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Buffyverse chronology (3)

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This is a list of fictional stories from the fictional Buffyverse established by Buffy and Angel, listed chronologically.

This is the third of three parts of the Buffyverse chronology, and contains stories that take place during the same time as Buffy Season 6/Angel Season 3, and Buffy Season 7/Angel Season 4, Angel Season 5, and after.

Other sections of the chronology can be accessed from the mini-contents tables scattered throughout this article.
A less graphic-intensive chronology is available all on one page here
Buffyverse chronology mini-contents
"BS" = Buffy season, "AS" = Angel season
Ancient Modern BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4/AS1 BS5/AS2 BS6/AS3 BS7/AS4 AS5 Future Flashbacks


[edit] Chronology

[edit] Key

  • BS = Buffy season
  • AS = Angel Season
  • Blue, bold = Buffyverse canon article
  • Blue, italic = Buffyverse non-canon article
  • Blue = Link to an article (e.g. a Buffyverse writer)
  • [Alternate Universe?] = Stories with this notation have strayed far from what is known to be Buffyverse canon
  • BCE = Before the Common Era (aka "BC")
Buffyverse chronology mini-contents
"BS" = Buffy season, "AS" = Angel season
Ancient Modern BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4/AS1 BS5/AS2 BS6/AS3 BS7/AS4 AS5 Future Flashbacks

[edit] BS6/AS3

These Buffyverse tales take place around Buffy Season 6, and Angel Season 3 (from autumn 2001 up until spring 2002).

Image Buffyverse stories: Fall 2001 - December 2001
(canon = bold, non-canon = italic)
Location, time
(if known)
Buffy/Angel novel: Cursed L.A., 2001
An organised, united effort is being made to put Spike out of the picture. Angel and Spike reluctantly work together and deal with their shared evil pasts.
A3.01 Heartthrob L.A., 2001
As Angel mourns Buffy's death, he battles a lovelorn Vampire seeking revenge for the death of his beloved.
Buffy UPN promos: Scooby Gang talk about Buffy Sunnydale, 2001
B6.01 Bargaining, I Sunnydale, 2001
A grieving Giles leaves Sunnydale.
B6.02 Bargaining, II Sunnydale, 2001
Willow leads the gang in bringing Buffy back.
A3.02 That Vision Thing L.A., 2001
Lilah coerces Angel's help in securing the release of a prisoner the "Powers That Be" have locked in a fiery prison.
B6.03 After Life Sunnydale, 2001
The gang discovers that Buffy brought something from the other dimension along with her.
Angel book: Sanctuary L.A., 2001
A loud explosion occurs at Caritas.
A3.03 That Old Gang of Mine L.A., 2001
Gunn's loyalties are torn between his current Demon-hunting associates and the gang he used to hang out with.
B6.04 Flooded Sunnydale, 2001
Three young nerds cause trouble in Sunnydale; Buffy returns to the daily grind as head of the household.
A3.04 Carpe Noctem L.A., 2001
An old man uses an ancient incantation to switch bodies with Angel.
Buffy comic: Reunion Sunnydale, 2001
Xander, Anya and Dawn imagine what happened when Buffy and Angel met up.
B6.05 Life Serial Sunnydale, 2001
The Slayer struggles to readjust to life, while the Geek Trio test her abilities.
A3.05 Fredless L.A., 2001
When Fred's parents come to take her home, she feels she should go with them.
Buffy graphic novel Willow & Tara: Wilderness Sunnydale, 2001
Willow, Tara, and Dawn become involved in mystery after coming across a plot of cursed earth near the Pacific Coast Highway.
Buffy book: Blood and Fog Sunnydale, 2001
Buffy and Spike come face to face with serial killer from Spike's distant past.
B6.06 All the Way Sunnydale, 2001
Xander finally announces his engagement to Anya; Dawn sneaks out on Halloween; Willow uses magic with abandon.
Buffy graphic novel: Note from the Underground Sunnydale, 2001
Angel breaks Faith out of jail and the two of them travel to Sunnydale to help control chaos there.
A3.06 Billy L.A., 2001
Angel's friends are affected by a man called Billy with the power to make other men brutalise women.
Angel anthology book:The Longest Night L.A., 2001
It's December 21, and hour by hour Angel and his crew must survive the longest night of the year.
Buffy/Angel novel: Monster Island Sunnydale, L.A., Monster Island, 2001
The Fang Gang and the Scooby Gang must unite to protect a safe-haven of half-blood demons.
Angel book: Endangered Species L.A., 2001
Angel considers the ethics of wiping out all vampires.
Angel book: Impressions L.A., 2001
A desperate man arrives at the Hotel with a demon chasing him.
B6.07 Once More, with Feeling Sunnydale, 2001
A mysterious force impels Sunnydale residents into songs that reveal their true feelings; Buffy and Spike share a kiss.
A3.07 Offspring L.A., 2001
As the crew researches a prophecy about the arrival of a being of huge profound impact on the world, Darla arrives at the hotel pregnant.
B6.08 Tabula Rasa Sunnydale, 2001
Tara is fed up with Willow's abuse of magic.
A3.08 Quickening L.A., 2001
As Angel and his friends try to determine what kind of baby Darla will have, Holtz starts his search for Angel.
B6.09 Smashed Sunnydale, 2001
Spike discovers that he can hurt Buffy; Willow reverts Amy to human form.
A3.09 Lullaby L.A., 2001
As Darla goes through a difficult labour, Holtz pursues Angel.
B6.10 Wrecked Sunnydale, 2001
Buffy is shaken by her tryst with Spike; Willow faces the consequences of her addiction.
A3.10 Dad L.A., 2001
Angel tries to keep his son safe from the many Demons, Vampires and Humans who would like to harm the baby.
B6.11 Gone Sunnydale, 2001
A social services worker threatens to take Dawn from Buffy; the Trio accidentally makes Buffy invisible.
A3.11 Birthday L.A., 2001
On her birthday, Cordelia learns her visions will kill her unless she goes back in time and chooses a different path in life.
Buffy graphic novel: Creatures of Habit Sunnydale, 2001
A new clubbing experience is emerging in Sunnydale. DJs are mixing up music, drugs, and blood.
Buffy graphic novel: Death of Buffy: Withdrawal Sunnydale, 2001
Buffy's has returned from the grave but the D.J. vampire Velatti has also returned and seeks revenge.
B6.12 Doublemeat Palace Sunnydale, 2001
The Slayer takes a job at a strange burger joint; Anya is visited by an old friend who questions her relationship with Xander.
A3.12 Provider L.A., 2001
Fred solves a puzzle for a group of Demons who literally want to buy her brain. stalking her.
Buffyverse chronology mini-contents
"BS" = Buffy season, "AS" = Angel season
Ancient Modern BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4/AS1 BS5/AS2 BS6/AS3 BS7/AS4 AS5 Future Flashbacks
Image Buffyverse stories: January 2002 - Spring 2002
(canon = bold, non-canon = italic)
Location, time
(if known)
B6.13 Dead Things Sunnydale, 2002
Buffy realizes her place in Sunnydale; Warren's antics turn deadly; Buffy embarks on a perverse relationship with Spike.
Angel book: Fearless L.A., 2002
Angel Investigations begins getting happily euphoric after battles.
A3.13 Waiting in the Wings L.A., 2002
Angel and his friends attend a ballet, where Angel realises he saw the exact same dancers on stage 110 years ago.
B6.14 Older and Far Away Sunnydale, 2002
Dawn feels like the odd-girl out on Buffy's birthday, leading to the Slayer and her friends being trapped at home with a demon.
A3.14 Couplet L.A., 2002
Angel struggles with his jealously of the Groosalugg.
B6.15 As You Were Sunnydale, 2002
Buffy is jolted by the reappearance of Riley and who he is seeking.
A3.15 Loyalty L.A., 2002
Wesley dreads the fulfilment of the prophecy that Angel will kill Connor.
B6.16 Hell's Bells Sunnydale, 2002
Xander gets cold feet after being shown a disturbing glimpse into the future.
A3.16 Sleep Tight L.A., 2002
To save Connor's life, Wesley takes him away from Angel.
B6.17 Normal Again Sunnydale, 2002
A demon's venom causes Buffy to believe that she lives in a mental ward in Los Angeles.
A3.17 Forgiving L.A., 2002
As Fred and Gunn search for Wesley, Angel searches for Sahjhan.
Angel comic: Spike: Old Times L.A., 2002
Spike bumps into Halfrek by chance in L.A.
B6.18 Entropy Sunnydale, 2002
Anya seeks vengeance on Xander and finds comfort with Spike; Willow and Tara arrange a date.
A3.18 Double or Nothing L.A., 2002
When a Demon Gunn once sold his soul to comes to collect on the debt, Angel, Fred and Cordelia help to save him.
B6.19 Seeing Red Sunnydale, 2002
Willow and Tara reconcile; Warren seeks to destroy the Slayer.
A3.19 The Price L.A., 2002
Angel's hotel is infested by Demonic slugs created by the spell he used to alter Sahjhan.
B6.20 Villains Sunnydale, 2002
Willow's grief pushes her over the edge. After magically saving Buffy, a dark Willow hunts Warren down.
Buffy books: Wicked Willow Sunnydale, 2002
Supposing that Dark Willow did not return to the good so quickly.
A3.20 A New World L.A., 2002
Angel son returns from another dimension. Angel pursues Connor, who makes a new friend on the streets.
B6.21 Two to Go Sunnydale, 2002
The Scoobies must protect Jonathan and Andrew from Willow; Giles returns to help.
B6.22 Grave Sunnydale, 2002
Willow defeats Giles and decides to end her suffering by bringing on an apocalypse.
A3.21 Benediction L.A., 2002
Holtz insists that Connor rejoin Angel. Meanwhile, Justine learns Holtz is back.
A3.22 Tomorrow L.A., 2002
Angel's and Cordelia plan to meet to finally acknowledge their feelings.
Buffyverse chronology mini-contents
"BS" = Buffy season, "AS" = Angel season
Ancient Modern BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4/AS1 BS5/AS2 BS6/AS3 BS7/AS4 AS5 Future Flashbacks

