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House Stark

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House Stark is a fictional noble family from George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. Several of the main point of view characters of the series are members of House Stark. House Stark is the principal noble house in the North; many lesser houses are sworn to them. Their seat is Winterfell. Their sigil is a grey direwolf on a field of white, and their words are "Winter Is Coming." The Starks are descended from Brandon the Builder, a lengendary figure from the Age of Heroes thousands of years in the past, who built Winterfell and the Wall. They were Kings of Winter in the North from the Age of Heroes beginning with Bran the Builder until Torrhen Stark submitted to Aegon the Conqueror at the end of the War of Conquest. Since that time the Starks have held the North for the kings of Westeros as Lords of Winterfell and Wardens of the North.

After Robert's Rebellion, the Starks have become a relatively small Great House. They share a common ancestor with the Karstarks, and may have distant relatives elsewhere in the North, possibly in White Harbor and Barrowtown. [1]


[edit] Genealogy of recent Starks

             │                                │
     Edwyle══╪══Lady of the Flint Clan    Unknown daughter══╤══member of House Royce
             │                                               │    
          Rickard══╤══ ?                            3 daughters══╤══Vale Lords
             │                                                    │                              
   ┌─────────┼─────────┬─────────┐                            offspring
Brandon      │      Benjen    Lyanna
    ? ═╤══Eddard══╤══Catelyn Tully 
       │           │
       │    ┌──────┼──────┬────────┬────────┐
Jon Snow   Robb  Sansa  Arya   Brandon   Rickon

[edit] Starks in A Song of Ice and Fire

[edit] Eddard

Eddard Stark, sometimes called "Ned", is Lord of Winterfell, Lord Paramount of the North, and Warden of the North. He is a POV character. He and Catelyn Tully Stark have five children, and he has a bastard son, Jon Snow. Eddard is known for his sense of honor and justice; he dislikes deceit, intrigue, and secrecy. Though his family finds him kind, some consider his reserved personality a sign of coldness and disdain.

From the age of eight, Ned was fostered by Jon Arryn at the Eyrie, alongside Robert Baratheon. Ned befriended Robert, and came to consider Lord Arryn a second father. After Ned's father and brother died by command of King Aerys II, the king demanded that Arryn send him the heads of the two wards. Arryn refused and instead launched a rebellion, in which Ned and Robert joined as lords of their houses and chief commanders. Shortly before the final battles of the rebellion, Ned married Catelyn Tully, who had been betrothed to Ned's brother Brandon before his death. Ned was present, along with Howland Reed, at a tower on the Dornish border known as the "tower of joy" when his sister Lyanna died there, an incident surrounded in mystery that haunted Ned ever after.

Once the conflict had ended and Robert had taken the throne, Ned returned home, bringing with him a bastard son, Jon, about whose origins he refused to speak, even to his own wife; he quickly silenced rumors that the boy's mother was the Dornish noblewoman Ashara Dayne. He spent the next fifteen years as Lord of Winterfell, a task he had never expected and did not always feel equal to; he rarely left his lands, and did not involve himself in the complex intrigues of the southern courts.

After Jon Arryn's death, King Robert asked Eddard to replace him as Hand of the King, the monarch's closest advisor. Ned preferred to decline the request, but went south at his wife's urging to investigate Arryn's death. He discovered that Robert's children were actually the product of incest between Robert's wife Cersei and her brother, Jaime Lannister. Pursuing his usual forthright, honorable approach, he confronted Cersei with this knowledge, giving her a warning to flee while she could. Instead, Cersei used her time to orchestrate Robert's assassination and buy off the City Guard. Ned trusted Petyr Baelish to keep the City Guard loyal to him, but Baelish betrayed him. Cersei had Ned imprisoned for treason. Although Ned's daughter Sansa, who was betrothed to King Joffrey, pleaded for Ned's life, Joffrey had him executed.

[edit] Catelyn Tully

Catelyn Tully Stark is Lord Eddard's wife. She is the mother of Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon Stark.

