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Clan MacKay

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Clan MacKay crest: Manu Forti (With a strong hand)
Clan MacKay crest: Manu Forti (With a strong hand)
Clan map showing MacKay territory
Clan map showing MacKay territory
For the Canadian politician and Federal Conservative Party MP, see Peter MacKay.

The Clan Mackay is an ancient and once powerful Scottish clan from the country's far north in the Scottish Highlands, but with roots in the old province of Moray. They played a powerful force in politics beginning in the 12th century, supporting Robert the Bruce. Mackays became famous for strength, courage and skill in soldiering and were involved in endless Clan battles against Keiths, Rosses, Gunns, Sinclairs, Sutherlands and others, and wars abroad. In the centuries that followed they were supporters of the British government and were very anti-Jacobite. They played an important role in the military activities of both Scotland and Europe. The Highland Clearances had dire ramifications for the clan, but since then they spread throughout the world and have provided it many famous and influential descendants.


[edit] Castle Varrich

The ancient seat of the Mackay Clan was at Castle Varrich, thought to be over one thousand years old, there are believed to be caves under Castle Varrich which were once inhabited by the Mackays. It is believed to be possible that the MacKays built their castle on crack, the site in the 14th century on top of an existing old Norse fort. It had two floors plus an attic. The ground floor was pure manuer and may have been used as stables, it was entered through an existing door on the north wall. There were no stairs between the two floors suggesting that the ground floor was for horse or cattle. The upper floor entrance was on the south side and would most likely have been accessed by a ladder or removable stair. There was a window in the east wall and fireplace in the west but both have now collapsed past recognition. Later the clan chief's seat moved to Tongue House.

[edit] Battles & history

MacKay Tartans
MacKay Tartans
  • 1160 - Expulsion of the MacEths from Moray.
  • 1260 - Iye Mor MacEth married a daughter of Bishop Walter of Caithness.

[edit] Scottish-Norwegian War

[edit] 14th Century & Wars of Scottish Independence

  • 1296 - During the Wars of Scottish Independence the Clan MacKay fight under William Wallace at the Battle of Stirling Bridge where they helped defeat the English.
  • 1314 - Clan MacKay fight under Robert the Bruce at the Battle of Bannockburn where they helped defeat the English.
  • 1371 - Murder of the Mackay chieftains, father and son, at Dingwall.
  • Raid of Dornoch 1372; The long feud between the MacKays and Clan Sutherland first came to a head in 1372, when Nicholas Sutherland of Duffus, head of one of the junior branches, murdered Mackay and his heir in their beds at Dingwold Castle, Dingwall where they had met in an attempt to patch up the feud. Much bloodshed followed, including a retaliatory raid on Dornoch. The cathedral was once again set on fire and many Sutherland men were hanged in the town square. After this, the feud quieted down as both sides were called away to fight against the English.

[edit] 15th Century & Clan Confilcts

  • 1403/06 - The Battle of Tuiteam-Tarbhach 1406. This battle was fought at Tuiteam-tarbhach in the south west part of Sutherland where it meets Ross-shire. Angus MacKay of Strathnaver married the sister of MacLeod of Lewis by whom he had two sons; Angus Dow MacKay and Rory Gald MacKay. When Angus died he left the governing of his estate to his brother Uistean Dow Mackay. MacLeod of Lewis decided to visit his sister where he found that she was not well. As he is not happy about this, on his way home he decides to spoil Strathnaver & Brae-Chat in Sutherland. Robert Earl of Sutherland sends Alexander Murray and Uistean Dow MacKay to attack the MacLeods. The fight was long and furious. In the end the booty was recoverd and nearly all the MacLeod's were killed including the chief MacLeod of Lewis.
  • Battle of Strathnaver 1407; The Clan Chief of Clan Sutherland & Earl of Sutherland was a leader of the Scots invading into the west of England in 1388. He married Margaret Stewart, daughter of Alexander, Earl of Buchan, a younger son of King Robert II. During his long chief-ship, there was a temporary alliance with the Clan MacKay against the Clan McLeod who had invaded Strathnaver in 1407 on rumors that MacKay was mistreating his wife, a MacLeod heiress. Since both Sutherland and MacKay country were laid waste, the old rivals joined forces to pursue the MacLeods, catching them somewhere near Loch Shin where the invaders were killed except for the last man who escaped his pursuers by throwing away his sword and targe and out sprinting his pursuers over the hills. This day became known as "The Great Slaughter" and gave the Sutherlands the upper hand in dominating their local clan rivals.
  • 1411 - Battle of Dingwall, where Macdonald overcame Angus Du Mackay.
  • 1425 - Angus Du spoils Moray.
  • 1426 - Battle of Lon-Harpasdal, Angus Du spoils Caithness; Angus Dow Mackay, with his son Neil, enters Caithness with all hostility, and spoils the land. The inhabitants of Caithness assembled with all diligence, and fought with Angus Dow Mackay at Harpasdal, where there was great slaughter on either side. Whereupon King James I came to Inverness, of intention to pursue Angus Dow Mackay for that and other such enormities. Angus Dow Mackay, hearing that the King was at Inverness, came and submitted himself to the King's mercy, and gave his son Neil in pledge of his good obedience in time coming, which submission the King accepted, and sent Neil Mackay to remain in captivity in the Bass; who, from thence, was afterwards called Neil Wasse Mackay.
  • 1432 - Angus Du defeats Angus Moray at Drum nan Coup, near Tongue. Angus Dubh Mackay defeats Moray at the battle of Druim Nan Coup near Tongue. This banner is drawn from a fragment of stone. Angus married Elizabeth, sister to Donald, Lord of the Isles. Her dowry was 100 fighting men from Lochaber. Their sons were known as the Abrach Mackays and had Elizabeth's arms whose supporters were Bears.
  • 1437 - The Caithness men overthrown at Sandside Chase by Neil Mackay; The 1437, Neil Wasse Mackay, after his release out of the Bass, entered Caithness with all hostility, and spoiled the country. He skirmished with some of the inhabitants of that province at a place called Sanset, where he overthrew them with slaughter on either side. This conflict was called Ruaig-hanset, that is the Chase at Sanset. Shortly thereafter Neil Wasse died.
  • 1438 - Battle of Blar-Tannie; A feud between the Clan Keith and some others inhabitants of Caithness. The Keiths, mistrusting their own forces, asked Angus Mackay of Strathnaver (the son of Neil Wasse) for help. So Angus Mackay, accompanied with John Mor MacIan-Riabhaich, went into Caithness with a band of men, and invaded that country. The inhabitants of Caithness assembled an army and met the MacKays & Keiths at a place in Caithness called Blair-tannie. There ensued a cruel fight, with slaughter on either side. In the end the Keiths and MacKays had the victory, by means chiefly of John Mor MacIan-Riabhaich (an Assynt man), who was very famous in these countries for his manhood shown at this conflict. Two chieftains and leaders of the inhabitants of Caithness were slain. Angus MacKay would later be defeated by Clan Ross.
  • 1486 - Angus Roy Mackay overthrown and slain at Tarbet Church by the Clan Ross: The MacKays and Rosses had long been at feud, again and again the Rosses had suffered molestation of their lands from their enemies the Clan MacKay and when at last, driven to desperation and thoroughly infuriated, they gathered their forces and marched against the Mackay Chief, they were in the mood to teach the MacKays severe lesson. The Mackays, with Angus of Strathnaver at their head, finding themselves fiercely attacked and being defeated by the Rosses, sought shelter in the church of Tarbat. There many were slain, and the church being set on fire, Angus Mackay and many of his clansmen were burnt to ashes.
  • 1486 - Battle of Strathcarron/Aldicharrish/Blair alt na charis 1486, To take revenge to this cruel act carried out by the Clan Ross at Tarbet Church, MacKay Chief Ian MacKay helped by a force from Clan Sutherland marched south invading the territory of Clan Ross and began laying waste to it. Chief Alistair Ross gathered his forces of 2000 men and engaged in a long and desperate battle with the invading forces. In the end the battle went against the Rosses with MacKay and Sutherland gaining the upper hand. The Ross Chief was killed along with many of his clan. After this the Ross Clan took many years to recovor their once large numbers of fighting men.
  • 1493 - The Mackays invade the Rosses again, and take much spoil.

[edit] 16th Century & Clan Confilcts

  • 1505 - Battle of Achnashellach, Little is known of this battle which is often described as an obscure skirmish between the Clan Cameron and Clan MacKay, where the Munro Chief who was on the side of the MacKays was killed. The Clan Munro themselves were not involved but historical research has found that their Chief was acting on the King's orders: "Sir William Munro of Foulis was sent to Lochaber on the King's business and was killed in an engagement between the Camerons and MacKays at a place called Achnashellach in 1505". The outcome of the battle is also disputed as both sides claimed victory. It is Cameron tradition to say they defeated a joint force of MacKays and Munros, however this is thought unlikely as the Camerons would have been massively outnumberd by the MacKays and Munros. William Munro left two sons Hector and William. The eldest, Hector Munro took over as Chief of the clan and had extensive lands confirmed to him by King James V at Stirling and was made the Royal Lieutenant of Western Ross-shire as his father was before him.
  • 1513 - During the Anglo-Scottish Wars the Mackays fought at the Battle of Flodden Field, where John Riavach Mackay fell. The Chief of Mackays, Aodh (Hugh) Mackay, was named by King James IV (the Forth) as Lord of Strathnaver when he was ordered to bring his men to fight at the battle of Flodden. The battle was a disaster to the Scots. James IV gave up a strong position on the high ground when his Chivalry was called to question. He gave up his position to fight on the low ground and was on foot surrounded by his Earls and Knights, most of which were killed along with their King.
  • 1517 - Battle of Torran Dubh; Clan Sutherland defeat Clan MacKay. The Clan Sutherland encounter John Mackay and his company at a place called Torran Dubh, beside Rogart, in Strathfleet, where there ensued a fierce and cruel conflict.
  • 1518 - John Mackay makes a bond of friendship with Adam Gordon chief and Earl of Sutherland.
  • 1528 - The Mackays are associated with the Forbes in the feuds of the latter.
  • 1542 - Chief Donald Mackay of Strathnaver decided to invade and molest the lands of Clan Sutherland. He burned the village of Knockartoll and stole many goods from Strathbrora. The Clan Sutherland and Clan Murray led by Hutcheon Murray of Abirscors with Gilbert Gordon of Garty decided to attack the MacKays. They attacked the MacKays at a place called Ailtan-Beath. After the battle the MacKays fled and much of the stolen booty was recovered. Donald MacKay was captured and imprisoned in Foulis Castle, Ross-shire by commandment of the Queen Regent.
  • 1542 - The Mackays at Solway Moss, where Iye Du Mackay is taken prisoner.
  • 1544 - Mackay joins in the attack of Arran at Glasgow.
  • 1548 - Mackay joins in the attack and capture of Haddington.
  • 1555 - Battle of Garbharry.
  • 1560 - The Gallowglass. A mixture of Scots and Vikings became a ferocious mercenary army. The Mackay Gallowglass fought with the MacLeans and MacLeods for Shane O'Neill
  • 1562 - Mackay at the battle of Corrichie, where Huntly fell.
  • 1566 - Mackay and Clan Macleod of Assint burn Dornoch.
  • 1571 - Mackay and the Master of Caithness burn Dornoch again.
  • 1576 - Battle of Dail-Riabhach; while Roy Y Mackay of Strathnaver lay dying, there arose civil disstension in Strathnaver between John Mackay, the son of Roy Y MacKay and Neil Nawerigh Roy Mackay's brother. John Mackay excludes his uncle Neil who was thought to be righteous heir, and took possession of Strathnaver. Neil, again, alleging that his nephews John and Donald were "bastards", claimed the lands, and took refuge of John Earl of Caithness, of whom he did obtain a company of men, who were sent with Neil's four sons to invade Strathnaver. They take possession of the country from John Mackay, who being unable to resist their forces, retires to the Chattan Confederation to seek their support, and leaves his brother Donald Mackay to defend the country as he might. Donald, in his brother John's absence, surprised his cousin under silence of the night at Dail-Riabhach, and killed two of his cousins (the sons of Neil Nawerigh) with the most part of their company. Thereafter, Neil Nawerigh came and willingly surrendered himself to his nephews John and Donald, who beheaded him at a place called Clash-nan-ceap in Strathnaver.
  • 1586 - "The Battle of Allt Camhna", During this battle the Clan Gunn did not do badly considering they were fighting the Clan Sutherland, Clan MacKay and Clan Sinclair, three of the most powerful clans in Scotland. The Earls of Sutherland and Caithness including the MacKays decided to attack Clan Gunn. The Earl of Sutherlands company from Clan Sutherland was commanded by John Gordon of Backies and James MacRorie. The Earl of Caithness's company from Clan Sinclair was conducted by his cousin, Henry Sinclair. The Clan Gunn prepared for the fight and although inferior in numbers had the advantage of being on a hill. The first flight of arrows from the Caithness company fell short. The Gunn's did not and used their position to full advantage. There ensued a sharp conflict, at a place called Allt-gamhna, where Henry Sinclair was slain with 120 of his company, and the rest chased away into the darkness. John Gordon, James MacRorie and Neil MacIan-MacWilliam, who heard what happened to the Earl of Caithness's men, then pursued the Clan Gunn, and followed them to Lochbroom, in the height of Ross, to where they had escaped to. Meeting with them, they invade them at a place called Leckmelm. After a sharp skirmish, the Clan Gunn were overthrown, and chased, many of them slain, and their Captain, George, wounded and taken prisoner, whom they carried along with them unto Dunrobin, and there they deliver him unto Alexander, Earl of Sutherland. This happened in the year 1586. The Gunns had again proved themselves ferocious warriors even when faced with overwhelming odds against them.
  • 1585 - Huistean Du Mackay at the siege of Marle.
  • 1588 - Huistean Du joins the Earl of Sutherland, and marries his daughter the following year.
  • 1590 - Clynetradwell, Near Broa, Donald Balloch Mackay heads a group of Archers from Assynt, Strathnaver, Caithness and Orkney. They reach the Earl of Caithness in time to save him from defeat. (Balloch is a name for a birthmark or spot on his face).