[edit] BS7/AS4

These Buffyverse tales take place around Buffy Season 7, and Angel Season 4 (from autumn 2002 up until spring 2003). The exact timeline for this season is tricky to determine due to the fact that both shows seems to take place over a shorter timeframe than usual, especially when it comes to Angel, and often episodes from both shows seemingly takes places at the same time and for several episodes in a row. This is however an as accurate estimate that one can make.

Image Buffyverse stories: Fall 2002 - December 2002
(canon = bold, non-canon = italic)
Location, time
(if known)
B7.01 Lessons Sunnydale, 2002
Dawn finds vengeful spirits in the new Sunnydale High; Giles is rehabilitating Willow in England.
A4.01 Deep Down L.A., 2002
Angel is trapped on the ocean floor and Cordelia stuck on a mystical plane.
B7.02 Beneath You L.A., 2002
The gang deals with a giant underground demon; Willow prepares to return home.
A4.02 Ground State L.A., 2002
Angel, Fred and Gunn break into an auction house to get the object, but a cat burglar named Gwen, has the same intentions.
B7.03 Same Time, Same Place Sunnydale, 2002
Willow cannot find her friends in Sunnydale, where bodies are found without skin.
Buffy book: Apocalypse Memories Sunnydale, 2002
Willow is terrified that using her magic powers might result in dark magic consuming her whilst the Angel Michael brings signs of apocalypse to Sunnydale.
A4.03 The House Always Wins L.A., Las Vegas, 2002
Angel decides to take Gunn and Fred on a road trip to Vegas to visit Lorne.
B7.04 Help Sunnydale, 2002
Buffy becomes a counselor at Sunnydale High and meets a girl who predicts her own death.
Angel book: Dark Mirror L.A., 2002
The gang must face dark versions of themselves.
Buffy book: Mortal Fear Sunnydale, 2002
Buffy is being sent on random missions by a man that goes by the name of Simon. He wants her to retrieve parts of a mystical sword and put them together, but he refuses to say why or who he even is.
Buffy book: Spark and Burn Sunnydale, 2002
Spike remembers his past as he suffers insanity in a school basement.
Buffy/Angel book: Heat Sunnydale, L.A., 2002
Buffy and Angel both battle the same ancient evil, a Possessor who was once "Qin".
Buffy/Angel book: Seven Crows Mexico, 2002
Between Mexico and Arizona Riley Sam Finn call in Buffy and Angel to investigate mysterious supernature.
A4.04 Slouching Toward Bethlehem L.A., 2002
Cordelia returns but has no memory of who she is.
B7.05 Selfless Sunnydale, 2002
Buffy deals with Anyanka as we flashback highlights of Anya's past.
A4.05 Supersymmetry L.A., 2002
Fred's article is published and she's invited to speak at a symposium where a portal opens.
B7.06 Him Sunnydale, 2002
The young women of Sunnydale are falling for the high school quarterback; Xander and Spike become reluctant roommates.
Angel book: Solitary Man L.A., 2002
Team Angel copes with a detective-wannabe-old women.
A4.06 Spin the Bottle L.A., 2002
When Lorne attempts a spell on Cordelia to restore her memory.
Angel book: Love and Death L.A., 2002
Demon-killers are provoked by an outspoken radio host
Angel book: Monolith L.A., 2002
A huge monolith suddenly appears at Hollywood Boulevard.
B7.07 Conversations with Dead People Sunnydale, November 12th 2002
The gang faces individual encounters with familiar faces from their past.
A4.07 Apocalypse, Nowish L.A., 2002
Cordelia's apocalyptic nightmares become a reality.
B7.08 Sleeper Sunnydale, 2002
Buffy probes a series of grisly murders that may be the work of Spike.
A4.08 Habeas Corpses L.A., 2002
Angel learns that Connor is trapped in Wolfram and Hart.
B7.09 Never Leave Me Sunnydale, 2002
The Summers' home gains two captives: Spike and Andrew.
A4.09 Long Day's Journey L.A., 2002
The gang learns that the answer to stopping The Beast is "among them", they suspect Connor.
B7.10 Bring on the Night Sunnydale, December 2002
Giles arrives with three apprentice Slayers; the Scoobies research the First; Buffy fights an ancient vampire.
Tales of the Vampires: Stacey USA, 2002
A young teenage vampire named Stacy explains how, whilst human, she was enchanted by the idea of magic.
Tales of the Vampires: Spot the Vampire New York, 2002
A vampire is amongst the people in a 1950's-looking department store.
Tales of the Vampires: Taking Care of Business USA, 2002
A vampire from the 15th century was formerly an inquisitor has gone mad.
A4.10 Awakening L.A., 2002
In an attempt to locate The Beast and restore the sun, Wesley brings in a dark mystic to extract Angel's soul.
Buffyverse chronology mini-contents
"BS" = Buffy season, "AS" = Angel season
Ancient Modern BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4/AS1 BS5/AS2 BS6/AS3 BS7/AS4 AS5 Future Flashbacks
Image Buffyverse stories: January 2003 - Spring 2003
(canon = bold, non-canon = italic)
Location, time
(if known)
B7.11 Showtime Sunnydale, 2003
Buffy must win back the confidence of potential slayers.
B7.12 Potential Sunnydale, 2003
Buffy and Spike establish a boot camp to prepare the potential slayers for combat, while a spell from Willow reveals another potential in Sunnydale.
A4.11 Soulless L.A., 2003
Angelus is interrogated by Wesley and co, they hope to find out how to kill The Beast.
B7.13 The Killer in Me Sunnydale, 2003
Willow must face her own demons; Buffy gets in touch with the government.
B7.14 First Date Sunnydale, 2003
Buffy accepts a dinner invitation from Principal Wood; Anya is jealous when Xander has a date.
A4.12 Calvary L.A., 2003
The gang discover The Beast is working for a much more powerful Master.
B7.15 Get It Done Sunnydale, 2003
Buffy learns more about the origin of a Slayer and the First's army.
A4.13 Salvage L.A., 2003
Wesley releases Faith from prison to help capture Angelus.
B7.16 Storyteller Sunnydale, 2003
Andrew makes a documentary on the events in Sunnydale.
A4.14 Release L.A., 2003
Angelus continues his search for The Beast's Master.
B7.17 Lies My Parents Told Me Sunnydale, 2003
The gang investigates Spike's trigger; Principal Wood and Giles team up without Buffy.
A4.15 Orpheus L.A., 2003
While in their comas, Angelus and Faith experience flashbacks of Angel's good deeds over the centuries.
B7.18 Dirty Girls Sunnydale, 2003
Faith returns to Sunnydale; Buffy leads the troops into battle.
A4.16 Players L.A., 2003
Gwen enlists Gunn's help to rescue a kidnapped girl.
Angel book: Nemesis L.A., 2003
One of Fred's old friends from graduate school contacts her for help at a big scientific facility.
Angel book: Book of the Dead L.A., 2003
Wesley's former-Watcher colleague, arrives at LA for a rare book auction.
A4.17 Inside Out L.A., 2003
The gang learn of a higher being's plan to create something even more powerful than itself.
A4.18 Shiny Happy People L.A., 2003
Jasmine, who was born to Cordelia, has the ability to turn everyone she meets into loyal disciples.
B7.19 Empty Places Sunnydale, 2003
Buffy loses the trust of the group and is forced out of the house; Faith becomes the leader.
A4.19 The Magic Bullet L.A., 2003
Fred's life is in danger and she goes on the run.
A4.20 Sacrifice L.A., 2003
Free from Jasmine's spell, Angel and the gang escape into the sewers for protection.
B7.20 Touched Sunnydale, 2003
A depressed Buffy is comforted by Spike; the Scoobies capture and interrogate a Bringer; Faith decides on a plan.
A4.21 Peace Out L.A., 2003
Connor goes in search of the missing Cordelia.
A4.22 Home L.A., 2003
Angel and the gang are made an offer they can't refuse from W&H.
B7.21 End of Days Sunnydale, 2003
Buffy finds a scythe in the cave; an old ally returns to Sunnydale.
B7.22 Chosen Sunnydale, 2003
Buffy decides on a bold plan in this series finale.
Buffyverse chronology mini-contents
"BS" = Buffy season, "AS" = Angel season
Ancient Modern BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4/AS1 BS5/AS2 BS6/AS3 BS7/AS4 AS5 Future Flashbacks

[edit] AS5

These Buffyverse tales take place around Angel Season 5 (from spring 2003 up until spring 2004).

