq - sr - ss - st - su - sv - sw - ta - te - test - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tokipona - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu