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ジョン・ホームズ (俳優)

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ジョン・カーティス・エステス1944年8月8日1988年3月13日) はジョン・ホームズ、ジョン・C・ホームズまたわジョニー・ワッドとして知られているポルノ男優。 1970年代から1980年代にかけて、ゲイ・ポルノを含めて2500本ものビデオ等にに出演した。 彼は例外的に大きい陰茎のために最もよく知られていたが、それはポルノ業界で最長であるとされた。しかし、その正確な大きさは不明であり、論争の的である。また、ホームズは1981年のen:Wonderland Murdersに関与したとの噂でも有名である。彼はエイズのために死亡した。

Holmes was the subject of a long article in en:Rolling Stone magazine in 1989 and a feature length documentary, and the inspiration for two Hollywood movies (en:Boogie Nights and Wonderland).


[編集] 前半生

オハイオ州のピッカウェイ郡(Pickaway County)に生まれたホームズだが、彼の父親エドは、ホームズが3歳か4歳の時に家族を離れたため、父親の記憶はほとんどないという。数年後、ジョンの母であるメアリ(敬虔なる南部のバプテスト)はハロルド・ホームズと結婚し、姓をホームズへと変えた。ハロルドはアルコール中毒患者であり、毎日泥酔した状態で帰宅した。stumble about the house, and even vomit on the children. Mary Holmes later divorced him, and moved to Columbus OH, where she met Harold Bowman. After a few years of marriage, Bowman frequently beat Holmes, the youngest of five children, according to Sharon Holmes (John Holmes' wife) in Wadd: The Life and Times of John C. Holmes..

16歳で Bowman started to beat John Holmes, but the strapping teenager instead struck back and decked Bowman, sending him down a staircase (Reference Sharon Holmes in Wadd). Holmes then told his mother that if he stayed in the house much longer he would kill Bowman (ibid). After asking for the permission of his mother, Holmes enlisted in the en:United States Army and spent three years in Germany in the en:Signal Corps. Upon his discharge, ホームズはロスアンジェルスに移り、そこでさまざまな仕事をした。そのなかには、戸別訪問販売、, tending the vats at a en:Coffee-Nips factory, 、そしてときどき男娼が含まれた。看護師Sharon Gebeniniに逢ったのは、救急車運転手としての割り当て仕事の期間中であった。ふたりは1965年春に結婚した。

[編集] ポルノ俳優としてのキャリア

続く2年間、ホームズ夫妻は、 lived quiet, uneventful lives。ホームズはwarehouseでのフォークリフトの運転手としての仕事を見つけたが、 but the rigors of driving in and out of a frozen warehouse caused severe health problems, leading to a en:pneumothorax (lung collapse) on three separate occasions. 病気からの回復中、ホームズは、クラブのによく出かけた。そのバスルームで、ある男性が彼の途方もない陰茎の寸法に気づき、ポルノに出演することを勧めた。もともと1960年代後期にホームズは did magazine work and an occasional 8 mm loop, keeping his work in porn a secret from his wife, which was easier to do in those days as pornography production and distribution were semi-clandestine, and there was no mass productions of video cassettes or DVD's, and no Internet.

So, while the ad copy for his first few dozen loops rarely named him, those that did usually gave him a name that was nowhere near what his real first name was. In fact, one early "Swedish Erotica" brochure from 1973 has five Holmes loops listed, each of which has a different name referring to Holmes even though it is obvious from his facial features that "Fred", "Dave", "Rudy", "Big Dick", and "Stan" are all the same person.

With the success of 『Deep Throat』(1972年)、『en:The Devil in Miss Jones』(1972年)および『en:Behind the Green Door』(1973年)、porn had become chic although its legality was still hotly contested. ホームズはこの期間中にen:pimping and panderingのために逮捕されたが、ロスアンジェルス警察の情報提供者となることによって収監を免れた。

1973年、 Holmes' career began to rise with a porn series built around a en:private investigator named Johnny Wadd. 1978年までに, Holmes was reputed to be earning as much as $3,000 a day as a porn actor. He starred at a time when an attractive personality could compensate for a lack of other aesthetic characteristics, and a certain amount of acting ability was still demanded of porn stars on a level that is not seen or necessary in today's porn films.