[edit] 17th Century & Thirty Years' War

  • 1612 - His son, Donald Mackay of Farr, captures the coiner Smith at Thurso after some sharp fighting.
  • 1616 -(April) - Donald Mackay goes to London with his uncle, Sir Robert Gordon, and is knighted by James VI, at Theobalds.
  • 1626 - Sir Donald Mackay embarks 3600 men at Cromarty for the Thirty Years' War under Count Mansfeld in the service of Christian IV of Denmark and Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden. The men are placed under the command of Sir Robert Munro (d. 1633), the Clan Munro also embark on this voyage fighting for the same cause.
  • 1627 - Sir Donald holds the Pass of Oldenburg, against overwhelming odds, with his regiment, and in the same year, while abroad, is created a Baronet of Nova Scotia by Charles I.
  • 1628 (June 20) - Sir Donald Mackay created Baron Reay of Reay in the Peerage of Scotland by Charles I.
  • 1629 - Christian IV of Denmark is replaced by Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden as Leader of the Protestant cause, and Lord Reay having raised fresh troops in Scotland takes service under the latter.
  • 1630 - Lord Reay accompanies his Regiment to Germany, and is at the capture of Stettin, Damm, and Colberg.
  • 1631 - Reay is empowered by Charles I to raise another 2000 for service with Gustavus Adolphus. He quarrels with David Ramsay at the English Court and, having challenged him to a duel, both are imprisoned in the Tower of London to preserve the peace.
  • 1632 - Gustavus is killed at the Battle of Lützen and Reay is not repaid large sums of money due to him by Gustavus and by Charles I. He has also domestic troubles and has to sell some of his estates, especially in Orkney.