Image Buffyverse stories: Spring 2003 – 2004
(canon = bold, non-canon = italic)
Location, time
(if known)
Buffy book: Queen of the Slayers Sunnydale, Cleveland, Italy, Summer 2003-2004
Hundreds of potential slayers have been awakened. A number of leading dark figures unite in an attempt to retaliate against the new status quo.
A5.01 Conviction L.A., 2003
Taking over the LA offices of Wolfram & Hart proves to be more challenging than expected.
A5.02 Just Rewards L.A., 2003
Spike mysteriously materializes in Angelís office through the magic of an amulet.
A5.03 Unleashed L.A., 2003
Angel tries to protect a woman named Nina.
A5.04 Hell Bound L.A., 2003
Spike struggles to maintain his weak grip on reality as spectral forces threaten to send him to hell.
A5.05 Life of the Party L.A., 2003
Lorne works around the clock to throw the ultimate Halloween party at Wolfram & Hart.
A5.06 The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco L.A., 2003
Angel learns that he must track down a retired wrestler to help him defeat Tezcatcatl. The consummate entertainer
A5.07 Lineage L.A., 2003
W&H is under attack from cyborg assassins, and Wesley is surprised by the unannounced arrival of his estranged father.
Tales of the Vampires: Antique Europe, 2003
Vlad Dracula has entranced Xander.
Angel comic: Spike vs Dracula #5 L.A., 2003
Dracula arrives at the Wolfram and Hart branch at Los Angeles and is surprised to meet a non-corporeal Spike.
Angel comic: Wesley: Spotlight L.A., 2003/4
Wesley must make a decision regarding his affections for Fred and deal with any ramifications.
A5.08 Destiny L.A., 2003
Spike is recorporealized, and the two souled vampires battle for a "Cup of Perpetual Torment".
A5.09 Harm's Way L.A., 2003
Already feeling unappreciated at work, Harmony's life in the office gets worse.
Angel comic: Spike: Old Wounds L.A., 2003
Spike is the subject of an investigation.
A5.10 Soul Purpose L.A., 2003/4
Someone approaches Spike claiming responsibility for recorporealizing. Angel has vivid dreams.
A5.11 Damage L.A., 2003
Dana has been institutionalized, but gaining superhuman strength, she escapes.
Angel comic: Spike: Lost and Found L.A., 2003/4
A vampire is preying on citizens of L.A. in broad daylight.
Angel comic: Gunn: Spotlight L.A., 2003/4
Gunn's naive cousin ends up in L.A. having run away from his home in Ohio.
A5.12 You're Welcome L.A., 2003/4
Cordelia mysteriously awakens from her coma.
A5.13 Why We Fight L.A., 2003/4
Lawson, a mysterious man from Angel's past, arrives at Wolfram & Hart and takes the gang hostage.
A5.14 Smile Time L.A., 2004
A popular children's show begins to steal the life forces of children by hypnotizing them.
A5.15 A Hole in the World L.A., 2004
Fred opens up an ancient sarcophagus that was anonymously sent to her.
A5.16 Shells L.A., 2004
Angel tries everything to restore Fred as Illyria tries to locate an ancient temple.
Angel comic: Illyria: Spotlight L.A., 2003/4
Illyria tries to further understand humanity by studying the vessel whom it now occupies.
A5.17 Underneath L.A., 2004
Hoping that Lindsay has information on the Senior Partners' ultimate plans, Angel, Spike and Gunn track him down.
A5.18 Origin L.A., 2004
Parents seek help from Wolfram & Hart about their son's supernatural abilities, the boys name is Connor.
A5.18 Connor: Spotlight 2004
Connor faces up to his conflicting memories.
A5.19 Time Bomb L.A., 2004
Illyria's powers become unstable and cause her to jump through time.
A5.20 The Girl in Question L.A., 2004
Angel and Spike travel to Rome with plans to rescue Buffy from their old nemesis The Immortal.
A5.21 Power Play L.A., 2004
The gang starts to have doubts about Angel's loyalties.
A5.22 Not Fade Away L.A., 2004
Angel and co spend the day as if it were their last, before trying to take out the Circle of the Black Thorn.
Buffyverse chronology mini-contents
"BS" = Buffy season, "AS" = Angel season
Ancient Modern BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4/AS1 BS5/AS2 BS6/AS3 BS7/AS4 AS5 Future Flashbacks

[edit] Future

These Buffyverse tales take place after Angel Season 5.