While his vocal inflection was arguably somewhat higher in pitch than one would expect for a "hard boiled private dick", most film critics and fans agreed that Holmes did demonstrate enough acting ability to keep the character of "Johnny Wadd" from being merely a banal, one-dimensional parody of en:Raymond Chandler's creation, the tough and uncompromising private detective en:Philip Marlowe. By this time, his addiction to en:cocaine was becoming a problem, so much so that it was beginning to affect his ability to gain an erection.

[編集] Just how endowed was he?

演技力の欠如にもかかわらず彼を有名にしたのは、彼の例外的に大きな陰茎であった。ホームズの最初の妻シャロンは、彼が自分を測ったとき彼は10インチ(25cm)であると主張したのを想い出した。 しかし、ポルノ俳優として有名になるにつれ、十分に勃起したときは長さ12.5~16インチ(32~41cm)の陰茎を持っていると広く噂された。

彼の陰茎の実際の長さを客観的に計測するさまざまな試みの結果は、まちまちであった。 An American study of video footage of Holmes' 陰茎 は、concluded 彼の陰茎 was 10–11 inches long (25~28cm), whereas another study comparing many pictures of his 陰茎 to the estimated measurements of other parts of his own body led to the conclusion of 8 3/4 inches (22cm). Holmes' longtime manager, Bill Amerson, stated in ドキュメンタリー『Wadd, the Life and Times of John C. Holmes』 that 「"I saw John measure himself several times, it was 12 and 5/8 inches".」 この計測は、ホームズの最後の妻であるLaurie "Misty Dawn" Roseによって繰り返し、インタビューと彼女の今は無きウェブサイトとの双方において確認されてきた。


ホームズの陰茎の実際の長さがどうであるかにかかわらず、彼が映画のセットに入っていて十分に勃起したのかどうかと疑問に思っている人々もいる。 例えば、古参のポルノ女優アネット・ハヴェンは、ドキュメンタリー『en:Wadd: The Life and Times of John C. Holmes』の中で、「as the joke goes, if John ever became fully erect, he'd lose consciousness from lack of blood to the brain because his dick was that big. そして確かに彼のコックは決して硬くなかった。それ[撮影中の性交]は、a big, soft kind of luffaとすることに似ていた。」と回想した。

[編集] 彼は何人の女性とセックスしたのか?

陰茎の長さが、ホームズに関して用いられる唯一の疑わしい統計ではなかった。1981年に、彼は、14,000人の女性とセックスしたという噂をひろめ始めた。しかし、 more realistic estimates, such as that of en:Luke Ford, put the figure at around 3,000. ホームズの最初の女性経験が彼の主張のように16歳であったと仮定すると、 then he would have had to have made love to 700 different women a year—1.9 women a day—for the 20 years that had passed.ならなくなるであろう。 Quick estimates based on the number of loops where Holmes did in fact perform a sexual act with at least one woman, allowing for sexual encounters not performed before a camera, and further mitigated by counting a performing partner only once—again, some actresses, such as Seka, the porn star with whom he was rumored to have had a lurid affair, Connie "Little French Maid" Peterson, Eileen Welles, Victoria Waters, Linda McDowell, Juliet "en:Aunt Peg" Anderson, and en:Desireé Cousteau, made numerous loops with Holmes in the 1970s—Ford's estimate of 3,000 by 1981 is closer to being realistic.

ドキュメンタリー『Wadd』の中のホームズの親友Bill Amersonによれば、ホームズさえ、自分がセックスした女性の正確な人数を見失ったことは注目に値する。 Amersonによれば、ホームズは、自分に関する虚偽のpublicityを広めることにあまりにferventになったため、結局は彼はどういう話が事実でありどれが虚偽であるか見失った; at one point in Wadd, Amerson recalls that Holmes, early in his career, told the press that a wealthy British socialite paid him to travel to England once a year and pleasure her for twenty-four hours. Later in life, Holmes fondly recalled to Amerson his adventures in England--which, of course, never occurred.