[edit] Robb

Robb is Eddard Stark's eldest legitimate child, and the heir to Winterfell. He bears great responsibility with scant complaint, and shares his father's devotion to honor and justice. His appearance favors his Tully side, with a stocky build, blue eyes, and thick auburn hair.

When Eddard became the King's Hand, Robb remained at Winterfell to rule in his father's stead. Upon Eddard's execution, Robb was declared King in the North by his father's bannermen. The armies of the north and the riverlands rallied to his cause. Robb won many great battles against the Lannister armies, but confessed himself to have botched the non-martial aspects of the war. As part of an alliance with House Frey, he was pledged to marry one of the women of that house. After an injury in battle he was tended to by a young noblewoman named Jeyne Westerling; he slept with her that night and felt himself honor-bound to marry her. Robb offered an apology to Lord Frey for breaking his pledge, and, believing Frey's false claims of forgiveness, attended his uncle's wedding to a Frey, where he, his mother, and many of his men were murdered. Because of the bloodshed, this event became known as the Red Wedding. The incident outraged Robb Stark's bannermen, and sullied the honor of House Frey, even though they had planned the murder with House Lannister.

Shortly before Robb was murdered, he officially designated an heir, believing his siblings to be dead. It was not revealed who this heir was, though he had suggested Jon Snow to his mother.

[edit] Jeyne Westerling

The fifteen-year old daughter of Lord Gawen Westerling and his wife, Lady Sybell, she appears in A Storm of Swords. She is a slightly naive and mild-mannered girl, caught up in high politics and far-reaching schemes.

The Westerlings are an old and well-regarded family, though their lands and incomes have dwindled over the years. Jeyne's mother is a Spicer. The Spicer's began with Sybell's grandfather, a trader in spices. Sybell's grandmother, brought to Westeros from the east, was called Maegi (which translates as wise woman and colloquially in the east refers to a blood witch).

Jeyne met Robb Stark, King in the North, when he and his bannermen stayed at her father's castle, and recuperated from their wounds after a recent battle. The evening that Robb learned that his brothers had apparently been killed by his one-time friend Theon Greyjoy, Jeyne visited him in his room and tried to comfort him. Full of conflicting emotions, Robb deflowered her that night, and felt honor-bound to marry her when he realized what he'd done. Robb quietly wed Jeyne before they left the Westerlings' home, naming her his queen and taking her brothers into his service: her older brother, Ser Reynald, joined his honor guard and her smaller one, a boy named Rollam, became Robb's own squire. The controversial marriage incited the rage of House Frey, who had arranged for a marriage alliance with Robb once the war was finished.

As the Westerlings were also bannermen of House Lannister, which was at war with House Stark, the Lannisters should have been inclined to consider Jeyne's marriage as treason. During the time following the marriage and even before the Red Wedding, Lord Tywin Lannister seemed strangely unperturbed by the turn of events; indeed, Tywin was quick to pardon the Westerlings after the war was over, and even delivered marriages and rewards to them for their "treason".

Jeyne seemed to be truly in love with Robb, but was often confused and bewildered by Robb's moodiness and frustration. She once asked his mother, Catelyn, for advice, and then began to understand that his worries over the war were influencing his behavior. Jeyne's fear of Robb's direwolf, Grey Wind, led him to keep his wolf outdoors and distance himself from it, a decision that played an indirect role in his death.

Jeyne was eager to become pregnant with his child, and was encouraged to do so by Catelyn. Her own mother, Sybell, an ambitious woman born of the up-jumped House Spicer and believed to have a knowledge of herbs, potions and medicines, gave her potions to drink that were supposed to encourage fertility, a claim which many readers found to be dubious.

When Jaime Lannister, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, met Jeyne and her mother at Robb's uncle's castle, Riverrun, Jeyne appeared to be be miserable at Robb's death and furious with her mother for confiscating the crown Robb had made for her and for apparently preventing her from conceiving; Lady Sybell confirmed that she was directed by Tywin to ensure that Jeyne didn't conceive a possible Stark heir, strongly suggesting that her potions were contraceptive in nature and not intended to augment fertility. Jaime Lannister pardoned the Westerlings, as part of Lord Tywin's directions, and Jeyne was last seen riding away with a Lannister company who had tacit instructions to kill her should she be abducted, so she could not serve as a rallying point as Robb Stark's widow. Although Sybell expressed some degree of satisfaction over Robb's murder, a defiant Jeyne ripped her robes as a sign of open mourning.