Image Buffyverse stories - Distant future
(canon = bold, non-canon = italic)
Buffyverse location, time
(if known)
Angel comics: Spike: Asylum 2002/2003/2004/2005?
Spike battles sanity at an unspecified point in his life.
Angel graphic novel: The Curse Romania, 2004
Angel goes to Romania in a search to remove his Curse.
Angel graphic novel: Old Friends L.A., 2004
Angel returns to L.A. and meets old friends and foes.
Spike movie USA, 2007/8/9?
Spike has survived the battle.
Ripper England, 2007/8/9?
Rupert Giles continues his life in England.
Graphic novel: Fray New York, 23rd-century
Been two centuries since the last Slayer was called. Demons were banished from the Earth in the 21st century.
Tales of the Slayers graphic novel story: Tales New York, 23rd-century
Fray discovers a former Watcher’s sanctuary and records of her Slayer forebears.
Buffyverse chronology mini-contents
"BS" = Buffy season, "AS" = Angel season
Ancient Modern BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4/AS1 BS5/AS2 BS6/AS3 BS7/AS4 AS5 Future Flashbacks

[edit] Flashbacks

Various flashbacks take place during the Buffyverse stories. These are described in detail at Angel, Darla, Spike and Dru: Before 1997 and summarised below:

[edit] Key

[edit] Ancient - 1800

Flashback in B7.15 Get It Done — First Slayer, unnamed village, location unknown, Pre-historic period
Flashback in B7.05 Selfless — Aud/Anyanka, Sjornjost, Sweden, 880
Flashback in B1.08 I, Robot... You, Jane — Moloch, Cortona, Italy, 1418
Flashback in A2.07 Darla — Darla sired by the Master, Virginia, 1609
Flashback in A1.15 The Prodigal — Liam leaves home, Galway, Ireland, 1753
Flashback in B2.21 Becoming I — Liam sired by Darla, Galway, Ireland, 1753
Flashback in A1.15 The Prodigal — Liam murders his family, Galway, Ireland, 1753
Flashback in A2.07 Darla — Darla, Angelus and the Master in London, England, 1760
Flashback in A3.08 Quickening — Angelus, Darla and Holtz family, York, England, 1764
Flashback in A3.09 Lullaby — Holtz and daughter, York, England, 1764
Flashback in A2.09 The Trial — Angelus and Darla, France, 1765
Flashback in A3.01 Heartthrob — Angelus and Darla travel with James and Elizabeth and Angelus is confronted by Holtz, Marseilles, 1767
Flashback in A3.07 Offspring — Holtz vs. Angelus, Rome, 1771
Flashback in A3.08 Quickening — Holtz and Sahjhan, 1773
Flashback in A1.11 Somnambulist — Angelus and Penn, 1784
Flashback in A4.11 Soulless — Angelus and the Beast in Prussia, 1789
Buffyverse chronology mini-contents
"BS" = Buffy season, "AS" = Angel season
Ancient Modern BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4/AS1 BS5/AS2 BS6/AS3 BS7/AS4 AS5 Future Flashbacks

[edit] 1801 – 1900

Flashback in B3.10 Amends — Angelus and Daniel, Dublin, Ireland, 1838
Flashback in B3.10 Amends — Angelus and Margaret, ?, 18??
Flashback in A2.05 Dear Boy — Darla shows Dru to Angelus, 1860
Flashback in B2.21 Becoming I — Angelus taunts Dru at the church, 1860
Flashback in A2.05 Dear Boy — Angelus and Darla slaughter Dru's convent, 1860
Angel television information from A3.13 Waiting In The Wings — Angelus cries during a production of Giselle, 1880
Flashbacks in Buffy book: These Our Actors — 1880s
Flashbacks in Buffy comic: Spike: Old Times — London, 1880
Flashback in A2.07 Darla — William bumps into Angelus, Dru and Darla in London, 1880
Flashback in B5.07 Fool for Love — Dru sires William, London, 1880
Flashback in B7.17 Lies My Parents Told Me — William sires and stakes his mother, London, 1880
Flashback in A5.08 Destiny — Spike and Angelus fight over Dru, 1880
Flashback in B5.07 Fool for Love — Spike and gang in mine shaft, London, 1888
Flashback in A5.20 The Girl in Question — Angelus and Spike vs. the Immortal, Rome, 1894
Flashback in A1.18 Five by Five — Angelus and Darla kill the favorite daughter of the Kalderash Tribe, Borsa, Romania, 1898
Flashback in B2.21 Becoming I — Angelus' soul restored by Kalderash gypsies, Romania, 1898
Flashback in A1.18 Five by Five — Darla rejects Angel when she senses his soul, Romania, 1898
Flashback in A2.07 Darla — Darla, Dru and Spike nearly wipe out the entire Kalderash clan, Romania, 1898
Flashback in A2.07 Darla — Angel tracks Darla, Spike and Dru to China, 1900
Flashback in B5.07 Fool for Love — Spike kills Xin Rong the Vampire Slayer, China, 1900
Flashback in A2.07 Darla — Angel leaves Darla when he can't bring himself to kill innocent humans, China, 1900
Flashback in Buffy graphic novel: Spike & Dru story: All's Fair — 1900