[編集] Drugs and "Wonderland Murders"

詳細はWonderland Murdersを参照。

Holmes's en:drug addiction began to seriously affect his ability to perform in porn, and producers' willingness to hire him, so he ventured into crime, selling drugs for gangs, prostituting himself to both men and women, committing en:credit card fraud and petty theft. 1976年に、彼は16歳の娘Dawnに出会った。 彼女は his girlfriendになり、 and after he fell on hard times he later prostituted both her and himself. 1981年、彼は車carからコンピューターを盗んでsteal逮捕arrestされた。

Holmes had developed a close friendship with drug dealer and nightclub owner en:Eddie Nash, who supplied Holmes with drugs he desired, principally cocaine. At the same time, Holmes was closely associated with the "Wonderland Gang", so-called for the location of their hideout; a rowhouse located on Wonderland Avenue in the wooded Laurel Canyon neighborhood of Los Angeles. Holmes worked for the gang, frequently selling drugs for them. After stealing money during a couple of drug runs, Holmes found himself in trouble with the Wonderland Gang. Allegedly in exchange for his life, he told gang leaders in June 1981 about Nash and a very large stash of drugs, money and jewelry Nash had in his house, and helped to set up a robbery which was committed on the morning of June 29, 1981.

Although Holmes did not participate in the robbery, Nash apparently suspected that Holmes had a part in masterminding it. After getting Holmes to confess to his participation, Nash allegedly exacted revenge against the Wonderland Gang. Two days after the robbery, in the early hours of July 1, 1981, four of the gang's members were found murdered in their rowhouse hideout in what is now known as the Wonderland Murders. Holmes was present during the murders, but it is unclear whether he participated in the killings.

Holmes had been incarcerated in connection with the murders, but released due to lack of evidence. He spent six months on the run with another girlfriend Dawn, but was arrested in Florida and returned to Los Angeles where he was tried and was acquitted of all four murder charges in June 1982. Holmes once again refused to tell authorities what he knew about the case, and spent some time in jail for contempt of court. Holmes rationalized to friends and stated to police that it would profit him nothing to tell the truth because "someone he loved would die" if he did so (see "Porn King"). When Holmes was released from jail, he attempted to reunite with his estranged wife, but she was not interested. According to Sharon Holmes, "He said that he would change and get out of the business. I told him that he didn't know how to change. I remember this because it is the first time I said the word f*** and I told him Get the f*** out of my life."

Holmes then sought to reunite with Dawn, who, unknown to Holmes, had gone to en:Thailand with her father, where she stayed for nearly seven years. She did not return to Los Angeles until several weeks before Holmes's death in 1988.

Gebenini divorced Holmes in 1985, but only after an en:IRS tax lien on Holmes (and by proxy his wife) nearly wiped out her finances.

When Holmes resumed work in porn in November 1982, the industry had begun the transition from film to video. Work was still plentiful, but less lucrative and he was no longer the premier male star. His drug addiction continued, as did the inconsistent performances on set. At this time, he appeared to have become disillusioned with the porn industry. His inability to gain an erection was becoming common and employers began opting for younger talent.

[編集] Business Activities実業

Holmes is of course best known for his career as the premiere pornographic male performer. But his career aspirations went farther than just being a perfomer.

1979年にホームズとhis half brotherは、 a combination locksmith service and antique shop called the "Just Looking Emporium"を開いた。しかし、ドラッグ使用がまもなく実業よりも優先され、会社は1年以内に破産した

Later, after his 1982 murder trial and aquittal, Holmes wentered into a business partnership with en:Bill_Amerson, as they founded and operated a production company "Penquin Productions", where John could be a triple-threat writing, directing, and performing. (Citations from "The Devil in John Holmes", Rolling STone Magazine 1989)

[編集] 晩年

As Holmes' career started to declineにつれて, he starred in his only full-length feature gay porn movie, The Private Pleasures of John C. Holmes,(1983年). In the movie, 映画の中で、ホームズは、Holmes performs unprotected 肛門性交 with en:Joey Yale, who died of AIDS in 1986. His heterosexual fans were unaware that Holmes had experimented with bisexuality for years, both in some early loops and as a male prostitute outside the porn industry.

Around this time he met his future girlfriend and wife, Laurie Rose, a.k.a. en:Misty Dawn, a porn actress. In the early 1980s Rose was known by some as the industry's Anal Queen.

1986年2月に, Holmes was diagnosed as en:HIV positive. Laurie Roseによれば, Holmes claimed that he never used needles and was deeply afraid of them. However, many porn en:historians and industry insiders from that era have heard testimony from some of Holmes' fellow performers to the contrary. Some have first-hand knowledge of his heroin abuse and also cite on-screen evidence of visible vein damage to the insides on Holmes' forearms. This damage becomes more apparent as Holmes moved from 8 mm loops to feature films, where the better quality of the 35mm film stock showed the detail that grainy 8 mm tended to mask.