[edit] Sansa

Catelyn and Eddard's elder daughter, Sansa (a POV character) possesses the traditional feminine graces of her milieu and is a strong believer in the world of chivalry portrayed in stories and songs. She is traditionally beautiful, with high cheekbones, vivid blue eyes, thick red hair and, as she grows up, a tall and graceful figure. She excels at many female leisure activities, including singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, sewing, fashion, and social graces. She does not always have a good relationship with her sister Arya, whose interests are opposite in many respects and bewildering to Sansa.

When her father became the Hand of the King, eleven-year old Sansa was delighted at the prospect of life at court in King's Landing, and thrilled to be betrothed to the handsome Prince Joffrey. She adored Joffrey in spite of his violent mood swings, and gave false testimony defending him against Arya, which resulted in the death of her own direwolf, Lady. She was dismayed when her father announced plans to send her home and end the betrothal. Still trusting those at the royal court to be noble, she told Queen Cersei of her father's plans to send her away, unknowingly aiding the queen's plot against Eddard. It was only when her father was beheaded at Joffrey's command that Sansa saw Joffrey for what he really was.

She remained betrothed to Joffrey, suffering verbal and physical abuse at his hands and on his orders, until she was set aside in favor of Margaery Tyrell. No longer certain whom she could trust, she accepted the promise of the alcoholic knight Ser Dontos Hollard that he would see her sent safely home, seeing him as a gallant rescuer. Sansa remained courteous to everyone she met, including Joffrey's bodyguard Sandor Clegane, who was by turns brusque and gentle with her, and the Tyrells, who were planning to have her marry their heir Willas Tyrell.

After revealing the Tyrell plan to Ser Dontos (who told his master Petyr Baelish, who in turn told the Lannisters), Sansa was instead forced to marry the king's uncle, the dwarf Tyrion Lannister. Dismayed by her new husband's hideous appearance and horrified by the deaths of her siblings and parents, a now thirteen-year old Sansa nonetheless hid her feelings and tried to be the ideal wife she had been trained to be, though her disgust at the thought of sex with her husband was so great that he never forced her to consummate the marriage.

Sansa ultimately escaped King's Landing on the day of Joffrey's wedding during the chaos caused by Joffrey's poisoning and death. Believing Ser Dontos to be her savior, she was yet again disillusioned when she learned that he was working for payment, from Petyr Baelish. Baelish took her by ship to the Eyrie, which was ruled by Sansa's aunt, Lysa Arryn, whom Baelish then married. Sansa was instructed to pretend she was Baelish's bastard daughter, as the queen was searching for her. She again tried to fit in, playing with her young cousin Robert Arryn, but Baelish was attracted to Sansa and kissed her, not knowing that his wife was watching. He murdered his wife after she demonstrated her instability and threatened Sansa.

While at the Eyrie, Sansa pretended to be Baelish's bastard daughter, taking the name and persona of 'Alayne Stone' so thoroughly that she no longer thought of herself as Sansa. After Lysa's death Alayne became the mistress of the Eyrie, demonstrating again her aptness for household duties, and learned something of courtly intrigues from Baelish. He also planned for her marriage to Harrold Hardyng, the heir to House Arryn, and the eventual revelation of her true identity and the reclaiming of Winterfell in her name.

[edit] Arya

Arya (a POV character) is a spirited girl with an interest in fighting and exploring. She is a foil of her proper sister Sansa, whom she often describes as "stupid". Throughout her travels, Arya displays great resourcefulness, cunning, and an unflinching ability to accept hard necessity. She is skinny, athletic, and often mistaken for a boy. She has strong Stark family features, with a long face and brown hair. She is said to take after her fiery aunt Lyanna in temperament.