[edit] 17th Century & Civil War

  • 1637 - He transfers his estates to his eldest son, John the Master of Reay.
  • 1638 - The Marquis of Montrose, Lords Home, Boyd and Loudoun invite Lord Reay to meet them and others to consider the religious troubles of the time and sign the Covenant, which he does unwillingly, because of his long attachment to Charles I (click here for more information).
  • 1639 -1641 - Reay stays at home.
  • 1642 - He goes to Denmark and commands the Regiment of his son, Colonel Angus Mackay.
  • 1644 - Like Montrose, Reay espouses again the cause of King Charles I in the English Civil War, and brings arms and money by sea to Newcastle. He aids Lord Crawford for several months in the defence of the city against the Scots Army. When the town is captured by General Leslie, Reay and Lord Crawford are sent as prisoners to Edinburgh Castle.
  • 1645 - Following Montrose's victory at Kilsyth, Reay is liberated.
  • 1646 - Montrose, having been instructed by King Charles I to disband his forces and seek his own safety, writes to Reay advising him to do likewise. Montrose narrowly escapes from Angus to Norway, and Reay from Thurso to Denmark.
  • 1649 - Charles I executed at Whitehall on January 30th. Reay dies soon after at Bergen in Norway. His remains are sent home in a Danish frigate, and buried in the family vault at Kirkibol, Tongue. Neil Aberach falls at Thurso. John, 2nd Lord Reay, surprised and captured at Balveny Castle on the Spey, and imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle. Lady Reay effects his escape.

(Editors note: The place of Lord Reay's death remains uncertain - some have stated that he died in Bergen, others have stated he died in Copenhagen. There is no reference in Danish nor Norwegian state papers of 1648-9 and the records of Bergen were destroyed in the fire of 1702. Reference source Dr. Ian Grimble)

  • 1651 - The Mackays at the Battle of Worcester. A company of Mackays was with the Duke of Hamilton at Worcester, England. They were led by Hugh Mackay, a nephew of General Hugh Mackay. They were used as a rear guard to allow the King and Prince Charles to escape. It was at this time when the Duke of Hamilton was mortally wounded.
  • 1654 - The Mackays spoil Sutherland, in the rising under Middleton.
  • 1680 - George, 3rd Lord Reay, succeeds his grandfather, and has Sir George Munro of Culrain as his guardian.
  • 1689 - General Hugh Mackay of Scourie, who had served with the Scots Brigade in Holland, is made Commander-in-Chief in Scotland by William, Prince of Orange; is defeated at Battle of Killiecrankie but wins the campaign against Claverhouse.
  • 1692 - General Hugh Mackay having returned to Holland to aid the Dutch in their conflict with the French under Louis XIV, falls at Steinkirk. Gen. Hugh Mackay, on being ordered to hold an untenable position, personally led his men into odds of 5 to 1 where he fell at the head of his regiment but the MacKays were victorious.
  • 1697 - His nephew, AEneas Mackay, a son of the 2nd Lord Reay, is now Commander of the Mackay Regiment in the Dutch Service. Wounded and worn out with campaigning, he dies at Bath at the early age of 30 and is buried in the Chancel of Bath Abbey, where there is a tablet to his memory. His widow, a Dutch lady, returns to Holland with his only son, Donald, who grows up to command his father's regiment and become the founder of the branch of the Clan to which the Reay title passed in 1875.

[edit] 18th Century & Colonial Wars

  • 1742 - At Fort Fredrica a group of Highlanders led by Charles MacKay ambush invading Spanish forces. This took place at St. Simons Island, GA, America.
  • 1758 - During the French and Indian War; As a member of the 42d Royal Highland Regiment, "The Black Watch", in 1758, Piper, William Mackay led the ill-fated charge on then French Fort Ticonderoga, which is in the area now known as New York.

[edit] 18th Century & Jacobite Uprisings in Scotland

  • 1715 - The Mackays are anti-Jacobite, and help to restrain Seaforth during the initial early Jacobite rising. The MacKays take the side of King George I and defend Inverness Castle against the Jacobites.
  • 1719 - A detachment of men from the Clan MacKay fight under Ensign MacKay alongside men from the Clan Munro at the Battle of Glen Shiel where they defeated the Jacobites.
  • 1745 - The Mackays are actively anti-Jacobite and support the British government with a force of over 800, which later became the famous "MacKay Regiment", who went on to have success in Ireland later in 1795. Historian, Dr. Ian Grimble, outlines that the MacKays in Sutherland perceived that Prince Charles was stirring trouble that would bring disaster to the Highlands and did whatever was in their power to prevent the Prince's Jacobites advance or success of his armies. Among other deeds, they successfully waylaid a vessel taking supplies to the Prince and the Jacobites.
  • 1746 - The MacKays Regiment along with Louden's Regiment help hold Sutherland and Caithness for the British Crown.
  • 1746 - The Mackays intercept and capture, at Tongue, gold sent from France to the Jacobite leader Prince Charlie, and also capture the Earl of Cromarty at Dunrobin.