[edit] 1901 – 1970

Flashback in A4.15 Orpheus — Angel arrives at New York, 1902
Flashback in B7.05 Selfless — Anyanka enjoys the Russian Revolution, St Petersburg, 1905
Flashback in A4.15 Orpheus — Angel saves a puppy, New York, early 1920s
Flashback in A5.13 Why We Fight — Angel and Spike on a submarine during WWII, Atlantic Ocean, 1943
Flashback in A1.05 Rm w/a Vu — Dennis is put into a wall, Los Angeles, 1946
Flashback in A5.20 The Girl in Question — Spike and Dru, Italy, 1950s
Flashback in A2.02 Are You Now or Have You Ever Been — Hyperion hotel, Los Angeles, 1952
Flashback in B2.19 I Only Have Eyes for You — Sunnydale High School, 1955

[edit] 1971-1990

Flashback in A4.15 Orpheus — Angel in New York, 1973 or later
Flashbacks in B5.07 Fool for Love and B7.17 Lies My Parents..Nikki Wood, New York, 1977
Buffy television information from B6.22 Grave — Willow breaks yellow crayon, Sunnydale, 1985
Flashback in B5.21 The Weight of the World — Buffy and Dawn, 1986
Flashbacks in Buffy graphic novel: Blood of Carthage, — Willow and Xander, Sunnydale, 1987
Flashback in B2.18 Killed by Death — Buffy and Celia, 1989
Flashback in Buffy graphic novel: Blood of Carthage — Willow and Xander, Sunnydale, 1989

[edit] 1990-2005

Flashback in Buffy graphic novel: Blood of Carthage — Willow and Xander, Sunnydale, 1991
Flashback in A3.18 Double or Nothing — Gunn, Los Angeles, 1995
Flashback in A5.15 A Hole... and A5.16 Shells — Fred in Texas, mid 1990s
Flashback in A4.15 Orpheus — Angel in New York, 1996
Flashback in B2.21 Becoming I — Angel in New York, 1996
Flashback in B2.21 Becoming I — Buffy and Angel in Los Angeles, 1996
Flashback in B5.07 Fool for Love — Dru dumps Spike, Brazil, 1998
Flashbacks in Buffy graphic novel: Haunted (by Jane Espenson), (Summer 1999)
Flashback in B7.05 Selfless — Anya sings "Mrs."
Flashback in A5.02 Just Rewards - Spike’s death
Flashback in A5.21 Power Play: Cordelia and Angel kiss

[edit] Unlicensed Buffyverse productions

Many Buffyverse projects have not been licensed by 20th Century Fox. Such projects are rejected as canon, and even Apocrypha.

[edit] Buffyverse fan films

Image Buffyverse fan film (fanon) First released
Fluffy the English Vampire Slayer December 2001
Fluffy, a vampire slayer based in England, has to defeat the evil Count Von Whedon when he gets his hands on a magical ring giving him surprising new powers.

[edit] Undeveloped productions

Image Undeveloped Buffyverse productions Idea first publically revelaed
Corrupt (unaired Angel episode) 1999
Corrupt was originally intended as the second Angel episode, but the script was replaced due to the dark tone of the story.
Buffy the Animated Series 2002
Buffy the Animated Series was an undeveloped animated TV show based on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Ripper 2002
Ripper was originally a proposed TV show based upon the character of Rupert Giles. More recent information has suggested that if Ripper were ever made it would be a TV-movie or a DVD-movie.
Slayer School 2003
The show might have used some of the Potentials who had become slayers after the Buffy finale.
Faith the Vampire Slayer 2003
Tim Minear was behind an unfulfilled idea for a Buffy spinoff in 2003 featuring Eliza Dushku as the popular antihero slayer Faith.
Spike 2004
Spike is a proposed movie based upon the character
Buffyverse chronology mini-contents
"BS" = Buffy season, "AS" = Angel season
Ancient Modern BS1 BS2 BS3 BS4/AS1 BS5/AS2 BS6/AS3 BS7/AS4 AS5 Future Flashbacks
Buffy video games

Buffy video games in order of release.

Buffy (Game Boy Color) | Buffy (Xbox) | Wrath of the Darkhul King | Chaos Bleeds | The Quest for Oz

Buffy comics

Buffy comics in order of Buffyverse chronology

All's Fair | The Origin | Viva Las Buffy | Slayer Interrupted | A Stake to the Heart | The Queen of Hearts | Dust Waltz | Ring of Fire | Paint the Town Red | Play With Fire | Remaining Sunlight | Uninvited Guests | The Final Cut | Bad Blood | Crash Test Demons | Pale Reflections | Angel: The Hollower | Double Cross | Blood of Carthage | Oz | Giles | Jonathan | Past Lives | Out of the Woodwork | Haunted | False Memories | Willow & Tara: Wannablessedbe | Autumnal | Ugly Little Monsters | 'Chaos Bleeds' comic prequel | Lost & Found | Death of Buffy | Reunion | Wilderness | Note from the Underground | Creatures of Habit | Withdrawal