Regardless of the nature of his addiction, other risk factors were present in his lifestyle, and there is no way to identify which of them led to his HIV infection. There has been speculation that experimentation with homosexuality—including the frequently mentioned rumor that he used the services of en:transsexual prostitutes—was the source of his infection. Other reports claim that, while in jail during the Wonderland Murders investigation, Holmes had at least one male-male sexual encounter with another prisoner who was HIV positive; the more gaudy version has jail guards bribing Holmes with better treatment, including beer and other contraband, if he would sodomize other prisoners who either had violated prison rules or were known to be homosexuals and were the victims of sadistic games on the part of the guards. To date, however, no clear evidence of any of these assertions has ever been offered.

ホームズの最初の妻Sharon Gebenini and longtime porn friend Bill Amerson both dispute the rumors of intravenous drug abuse. Says Gebenini: "When I heard that he had contracted AIDS I knew that it had to have been transmitted sexually rather than from drug abuse. This man was terrified of needles, absolutely terrified. So I knew it was sexually transmitted. There is no other way". Amerson similarly states, "To those who claim to have shot drugs with John I say bullshit. John was terrified of needles." These accounts are all the more significant when one considers that while Gebenini and Amerson were both very close to Holmes, they barely knew each other as Gebenini wanted nothing to do with Holmes's porn friends and did not associate with them at all.

Some Holmes historians, including en:Luke Ford, en:Adair Carter and Amerson, have noted that evidence of Holmes' intravenous drug usage can be seen in frames from his last films. Closeups of his forearms in scenes where the lighting was suitable clearly show the type of venous discoloration associated with damage observed in en:heroin addicts. Frames from earlier films show the same damage, though to a lesser degree, and provide significant evidence that Gebenini's contrary claims regarding Holmes' drug problem are incorrect.

Holmes continued to have unprotected sex in the adult film industry without informing any of his partners of his status, and worked until the disease emaciated him in 1987. One notable female performer he worked with, "en:Lisa DeLeeuw", did indeed die of AIDS in 1993. The last time she performed with Holmes, however, apparently was in 1981, which makes it unlikely that she contracted HIV from Holmes.

ホームズは1987年1月にLaurie Roseと結婚した。死の2週間前, two police detectives visited him in the hospital, in another futile attempt to extract information about the Wonderland murders. ジョン・ホームズはAIDSのために1988年3月13日死亡した。43歳であった。遺体はただちに火葬にされ、遺灰は海にまかれた。Laurie Rose took the name Laurie Holmes and later published the book『Porn King: Autobiography of John C. Holmes』(1998年).

[編集] 遺産

ホームズの遺産は has become more renowned and publicly acceptable. A documentary on his wild life (『Wadd—The Life and Times of John C. Holmes』) has achieved cult status among certain late-night college campus independent film houses, and some elements of the film 『en:Boogie Nights』 were loosely based on Holmes's life, including the Laurel Canyon "Wonderland" murders. That aspect of Holmes' life was presented in a biographical movie called Wonderland, starring en:Val Kilmer and released on October 17, 2003.

Finally, since the majority of Holmes' loops have gone into public domain following the collapse of Caballero Control Corporation in 1990, there are efforts underway to locate all surviving 8 mm loops starring Holmes and convert them to DVD for posterity. However, since the life expectancy of most 8 mm films is very poor due to the nature of the film stock used at that time it is believed that as much as 60–70% of Holmes' loops may already be lost forever.

[編集] 伝記

  • Exhausted: John C. Holmes, the Real Story』 (1981年 ドキュメンタリー)
  • Wadd - The Life and Times of John C. Holmes』 (1998年 ドキュメンタリー)
  • The Devil and John Holmes』Mike Sager執筆, Rolling Stone、1989年6月15日号。『"Scary Monsters and Super Freaks"』 (2004年)所収.
  • Porn King: Autobiography of John C. Holmes』 (1998年).
  • XXXL: The John Holmes Story』 (2000年 ドキュメンタリー)

[編集] 参照項目

[編集] 外部リンク


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