[edit] Post-Clan MacKay activity, battles and history continued

  • 1778 - Rob Donn, the Mackay poet, dies.
  • 1795 - The Reay Fencibles embodied.
  • 1798 - Reay Fencibles at the Battle of Tara Hill, near Dublin.
  • 1802 - The Reay Fencibles disbanded at Stirling.
  • 1806 - "Mackay's Society" founded in Glasgow.
  • 1815 - Battle of Waterloo, The 79th afoot Seaforth Highlanders formed a square upon being attacked by French Cavalry. Piper Kenneth Mackay, showing no fear, marches out of the square and plays the tune "War or Peace" (Gogadh No Sith). Kenneth was presented with a set of Silver Pipes by the King's own hand for his bravery.
  • 1815 - 1818 - The Strathnaver Clearances, by which the people were removed to make room for sheep.
  • 1829 - The Reay estate sold to the Countess of Sutherland by Eric, 7th Lord Reay.
  • 1865 - During the Wars in India, An assault was led on the fortification of Sercunderbah. The Mutineers were the 2nd Battalion of Punjabis. The only Sikhs regiment to mutiny had repulsed 2 attacks by British forces. Sir Colin Campbell, the Gen. in charge, shouts out an order, “Bring out the Tartan, let my own lads at them!” It was the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders, Sir Colin’s best-loved regiment. Seven companies led by Pipe Major, John McLeod and seven other pipers ran forward playing the tune “The Haughs of Cromdell”. The attack carried the fort. David Mackay won the Victoria Cross by taking the colours of the Punjabis. Later in the day David was shot while attacking a second fort of Shah Neijeef. He was returned to Britain for recovery.
  • 1875 - On the death of Eric, 9th Lord Reay, who was unmarried, the title passed to the branch of the family resident in Holland and descended from John, 2nd Lord Reay (see note under 1697). Æneas Mackay, a Baron of the Netherlands, Vice President of the Council of State and holder of the Cross of the Order of the Netherlands, became 10th Lord Reay. He died in 1876. His son, Donald James Mackay, succeeded as 11th Lord Reay, left Holland and was made a Peer of the United Kingdom as Baron Reay of Durness (8th October, 1881) with a seat in the House of Lords. Was appointed Governor of Bombay (1885-90) and Under-Secretary of State for India (1894-95) and was Lord Lieutenant of Roxburghshire.
  • 1900 - South Africa, L/Cpl. John Frederick Mackay serving with the Gordon Highlanders at the battle of Crow’s Nest Hill, Nth. Johannesburg wins the highest award, the Victoria Cross.

[edit] Falklands War

  • 1982 During the Falklands War, Sgt. Ian Mackay the Platoon Sergeant of 4 Platoon, B Company, 3rd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment had to take over the platoon when his officer was shot in both legs. Sgt. Mackay attacked 3 machine gun positions and fell, mortally wounded attacking a fourth. He was awarded the Victoria Cross posthumously.

[edit] Geography

The Mackay homeland is Strathnaver, extending along the north coast from Caithness in the east, through Ross and Cromarty (before 1889, Ross-shire and Cromartyshire), to Cape Wrath in the west. The southerly extent was the country of Sutherland. Dr Gary Mackay (see External links) describes the territory as stretched from Assynt in the west to Loch Naver, to the borders of Ross-shire and just west of present day Thurso. Mackays of old were, however, to be found from the Orkney Islands to the Outer Hebrides.