Angel comics

Comics in order of Buffyverse chronology

Doyle: Spotlight | Surrogates | Earthly Possessions | The Changeling Wife | Hunting Ground | Love for sale | Past Lives | Cordelia special | Autumnal | Long Night's Journey | Spike: Old Times | Spike: Old Wounds | Spike: Lost and Found | Gunn: Spotlight | Wesley: Spotlight | Illyria: Spotlight | Connor: Spotlight | Spike: Asylum | The Curse | Old Friends

Comics with unknown/varying chronology

Spike vs Dracula #1-5 | Masks | Auld Lang Syne

Buffy novels

Buffy books in order of Buffyverse chronology

Tales of the Slayer | Pretty Maids All in a Row | Blackout | Halloween Rain | Coyote Moon | Night of the Living Rerun | How I Survived My Summer Vacation | Keep Me In Mind | The Suicide King | Colony | Night Terrors | After Image | Carnival of Souls | Blooded | Go Ask Malice: A Slayer's Diary | Sins of the Father | Child of the Hunt | Ghoul Trouble | Paleo | The Evil That Men Do | The Deathless | Doomsday Deck | Immortal | Prime Evil | Power of Persuasion | Revenant | The Gatekeeper | Resurrecting Ravana | Return to Chaos | Visitors | Unnatural Selection | Obsidian Fate | Deep Water | Here Be Monsters | The Book of Fours | Sunnydale High Yearbook | Lost Slayer | Oz | These Our Actors | Unseen | Tempted Champions | Little Things | Crossings | Sweet Sixteen | Wisdom of War | Cursed | Blood and Fog | Monster Island | Wicked Willow | Seven Crows | Apocalypse Memories | Mortal Fear | Spark and Burn | Heat | Queen of the Slayers

Angel novels

Angel books in order of Buffyverse chronology

Not Forgotten | Close to the Ground | Soul Trade | Redemption | Shakedown | Hollywood Noir | Avatar | Bruja | The Summoned | Unseen | Haunted | Image | Stranger to the Sun | Vengeance | The Longest Night | Monster Island | Endangered Species | Impressions | Fearless | Cursed | Sanctuary | Seven Crows | Dark Mirror | Heat | Solitary Man | Love and Death | Monolith | Nemesis | Book of the Dead

Buffyverse & related topics
Main Canon | Index

Chronology: Ancient | Modern | BS1 | BS2 | BS3 | BS4/AS1 | BS5/AS2 | BS6/AS3 | BS7/AS4 | AS5 | Future | Flashbacks

Buffy Characters (main) | Characters (minor) | Episodes | Plot | Quotes

Comics | DVDs | Film | Novels | Pilot (unaired)

Angel Characters (main) | Characters (minor) | Episodes | Plot | Quotes

Comics | Corrupt (unaired) | DVDs | Novels | Pitch tape

Expanded Uni. Comics | Fray | Novels | Slayer timeline | Tales of Slayer (prose) | Tales of Slayers | Tales of Vampires | Video Games

New: Auld Lang Syne | Asylum | Bad Bargain | Blackout | Deathless | Go Ask Malice | Masks | Portal Through Time | Spike vs Dracula

Auxiliary Academia | Cast & crew | Fan made productions | Rare promos | Unofficial parodies | Undeveloped productions

Buffy Animated | Card Game | Guidebooks | Magazines | RPGs | Spike movie | Toys

Powers Angel Investigations | Circle of the Black Thorn | Order of Aurelius | The First Evil | The Initiative | Monsters | Old Ones | The Powers That Be | Ra-Tet | Scooby Gang | Scourge of Europe | Senior Partners | Watchers' Council | Wolfram & Hart
People Adam | Amy | Andrew | Angel | Anya | Buffy | Caleb | Connor | Cordelia | Dawn | Darla | Doyle | Drusilla | Eve | Faith | Fred | Giles | Glory | Gunn | Harmony | Holtz | Illyria | Jasmine | Jenny | Joyce | Jonathan | Kate | Kennedy | Lilah | Lindsey | Lorne | Master | Mayor | Oz | Robin Wood | Prof. Walsh | Riley | Spike | Tara | Warren | Wesley | Willow | Xander
Places L.A. | Sunnydale
Bronze | Buffy's residence | Caritas | Hellmouth | Hyperion | Library | Magic Box | Pylea | Sunnydale High
Music Complete Tracklist | Use of Music in Buffy & Angel

Buffy album | Dingoes Ate My Baby | Film | Radio Sunnydale | Live Fast, Die Never | Once More, with Feeling

Key Terminology "Demon" | "Slayer" | "Vampire" | "Watcher" | "Werewolf" | "Witch"

"Child of Senior Partners" | Shanshu | Sunnydale Syndrome | Tro-Clon

Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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