Arya traveled with her father to King's Landing. On the way south to the capital, however, she was forced to abandon her direwolf Nymeria when it defended her from Prince Joffrey. Queen Cersei then ordered Arya's sister's direwolf, Lady, to be killed when Nymeria ran away, an incident that created in Arya a deep hatred for the crown prince and the queen. While at court, she trained under Syrio Forel, a celebrated Braavosi swordsman. Under his strict but creative tutelage, Arya learned to fight in the Braavosi style with Needle, a slim shortsword that Jon Snow gave her. During the purge of Starks from the Red Keep, Syrio held off Arya's attackers so she could escape. She lived on the streets until the day she witnessed her father's public execution.

With no family or home, and being hunted for a highborn prisoner, Arya became a servant to many parties under different names. First, with Yoren of the Night's Watch, she was "Arry", a boy headed to join the Night's Watch; he planned to return her to Winterfell until he was killed in a battle, where Arya saved the lives of Jaqen H'ghar, Rorge and Biter. She was "Weasel", a servant girl at Harrenhal under the command of Tywin and, later, Ser Amory Lorch. Jaqen offered her three murders for the lives she saved; her choices were Chiswyck, Weese and the dungeon guards, thereby releasing the imprisoned northmen, her father's men. With Harrenhal under the command of Roose Bolton, she called herself "Nymeria, or Nan", a servant girl, and became one of Roose's personal servants. After Harrenhal was left to Vargo Hoat, Arya escaped it with two companions, Gendry and Hot Pie, fellow boys from Yoren's party of recruits. They were captured by the Brotherhood Without Banners; her friends joined the outlaws while they made plans to ransom her, knowing her to be Arya Stark.

Sandor Clegane then stole her away to return her to her brother Robb and win a place in his service. Clegane and Arya reached the Frey castle at the Red Wedding, just as Arya's brother and mother were being murdered. Clegane prevented Arya from running to them, and decided that the only place left to take her was to the Vale of Arryn, which was ruled by Arya's aunt, the Lady Lysa. On the way, Clegane took a mortal wound, and Arya left him to die and caught a ship to Braavos to became an acolyte of the Faceless Men, an elite and terrifying company of professional assassins.

Part of her training involved her assuming the new identity of "Cat of the Canals". Arya's training included abandoning all personal identity, but one night she took actions suitable for Arya Stark: killing a deserter from the Night's Watch and accepting milk meant for "Arya". She awoke blind the next morning. Before sleeping, Arya always recites the names of her living enemies, finishing with "Valar Morghulis", a High Valyrian phrase meaning "All men must die." She has pitilessly eliminated several names from her list. Arya is bent on avenging her murdered family.

Meanwhile, a false Arya Stark who bears many similarities to Jeyne Poole was sent North. This Stark fraud is betrothed to Ramsay Bolton, the bastard son of Roose Bolton who was legitimized by royal decree.

[edit] Bran

Catelyn and Eddard's second son, Bran (a POV character) enjoys climbing and exploring Winterfell. Like his siblings, he is dutiful and tough-minded. His full name is Brandon, for his deceased uncle. He dreams of one day being a great knight.

On a climbing expedition, he passed a window through which he could see the queen and her brother making love. Jaime Lannister pushed him from the window to kill him and keep the secret, but Bran survived and entered a coma. During that coma, Bran had visions of a three-eyed crow that told him it could teach him to fly. With the crow's guidance, Bran awoke from his coma and immediately named his direwolf "Summer". Bran was crippled from the fall and unable to walk, but the crow told him that he is "the winged wolf" bound in chains. Bran began to understand what this meant when he realized that the experience also turned him into what some call a "warg" - a person with the ability to enter the minds of animals and control them.