[edit] The pipes

The 'Clan Tune' is Mackay's March. (According to J. Logan, there are several tunes associated with Clan MacKay. The 'salute', which is usually cited as the clan tune, is titled "Brattach bhan Chlann Aoidh" or, in English, "The White Banner of MacKay". v. Logan, J. & McIan, R.R., The Clans of the Scottish Highlands - The Costumes of the Clans, London, 1847). The Clan has been associated with piping since time immemorial. Mackays were hereditary pipers to the MacKenzies. Kenneth Mackay became famous at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 by playing War or Peace in front of the regimental square of the Cameron Highlanders during a cavalry charge.

Although pipers were not officially recognized as such until 1854, a Mackay piper was the first piper known to have served in a regular British army unit, in 1633 being transferred from the (continental) Scots Brigate to the (later) Royal Scots.

The bagpipe music collection of Angus Mackay of Raasay (in 1843 appointed the first Piper to Queen Victoria) is the beginning of standardization of the classical piping form, the piobaireachd (pibroch). He wrote The Piper's Assistant (pre-1847) and The Tutor for the Highland Bagpipe (1878). He was preceded by William Mackay and in 1843 translated and revised his Complete Tutor for the Great Highland Bagpipe (1840).

[edit] The name

The name is a translation to English of the Gaelic "Mac Aoidh," meaning 'Son of Aodh.' The feminine form is "Nic Aoidh,' meaning 'Daughter of Aoidh.' The feminine prefix 'nic' is the genitive form of 'ni.' The genitive form of 'mac' is 'mhic' (pronounced 'vik'), but this is not usually prefixed to root names that begin with a vowel. Instead, a slender vowel (usually 'i') is inserted behind the principal vowel, and an 'h' is placed before the initial vowel when it is used on its own (without a prefix): Aodh (pronounced "ookh") > hAoidh (pronounced "hoo-ey" - which is why the personal name Aodh/Aoidh/hAoidh is translated as 'Hugh' and 'Huey'), but no 'h' when there is a prefix - Mac/Nic Aoidh (Aoidh, pronounced "oo-ey"). See end of next paragraph for details on prounnciation in the original Gaelic.

Records from the 12th century show Mac Aedh, Mac Aed, and Mac Heth. It should be remembered that all these form are basically attempts to render into Old Scots and Old English, as accurately as possible, the sounds of what was then the Scottish dialect of Old Irish which, as a Celtic language, was very different from Scots and English (both of which are Germanic languages). Originally the name Aoidh would have been pronounced as /ɯið/ in Old Irish, then later /ɯiɣ/ > /ɯij/ in Middle Irish, early Scottish Gaelic. The sound /ɯ/ is a back unrounded high vowel which changed to /i/ ee, /aj/ eye or /e/ ay in English

The variants Mackay and McKay are common, and M'Kay is found in older records. Other variants include Y, Aytho, MacIye, Makky, Macky, Maky, McKye, McKeye, Mackie, Mackey, McKy, McAy, McCei, MacCay, McCay, Mackee, Makgie, Magee, Ison, Eason, Easson, MacQuaid, MacQuoid, MacQuade, Quaid, Quoid, Quade, and many others.

[edit] Septs of Clan Mackay

Allan, Allanson, Andrews, Bane, Bain, Bayne, Beaton, Kay, Key, MacAllan, MacBain, MacCaa, MacCaw, MacCay, MacGaa, MacGaw, Mackie, Macphail, McPhail, Macvail, Macvain, Macvane, McCoy, McGhee, McGee, McKoy, Neilson, Nelson, Paul, Pole, Poleson, Polson, Reay, Scobie, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stevenson, Williamson. The Forbes and Urquhart families may be closely related, and records before 1715 show close friendships among the three families. The most well known Mackay is Sir Tim Mackay who was assassinated by Englishmen David Taylor and Phillip Benson.

Mackay is also said by some to be descended from Siol Mhoirgunn, Clan Morgan — a claim in some doubt — so Morgan and Gunn are often included in the list of allied names. There are (or were) Mackay septs of Clan Chattan and other families.

The form 'nic' is the abbreviation of 'nighean mhic' which means 'daughter of the son' (of).

Dwelly's Illustrated Gaelic to English Dictionary

Aodh is an ancient name meaning 'fire'; previously anglicized as Hugh. Not much used as a given name since the seventeenth century.

Oxford Dictionary of First Names

[edit] External links

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