After Robb became King in the North, Bran, as Robb's heir, became the Prince of Winterfell and ruled the castle in his brother's absence. He befriended Meera and Jojen Reed, children of his father's most trusted friend Howland Reed. While sleeping, Bran frequently entered Summer's mind, though he thought he was simply dreaming, and began to become more bestial. Jojen recognized Bran's ability and instructed him on how to use it properly. After learning of Bran's visions, Jojen claimed that if Bran went north beyond the Wall, he could find the three-eyed crow. When Theon Greyjoy betrayed the Starks and captured Winterfell, Bran hid in the crypts until Theon was betrayed and Winterfell burned. He, the Reeds, and Bran's servant Hodor went north to seek the crow. They traveled beyond the Wall and met Coldhands, an enigmatic figure of uncertain allegiance.

[edit] Rickon

Eddard's youngest child, only three years old when the series begins. Rickon is a naturally aggressive and strong-willed child, but his youth makes it difficult for him to cope with the terrible changes that come to his family and life.

Shortly after Eddard's death in King's Landing, both Bran and Rickon shared a vision of their father's spirit in the crypts. As the turmoil of Eddard's death shakes his family, Rickon became largely unsupervised as his eldest brother and mother left to war, and his sisters were held captive at King's Landing. Alone with his crippled brother Bran at Winterfell, Rickon developed an unruly, often violent temper. His fear and rage were reflected in his direwolf, Shaggydog, who turned largely feral and attacked several people before being restrained. Several times, Bran's direwolf Summer was forced to fight Shaggydog into submission. Rickon hid with Bran in the crypts during Theon Greyjoy's brief reign at Winterfell. When Winterfell was sacked and burned by Ramsay Bolton, the brothers were separated for their safety. The wildling woman Osha took Rickon and Shaggydog to parts unknown.

[edit] Jon Snow

Jon Snow is the bastard son of Eddard by a mother whose identity is not widely known, and a POV character. Jon is of an age with Robb and grew up with the Stark children despite his base birth and Catelyn's intense dislike. He has a long face and lean build, with strong Stark features. Though Jon resents his outsider status in the household, he has a very close relationship with Robb and Arya. His young brothers, especially Bran, also feel a great deal of affection for him, although his sister Sansa is more reserved. Jon raises an albino direwolf called Ghost due to his color and eerie silence.

As Jon was growing up, his position became increasingly awkward. During King Robert Baratheon's visit to Winterfell, Jon asked his uncle Benjen Stark to join the Night's Watch and was refused at first; after Bran's fall, Jon was only allowed to go because his father and sisters were leaving to King's Landing and Catelyn did not want Jon to stay in Winterfell. Jon was initially resented by other recruits for his noble background and aloof, cold Stark ways, befriending and protecting even more outcast Samwell Tarly; however he soon rallied them to his side against their brutal master-at-arms Ser Alliser Thorne. Jon himself had trouble adjusting to the Watch life, much different from what he had imagined, and tried to desert to help Robb after the war broke out but he learned to accept the responsibility of his new place. Jon was appointed personal steward and squire to Lord Commander Jeor Mormont as a means to groom him for command. During a wight attack on Castle Black, Jon saved Mormont's life and received serious burns on his hand. Mormont gave him the Valyrian bastard sword Longclaw of House Mormont, and had a direwolf head engraved onto the pommel in honor of House Stark.

When Mormont mounted a big expedition to investigate the goings-on in the north after disappearances of several rangers, including Benjen Stark, Jon went ahead with a small group of scouts led by the famous Qhorin Halfhand. Along the way, Jon released a captured wildling woman, Ygritte instead of killing her. The party was later discovered and pursued by wildlings. Before they were overtaken, Qhorin commanded Jon to join the wildlings and find their intentions, making Jon kill him in front of the wildings to legitimize his request. Risking condemnation as an oathbreaker, Jon was spared only by the support of Ygritte.

Jon joined the wildlings and linked up with the massive wildling army Mance Rayder had drawn together. Jon met Mance and learned his plans to invade Westeros. For a time, Jon became Ygritte's lover and hesitated between betraying her or leaving the Night's Watch. On a mission to scale the Wall, Jon escaped his wildling comrades to rejoin the Watch. There he took command of the skeleton crew left defending the Wall after Mormont's expedition was scattered. Despite overwhelming odds, Jon successfully beat back several wildling assaults until Stannis Baratheon's surprise appearance with reinforcements. The wildling attack was defeated and Mance Rayder was captured along with his newborn son. Jon also discovered, much to his sadness, that Ygritte had been killed attacking the Wall; he was relieved to find that the arrow that took her life was not one of his.

Though several of Jon's enemies in the Watch accused him of being a turncloak during his time with the wildlings, his service defending the Wall and spying on Mance earned him popular support. Jon was released and, due to the efforts of Samwell Tarly, voted the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Though Stannis offered to make him Lord of House Stark, Jon refused, and further worked to frustrate the plots of Stannis's priestess Melisandre by sending Mance's child away from the wall. He does not trust Stannis, and is full of hatred for the Lannisters for murdering his father and brothers.

Jon Snow's parentage is a subject of intense speculation among fans. Early in the series, Eddard, quietly, as if he is ashamed, tells Robert that Wylla, a lowborn woman that Robert had never met, is Snow's mother. Her identity is apparently not widely known; Catelyn Stark at one point asked Eddard point-blank to confirm a rumor that Jon's true mother was in fact Ashara Dayne, and did not appear to have heard any story at all from Eddard himself (who refuses to speak of the matter). Of all of Eddard's companions at the time that Jon was born, only Howland Reed survives now to reveal the truth.

[edit] Benjen

Benjen Stark is Lord Eddard's younger brother, and the First Ranger of the Night's Watch. He is Eddard's last surviving sibling.

When King Robert visited the Starks at Winterfell, Benjen was invited back to the castle. At the feast held in honor of the king, Benjen's talk with his nephew Jon Snow ultimately prompted the young bastard boy to join the Night's Watch. Benjen took Jon north with him after the visit. However, Benjen disappeared while ranging beyond the Wall shortly after he and Jon Snow arrived at Castle Black. Lord Commander Jeor Mormont refused to name a new First Ranger until Benjen was recovered, dead, alive or otherwise, but he has not been seen or heard from since.

[edit] Historical Starks

[edit] Brandon

Eddard's elder brother, who died before the Usurper's Rebellion. He is described by those who knew him as taller, more handsome, and more passionate than Eddard. He was also an excellent swordsman and jouster.

Brandon was betrothed to Catelyn Tully of Riverrun, but Petyr Baelish, a ward of Catelyn's father, loved Catelyn and challenged Brandon to a duel for her hand. Brandon won their duel, but did not kill him in concession to Catelyn's pleas. Brandon was on his way to Riverrun to wed Catelyn when word reached him of his sister Lyanna's supposed abduction by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Brandon and four companions rode to King's Landing and threatened Rhaegar's life. They were arrested by King Aerys and charged with plotting Rhaegar's murder. Their fathers were called to court to answer the charges. Brandon died while trying to save his father from being burned to death by King Aerys.

[edit] Lyanna

Eddard's only sister, Lyanna died at the end of Robert's Rebellion. She is described by many people who knew her as a spirited young woman and an excellent rider. She was said to exhibit the same Stark coloring as her brother Ned, and was regarded as beautiful.

Lyanna was betrothed to Robert Baratheon, who was infatuated with her. Lyanna, however, was not as ardent in her love for Robert, and was fully aware of his philandering ways. However, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen crowned her Queen of Love and Beauty after winning the Harrenhal tourney, passing over his wife, the Dornish princess Elia, in her favor. The exact nature of her relationship with Rhaegar is not presently clear, but shortly thereafter Rhaegar apparently abducted her. Robert and Brandon Stark believed that Lyanna had been taken against her will. Their anger over the event triggered Robert's Rebellion. After the sack of King's Landing, Eddard and six companions went to retrieve Lyanna at the building Rhaegar had named the "tower of joy". They fought three Kingsguard knights stationed there, who killed all but Eddard and Howland Reed. Eddard found Lyanna dying in a "bed of blood" and clutching a withered wreath of blue roses. She forced him to make a promise to her, the contents of which are unknown, but which haunted Eddard for the rest of his life. She was sixteen years old at the time of her death.

[edit] Notable Starks from the past

No precise lineage of House Stark is known, but the individuals listed below are supposed to be in rough chronological order.

  • Bran, the Builder, founder of house Stark, builder of Winterfell castle and the Wall.
  • King Theon, the Hungry Wolf
  • King Jon
  • King Brandon, the Shipwright, loved sailing and built up a mighty Northern fleet.
  • King Brandon, the Burner, burned the entire Northern fleet after the disappearance of his father on the Sunset Sea.
  • King Jon
  • King Jonnel
  • King Jon
  • King Dorren
  • King Jon
  • King Jon, built the castle of White Harbor after driving away sea raiders.
  • King Rickard, defeated the Marsh King extending their kingdom to include the Neck.
  • King Rodrick
  • King Edrick
  • King Benjen, the Bitter
  • King Benjen, the Sweet
  • King Eyron
  • King Edderion, the Bridegroom
  • King Walton, the Moonking
  • King Brandon, the Bad
  • Karlon, a younger brother of the king and founder of the Karstarks.
  • King Jorah
  • King Jonos
  • King Edwyn, the Spring King
  • King Bran, the Daughterless
  • Torrhen, the King Who Knelt, The last King in the North, who bent the knee to Aegon the Conqueror, making the North part of the Seven Kingdoms.
  • Cregan, who fought Aemon the Dragonknight
  • Brandon
  • Barth
  • Jonnel
  • Rodwell
  • Beron
  • Donner
  • Artos, the Implacable
  • Willam
  • Edwyle
  • Rickard, killed by order of King Aerys Targaryen at the start of Robert's Rebellion.

[edit] Houses sworn to House Stark

  • Bolton of the Dreadfort. In the distant past, the Boltons were the Starks' most powerful rivals in the north. They violently contested Stark authority, but eventually submitted about a thousand years before the beginning of the series. Their sigil is a flayed man, coming from their tradition of flaying captives.
  • Cerwyn of Cerwyn
  • Dustin of Barrowton
  • Glover of Deepwood Motte
  • Flint. Three branches of House Flint are known:
    • Flint of Flint's Finger
    • Flint of Widow's Watch
    • Flint a clan of the mountains Lord Eddard's grandmother was born of this house.
  • Hornwood of Hornwood
  • Karstark of Karhold. The Karstarks are descended from a younger son of House Stark, Karlon Stark, who defeated a rebel lord. He was rewarded with lands of his own, on which a castle named after him was built.
  • Liddle a clan of the mountains
  • Locke of Oldcastle
  • Manderly of White Harbour. The Manderlys originated in the Reach, where the river Mander was named after them or vice versa. At some point their lands and title were confiscated by the King of the Reach. The Starks took them on as vassals and gave them White Harbour. Because of their southern roots, the Manderlys follow different customs than the other Northern houses, such as worshipping the Seven instead of the Old Gods
  • Mormont of Bear Island. The Mormonts were given the island after King Rodrick Stark took it over from the Ironborn.
  • Norrey a clan of the mountains
  • Reed of Greywater Watch. The Reeds rule the swampy lands of the Neck from a floating fortress. Their ruling lord, Howland, is a close friend of Eddard Stark.
  • Ryswell of the Rills
  • Tallhart of Torrhen's Square
  • Umber of Last Hearth. Last Hearth is near the Wall. The Umbers are thus used to fighting wildling raiders from the north.

[edit] External links

A Song of Ice and Fire

By George R. R. Martin

A Game of Thrones | A Clash of Kings | A Storm of Swords |
A Feast for Crows | A Dance with Dragons | The Winds of Winter | A Dream of Spring |
The Hedge Knight | The Sworn Sword
Major Characters | Complete List A-Z | Daenerys Targaryen
Arryn | Baratheon | Bolton | Frey | Greyjoy | Lannister | Martell | Stark | Targaryen | Tully | Tyrell
Night’s Watch | Kingsguard | Maesters | Brotherhood Without Banners
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